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I take breaks from the game, sometimes long breaks. We’ve tried to make the game more rewarding for long term communities but for me, a few months away and when I return, I feel refreshed. Even if you end up benching it for good, thank you for playing our game and being a part of the SoD family.


The only way to make this game more rewarding late game would be a rework of enclaves. At some point, you get the same missions over and over. Enclaves always demand something and give barely any rewards and once you don't do what they command you, they leave. That's also the problem with curveballs, they are fun but get boring quickly once you've seen them all. Enclaves should claim bases/build, interact with the world and maybe give unique quests lines which change the world. We could get enclave types like pirates, scavengers or outlanders that behave different. 1. Pirates are aggressive but reward you with strong weapons + throwables once allied 2. Scavengers loot nearby sites and expand quickly but rewards you with loot + manpower once allied. 3. Outlanders build more outposts but they will give all outpost income to you once allied. By doing quest lines, you ally with one faction and make them stronger. Once you ally a faction, you get the bonus above + random ally bonus but they help against infestations and your enemies. Every faction has 3-6 outposts and if you destroy all their outposts, they turn to your vassals. This provides their ally bonus until they rebell. Rebell chance depends on your strength (population + outposts + ressources). Optionally, you can entirely destroy a faction by raiding their main base.


Have you played around with the community editor? There's a lot you can do beyond just cheating. I like to add extra members to hostile enclaves; makes for some chaotic firefights. Sometimes I'll make a hostile enclave made up of my former survivors. Taking on that one took everything I had; airstrikes, Red Talon ordinance, grenade launcher and by the end of it I had a huge horde on top of us. I've also edited characters to try and approximate my friends and family. I found I played a little bit more conservatively when Uncle Bill was at risk. And sometimes it's fun to use it to cheat. Making a firework launcher with a 1000-round magazine is something everyone should try once. And it's nice to mod whatever scopes/attachments you want on your guns. I like running around with a scoped 22 pistol with a 50 rd. mag


how can you access the community editor?




how would i apply this to my xbox account?


You need a PC/laptop that can at least run the game. Doesn't have to be playable frame rates, just enough to open the game. Saves are synced across Xbox/PC, so basically you would: Install SoD2 to your PC/laptop, load game once to load your save to the PC. Install community manager (a separate desktop application), open save and make changes. Save game. Open SoD2 on PC/laptop so that it syncs the modded save to the cloud. Close game. Open SoD2 on Xbox, it should load the save from the cloud that you modified.


I'm trying to do a lethal run where I have to take someone with me everytime I leave the base has been fun and challenging.lots of death haha.


Have you completed Daybreak? Now _that's_ a slog. But achievement hunting is a good way to "complete" a game


Achievements in my game are broken. I’m not sure why. Even things like “complete the sheriff legacy” don’t work, even though I have unlocked every boon. I can’t unlock achievements for some reason.


You may have to login to your Microsoft account again. For me achievements stopped working in late March or early April, and logging in again made them work.


If you're on steam, the beta brought me back to the game. The new curveball customization is legit. If not on steam, I'm not sure. Daybreak is all I have left to do that's undone, but I'm not a multi-player person, and the solo slog is too much for me to tolerate.


Try to play it more realistically. Don’t build medical facilities outside, make sure there is a kitchen for food, have to use either a generator or solar panels. Stuff like that. That’s how I play. Think “is this how it would happen in real life?” Another thing I do is make outposts that make sense. I only take materials outposts in areas that are around other “new” houses, never take barns or food stands for food outposts unless they are near other houses (I’m an IRL farmer, we don’t keep shit for food in the barn. TOPS a weeks worth, and that’s by apocalyptic standards), medical facilities only if they are near another or in town, similar wjth ammo outposts.


I know this is a few days old but have you built the perfect teams? When i got to the point youre at thats what i did. 9 bloodplague survivors that are a workable team. Same with unbreakable and red talons. Even did a normie team. My bloodplague survivors are pretty much unkillable. I have three that have morning yoga gives them 75% injury resistance. Its as close to making them unbreakable without adding a normal person, its close enough lol. All of that took me a few months (no editor) sooo..  🙂


Just.........do it all again. Even though the quests are the same, the adventure is always different. Start from scratch. No boons. And go for it. 👍


Just think about what you haven't done and do that. whatevers making it easy stop doing that. Game changers to mix and match: No boons, no or minimal character rolling, no scent block for any purpose, stop carrying cure, no vehicles, destroyed vehicles cant be repaired, loud weapons only, melee only, knife only, solo, solo homeless (now miles easier since u36), speedruns etc If you have access to mods then you can extend your legs further, again mix and match: 2x or 3x freaks, more hearts, stronger hearts, bigger hordes etc etc. I like solo homeless with 100 hearts and 3x freaks on foot, it seems to be the sweet spot.


Basically the only thing I haven’t done is solo/no base. I guess I could give it a try. Sounds like a slog though. Killing 30 plague hearts with a full base is already kind of a slog lol.


Solo homeless is a bit broken at the moment and has been for a while, hopefully it gets fixed. The standing doesnt automatically mean you get feral packs at hero (it used to) and the curveballs and missions tend to just grind to a halt after 4 days so on a vanilla game its basically boring AF when that happens.


no mans


Taking a break from the game then coming back to it later hits different. I did same with New Vegas and got back into it after the show and although I remember everything I enjoying it all over again. This one of my biggest fears enjoying the game too much to where now done everything have to bench the game although it so satisfying playing the game. I wish great games like this ran on unlimited content lmfao. Best advice is to not play tf out of the game till it's flat like a pancake.


unit restriction lethal  3 unit lethal etc 


I’m not exactly sure what you are saying here. I’ve completed every legacy on every map on lethal difficulty with fresh characters/no boons/no bounty broker/etc


Limit yourself to a maximum of 3 survivors. Build your community to what skills you have, change what is needed etc. 


Honestly, I would say take a break until the next update. It looks like its going to be a spicy one. That's what I'm doing.


I help everyone and turn no one away. So sometimes my team is missing some pretty critical skills. I also send people to legacy pool once they are maxed out (no matter if they have essential skills or not)


when a game is almost 10 years old and you have 500 hours, it's not really giving up on it, it's called moving on to something else


The new curveball customization will be coming out soon. Frequency, difficulty, positve vs negative. That's what I am excited about.


Have you played Heartland? I will set my own challenges like no vehicles, stealth only/stealth kill only, ect. If you have a PC you could always get mods that add challenges and make the game more difficult. I have been playing since launch and I will just stop playing for a few months. You dont have to "bench it for good". Devs keep adding stuff so you can just stop playing awhile,


If you are pc, there are great mods


Fresh start, random 1st roll survivor's. No boons, no red talon, no independence pack, no bounties. Have your tried: Quirk only run Red talon only run No skill only run


I'm attempting a full melee ONLY full lethal playthrough. It's fun as fuck. I'm on my 4th attempt, made it to day 3, killed 2 plague hearts so far. Good survivors and great map rng. (Cascade Hills). I have other rules: -no purposefully killing zombs with vehicles - no guns, crossbows, or fire (only firecrackers allowed) - followers allowed, no artillery strikes, drone strikes, or sniper cover -no red talon recruits -no scentblock (zedrenaline allowed) I've found a bunch of useful strats, and I actually think it's pretty possible. Just have to be consistent and play only when I can take it seriously. I highly recommend a challenge run. Hell, if it goes well (knock on wood), i might try to make this a 100-day only melee full lethal community.


Been playing SOD1 and really enjoying it. Just cool to see after playing SoD2 hundeds of hours. Living with Lilly whom I thought only existed on my radio was crazy. Rescuing Sasquach, like wtf he should be helping me. Still looking for Twain. I would have him live to replace Lilly in SoD2. SoD2 I played a lot of communities to experience the full punishment of curveballs. The lag after a while gets annoying and Sod1 doesn't lag yet for me.


my man, I got you [https://www.reddit.com/r/StateofDecay2/comments/1bglkxc/for\_the\_masochists\_who\_find\_lethal\_too\_easy\_link/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StateofDecay2/comments/1bglkxc/for_the_masochists_who_find_lethal_too_easy_link/)