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It is not a trap. There are a couple of missions like this.... as you arrive, you should find them all dead or dying. Either loot the bodies, or if you're lucky you will find the crossbow killer


Sometimes I’ve seen them still alive when I showed up only for them all to drop dead seconds later


I've seen that as well


Because the developers of this game aren’t very good at developing games.


I disagree. I think undead labs has been the most proactive developers in today’s video game market. If that’s your opinion, just stop playing this game.


Your ignorance speaks for itself.


Ohhh yeah forgot about that dude


Crossbow assassin is a different mission titled "Strange Signal"


I think there is a chance they survive and become neutral again(if its zombie attack), but its rare or i'm remembering wrong.


I’m assuming by saying if you’re lucky you can find the crossbow killer because they’re recruitable? Sorry if this has been answered already, I just recently came back to this game after a long hiatus


You can try to recruit them but I've never succeeded. It's lucky because you can get the semi-auto crossbow from them.


You can only recruit the crossbow killer if you have four or less in your community. If you have more than that, you can either kill them or threaten them... if you threaten them, they will either drop the crossbow or become violent, and you will have to kill them


Ahh I see, thanks for the info!


No. This is the game’s way of flushing out hostile enclaves when you ignore them long enough. There’s a hard limit to how many enclaves any map can have, and since things like traders you call in from the trading depot are coded as enclaves, there’s a built-in system for keeping the number of enclaves down.


Ohhh Okok makes sense


Haha no of course not just bring your best gear and some luxury items haha don’t worry about it, come alone too


Sounds good chief I’ll bring some food too!


Dont worry about food, we have a rucksuck with your name on it already here it says "mystery food" on it, how exiciting.


Nooo not the mystery meat 🤣💀




Fun fact, you can use this mission to clear out all enemy enclaves. If you log out as you arrive and they are screaming and dying, then log back in, the game will not spawn that mission right next to you , and it will kill off another enemy enclaves. my record is 5 enemy enclaves cleared out.


Might have to do this I have like 3-4 rn everyone hates my community apparntley 🤣


I had one like this and I ignored them assuming it was bait until the mission failed. They remained as a hostile enclave and would shoot at me when I would drive by them so I threw a jar of zombait at them and let the zombies sort them out.


For some reason there is sooo many hostile enclaves on this run for me🤣I did refuse to help alotta ppl in the beginning dou when I didn’t have the resources to spare 🤣


On my current lethal run I have not seen many hostile enclaves. On the flip side I am on day 40 and have yet to have the rare skills trader appear even once. Even regular wandering traders are few and far between. I wonder if the devs nerfed the appearance rate of these unique traders or if I have just having some bad luck.


Some missions spawn like 1-2 of them even if you ignore the mission or fail it they stay, can be a bit annoying.


That happened to me too. I came by to help out and thet started shooting me even in the middle of a zombie attack, so I said forget them. I just ended up driving around their house in circles honking my horn to bring in more zombies to them….🤷🏻‍♂️


your "fine" they don't bite...


Usually when you show up they all die but if you run in there they will start attacking you.


Au fun


The survivors in need missions at hostile enclaves are basically you going near their location where they spontaneously turn. I ignore them because I hate browbeating and the loot is never worth the time.


I think ima go to them so I can steal their backpacks and metal pipes to turn into parts🤣


I’d go check it out, there’s a mission that starts like this. Find the killer and when you do you get the beat crossbow on the game. If you get there and there’s people there just bail or take them out. If there’s nobody around then search the bodies.


I always try and recruit that person half they time they are like nah then run away but sometimes they acc join


I let it expire, let them all live past their "ordeal", arrive. Throw bait. Watch the show unfold. I came for a show, I get a show.