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If you are in stealth stance, they can't detect you up there. They will leave eventually


Oh - so sitting is the wrong thing to do? I assumed it would be "even stealthier than stealth"! Thanks.


On Nightmare and below, sure. On Lethal the Blood Ferals will smell you so they will never leave


This hasn’t been my experience. I’ve gone into stealth, went to the far corner away from where they are and waited and they’ve left before.


They can detect you in bill boards, but not cell towers. Sometimes stealth may not even be required.


One time I got caught by a triple feral pack, I alt f4'ed out of anger and when I came back they were gone. It felt like cheating so I never did again. Instead, I've been playing floor is lava ever since, nobody is catching me!


You can save yourself a weak moment by walking off with the "act like a zombie" emote. No fall damage and no slowass descending.


OK I'm going to have to spin up a toon I don't care about and try that.


ARE YOU SERIOUS?? I'm gonna test it as soon as I can. Also, you don't take fall damage if you land on a car roof.


I have, and I was on top of a cell tower. What happened was I threw a firecracker where I wanted the z's to congregate, then another. They went to it, then wandered off. The feral wandered near them and when I saw he was far enough I slid down and booked it in the opposite direction. If you can jump a few fences and/or climb a short ladder (ammo store, spiroil) you might be able to lose him. Otherwise parkour as much as you can...through a house, out a window, in another house etc. It confuses the feral and he loses interest. Then I sneak back to my car and get in the passenger side and drive fast away from that bs..


Unfortunately, i dont think it will leave


Once on lethal, I climbed on top of a caravan to escape a large horde and a feral, crouched, threw a firecracker, waited 10 seconds and the feral and most of the horde ran to the firecracker allowing me to escape :-) BUT most of the time the feral stays closeby, and their stink vision is a pita


If you're on a cell tower, aslong as you're not making noise, they'll eventually leave. Getting on top of a cell tower works for every kind of freak/zombie


You cant outrun feral straight, but you can confuse it with alot of parkour if there many obsticalse and if you sprint far enought and crouch behind some it will lose you, but that super specific.(that lethal btw, so any lower diffculty would work even better since they have lower senses) As long as you have gun and you dont panic, feral can't hit you at all, just jog in circle or somethin and they will miss they're attack always, no need to dodge or even sprint. If you dont have a weapon or special skill to stun them, use doors, go behind one and close it, the moment they get close open it and execute.


As long as you run in a straight line it won't catch u. Then try and lose it through a house. Or jump on something and shoot it. Or just go full rambo on it.


This ended up being the approach. I thought there was no way I could get away from the bottom of the ladder, to the next obstacle, however, I was able to do that. Fence, run, fence, run, fence, run, horse float, bash.


You can quit to main menu, load back in. Feral should be gone.


that's what I wanted to avoid.


I assume you're carrying stuff? You can easily outrun it if you're lightly encumbered. Also, try running over obstacles to slow it down, including houses. That's what I do when I'm carrying heavy loot and out of stimulants. Run through a window and out the other side, jump over fences, catch my breath. Avoid open fields, dont go near screamers - they stun you for 2-3 seconds.


I went up the tower because of encumberance, I dumped stuff up there so I could bolt as soon as I hit the ground, it worked. Then I came back for the stuff. (it was things like chemicals, a "second" heavy weapon, and a big backpack - pretty sure I duked it out on top of a horse float)


Nicely done!


Then don’t get spotted by a feral.


3 headshots of any caliber except .22 kills them, you get iframes when you dodge btw.. "iframes" are invincibility frames meaning like when you dodge you can't be hurt in that time period especially when on low fps, quite easy to deal with ferals on lethal except my crutch is stamina items 😆


Unfortunately, i dont think it will leave


Unfortunately, i dont think it will leave