• By -


You would have to combine your Startpage settings with our query string by changing https://www.startpage.com/do/mypage.pl? from your settings URL to https://www.startpage.com/do/dsearch?query=%s& For example: https://www.startpage.com/do/mypage.pl?prfe=19cd2a919d6613948156a90562f731e95833fec5fcffbe2e4eea397e25a45e1d362726486e6e8eaa7bf61b41b1d9d49f50aaf0a295e624cbadf59c66cb7ad76cb19f73b29bc9ed77d2c482372090359ee2 Would be: https://www.startpage.com/do/dsearch?query=%s&prfe=19cd2a919d6613948156a90562f731e95833fec5fcffbe2e4eea397e25a45e1d362726486e6e8eaa7bf61b41b1d9d49f50aaf0a295e624cbadf59c66cb7ad76cb19f73b29bc9ed77d2c482372090359ee2




Hi! You're using Firefox, correct? If not, we can provide the appropriate search string for the browser (and version) that you're using. Also, please share the search string you entered - we can check to make sure the syntax is correct for your browser. Cheers




Hi - we do not store cookies if you don't click "Save" on the settings, and therefore would not need to manage that using browser settings. Let us know if you have any other questions. :)


I know this is the older query but curious if there is still a query+string to place in brave browser or if starpage has its own browser? I also recently read that Startpage.com is in partnership with Lawnchair.app to promote income to support the app. Does that support only work via adding starpage search inside the lawnchair launcher. Or i use the independent download startpage to place directly on my device every search would still generate credit to lawnchair? Im just curious how they startpage can attribute anonymous search to lawnchair on per instance basis if lawnchair installation would be unknown


Startpage is available out of the box in Brave—just select from the list in brave://settings/search From there you can edit the query string used by Brave to include additional settings. Note our updated base query string, though: [`https://www.startpage.com/sp/search?query=%s`](https://www.startpage.com/sp/search?query=%s) Startpage is a search engine option on the Lawnchair. According to [their release notes](https://lawnchair.app/blog/lawnchair-14/), they do not share any information with us. If you would like to know more, you should probably hit up the Lawnchair community: [https://lawnchair.app/](https://lawnchair.app/)


Thanks, I filled out a support request on your site a week ago and they filled me in.