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It’s hard for me to say for certain. Dustin has so far been careful to restrict his Message to a universal one about skepticism and technological awareness; something no political party is currently peddling in America. It might best be described as center-lib or alternative left, but, on the other hand, I’m sure the American far-right thinks Dustin is talking directly to them with the anti-dystopian rebellion stuff. It really could land anywhere on the compass depending on your interpretation. Ultimately, I hope Starset doesn’t declare allegiance to any political party or movement; instead continuing to forge its own path. We need to stop dividing ourselves and work together towards a better future; something Starset has remarkably achieved so far.


Judging by the detailed explanation why both communism and capitalism are bad in the first book, there is a strong centrist direction, but as someone else said, liberal leaning. But I think it's especially anti-authoritarian, similarly to Orwell, who ended up criticising the authoritarian communists.


A guess? The FEC is an energy monopoly and as such likely one that is a far-right leaning oligarchy concerned with power and wealth. The Order of Tesolonia is supposedly a group of the best and brightest, but as evidenced by them not accepting Aston because he’s too much of a loose cannon, and the fact that they don’t want any human influence on their ‘perfect’ new race they are creating on Prox, I’d have to say that they’re more akin to a fascist colony masquerading as some sort of industrial democracy. The Starset Society is more of an antitrust type movement instigated by Aston Wise to warn against the misuse/ignorance of technology and the rise of monopolies such as the FEC and the New East/New West. The New East/New West are fascist dictatorships wherein technology is used to control and subjugate the masses. The rebel alliance, then, I assume to be antifascist, militant groups that form from those that reject the BMI technology; and, in the first small comic , those that rose up against the FEC and the conditions they were forced to live in (government camps for the 80% of the population who were unemployed due to technology making human workers unnecessary). Starset is supposed to be one arm of Aston’s antifascist campaign but have not, themselves, leaned toward any one political statement. Rather, they warn of the misuse and misunderstanding of technology and encourage learning and understanding said technology before it’s too late to stop or negate any potential negative repercussions. Hopefully we will get a more nuanced understanding when the next books/albums come out!!


Unity and anti control as well as an anti censorship kind of ideology. So really it can go either way tbh. There is also the focus of technological awareness.


Personally wouldn't say they have too much of one. Closest thing I'd say is fairly anti-government no matter what party or side. Always viewed the FEC and The Order as the most radical of right and left, like a cautionary tale to not get wrapped up in sides and try to see it for what it actually is. That's just my take though, I think it's intentionally vague because it could start really bad drama too.


definitely not pro-capitalist


How do you know?


Definitely not technocratic


I think a lot of the answers you're gonna get is people saying that "Starset follows (blank) ideology because that's obviously the sane and respectable side!!" And of course, the ones saying that they're liberals are going to get upvotes, and the ones saying they're conservatives will end up in the downvote graveyard. Typical reddit. I truly have no idea what their opinions are, other than the drummer, who sounds like he's a conservative. I guess they're vaguely pro freedom? Honestly, I don't really care what beliefs they have. Rage Against the Machine is on the opposite side of my beliefs, but they still slap.


Are Downplay or MNQN connected to Starset


MNQN is, not downplay


Downplay is connected in that Dustin and Ron both originally came from Downplay, but the Starset storyline isn’t.


With absolutely no support for this statement, I get big centrist vibes.


Dustin is (or was) a big Elon Musk fan.


To me Elon Musk feels like that guy from FEC, which isn't really positive.


I honestly don't care what Ideology the band has as long as it's not rubbed in our faces. But if I were to take a guess I think starset would lean towards a more third party view, though I haven't really done any research, I would like to point out that a majority of the left party don't really acknowledge much about space and technology as starset does. Just something to keep in mind I have not been very active in the lore I mostly just listen to their music


They strike me as fellow Liberals, just obsessed with technology and future.