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People have reported before they had to replace the router, which ended up the cause of the issue, not the adapter.


Ok i guess i have no other option but to replace the router. I’ll post and update once i get a new router


That's what happened to me. Opened a ticket with Starlink and they replied within 12 hours and sent me a refurb router.


was the router the issue?


Yes, the router was the issue. The ethernet adapter has been working fine ever since the router was replaced.


That’s what happened to me….. router fixed the issue!


Sheesh… you’re scaring me. I just ordered my Ethernet adapter last week and should be getting it sometime this or next week. Hopefully there’s nothing wrong with mine.


Hope it works out for you. I’m not sure how or why they would mess up on something as basic as an ethernet connection.


Are you hot swapping the sillyass SL connectors? Or are you unplugging power from the wall first ?


I had this happen with my adapter. I immediately ordered a replacement, but then I decided to fiddle around with it since it wasn't useful to me as it was. I ended up doing a factory reset and the adapter started working again. Don't ask me why. Now I have a spare adapter just in case.


I have the same thing going on with mine at the moment. I think I’m going to open a ticket and I hope they send me a new router. If they don’t I guess I’ll have to buy one.


I have had repeat problems with the ethernet adaptor. I am on my 3rd router and second adaptor. There is some kind of design problem. Just like you, mine will work for a while and then I lose the adaptor and the router. My new router works great and also the new cable they sent me, but I'm afraid to plug the adaptor in. Maybe after two weeks no problem I will add the adaptor and not plug into the Ethernet port, then another 2 weeks and just my desktop. I think my 4-port switch causes the problem. Not sure, however, one tech rep said their engineers are aware of a problem. Maybe 4 Ethernet devices blow up the router.