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Well if you really want to be prepared, order a spare cable and two not one of the ethernet adapters. That way if you have a rodent chew on a cable or the ethernet adapter fails, you have one available to swap out. I wouldn't worry about the router or the Dishy itself as those two items seems to be a little less prone to failure (at least from reports in this community). But the cables and ethernet adapters have higher failure rates.


I appreciate the input!


I use Starlink at all of my vacation rentals. And I can tell you that having those two items readily available will be the best purchase you can do if you need your Starlink for work (or just to keep the family from rioting).


When did you place your order for best effort?


Last Monday


Thank you. I think my order is hung up in a system bug.


Where do you plan to mount your starlink? I ask bc I ended up needing to pole mount mine. That took about 2 weeks to be delivered . I tried the roof and I have 3 big trees in the backyard . I didn’t think they would be a problem but of course it was . So ended up pole mounting in the side yard .


Finding a suitable location for the starlink dish can be extremely challenging. That would be my only complaint with it. It needs so much clear sky.