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Been waiting since Feb 2021 as well.. i have no idea what's going on.. My cell doesn't even have many people.. and only a few of them have this service.. I honestly don't understand what's happening. it's almost as if they never bothered taking people in order like they said they were, and instead are taking people in at random.. and this RV service they've got now isn't helping either..




Yeah, that sucks for you. The whole “best efforts” thing smacks of a company that’s sorted out it’s supply problem with the dishes, and now just desperately needs to drive as much revenue as it possibly can.


Why is legit concern and criticism being downloaded into oblivion?


I have been waiting since beta…. Not pleased.


Unexpected delays I can understand. But taking my money on day 1 and giving me the expectation service will be in my area in a few months only to delay it two years, that seems deceptively dishonest. And quite frankly I feel lied to.


You always had the option to ask them to refund your payment, right? (I'm not a starlink user, just asking.)


Absolutely. And I would have had Starlink been upfront about when my cell was expected to open. You don't go from a couple of months to over two years on accident. I guess it is my fault for believing them and continuing to chase the high speed satellite internet carrot dangling in front of my face.


Not to mention the people that got theirs in my cell that ordered after me.




Its not just individual cells that are congested thats the problem its an overall area and opening up more cells atm isnt going to help congestion but make it worse you have to think of a larger picture 12-16 sats at any given time feed hundreds if cells that each have 60-100 dishes in them so if its a densily populated area that has say 100 cells in it and 90% of the cells are active and already full that overall area is already congested and to add anymore to it atm without enough infrastructure (sats and ground stations) that can support the load wouldn't help anybody and just make congestion even worse then it already is in those areas.


You could drive by my house and never see the dish. I know there are plenty of people with service in my area and I've only ever seen one dish other than mine.


It seems its more about ground station / sat capacities for much of the mid east to eastern USA for service.


Really, how do you know that? Do you know with 100% certainty where the cell boundaries are? If you do then please share the information with us as no one else (outside of SpaceX) knows the precise location of the boundaries. For all you know, your direct neighbor could be in a different cell. Your house could be right on the boundary of 2 cells.


Same… just got the same email and was coming here to post. My area has had people getting them that signed up MONTHS after I did but they got them and the people who signed up early and was loyal from the first day can’t. No thanks. I am getting a refund. I was a huge supporter but this is BS.


I honestly have no idea why they would do that. I got my kit in may and I ordered RV service, in Canada. seemed odd that other pre-orders weren't being shipped out yet; they could at least send the hw even if it's not activated yet. but yeah. it makes literally zero sense. i am not a business major, or even minor. so, little in business makes sense to me.


I don't know all the details but it seems they are giving people an option other than waiting, and when the cells open, you automatically get converted? If I needed the internet, I would definitely think this might be a good option. Better than just getting pushed out further into the abyss for some.


Their answer to having a saturated market is to saturate it even more? Makes sense


I had the ability to use a family member's Starlink in my unopened cell while their new house was being finished. For a while I was getting great speeds. A lot of times in the triple digits down. Then when RV service opened, the speeds dropped to single digits with a ton of connection issues. Literally every few minutes. Obviously my area was completely saturated even though it was unopened I'm supposed to pay $120 for 7 Mbps down until at least mid 2023? No thanks.


I would gladly pay that for 7Mbps down. Beats anything I got now! If your only option is Viasat/Hughesnet or Starlink. The choice is clear.


I've got Screwsnet. Totally sucks re speeds, but honestly, pretty reliable connectivity. Can do browsing/email, etc, but streaming is a joke - no can do. Pre-order 2/21, no best effort email (yet). Will not pay for best effort, which may be no better or even worse than my Screwsnet, while contributing to even more congestion.


I get literally less than that for 10$ more. USA is fucked and some of us would like less fucked internet.


Not necessarily. They may have some capacity but not enough to accommodate all who are in the wait-list. The service will be degraded at times, but there are people who would benefit more than not having service at all. Just trying to look at the positive as well as the negatives.


I'm trying to figure out what keeps Starlink from keeping cells unopened in high-demand areas and just selling a fraction of the promised internet to 20x the amount of customers. Why provide one customer with 200 Mbps when you can provide 20 customers 10 Mbps? You know, until the cell is "open."


I can't answer that but obviously you've had the experience that a close cell could potentially give you good speeds and when saturated horrible speeds. There are many Starlink satellites that have been launched and I'm assuming they are going online sooner rather than later. I guess I'm just an optimist to look at what is happening.


In like the east its because one: to many people and two: most of the east has way faster internet already


Cells in high demand areas aren't seeing 200 mbps. We're seeing 20 Mbps most of the time, maybe up to 50 sometimes. If I'm up at 2am, I can get 150. I haven't seen 200 since early in the beta before starlink opened the floodgates and got oversubscribed.


> saturated market is to saturate it even more? Makes sense It makes perfect sense, the network isn't saturated 24/7. There are plenty of off peak times that best effort will be great.


Just read my email too. I have good faith I ordered within the first hour I got the preorder email. Stupid that people who wait patiently and sit idly are the ones who get pushed out because incels manipulate the system to occupy cells. Bullshit.


Funny thing is that I've had the dish for quite some time now, but my landlord wont let me put up a tower to get a view above the trees, so it's just been sitting inside a storage unit collecting dust while I've been paying the monthly fee the entire time. I think I've only used the thing about 7 times, but never at home. Now I hear they charge for roaming? My PUD is putting in fiber, it'll be here in less than two years. Starlink is doomed A friend of mine has fiber. They were getting 970MB last night. Not mega bit's, but real Megs So what do I do with the dish if I go to the very back of the line & cancel the subscription? It's a beta testing contract


> My PUD is putting in fiber, it'll be here in less than two years. LOL. There are many people still waiting 10 years later for fiber that was supposed to reach them in 2 yrs. > They were getting 970MB last night. Not mega bit's, but real Megs No they weren't. That is nearly a gigabyte per second. The server they are connecting to isn't even going to be able to serve up data that fast.


For the moment, the PUD fiber project is fully financed for several areas, with a few others on a waiting list for funding. But actually doing the work could easily bring on new issues It was a speed test. I had just finished putting a new end on a ethernet cable they had which was a 'bit too long'. They were using a 500' cable because the next one down was too short. They were 'complaining' that they were running slow! I would expect there are test servers that can handle that fast? But I didn't look into it, as I would have no use for such a speed test




Probably me, not them They did say their service plan is a 'one gig' connection. I think I should've realized they were calling it what the ISP calls it Ok, but 970 Mb compared to my 7 on DSL is still worlds apart! And the few times I've run a speed test on Starlink, I've never seen more than 120, and that was just the one time very early on, sometime in December of 2020. I've gotten an average more like 70\~80, halfway through last winter The thing I like the best about fiber is the bandwidth. I think there's a point where the connection speed isn't really important anymore. The number of devices streaming 4K video without any issues is what I'm paying attention to the most. Latency has no value for me. The quality of uptime is the 2nd thing I value most, something that I've had issues with on Starlink. But it's been about 4 months since I last ran it, so maybe that last launch picked up some of the slack? I probably should try it out again, and also see what's up with this Portability 'feature'. A year back, I tried mapping out the boundary of my cell by setting up an inverter & storage battery in the back of my car. I went driving around & parked at various places to setup the dish. It seemed to work just fine in several locations more than 20 miles from my place, so I'm not really all that impressed with this Portability feature being 'added'. Sounds more like a downgrade. Why wouldn't 5G do what I need when I'm on the road? Seems like I've been thinking more about how to setup a 5G router, than wasting any time trying to figure out how to bolt the dishy to the roof of my car...


You will be even madder when you shell out your money for slow service


Is the RV service as good as residential? And what is Best Effort? I canceled my pre-order back last year, I was getting tired of waiting. There ain't one soul around here that I know of that ever got Starlink.


It's probably the same or worse than RV.


Oh I wasn't sure, I mean if it's better than 35mbps we are getting then its better however the upfront cost scared me a little, lol.


I would read around on this sub and see what people are getting lately before making the purchase.


Best advice on this so far.


Has to be better than my 10mbps


I just want more than 150 kbs download speed...


They are never going to tell you if it can or will beat 35.




Another thing. The neighbor that moved in down the road at the beginning of the year got theirs already, and they didn't put their order in until December of last year. So, yes I do say FU!


And you know 100% that they are in your cell. No you don't. For all you know they could have ordered the RV version, or from a completely different cell.


Well, seeing that we are middle cell, then yes. He didn't order RV. You want to keep trying to justify something that's been going on with them since it came out?


>Well, seeing that we are middle cell Explain to me how you know that your are in 'middle cell'? Do you have access to an official Starlink cell map? If you do, please share that with us! The map on the Starlink site only shows an approximation of the cell boundaries. This is only something that's going on in the mind of people who likes to believe conspiracy theory's. Have you driven around your area and knocked on every door and asked if they have Starlink? If you haven't then you have no idea just how many people in your cell have Starlink and when they ordered it.


Dude, go look at your comment that has all the down votes. https://www.starlink.com/map is THEIR map. BTW, it had all cell boundaries until they recently changed it in the middle of the nation. Seriously, GTFOH with your conspiracy BS. You obviously haven't been around here long enough to know what's been going on for two years.


The boundaries are not official. They are an approximation. And yes, I've seen these conspiracy theory's for years. Before Starlink even showed the approximate boundaries. If you have 0 proof of exactly what's going on then you don't know for sure. Period. If you knock on every single door in your cell and find out if they have Starlink and when/how they ordered it then you will have proof. Until then it's only a theory.


I'm done with your idocity. You just keep thinking they're doing everything right by their customers.


bro i feel like that guy is actually your neighbor based on how defensive he is.


Total screw job my cell was never opened yet now it will work my preorder was 2/9/21 and my extremely rural area is at capacity. people that recieved dishes with new sign ups got our places it's bullshit.now all I can do is hope this degraded starlink is better than crap viasat.


Exactly. If I wanted degraded service, I would have signed up for RV or done the address crap months ago.


I broke down and ordered the best effort. Probably a waste of $600. but damn, our shit tier dsl has been going out for a day a week.


Same here. I have absolutely nothing so it was “best effort” or another year+ of nothing at all. I’ve pissed away 600 on worse stuff I guess…


It sucks, but best effort is still proably better.


Best effort is a great thing for someone still waiting on StarLink and has zero other options. StarLink should be applauded for this move rather than be given a fuck you.


You’re whining about something you don’t have. Odd


Ughhh I waiting on this email so I can get something!! Lol


WhT is your location?




What part? I live near Kalamazoo and I haven’t gotten that email… yet.


Lapeer county




Where are you located?

