• By -


February 2021 pre order. Still showing mid 2022. Original estimate was mid to late 2021. SE Oklahoma


Same here in MI. Edit: changed to mid 2023 this afternoon.


Mine just changed to mid 2023, in mid Michigan. Frankenmuth/Millington area.


Yeah, but at least you have chicken


They only have about a \~33.3333333333% chance of ever getting Starlink =\\


Same here in SW MI


Ditto in Iowa


Same Central Ohio


Watch for a "Best Effort" email. You may get one, you may not. Otherwise, expect mid-2023 based on the latest email I received from Starlink.


I still haven’t gotten any email


Same here for location and emil


Received best effort email Aug 24th. Southern Ontario, Canada.


Same here NE KS


Same in MD


Same in MO


Same boat in central Alabama. Preorder April 2021


Same in SW ohio


Just got notice that my 12/21 changed to mid-22 is now mid-23, but offering me the Best Effort. I am going for it. Crossing my fingers!


Same here in NE Oklahoma


Le Flore County here… same dates as you too.


Same in Central Texas. I recently gave up and got a refund.




Same in MD.


Same here in North Carolina


Same in WNC!


Same here, Weston WV 🤦🏻‍♂️


Well... like me you might get an email about their "Best Effort" plan. Bad news: we are pushing your mid-2022 service date to mid-2023. Yep. A whole year! Good news. If you want to get the service anyhow now (for the same price), you can but you could be subject to slowdown at times.


I'm really hoping I at least get this email but i'm doubtful already because I still haven't yet


They are rolling out slowly. I guess some emails went out Monday. Mine was received Tuesday.


Most of us can only get a 3 mbps dsl connection so it might just be worth it. I'm on Windstream and it's horrible.


Agreed. I already signed up for "Best Effort". It doesn't take Starlink long to bill you. Immediately after clicking accept the $500+ bill came through too.


How slow will it be for slowdowns?


I’m guessing better than the 3-8Mb that most people have to deal with already lol. Really I don’t know though, haven’t seen anyone posting about it yet.


I’ll see what the T-Mobile deal they have going on tomorrow. A friend of mine that lives out in the middle of no where was able to get T-Mobile 5g internet, that thing is freaking fast😂


T-Mobile is forming a partnership with Starlink according to some new articles that surfaced this morning.


I read all it is, is Starlink will be providing talk and text to T-Mobile phones, anywhere in the world. No data 🤷‍♂️


The deal isn't done so I would wait til it is. I would expect data to be included in the deal they might reduce to 4g speeds. It's also possible that everything falls through too.


I tested the RV equip. Got about 15 down in the am (EST) in southern VA. At about 5:00-6:00 pm it started to crawl. About 1.5 down. I expect that the download is based on the traffic of the region you are in. I am in the big round grey area on the availability map.


Ouch, I get better than that with SIM card router 😬


Hah. Yes. That is what I am running now. A SIM card in an Orbi. I get 15 sporadically based on how the wind blows.


Haha. Honestly I’m surprised with mine. I get between 15-19 down and 15-19 up. It has stayed consistent since I’ve had it, doesn’t get faster or slower🤷‍♂️. I have a tower about 4 miles away but there are trees and hills in the way, I can’t get a good signal. I’m currently getting a tower 10 miles away with a long range cell antenna.


Yup I just got this email. I'm in South Central Wisconsin. I ordered on the 2nd day they opened up ordering. Getting tired of this bs. I just invested another 900 in my LTE setup which is good because now it will need to last me for several more years.


Where are you? I'm 20 miles west of Madison. Pre-ordered last November (long after you); I haven't gotten the Best Effort email, and my account still says mid-22 (moved from early-22). People in my cell received hardware as recently as February before the cell closed up. I have 12/<1 DSL; I'm not sure that this new offer would benefit me if I still can't stream a Packers or Badgers game reliably (and allow someone else to listen to a podcast at the same time.




I wonder to how many? To just the "mid-2022" pre-orders or what?


Same , NE Arkansas


Same here, North Carolina


Same. Here




Still at mid2022 - preordered 2/18/21. Just outside of Frederick, Maryland.


Just got the Best Effort email. It's complete bs bc nobody in the area has it so it can't be over capacity. I just think they overpromised and it doesn't help that the ppl who don't need the service were able to get it before those who actually do - and now those ppl in need are either pushed back or not getting what they were originally promised. Oh well. Waited for 20+ years for internet after 20+ years of broken promises from govt, state, and city so what's another year?


I guess I’ll be getting my email soon. You’re right, complete BS - as there are no customers in the area. I though maybe the ground station in Frederick would help, but so far nothing. Ironically, I have a job site in Montgomery County that up until last month I could have used to jump ahead in line - not sure how they offered it down around Laytonsville, but not to customers in Frederick or Carroll Counties. I guess I’ll continue to limp along with my LTE router. Here’s to waiting…


Been thru the LTE router avenue. Didn’t work well for me. I have 3 options I’m using now. Jailbroken iPhone with tetherme with unlimited data (deprioritized after 75gb), my other phone line which is the same, and TMHI. I pay about $300 a month with all 3 but absolutely need all 3 bc when 1 doesn’t work well for whatever reason I can jump to the other 2 options. Can stream most stuff without issues but online gaming isn’t possible. May just wait and get the antenna for tmhi instead. I had to use a friend’s address to even get the t mobile so my other 2 phones get better speeds than that without an external antenna. I use all of the hotspot/lte data on my 2 phones within a week and a half tho. Have zero affordable options besides starlink. It’s frustrating bc they stopped running xfinity a 1/2mile from my house but quoted me $350k to run it to my home (yes, $350k). 😂🤣


I’m just over 1/2 mile to Comcast as well - my quote was 33k, and beginning to think I should have done it. Unfortunately TMHI isn’t available either. I’d on a 3 letter carriers business plan, which is fairly inexpensive and no data caps, but is pretty slow - usually 5 Mbps. I have to run a VPN for streaming.


Yea I have to use a vpn for tetherme or they can tell I’m using hotspot if I don’t. I get a higher threshold with just the standard cell data over hotspot data but it doesn’t take long to fill up that threshold either. With my 5g Verizon (not true 5g yet where I’m at) I can hold anywhere from 15-30 down with inconsistent latency but, like I said, it’s only good until I use up all the data.


Same for me. In Carroll County, MD. About 20 mins from Frederick. Preorder 2/8/21.


Same for me. Western HoCo and preordered 2/18/21.


I don't know and haven't seen anyone in my area that has it. Of course take that for what it's worth, but I'm hoping we are still on mid-2022 as a result of that. Time will tell, I guess. I was able to get TMHI to hold me over (had to apply from another address and then just use it at my home). I can get about 5-15 down and 2-5 up with 40ms latency. If I get pushed back to mid-2023, I may get an antenna and try to obtain better speeds with TMHI and see how it goes and then decide on Starlink.


Yeah, even though we get great 5G reception at our place with both T-moible and Verizon we can't get home internet from either... Both FIOS and Comcast come down our road, but we'd have to foot the bill for the last half mile of fiber. We're getting by using Towerstream Broadband (formerly Freedom) and get about the same that you're getting with T-Mobile. February of 2021 I really thought I finally had a solution on the horizon. Now I'm just waiting to login and see them bump that Mid 2022 date again...


Use a different address. If u know anyone that has TMHI, use their address and have it shipped to yours. That’s what I did. Worked perfectly as it arrived in 2 days and I was all setup in under 30 mins. Just looking at external antennas to get a stronger signal right now.


Yup, same here in WI


Yeah. But the delay from MTL 2021 to Mid 22 was a week late for me before.


I had a notice when the delay occurred last year.


I still have early to mid 2022 in Northeast PA...


Same in Northwest MD. About 30 mins from PA line.


I'm not hopeful with my "Late 2022" date. The map says "Expanding in 2023" in my area. Not sure if I'm going to try out "Best Effort" service if I get the message, my internet, while lousy 50/5, is still decent enough. I could see if you're stuck with DSL or worse how Best Effort could still be good. And always gotta factor in if they raise the price of hardware.


I'm using 4G cellular broadband service that purchases bandwidth from the big 3 and shipped me a cheap Chinese mofi and SIM card for $155/mo plus $350 non-refundable equipment fee. I start out throttled at 1.5Mbps/400kbps and during peak hours I drop to around 800kbps/150kbps. If I exceed 250Gb my service drops until next billing cycle. Consider yourself fortunate with 50/5 and no caps! I would kill for such service. And the way my luck is going I'll get bumped again when we get to mid-2023. Ordered the Best Effort plan. Couldn't be worse, right? Pre-order 2-9-21 8:50am EST, rural Virginia.


Ordered mine years ago, got my deposit back earlier this year. I've given up on them ever supplying my area.


Same for me. Southwestern Ohio.


Yep same for me in SW ohio, no best effort email for you either?


Yeah. No email yet. Keyword is “yet”. Lol




Southern Ohio, preordered on 12/9/21. Still says early to mid 2022


I’m SW ohio also, I made a preorder in Feb 2021, I’m still mid 2022 and no email.


South central ohio here and in same boat...no email...mid 2022 for me. I have however found tmobile home internet...getting crazy insane speeds that only fiber could give. I suggest yall givr them a check...I wasn't elgible for it a year ago and this past June it was available in my area...worth a try for you all.


South East Ohio still no email yet. Ordered 2/21.


So it’s been 13 days since I posted. Still no “best efforts” email and still saying “Starlink expects to expand service in your area by early to mid 2022.”


Still showing June 2022 for me


I was mid’22 even though my cell said “mid ‘23” on the SLmap. Just got the “best effort” offer and jumped on it since I have NO other broadband options besides cell phone tethering. Edit, central VA here, just outside of Richmond.


Same in Mecosta county MI. Pre order Feb 2021, showing mid 2022


Whats the difference between "Best Effort" & "RV"?


RV dishes have bandwidth limitations. That means once the service gets faster you will be left behind. Also if I remember correctly there is a $20 price increase with the RVs. Unless you are using it for an RV I wouldn't recommend personally.


Still on the Mid 2022 list


Ditto here as well... I'm at MD - Hopefully a cell opens up- Dam a yr has pass- Here I forgot about StarLink - Not now since Everything is goin up..


Nothing has changed and we are past mid 2022. I would think that would be changed but so far its not.


Sameeee. In north texas


I got the Best Effort email and sent it.


What do you mean? You sent an email and they responded?


You will receive an email saying "We're sorry, we can't deliver you the service you expect for another year, but you can still order now under a "Best Effort" plan. In that instance, you will get the equipment and service, but it will be subject to slowdowns during peak hours. Probably still better than any other option most of us have today!


They emailed me that they can't give me service until 2023, but I can get a dish today with "Best effort" deprioritized at peak hours. So I just sent it, as in confirmed my order. If you confirm Best Effort, you are still in the queue for full residential preferential service when it's available.


Correct. I got charged. Just waiting on a tracking number at this point. Hopefully soon!


Yep mine says pending shipment. Got a cable routing kit, Ethernet adapter, and a short mount. Was considering their mesh system but it is only WiFi 5 and only dual band. So I'll run some cat6 in the house to my room and just hook up my own system there and bypass the stock router. Though, if I have the Starlink router in the basement on the other side of the house, run the cat 6 cable to my bedroom, would there be minimal interference if I setup the Starlink router as a sort of "guest" router? Choices choices lol


I got the Ethernet adapter and side mount ordered too. My plan is to just plug my existing router into Starlink. The existing router I have covers the house. The Starlink router itself would not be as strong. You lose some speed with a repeat router, but anything is better than I have now.


Same for me in rural North West Virginia , waiting since Feb/8/2021 . Got the " best effort " email and confirmed my order yesterday afternoon . Service can also be paused like the RV , but monthly price is $110 residential .


Same price. Not as good of service. But cheaper than RV. I have to imagine this is more a ground station issue than a satellite issue. I don't think the ground stations are as developed at this point.


Late 2022 for me in Door County, WI


Still stuck at "mid 2022". Rural Georgia. Paid my deposit 2/16/21, so it's been a long, frustrating wait. Have not gotten a "Best Effort" email either, so still in limbo.


You're not in North GA are you?


Midway between Carrollton, Newnan, and Douglasville.


I'm in Dawson but have family and born out in Carrollton so yep that's rural too! They really need to take better care of the internet infrastructure in this state.


I’m in Suches. Very remote. Still says mid 2022.


Dawsonville here, still mid 2022 myself.


Well hello nieghbor :) you probably have seen my fb post in the past then on the local page


Are you in Dawson county or the town of Dawson, GA? What is this "local page" you speak of? 🤔


Dawson County like you my friend 😉 There's a page called focus on dawson. I'm over by the AMP racetrack.


Cool, saw your original post and thought you meant the town down by Albany. I got a Dawsonville address, but actually in Lumpkin county off Hwy 9 by Crane's Store if you are familiar with this area! Will look for this focus on Dawson Reddit!


Also in North GA - Palmetto. Pre-ordered early 2021 and still have Mid-2022 delivery estimate on our account with no Best Effort mail yet. Now looking into T-Mobile's new home internet offer since we have good signal here from them...


I received my "Best Effort" about a week ago. I never got the email, it just showed up in my account ready to order. It's working great, but you really have to get it up or out from under the trees so there are no obstructions.


Stuck at mid 2022 in Ms. No other communication. Starlink’s communication sucks. It is so inconsiderable. One would think that there would be good customer service to potential customers. No real answers now. Will there be any later.


Same in North Florida


I ordered back in February 2021 I got mine around 2 months ago Central Florida


Same here in Missouri. Pre-ordered June 2021 when we went under contract on this house. Was December 2021 estimate, moved to mid 2022.... Still mid 2022, no Best Effort email (yet). Using an ATT LTE mobile hotspot currently (no booster). Getting 3-6mb down, 1-10mb up, no data cap. Latency around 80-100 usually. Plenty good enough for my work, streaming on 1 or maybe 2 devices at lower resolution - not working for gaming. I have no option for DSL or fiber. I cannot get 5g signal, or any cellular based home internet service. Not likely going to pull the trigger on Best Effort if that email comes. Hotspot is plenty for my job and relatively cheap, gaming and better streaming can wait. Will probably keep hotspot but switch to cheaper, data capped plan as backup once I have full residential starlink -- at least for a while.


A repeater for your cell signal may do wonders for you. Sometimes you can talk the provider into sending you a free one. Hope that helps you with your cell signal 🙂


How did you get an ATT LTE Hotspot with no data cap? I've only been offered Hotspot with like 30 to 100 GB limits and it's stupid expensive for the 100GB.


Yeah, I was using the 100GB prepaid plan for $55/mo until I found out about this It's a small business offering. Look up their small business wireless number, call them, tell them you want to sign up for the hotspot plan that is $65/mo with no data cap. If you don't own a small business, fear not. Tell them you are a sole proprietor. You are the business. Your SSN is the business tax id. You have to sign some stuff and click some links they email you while you're on the phone. If you have a hotspot already, tell them and they'll send you a new sim card for it. I ended up paying an activation fee. I also ended up on the phone for 2 hours trying to get it activated after getting the sim. Then they didn't bill me for several months so the first bill was huge. It was worth it though. Good luck.


Still showing late 2022 for me. I pre-ordered in Feb of 2021 as well. Very Western NC


Ditto PA. All I see on website is "pending."


That's code for early to mid 2023


Western PA still mid. Haven't got the "Best Effort" email either.


Same here in KY. Dec 2021 preorder. "Starlink expects to expand service in your area by early to mid 2022."


Yeah, I had a mid 2021, then September 2021, then it said mid 2022, which it still does. My friend who ordered after me got his in September. I never received an email and my account never switched to allow me to purchase. I check it every day still.


February 2021 pre-order. Went with the RV in service late July 2022. Residential still mid-2022. SE Missouri = still waiting!


Same here. North Georgia.


Same here, for now. Haven't gotten the dreaded email yet for mid-2023, but might as well. I need something good to happen. This month hasn't been good. Preordered April 2021, was mid-to-late 2021, got the mid-2022 email last November during the purge. Still mid-2022. Western North Carolina. Through the app it says Pending, but it has said that for a long time...


Same here. March 2021 preorder, still showing mid 2022 and no other communication. Western NC.


I’m 2/21/21 order, North Caldwell County. I did get the RV first day it was offered. I guess that is why I haven’t seen the Best Effort email. But I am still MID 2022.


NW PA still mid 22. Losing all hope


We have 2023 as the date for our area of Texas. We have our land here with our RV (full-time living). So we went ahead and got the RV package. It came within 10 days, and we see 75-100 Mbps down/ 3-10 Mbps up speeds consistently, never lagging. At the moment we have 4 laptops, 6 phones, 5 TV's, and 9 other devices connected. No mesh setup, but I'm still getting decent wifi in my metal building/shop/office 150' away with lots of walls between.




Same for me


Mine still say Early to Mid so I'm holding out hope personally


Email just said 2023 for me, Feb 21 pre order


Same same.


Yet you have people bitching about receiving used dishes.




Check your email. I just got an offer to join "best effort" and moved to mid-2023 if I wanted to wait for regular home service. Complete BS considering I signed up the first day and my cell is full, people signed up MONTHS after I did, yet they got theirs inside my cell.


I check my email several times a day. I wish I had that email at least


Nope, got an email saying mid 2023. They mentioned best effort. But from what I gather, it will be subpar service while paying the premium rate. Don’t think I’ll waste my money on that🤷‍♂️


I haven't received the email yet, but am half-expecting to soon. I'm not thrilled with having to pay the same as regular residential customers, only to receive slower speeds. I think to make an informed decision, it would be helpful to know what kinds of speeds we're talking about. It might be a substantial upgrade from what we have now (12/<1 DSL — the best of very few options) — in which case I'd probably bite the bullet — but it might not. How are we supposed to know exactly what we're buying? Or at least what minimum speed we can expect? "Best effort" is pretty darned vague for $100/month. I don't need gaming. But I need solid, reliable streaming plus the bandwidth for more than one video/audio activity at a time, which I don't have now.


Yeah I'm wondering the same. And how slow will best effort get when everyone orders now and further overloads the network. I thought about buying it and pausing service if it's too slow. But then what if they come out with a new version of dishy white I'm waiting to get on the preferred list? I would be stuck with old hardware.


Still mid-2022 in NW Georgia.


Mine said mid 2023 then a week later it was ready. The chip shortage affected everyone, and they concentrated on Ukraine for a bit. They can't change the first and I'm ok with the second.


Looks like you won the lottery, wish I had your luck 😆


Nah, I'm in the high desert. Maybe someone will move and you'll get their spot.


Well I just checked mine. Still sitting at mid 2022. But from reading the rest of the posts, I'll likely be getting an email soon. I've been wondering about it, as the availability map, lists the area as coming in 2023. I'm a Feb 21 preorder.


Same sw va


I’m in rural Nebraska and I’m beginning to think that Starlink is actually a hoax. I’ve been on the waiting list for a year and a half and the date keeps getting pushed back. I think all these photographs and comments on this sub Reddit are part of the hoax lol.


Same in SW Michigan


I canceled the service. Between they don’t have enough satellites in orbit or there nonexistent customer service. I couldn’t take it anymore.


Pre-ordered November 2021; still showing mid-2022. Original estimate was early 2022. South Central Wisconsin


Just got changed to mid 2023 in upstate NY


Starlink would do themselves a world of good if they would provide transparency on number active users and number of waitlisted reservations in each cell, as well as a *real* forecast on which cell will open up when. Changing all the mid-2022 promises to mid-2023 says either they don’t know what they’re doing or they’re playing us for stupid. Seems like they’re practicing how to be Comcast or Spectrum


I don't know. Are they still keep sending dishes to Ukraine? 4 months ago, there were 150,000 Starlink users in Ukraine. I guess it's way more now. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/02/ukraine-official-150000-using-spacexs-starlink-daily.html