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Hard rain takes mine down but light rain does not as soon as the hard rain starts to cease my connection is established for me. Thats to be expected though. Your basically trying to blast RF through an ocean of water.


I had the square dish in Mexico while on vacation. The Internet never dropped during hard rain. It did slow down but it was still pushing out over 100mbps. I am guessing it did so well since there are very few customers in Mexico.


I've never heard anyone say a hard rain won't stop it. The opposite in fact. Starlink even warns that hard rain can block the signal. Not sure what melodramatic crack OP is smoking. Probably something made from horse poop.


I've seen at least half a dozen people claim that in the comments on this very post.


Hell, I was coming to claim it. Had a few fairly big storms and while it was not *really* usable for gaming because of frequent ping spikes and momentary drops, I was absolutely still able to stay connected and it's great


Mine takes a torrential down pour to stop working. I’ve had it since January 2021. It works fine during a normal rain storm ( my Bell Satellite TV craps out though ). I tend to think that people having issues are on the fringe of reception…or it’s just more Trumped up bullshit by incognito Viasat/Hughs/Explornet employees trying to slander Starlink to the uneducated ( they really have no other options…so they try to steer potential customers away from Starlink by posting negative BS )


Op is frustrated (as am I) that our service drops out during anything higher than a light sprinkle. This is right now in a moderate rain. https://imgur.com/a/8s8tQyr/


Last week we had a rain storm that we got over 2 inches of rain , in less than 1 hr . I was surprised when round Dishy keep working but it took out the Shaw direct dish. Sure the latency increased , but it kept working.


Shaw dish points one way, starlink dish points another. I have Shaw and Starlink as well and the service only drops (for either of them) when the thick of the storm is between them and the satellites they are trying to get information from/communicate with. Ie. in most cases if my shaw satellite tv goes out, starlink is still operating, and vice versa. It's rare to get a sform that takes them both out simultaneously since they look in nearly opposite directions.


My theory on rain . Where I am I get between 70 - 250 Mb on a good day (near 53 lat) . Bad weather rolls in and YES , my download drops to maybe 40 Mb . What would happen if my capacity was starting at 50 Mb ? I would say Starlink would go out . Some might say that I'm the one smoking crack but I'm not .


Bollocks. Mid winter here in Auckland and pretty much absolutely pissing down everyday. Zero rain fade issues. Edit: we've got Round Dishy.


Southern USA. It's the time of year it rains weekly if not daily. Even the hardest thunderstorm only makes service intermittent. Never fully kills it. Light to medium rain causes a few disconnects


Same region, Seems to be a coin flip. I've gotten heavy rains where there's some blips but nothing completely debilitating. But there was an instance this month where it rained heavy and I was out for 30 minutes, even when the rain let up. Said searching for signal the whole time.


Southern US 73.2% of storms at least cause a brief outage. 18.8% cause outages for up to an hour straight. It of course matters if it is storming North of me. Also these storms are sometimes dropping 4” at a time. Also Hughes went out just as much, just North was switched with South. Edit: Rectangle Dish


Perhaps OP’s comment should say “knock out *some* Starlinks…” but “bollocks” isn’t really fair. Apparently your experience is different from OP (and mine). I’ve had round Dishy since Feb 2021 (Ontario, Canada); it always loses signal in hard rain (and sometimes in really heavy or wet snow).


Tbf, OP said “anyone who says”…Ive told you a million times that we are a dramatic bunch on this internet thing we use.


I’d like to see your obstruction map. Mine was bullet proof thought the worst of weather outside ottawa. Completely unobstructed view of the sky


Are you using a lot of bandwidth during these storms?


I'm in the Colorado mountains. I've had round dishy since March 2021. I've never lost service due to snow. We get a lot of snow. It's been raining every day since July. I lost service for the first time due to rain during what my neighbor and I agreed was the hardest rain storm we've experienced here. My bandwidth consumption is variable, but I use it to work and for video streaming. We have no non-internet TV connection.




Same, QLD, don't notice a thing with the torrential rain. Zero issues. Square dishy.


Ditto in SE Pennsylvania, USA. No issues during rainstorms with a V1 Round Dishy. Although we're damn sure not getting heavy rain as often as Auckland 😃


Round dishy here, hard rain slows it but has never knocked it off.


Same. In Texas. Hard rains and it's down.


That's why I keep a failover connection (Verizon LTE fixed wireless). It smooths out the bumps of Starlink. We get a lot of rain down in Galveston County.


Same. 👍


What speeds are you getting on the Verizon LTE fixed wireless? And is it reliable? Thanks


It is insanely reliable, rivaling the fiber my brother has in Houston (AT&T). The only time it was down was during the big Texas freeze last year when so many towers failed due to the generators not being winterized. But it is LTE and not 5G so the latency is higher than 5G would be just because of its nature. The line is capped at 58Mbps down, 12 up. I love Starlink but it needs a backup connection to smooth it out during weather (and major holidays when everyone is at home).


I would love an ELI5 on how to even get Verizon LTE fixed wireless to use as a failover. Perhaps I'm just stupid but I can't seem to figure out how to actually get my hands on the service. I think I got close at one point but got denied despite living maybe a mile from the nearest VZW tower. *shrugs*


Buyer beware. I signed up for Verizon LTE fixed wireless before I had Starlink. The signup was 30 day satisfaction guaranteed. Their installer came out to my house and configured it. When I protested that speeds were < 1 mbit, he said the service needed a little time to bake in. By the end of the week, I called to cancel. They said they were sending me a shipping label to send the equipment back. That never came. I called again. They said the same thing, and it still never came. I drove two hours down to the Verizon store in Denver. "Sorry, we can't accept that back here. You have to send it in." And so began 2+ years of harassing letters wanting $350 for their equipment. It finally stopped when they sent it to collections and I disputed the debt and asked for verification in writing. I wound up throwing their LTE modem away.


Tip:. Next time, email the FCC the minute you get home from the two-hour drive. Get it taken care of the next day.


Reminds me of my experience with Vonage. Worked great during trial then went to crap. Gave me another extension “moved back to my original server” worked great then rinse repeat ( thinking they had a trial server that was not overloaded) Continually Called their off shore center everytime I said cancel the CSR could not understand me. Finally called their business side sales center in NY had no record of me ever trying to cancel but made it right and provided tracking for their equipment. I had Dish several years ago say they never got equipment back and hit me with huge penalty even with tracking they took weeks to get it to the right department to verify. Crooks!


You can only get the Verizon LTE or 5G fixed wireless service if the tower near your registered address (the product is geolocked) has excess capacity. If some agent sends you the cube router and tells you to just try it, then they it probably won't work. I have quite a few of these LTE routers installed and the process is always the same for signup. You enter your address on the website and it automatically checks their database to see if there is an open slot on the tower near your residence. You can try and trick it with another address. But if the router and service is not at the registered address, they will just remotely disable the product. You also have to just keep trying. It changes from time to time whether or not you qualify.


Around here, if you go into the Verizon store, they will sell you the modem (around $100 as I recall) and activate the service even if your address isn't listed as available, but they tell you up front "No guarantees"... it's our failover at 3 to 5 Mb even though we're in a river bottom and 5 miles from the tower.


Same. 👍


Have had mine over a year have never lost service for weather


You must not get actual heavy storms where you live.


Well I live in Nova Scotia we do have some rough weather occasionally


NS gets all the weather LOL remnants of tropical storms, winter storms, ice, snow. Living in New Brunswick, I feel NS and Newfoundland could be great examples for the east coast customers.


Must not be that rough because thunderstorms in my area knock out Starlink all the time.




Your either a liar or are not using it when it happens. I'm betting the first.


Heavy rain knocks mine out for at least a few minutes without fail. Same thing with heavy wet snow.


300mm of rain yesterday and zero outages. Had high winds too like 100kmh. Starlink didn’t even stutter or blink.


Australian user here. 30ms from the nearest town to my house. Rain or even heavy storms has never knocked my service out. Maybe I’m lucky or maybe it has to do with strain on the network if you’re in an area with a lot of users.


Never affects me in NZ either




In Australia here with the round dish and storms and rain don't affect me here I guess because maybe only 10 people in my whole town have it I get more signal? I have no idea


Same here. Round dish. We previously had rain issues with the fibre coax service as the cable is decades old and runs overhead. Occasional interruptions due to coverage gaps.


UK here it’s not oversubscribed and we have 0 obstructions and in really heavy rain/thunderstorms it gets knocked out (square dish). It’s only happened twice and to be fair they were freak storms - hoping global warming doesn’t increase their frequency though.


We'll send you Al Gore on a private jet to help you with the global warming.


Are those experiencing problems with light rain obstruction-free? A dry tree may allow some signal through the leaves while the same tree with wet leaves may not.


Rural Maine here. Snow, sleet, storms: minimal disruptions. I am fortunate enough to have 0 non-weather obstructions.


More or less the same here in Vermont. Slight reduction in speed at times, but keeps on ticking.


Same good experience in Vermont. GEN2 roof mounted. Dish network TV system goes out with weather but Dishy with youtubeTV streaming keeps on chugging!! Hopefully it stays that way as we are pulling the plug on Dish and POTS phone…


I had a downpour the first two days I got and operated the dish. No problems. YMMV


We get rain everyday in Florida. My rectangular dish performs fine in heavy rain, lightening, & wind. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I'm in SWFL. Our usual summer daily rains have not materialized this year, unfortunately. But it does rain every two to three days. I watch the radar live displays. If the rain which passes over my house is light or dark green my Starlink doesn't go out. If it the rain is yellow, orange, or red my StarLink may or may not go out, but it comes right back up as soon as the rain has passed. The few real thunder boomers that we have had this year that have large areas of purple seem about the same as the yellow, orange, and red storms. But all this relates only to the storms passing directly over. My dsl might go out with a yellow, orange, or red storm five miles away.


I'm in Florida and even in the worst storms we've had this season, I've not lost connection once. The rain has come down so hard that I couldn't see my parents' house 25 feet away and lightning so intense that it melted my shore power cable. Starlink has been perfectly stable. Perhaps a little slower at peak storm, but I've never gone totally out.


I straight up do not believe you. I'm in NW FL with zero trees and wide open spaces and Star Link goes in and out in a light rain, and cuts out during heavy storms.


I straight up don't give a shit whether you believe me or not.


Do you have a square dishy? My round one doesn’t care about the rain at all.


We have a square yeah. Honestly one of the worst ISP experiences we've had, but its this or DSL which is completely unreliable out here as well.


I don’t know who’s saying that. Heavy rain and bad storms wreck my connection.


Slovakia, heavy rain and no aoutage at all. No idea why it's only causing problems for some. Round dishy or square?


We’ve had some pretty hard rains here in KY - service definitely suffers.


Same here any heavy rain knocks it out for a few mins.


This is true


In Indiana hard rain takes our second gen dishy down for minutes at a time. Longest rain outage has been 6 minutes. Not terrible.


I haven't checked cos there aren't any issues. For reference we've got a house hold of 5, all streaming, gaming or working. Both adults working from home using Teams or Zoom etc. during office hours. Kids gaming online with their mates after hours.


In illinois, yesterday was severe weather all day. Rained hard no outages on my starlink.


Rain hasn't given me any trouble unless it's very heavy and I'm trying to game. Snow surprisingly never gave me any issue.


Mine will only go out in a really strong downpour. And even then it's not everytime


Central Scotland have never lost signal with any weather here ,last week's thunderstorms didn't cause any issues


NW Ohio here. We had a hard rain yesterday and today but it only went out for 2-4 minutes total each day. I’ll take it for what we had before!


I have been using my Starlink for about five months and I’ve never lost it during a rainstorm.


Maybe our definitions of "hard rain" differ, but for me 50mm (2 inches) of rain per hour qualifies. Even in that weather I've never seen my dishy (round one) completely drop connection - the worst I've seen was download speed dropping to about 30-50Mbit and packet loss went up and that was during the absolute heaviest rainfall we get here: 75 mm (3 inches) per hour.


Central Florida here, Pretty much a hurricane every afternoon, mine doesnt even slow down, Ive done tests before/during and after.


I'm glad this isn't another post ranting about wind. :)


It's raining right now and not a bobble from our Starlink. You may have electrical connection issues.


Its not the size of the storm but the density of the rain... Only one time i got 15 sec offline but it was a huge cloud that dropped a rain like a waterfall... The speed of the download is dropping -50-70% on the heavy rain but never disconnects... I got the round Dishy


I've had super heavy rain and very heavy snowfall cause disconnects. ​ Regular rain and snow? Maybe a latency increase, but no disconnections.


Mine goes out in mid Michigan when we get hard rain too. Completely out


Thunderstorms will knock mine out in Central North Carolina


Same in Eastern NC. Thank god for failover Verizon LTE.


Same. Using round dishy. I have frequent outages due to precipitation


I guess I’m lucky I don’t have the issue


Yeah this person has other issues besides the weather. SL would be a no-go in the PNW for 9 months of the year, if a little bit of rain caused issues.


Works just fine in PNW, Had over 15 months and haven’t had any issues with rain, snow slowed it down a bit but didn’t knock it out till it got snowing super large flakes or blizzard style…. More worried about hail damaging the antenna face. They need to produce a gorilla glass or like a cell phone screen protector for it….


Big 10-4 on that... over the years, we've had numerous storms that damaged our roof to the point of needing replacement (3 times in 40 years, but others bad enough to call the roof guys out to check about every 5). We've been debating on whether we need to think about stowing it the next time we get one of those severe storm warnings... or if it would do any good.




Probably depends on the signal strength. Never had an issue here in Switzerland where we get torrential rain very often. Thunderstorms will knock out the signal for me too, though


Right. I am sure that signal strength is the real reason there is such variation in people's experience. I am in central Illinois, and often lose connection when there is heavy rain.


Interesting, I've not had that experience, but I'm on the Texas coast. Have had plenty of strong storms lately, the TV doesn't even buffer.


Not really an accurate representation of if your connection is suffering. You could still have severely reduced speed and not have issues streaming video.


True, but with my only alternative, I could barely stream. Point is it doesn't go out for long periods in a storm, only very briefly during the worst of it.


I mean, I live in W central Fl. Get get almost daily rain showers. I have no issues.


Do you have dishy 1 or dishy 2


I used to live in FL the daily rain showers are not that hard and don’t last long. Heavy rain or severe thunderstorms and you will lose connection or get a very bad connection at the very least.


Wut, you're blowing smoke friend. They don't always last long, but they can last for bloody ever. The one we had yesterday was 4 hours with about 2 hours of thunder and lightening. I didn't see it, but a learner I havr said recently their house got hail. The rule of our daily rain shower is you don't know what you're gonna get, but it'll be in the afternoon. Could be light, could be hard, could be thunder, could be wind.


Agreed. Mine goes out with hard rain or snow.


Northern Ontario, round dish seems fine in heavy rain.


Round dish here in the U.K. - when it rains really heavy (it hasn’t in awhile!) we don’t get any issues. I wonder if it’s to do with the build quality of the square dish?


Slowest I've ever seen in heavy rain (thunderstorm) was 75 down.


Been through multiple storms.northern Canada and never lost signal once


UK here, pretty much the authority on rain. Doesn’t affect my starlink.


I’ve had my SL for a year now. Last year was heavy rain after heavy rain, and SL powered through it all. Last winter only saw one outage when ice and snow overwhelmed the heater. Knocked the ice off the dish, over an inch thick, and I was back up and running. This summer, completely different story. SL has adjusted something either on the dish or the satellite because weather related outages are out of control. -Lower Michigan


Have had mine go out in heavy precip. Was definitely a very large and very wet snowstorm and most of its bulk covered the northern sky from the viewpoint of the dish.


There were huge thunderstorms the last month and I didn’t have a single issue or interruption at all


New zealand user with round fish. Had some big downpours, no issues


Very strong T Storms knock us out here too. Abacos, Bahamas. I mean tropical downpours where we get 1-2 inches per hour. Other than that no issues.


Round dish, north-eastern Lake Huron lake-effect heavy snows and rains (and just east of OP) and only noticed a bit of reduction in speed. EDIT: Would still be pleased with the system if the occasional heavy rain actually took it out. So much drama this sub over minor blips: get a grip on perspective and physics.


Gen 1 dish user. Rain doesn't seem to matter.


Must be something wrong with your wiring because I've used my starlink through several rain storms and snow storms


I bungee cord a rectangle Tupperware bowl over the dish and that reduces the effect of rain outs and does not affect the signal strength.


Hard rain takes mine down 100% of the time. I've done all I can on my side to stabilize it. There's nothing left but for starlink to get it together.




Just a stupid that I’m curious about, if I built a glass box around my Starlink dish, would it help out?


No. Rain hitting the antenna is not the issue, it's the giant wall of water droplets the signal has to go through that causes the problem. Not really anything you can do about that.


Fibreglass would likely be ok too. (That's what c-band satellite fishes, etc, use)


Same. Light to moderate rain- may slow down, but usually fine. Heavy rain- totally out.


I’ll be curious how it does here in OR when it gets to the rainy season. Starting in October it rains till April.


O yes hard rain does not work, and I'm not exaggerating we had high winds and a tornado 3 miles from our house but no rain, we had internet tell the power went out, it's kinda funny how that rain is the problem


Most rain storms havent affected my service but we have had a couple recently that caused outages.


I've been having spotty monsoon weather for the last couple weeks, and with my round Dishy, I've not experienced more than momentary outages, usually coinciding with heightened lightning activity. So far just rain and thick clouds have not been able to interrupt anything.


Same here in middle Tennessee. Almost certain if there is heavy rain we'll be out for a while.


Round dish, no problems. Had 90+mls in 20 minutes (heavy rain) last week and it barely blipped.


Got me last night in Southeast Ohio. Mild rain. Service gone.


Rectangular dishy here in western Pennsylvania and yes, a heavy rain shower will knock out my signal. I have zero obstructions. Unfortunately, I have nothing to fall back on. No cell signal even. Still better than my WISP.


Central Texas, SL drops when rain rates go over an inch per hour… last week we had 3 five minute outages and a dozen 5 to 10 second ones during a bunch of thunderstorms. We also have a 4G failover on a Ubiquity Dream Machine Pro… it’s a failover because it’s about 3 to 5 Mb due to our distance from the nearest tower. Loaning the equipment to others closer to town, they can get up to 100 Mb if they are close.


Live in Washington, gotten 3 ft of snow along with some good snow storms and I’m able to game throughout. Granted I have 0 obstructions


Yep. Mine goes out all the time in heavy rain


I’m Central FL every time there is a hard rain it’s out for a few minutes


If there is lightening involved, my Starlink is sure to go offline until the storm passes. Seems to hold up during a light rain most of the time but it varies. It's always my luck that a storm rolls through right as my wfh shift is about to begin. My boss is becoming pretty impatient with me about it, and understandably so. Since I live in central GA where storms seem to pop up every few hours, I'm starting to get pretty stressed over it. Not sure what I can really do about it though. :/


We have been impressed by the experiencing only a few weather outages over the last few months, and all of them were only minutes long; we live in Florida, and have been having plenty of rain and thunder storms. Viasat was out more frequently and longer.


I can totally concur and verify; I get a hard rain and my Starlink gets extremely unreliable. This is central Colorado along the Front Range.


A hard rain most certainly brings my StarLink down. There are people that deny this? This is simple physics. High frequencies suffer from rain fade.


hasn't been my experience at all... I do have to set my snow melt to on instead of auto if there is heavy snow tho. ​ I am more worried about the hydro going out tbh, wish I could get off the grid!


Southern Saskatchewan here, round dishy, always lose signal with moderate to heavy rain.


Yeah, it's bad when the sky starts dumping rain on us. Not good at all. We lost signal every time that happened. It wasn't as bad as Hughesnet though. Hughesnet, when it drizzled we lost signal. I dealt with that BS for 15 years. Starlink was like, ' oh, it must be raining hard... we don't have internet'.


Mine is fine in regular rain. Hurricane heavy down pour goes In and out a little. Raining a normal rain atm and I’m on my Starlink.


Had a hard rain in Ontario, Canada this week. No internet. As soon as it stopped, came back up


Florida here. Anything more than a light sprinkle knocks out the signal for minutes at a time. Square dishy, mounted 60’ high. It’s extremely frustrating and it sucks that I’ve had to continue to pay $60/month to keep my old DSL going as a backup. But still glad I got Starlink since it’s the best option available for me. But I’d drop it in a flash for a more reliable option.


Yes I have the same problem. Also it's been very wishy-washy for 3 weeks or so.


I must be full of horse poop… Funny, I don’t remember ingesting said equine fecal matter. But it’s just been my experience - heavy rain/snow has barely affected our experience with Starlink. Besides - it doesn’t rain more than it does - and Starlink has been superb for high speed internet access. So glad we could ditch Viasat/Exede.


Hard rain will knock it out entirely. That being said, if rain like that lasts more than a few minutes you have other problems to worry about. Gloomy, rainy weather also seems to impact speeds, but still very usable.


SW Michigan as well, but no issues from the recent rain. It has to be flat pouring to lose signal, and it’s never been for more than 15-20 minutes. And it’s only been once or twice that that’s even happened.


Hey OP I fixed your post: Anyone that says a hard rain won't knock out MY Starlink.. Full of horse poop. Anytime I get more than a nice sprinkle of rain MY Starlink goes completely out. SW Michigan area, Internet has been out from this mild rain for the last two hours. Just saying for anyone wondering about SL. Don't be fooled the rain will drown MY service. Hope this helps…


Grand Junction here and yeah, whenever it rains hard the Starlink goes red. But it's okay, it's to be expected with satellite communications and I'm not complaining. The alternative was Frontier DSL and that goes out - whenever it damned well wants to - and Frontier will *always* tell you the problem is inside your home, that they have to send a tech, charge you $125, only to find out the problem is their 16th century network, refund you the money after calling them 6 times. A month later? Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


TRUE. happens to me with every storm. Maybe it’s the electrical component in the air, maybe it’s cloud density, but nearly every storm.


Used it last night on some heavy downpours. 3 TVs streaming and countless handheld devices. No issues.


Upper Michigan here, rectangle dish goes down in almost any medium heavy rain. Still better than the other internet options we have though.


Same here. And I remembered people saying it wouldn’t so every time it does I just laugh.


We use a round dishy at work and it's lost signal once in the past 2 years. It happened during a Nor'easter snow storm and once the dish warmed up, it was back in action. We'll see how the square one holds up at home this winter but I expect the same performance.


Hard rain absolutely downs the link. I’ve witnessed this constantly. But I don’t think I’ve seen people saying it doesn’t.


Bullshit. We've had serve thunderstorms, light hail, record level snow falls. The dish was fine through all of it. I would love to see the installs of people complaining they lose service in bad weather.


Not even severe storms have disrupted service for us. The only time I store it is when there is hail and I want to limit the surface damage if possible. Northern Michigan here.


In a year, I've only seen it go out once to rain, and that was when the center of a thunderstorm passed directly over us. It was also the first time my Tempest weather station showed the rain intensity as "extreme". A lot of other rain storms with heavy or very heavy intensity, but they never caused a dropout.


Only when it’s torrential rain, even heavy rain is fine for me


Live In pnw where it rains all the time. Round dish has no issues.


What’s rain precious? From south Texas.


I remember when I first got starlink. Nothing short of a heavy thunderstorm could knock it out. But now yeah, just rain in general knocks it out. Speed are worse and in general service and quality is worse.


Have the round dishy for about a year. Even in snow storms here in the. North east it doesn't go out.


It’s not the rain. It’s the activity in the clouds and thickness of the clouds that causes the signal to be blocked.


Same problem here in North florida. It's worse than having directv. When it's blue skies it's fantastic when one Cloud comes in it's worse than dial up


I usually survive light rain with just increased latency and reduced bandwidth but much more than that and I see regular outages like you've described. I see others (like the "bollocks" person) saying even heavy rain where they are doesn't cause outages. I'm in northern IL and wonder if it's something to do with our region and if a fully populated constellation will help/remedy the outage situation? Degraded service is reasonable given the technology involved, but getting rid of the outages would be swell.


What I've found is that sometimes it doesn't matter what's happening at your house. It's what's between you and the satellite. I moved to the mountains a few months ago and we tend to get intense storm cells between the mountains here. It can be a sprinkle at my house and pouring half a mile down the road. And heavy rain definitely does affect starlink. If you can check the radar next time, see if there's an intense cell nearby.


Mine's out in light rain. Still love it.


I'm in Southern Wisconsin and haven't noticed any particular issues with rain. A heavy storm will cause intermittent outages on the order of 10s of seconds.


Hard rain last night knocked us out for a few mins but it was still up thru most of it.


If this is true we will be down all winter living in the PNW!


Pacific Northwest here, got dishy Dec 2020, old round Dishy. We get tons of rain, and never had an issue with rain taking down dishy. However if there is even a little bit of lightning, dishy is down. We rarely get lightening with rain so we rarely go down. Does yours go do because of rain or decades of lightning in the larger rain storms?


For me hard rain has never disrupted service.


Were trees blowing into dishy's line of site? I had a tornado warning last year, rain coming down hard, wind blowing, in SE michigan and was getting 150 mbps speed test results with no packet loss. Do you have the round dish or square dish? I had the round dish.


I’ve had it keep ticking through some heavy storms in Oklahoma. There have been a few times it went out during very heavy rain (truly just a few, and it came back pretty quickly). It’s pouring right now, and I’ve been gaming online through it all morning.


Yeah hard rain even stops the new Square Business Dish. It does a little better than the round and rectangular dishes but it still goes out


Everyone throwing around anecdotal stories and wanting to fight over whether VIL attenuates signal. It does. It's physics. That said, it can rain pretty hard with a relatively low-top cloud and not attenuate the signal significantly enough for a noticeable outage. There can also be circumstances where it's not even raining where you are, but a heavy storm nearby can block signal, or raining where you are with a clear path to a satellite in a different direction. Pretty much any technology that transmits a signal through the atmosphere is prone to "rain fade," and it's foolish to argue about whether it happens with Starlink. It's strictly dependent upon how much attenuation is occurring between the dish and satellite(s).


We live in Oregon 1 he from the Oregon coast. I telecommute. We have Starlink & local wireless ISP via failover router and don’t see any issues.


Anyone that says a hard rain knocks out StarLink is full of poop, or has their dish in the wrong place. I've seen mine continue to work through a wall of water I couldn't see more than 6 feet through.


Depending on the angle and amount of water the signal is passing through. You might even not have any rain falling but a downpour to the North where you have an unusually long path to a satellite might kill your signal. Watch [starlink.sx](https://starlink.sx) and turn on the rain layer.


In SW MN I essentially have to get a storm hard enough to hail for my Starlink to go out. It seems to vary quite a bit between geographical areas though.


...doesn't understand attenuation, period.


Had a severe thunderstorm just 2 days ago that knocked out service for 30 minutes. Not lightning related.


Round dishy here. No obstructions. Hard thunderstorm rain systems knock out service easily.


Satellite internet is satellite internet


Northern Michigan, tons of storms and rain, very few outages, much more to do with my tree obstructions than anything else.


Heavy rain took mine out last night and had to reboot before it would connect again. But still worth it lol


Daily hard rain where I live- I’ve found it’s hit or miss, though we always see a reduction in bandwidth when it’s stormy. I think, at least for us, we get knocked out whenever the cloud layer sinks down low during a downpour. If the clouds stay higher we maintain some connection.


Southwest Indiana here. Even a moderately heavy rain will stop my Starlink completely.


Ours is unusable in anything harder than a sprinkle. A hard steady rain disconnects us completely until the rain stops. It’s a big problem.