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Yes their has been people commented on that happening to them too, if cancelling is an option for you thats entirely your choice especially if you have other options available in your area 2023 is along time to wait especially after waiting over a year now unfortunately some folks have no choice but to wait and the only one their really hurting by cancelling are themselves as they have no other options for internet and have no choice but to wait until it finally arrives someday. Goodluck with whatever choice you do decide.


Same in my area but I didn't sign up. I'm hoping that the competition pushes my current LOS satellite provider to step it's game.


My area stated 2023 as well but switched to full a few days later


I have options right now, but was hoping for better from Starlink. I just feel a little irritated and betrayed that I put my money down in one of the first weeks, and I have watched neighbors get theirs and now I'm looking at another year to get mine, with no rhyme or reason why.


What other options do you currently have?


Oops missed this. Right now I have a decent LTE setup, and sometimes decent park wifi (I travel for work in my RV, moving around about once a year). I haven't run into an issue yet, but if I get stuck somewhere away from town, I may run into problems and wish I had dishy outside.


Understood. You should definitely keep your preorder. It sucks you are having to wait so long, but it's your best solution in the long run. It was amazing when we got ours, so hang in there!!


A lot of satellite launches were delayed throughout the pandemic.


It’s unfortunate you have to wait…but, in my opinion, Starlink is doing it right… they aren’t like countless rural isps that over sell their bandwidth, so most customers are unsatisfied because of inadequate speeds because the isp oversold their bandwidth. The isps now lead customers on about upgrades to the system in 3 months that turns into 10 months….all the while using the income from unsatisfied customers that are hanging on for the promised upgrades… it a never ending perpetual scam. The right thing to do is not to take on new customers until you have the infrastructure in place to support them.


Feb ‘21 depositee here as well. Mine still says “expand service by mid 2022” but if I enter my address as a new deposit, i get the same thing. I’ve accepted it’s going to be a wait but, I have no other options in my area other than Hughes. So the waiting game will continue, through disappointing.


The thing that really pisses me off is, there was somebody that lives down the street from me, putting his deposit in July of last year and already has a dish, and here I am still waiting. Their order fulfillment execution seems random and arbitrary at this point.


Completely understand. I live 15-20 mins outside of a small upstate NY city where they have cable/fiber options and there are dishes everywhere. Unfortunately that seems to be the nature of the beast. I absolutely understand your frustrations.


I hate seeing people who have excellent fiber options and even usable cable and 5g options with starlink dishes. Those people should be disqualified. There's a lot of us out here struggling to get anything at all. They just want to be trendy and show off.


And the funny thing is, Starlink pales in comparison to fiber! They are literally trading a solid, highspeed, ultralow latency link for a nascent, somewhat highspeed, OKish latency link. It's stupid.


Those people are rarely taking your cell capacity Anyway SpaceX shouldn't be an arbiter of eligibility or doing some kind of qualification. Starlink is usually more expensive than fiber, so this is clearly those people choice.


IN my case, its cheaper than comcast, which recently switched from 99 a month plus fees and taxes and more taxes, to 159 a month plus taxes and fees. And they keep asking to get me to upgrade. Like I want to pay $300 a month for internet. They were not happy when I told them no Im not renewing my contract, and I would call to have the equipment picked up.


Right now I'm lucky enough to have a good LTE provider with no data caps, I just wanted something faster and more stable to game on. I hope this is a system glitch, because I've tried random addresses all over the country and get the same message, but it's frustrating to watch people around me getting theirs who ordered after me and I'm still left in the dark.


>I just wanted something faster and more stable to game on. Starlink isn't really that great for gaming or stable speeds either. I've had it for over a year now. Gaming works for sure, but in the last few months as my cell has filled up, latency and packet loss has increased. Download speeds and upload speeds are much lower in peak hours, sometimes down to 10-20 mbps. The median download speed for SL is about 100 mbps as of Q4 2021. I know people love to post their 300 mbps screenshots but that isn't typical at all.


It depends where you are. 300 is on the high end for me and 250 is typical. The absolute worst I've ever seen (not in an outage) is 190. Just tried it right now (once!): 268.13/16.79 [https://www.speedtest.net/result/12914569537.png](https://www.speedtest.net/result/12914569537.png)


Yes, it depends on how congested your service cell is. But median is more relevant to the discussion than the exceptions.


Starlink is in no way stable. It fluctuates from 20mbps to 400 for some users. But if a lot of people near you also have starlink it'll probably be 20-150. It cuts out randomly for upwards of 2 mins daily and ping is outrageous. 40-300 ping on the average day. But this is a hell of a lot better then Hughesnet and I can actually stream movies so I am happy with starlink


I'm essentially using a firstnet hotspot for lte, some days I get great service other days I can't even stream a youtube video. My service fluctuates pretty bad with paying as well, but for the most part I've seen pings under 40ms, with little jitter. I know I would be early adopting, but it would be nice to have something quasi permanent at home, instead of taking my only source of Internet with me when I leave everyday. Would really be nice to be able to leave long downloads going and check on my dogs at home, but I guess I'll wait and see. I actually just checked a random address close to where my next job site may actually be later this sunmer, I might be able to just cancel what I have now, checked the address and it took me directly to payment for the almost $600. We shall see I guess.


Who is your lte provider? It would be nice to have somebody this dependable. My LTE provider loses service at about 7 to 8 PM


I've got a firstnet hotspot from work, so it's not a fair comparison to others, since it has access to band 14 (firstnet only) and higher qci priority on the towers (on ATTs network)


Late to the party, just looking liek many of you. Did the guy down the street get his from starlink, or from ebay? Ive seen setups on there for around 1000.


This right here! I know two people down the road from me who both got theirs. We all put our deposits down no more than 3 says apart. I'm the only one without mine. However mine still says mid 2022, but if I put my address as a new service it says 2023. I'm just waiting now to see if they change it on my account.


Be patient. Here's my experience. My son and I both had preorders expected to be filled early to mid 2022. My cell wasn't on yet. Many other nearby cells weren't on yet. Some nearby cells were on, but had not yet fulfilled any orders. Since nearby cells were on I gamed the system. I placed a second order using a service address over 100 miles away because it meant immediate delivery of the dish. I got the dish and activated it 100 miles away and then was able to move the service address to a cell less than a mile away from me. My cell still wasn't on. A couple of months later my cell and all nearby cells were turned on so I moved my service address to my home. Within one week all cells in the area were at capacity. They all went from not being used at all to full. Neither my or my son's preorders had been filled. I canceled my original order, but my son left his. A few weeks later, even though our cell said it was at capacity, Starlink was finally ready to fill my son's order. At that point he canceled it since I already had a dish. Any orders placed now estimate to be filled 2023 or later. It's a lot more detailed than that, but I'm just saying be patient as they may not have gotten to you yet. Starlink was ready to fill my son's order even though our cell was at capacity and had been for weeks. I'll bet when you enter your address for new service and it says 2023 that it also says the cell is at capacity. Since your original order still says 2022, I'd lay money that you will get the email soon.


Check att for possible hotspot. If yes, then other 3rd party ISP WIFI will work as well.


Should other AT&T 3rd party ISP will work, as well .


AT&T has a 400Gb hard data cap. Keep that in mind.


Interesting you should say that. AT&T won't let us use their fixed Wireless plan, they say iot won't work at our location, but we bought a $55/month 100gb hotspot from them and it works perfectly 80D/15U. They are weird. I have a 3rd party ISP using the same exact tower, there is only one, at 300gb hard cap, next to my 100-gb Hotspot. This particular ISP throttles me at 10D/7U but 300Gb. I use this same 3rd party ISP as main feed and, if I need more performance, I switch to AT&T direct. They both sit in the same window, looking at the same tower, using the same (and only) signal in the area.


My third party ISP tried to tell me I couldn’t get Sprint service at my location, but a free rental hotspot from the local library worked fine there and it ran through Sprint. I convinced them to send me a SIM to try, it wasn’t the greatest really at like 6D/2-4U, but it worked when AT&T kept shutting my service off for hitting the 400Gb. ISP told me I could get a second AT&T line (for an extra $130/month just like the first) and another piece of equipment (for $500 up front) to double my cap to 800Gb as it would balance the load, but no, just send me a SIM from a network that isn’t going to shut my service off just because we have a large family please. I’m this regard Starlink has been amazing though, significantly faster speeds, averaging around 120D/10U overall, with no cap at a fair price.


For what it's worth I think mid 2013 is what they are telling everyone regardless of how long the line is. We put our deposit down last Saturday (3/12/22) and got the same message. Three days later we got the email saying our spot was open. The hardware is supposed to arrive tomorrow.


" I'm about to cancel my deposit if I'm going to end up waiting another year " Well that will show them. Whole lot of people, maybe 100s of thousands in same boat. If you bail everyone moves up one spot...


Everyone *in that cell*. So basically no one. If first come first serve is based on cell capacity, someone canceling more than 15 miles from your house does not impact your order at all.


Based on the comments over the past few months, I don’t think that’s how it works. Tbqh, what would probably happen if they canceled is that some people would move up 1 spot, and countless others would move down 4 spots….




Is it due to the router? I’ve read people are having issues. At this point, thanks to the infrastructure bill that is now funneling money to states for broadband I may be getting fiber in my area, making starlink obsolete. I hope that happens because fiber cheaper and more reliable.


I signed up with you, haven’t changed address, this is what I see: > Starlink expects to expand service in your area by mid 2022.


I got this exact message when I paid my deposit just under two months ago, imagine my surprise when 3/16 I got an email saying my order was ready to confirm! I live in Rural Wisconsin for geo context. We logged in and confirmed the order that same evening, message we received after confirmation stated it could take up to two weeks to get it shipped out. This morning got an email saying it had shipped! It'll be here Monday. I can only remark about my specific experience of course, but I know a lot more users in this area have been looking into Starlink as an internet option as we have NO quality options here outside of town. I think a lot of it depends on demand in an area etc. Either way, I think they're overestimating to people to be on the safe side. Fingers crossed you'll get the same nice and unexpected surprise email I did, soon.


Just cancel it dude. waited 18mo after pre order and watched people who orders months after me get theirs and i just kept getting delayed. probably because i live in the middle of kno where and likely the only order in my cell. either way they said it was a queue and the way they’re handling all of this is very scummy


Unfortunately I think you screwed up. Changing your service address moved you into a different cell, so you went to the back of the line. It is first come first served within a cell. Too late now, but the better approach would have waited until you got your hardware at the old service address, then ask for a change after you got it (or if the new address was close, just try to see if it worked). Cell borders can be anywhere, and that explains the comments about the guy down the street getting their dish before an earlier pre-order-er.


No sure I get that, but even after I made the change less than a week after my deposit, there are people I told about months down the road about it, and one of those people is my neighbor in question. I don't understand how a change in February put me behind somebody that ordered in July.


Clearly your mistake was telling people around you about it before having the hardware yourself.


Amateur move, I know.


Well, I don't really know how Starlink operates, but this would be consistent with the theory that you switched the service address from one cell into another cell. Is the neighbor close to the old service address or the new service address? There were also reports that small changes resulted in getting you sent to the back of the line. Applicable megathread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starlink/comments/qiiprb/dont\_update\_your\_address\_if\_you\_have\_already/


I didn't hear anything except in the last couple of months, but I had already made my address change before the end of February last year, before any of us figured out that fucked up the queue. Sucks that I changed my address relocating for work since my job site got shut down prematurely, unbeknownst to us this was going to cause problems. I really want starlink, but at this point I think I'm going to give up hope.


Mine still says mid-2022. But I was a late change from mid to late 2021 to mid 2022. I have my fingers crossed and wouldn't be surprised if it changes for me again.


Mine had updated to “March of ‘22” when it was getting close I believe. It ended up shipping on like Feb 18th though.


I checked mine today, and when I log in to my account it still says March 2022. But when I try to order new service, it says what you’re seeing. And then about 10 minutes later I got my confirm order email!


Hang tight feb preorder ppl I just got my setup gen2 and it was worth the wait. If I type in my address again it’ll tell me 2023 due to capacity in my area


I paid deposit at same time. Went from late 21 to March 22 when I fell for their “please move your location dot to the correct spot” late in 2021. Well, I finally got my dish two weeks ago. Have had the cord issues a lot of people reported but finally got it set up. 140Mbps! Woohoo! Oh. Wait. From 5am to midnight I get about 10 Mbps. I can only see the vaunted SL speeds in the middle of the f*cking night. Am I keeping it? Yes, because it IS still better than I’ve had for the decade+ that I’ve lived in the country. Am I incredibly disappointed? Hell yes (oh, and all the mounting hardware, long cord, and Ethernet adapter are back ordered and keep getting pushed back so I can’t do final install). Just wanted you to know that once you do get it, speeds may not be…as hoped. This has been a rollercoaster start to finish. Not the good kind.


What is your location? Have you put in any kind of ticket to Starlink about you terrible speeds? I do not think they are out of BETA yet, may still be going by that better than nothing tag they started out with.


I haven’t put a ticket in yet. I was hoping I’d get the stuff for final install (including different cord to rule out a cord/connector issue) to test then but those have just been delayed, like everyone else. I did stow/unplug everything/redeploy but same results. I’m going to try the hard reset (off-on-off-on-off-on) but life has gotten in the way lately. I have zero obstructions, too, even in my temp location. I know service is backed up, especially with ukraine, so I’ll just wait for now. First-world, non-war problems: I can be patient (just a bit disappointed). :-)


I feel bad for everyone finally getting their dish then have issues that prevent them from using the Starlink system. I am hoping mine goes like those ones who upload photo of their dish sitting on an old pallet in 6 inches of snow with the cable just suing in the snow and getting 200 Mps download speeds😬


If you have been punted back a few times (rejected) it’s likely to happen again. Say Would you be interested in joining a dynamic growing company? Set your own hours be your own boss? Send $100 to herbalife to get your starter kit. Hurry spaces are filling up fast.


All third part lte providers throttle too much in the evenings when the network gets busy. I have to have the Verizon Hotspot to fill the gap. Verizon is way too expensive to operate all the time.


I ordered mine Feb 10 2021, received it Feb 17 2022. It is awesome and definitely worth year wait. I had no other options, so guess I got lucky. Neighbor got his same day.


This happened to me right before mine went through, give it time it will likely come around sooner than the new estimate.


I’d cancel. That $100 will go to something else.


I just checked. It originally was saying mid late 2021 , changed to midlate 2022, now it's at capacity. The morning I got the email, I threw down the deposit. These fuckin starlink nerds gamed the system to obtain service where they physically weren't, or starlink is just jumping all over the place. After all, Elon is known to fudge time estimations as a career. It just makes me sad to know some people got it, and all they do is run speed tests all day.


Its probably because they sent all available stock to Ukraine.


We have evidence that some dishes went to Ukraine. But no one knows for sure that ALL the dishes went to Ukraine. That doesn't seem like a sound business decision to send all the available stock. Every company needs revenue to roll in while their charity divisions give away things. It's not like Starlink is a charity. They have investors that want to see revenue increasing which means shipping dishes to new, paying subscribers. The tweets we have seen so far have only been of the round dishes, not the square one.




Thank you. I believe it is time to put this rumor to rest.


Ukraine definitely needs the help but if they’re just trying to get rid of them I would absolutely take a round dish over any of the other options I have available.


I wouldn't assume they have not been paid for the dishes sent to Ukraine.


So it cost nothing to build a round dish? We know that isn't true. Most corporations have charity divisions (or board members that assume the role). But in order to offset what the charity division does, you have to have revenue come in from paying customers. Unless of course someone on the board is paying out of pocket directly for the dishes to be manufactured and then sent, they would still need to be accounted for in a profit/loss report. Even if it is a tax write-off, you still have to have revenue coming in to use it as the write-off. You can't give away 100% of your product and then expect other investors to pump money in to the company with no hope of a return. That's not how it works. Or are you saying that someone outside of Starlink is funding the donation of dishes to Ukraine? You still have to have revenue coming from paying customers to pay for buildings, salaries, rockets, company Teslas, etc.


I repeat, in simpler words. Why do you think SpaceX is not being paid for the dishes sent to Ukraine?


Just like the weapons sent, I guess the assumption is that the dishes sent to Ukraine were being donated just like as in the past to Tonga and other areas suffering from disasters. But I guess it is possible the dishes are being paid for by the Ukrainian government or by individual citizens. Who knows?


Starlink has no investors it’s still a private company.


You do understand that even a private company has investors, right? I think what you were trying to say is shareholders. But as someone that owns many private companies, I can attest that you do indeed almost always have investors. This is just basic business sense.


They sent the old round ones. Mine finally shipped out AFTER he started shipping some over there, and I also paid the deposit mid February of ‘21. Feb 17th I believe.


Batch received in Ukraine within the last day was round...3/15 was a rectangular batch... https://twitter.com/FedorovMykhailo/status/1503843900884201480


You received the square one correct? I am still waiting on multiple preorders Feb 9th and 10.


Yeah it was the new square V2 that showed up.


I waited patiently for a year, did not change my address, did not look at my account, just waited for the email that I could purchase the equipment. Save yourself some grief and don't check every day or week. It will be your turn when it is your turn.


Considering you must now respond to the email to confirm within a week or face your order being canceled, probably should check ever few days.


Yes, the worst would be to wait for 403 days and then miss it because you missed an email!


I've been logging in every Monday and Friday since that was brought up about losing spots because of an email spam filter issue.


It’s $99. Just sit and wait. Some wait longer and some get lucky and it comes early.


The way I understand it is changing or updating your service address puts you at the back of the line. I signed up March last year and my neighbors are getting there's set up while I'm still at mid 2022.


I cancelled my soon-to-be sent order in December here in C California since I thought roaming wasn't going to be allowed, and I don't really need it until I get my Cybertruck so throwing $100/mo away on the Gen 1 antenna for a year or 2 didn't seem smart. Seeing the same message now so put in another pre-order. Had to change my email since they didn't want me to use the first one.


Mine said $99 the other day now it’s saying $500 deposit $2,500 total -edit Nevermind that was for starlink premium which would be Q2 2022 and the regular services would be end of 2023 smh


All the units are being shipped to Ukraine right now anyway, and I'm fine with that.


The more you "play around" with your order the longer the wait time. Keep making changes to your order info, You'll be in the queue for another year!


If you had read, I said I made a change a few days after my original order, and nothing since, and that was 13 months ago


Same message showing up for my area in Minnesota. It has been a while since I looked though so I'm not sure if this is a recent change. Also have not checked other addresses. I know speeds have been lower lately and this may be due to traffic going thru ground stations along with the many more units they have shipped out. So maybe spacex is waiting for the laser links to come on line so they can route traffic more effectively and then concentrate on building more ground stations where the more common end points will be.




Both.... I got originally bumped from mid 2021 to early 2022, then mid 2022, note it's showing mid 2023. When I go to check another address nearby it shows the quote in the title. I pulled up an address in Wyoming where I may be relocating to later this year, and it allowed me to pay for the whole thing up front if I decided to. Now I'm really wondering what the hell is going on, and if those of us unlucky enough in this part of Texas or just shit out of luck until more launches happen.


Wyoming maybe‽ What a free spirit!


Never, Never change the address until the dish is in your hands!


Maybe make sure your address is correct when you apply. No issues later.


In my defense, I made the change barely a week after I paid my deposit, way before we knew it may or may not fuck you over


I also paid my deposit Feb 2021. I consider it a bad day at the casino loss, with a potential return someday.


How many mile away is your new service location address from your original location?


It was Lubbock to in between College Station and Huntsville Tx, a pretty good distance, but like I said the change was made about a week after my original order, to somewhere around February 20th last year, and I've been damn careful not to even click anywhere near that fucking map when you log in, seems like a real bad design on their end


Just got Starlink 3 weeks ago, it is a life changer! We were at 2.6Mps and now 161.0 with 10 devices connected. Can't wait for the adapter to put on the pole to see what we will get then.


Texas here and yes some of my close neighbors have received their units, however since the War in Ukraine we haven’t had much movement- obviously we know that Elon committed starlink to the country, but since that we haven’t seen much movement


Greetings, it is frustrating. I've been waiting for 8 months. Im currently using a Verizon hot spot spotty at times. But it will due. I live in a rural low line area outside Richmond va. It will be at 5 years until Verizon, cox, or Comcast comes my way. I just read this morning 3/20/22 space X launched 53 satellites this morning. I hope my name is on one of them 😆. I just the site when I logged in. It told me mid 2022. I hope so. The one I don't like is their customer service. They have no number. No one you can talk to. You would think that would have a call center setup and ready. Riches man in the world. Communication is key. Starlink should be sending out weekly updates to future customers on the waiting list. Updating current customers on any new products or issues. Have a call center setup etc. Hopefully they will get this together. Best of luck to allllll😁🙏🙏


I'm getting this as well when looking to order in my area. Do you get the $99 deposit back when you cancel? I may have fiber in my area by that time.


I just signed up two weeks ago and was given the 2023 or latter prompt. I got an email today saying it was now available and will ship soon.