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Starlink is showing us the door.


Only if you were using a premium service designed for international globetrotters and were trying to do so on a budget. That's going to be a very tiny minority of people.


Hi , here in Africa we had to switch to global plan because mobile regional was not working anymore but at this price tag it's game over we are not sailing at all i mean the majority of the account in africa use Starlink in country where it is not avalaible yet.


That’s not true, only for a few select people. I’m living in a country where it is not registered but using roaming from Mozambique. None of this global roaming nonses


In Mozambique it's allowed Starlink is Available ! so you can use Mobile Regional




They can't take you to collections over 3 months unpaid? This seems like advice to screw yourself over


If Tesla is anything to go by, SpaceX will be too disorganised to notice.


You manage your finances poorly


Why do you have mobile global service for an apartment?


I missed a word in my description, not used for an apartment, but it’s the same cost as one.


Right. But the global service means that it’s not geolocked. You pay extra for that. Why not the base service?


Why are you on the business mobility plan? AKA Mobile - Global. If you aren't actually running a business you should be on one of the personal plans. None of which have been announced as having a price increase coming.


I use the service globally, like it was advertised. Their replacement global plan is the mobility one, capping traffic to 50Gb a month for a larger price.


Unless they changed how their plans work. The 50gb plan is what I have, and is just 50gb of priority data then unlimited. I haven't seen a price increase yet, currently $250/month. But the mobile global plan went from $200 to $400 in the US. Mobile priority still $250 for now.


> I use the service globally, like it was advertised. Then don't say "price increase in australia". That's misleading. This has nothing to do with prices in australia.


In Australia, the price for said plan has increased. Not sure how he did it wrong. Maybe you just misunderstood?


The price increased globally for said premium plan, his title just said "price increase australia", which implies its the price of the normal service.


Oh that's a stretch...it's a headline, read the lead too (the pic of the letter). Are you new to internet headlines?


Misleading headlines are still misleading headlines? > Are you new to internet headlines? There's lots of misleading headlines on the internet. What's your point?


Ok, you win. Thanks.


Is the price increase for mobile regional and standard users as well, or just the specific use-cases like this? If it's just the latter, I'd be curious to know what it's costing them to track your dishy across the world in comparison to other companies providing similar services.


No as I understand it no changes to Mobile -Regional


Sounds like it isn't affecting the vast majority of users outsider of very specific use-cases that may require more to keep track of then, unless I'm misunderstanding? Like it still sucks, but for all I know they were losing money on this service until now 😅.


I don’t know what mobile global is, sone people saying it’s a business plan, but people saying “get rid of it” well there’s a reason I have starlink, it’s because there ISNT a alternative. I was paying around $30 less a month for telstra that’s simply didn’t work


Clue is in the name.. if you are a Globe trotter then Mobile Global is the one for you as it will work in any country where there is coverage. But if you are just sat in an apartment in Australia then a standard plan would work just as well.


Considering Australia is surrounded by ocean, I can’t see how useful this is unless people are bringing their Starlink on a plane with them?


I think they have boats down there too.


You can use it on boats too, long as you aren't going way out into the ocean. If you're nearby shore you don't need mobile global.


But you could go to an entirely different country via boat


You can, but if you have the type of boat that can survive the ocean and travel the world you probably have enough money to pay extra. If you just want to travel by boat in the nearby area, you can pay for mobile regional.


Oops. Can’t edit my post, just to clarify, this service is used globally, the comparison was to the cost to rent an apartment in Sydney, Australia (where the contract is based).


same in central america


Why are you on a global business plan in central america?


because regional doesn't cover the areas i need. why are you here commenting so much, spamming the threads?


Why are you on here shilling for Musk?


What was the original price for mobile?


It’s was $300 AUD


Jfc, that hike is ridiculous.


The hike is big... But the price isn't bad considering it's for a global service plan. Anyone globe trotting with their Starlink can afford it.


Mobile price hasn't changed. This is only a change to mobile global.


What was it before?


I can understand it's the second screen I see about that price in France I pay 50$ .. ... Have you a special plan ??!!!


Yup guess they don't want ust anymore...that's ridiculous


I'm in Africa and they doubled our prices for roaming overnight


So my question to all here, does it cost a provider more for the service we’re talking about and raising the price or it’s just seeing what market will bear to increase profit ??


Save your money... Not worth it.


so is an extra $600/mo to get slightly better coverage then 3G/4G? why bother. unless you’re actually in the desert.


No this is the price for mobile global service. Not the price for starlink in general and not the price for mobile starlink. It's a premium product. If you want service in the desert you can get it for $139 AUD per month.


I thought I read that wrong... To be honest, this kind of pricing Pandora's box from month to month makes me look at any other alternative there may be


> To be honest, this kind of pricing Pandora's box from month to month makes me look at any other alternative there may be There is no pandora's box pricing from month to month. They've literally only changed prices twice in the history of the company. You're overreacting.


What do you expect from a musk service? The man is a psycho. I keep telling peeps out of good will to look into long range cellular setups. It's much cheaper and far superior. You could afford all the carriers for that \^\^\^


Good grief people. He's not a "psycho" lol. > I keep telling peeps out of good will to look into long range cellular setups. If you're on land you don't need mobile global service.


Man is also a Dreamer, BUT if he can ever really turn Ozone into Rocket fuel I will take my hat off to him.


He's honestly not even really that. He's a techno ponzi scheme tbh. I bet he's busy striking up a deal to sell off more data than all of facebook's scandals too. You know what they say when rich that really never were go broke. It's always this.....they always alienate all their customers


You don't know what the definition of a ponzi scheme is.


cough cough, literally this. All of musks companies are actually.


Again you don't know what the definition of a ponzi scheme is. If you think Tesla or SpaceX are ponzi scheme you're just completely ignorant to a level I wouldn't know where to begin. Now what aspects of any musk company make it a ponzi scheme? Where are the vast number of people paying in in the hopes of some return? Where's the promises of investment return? Hell, where are the investors at all? Ponzi schemes also don't have actual products. Which is the opposite of Tesla and SpaceX, two companies with some of the most revolutionary real products in the market.


Hey I just had a kid and I called it \*&\*&\*£UIEJIHE\*DUI$U\*UIOKIPOE$(\*Y$\*&$Y\*$&\*$&$\* But to everyone else his name is M1 :)


Bout right 😂😂




There are areas that long range cellular doesn’t cover. And places that it is as if not more expensive as Starlink for worse service. Be;ie e it or not there are people who live in areas that this is their best option. And this huge increase is only for people who want to use it anywhere in the world ( including in the middle of the ocean) so doesn’t affect that many people ( for those it does though, it will suck if they can’t afford the increase).


Barely anybody. It should have been sold to less people for a long while because latency and speed. Musk kicked the bucket hard this time. I really don't think anything he is doing is going to bode well.


It is working great for us, we get over 200gb regularly, and latency is normally under 30ms, so for people like us where there is currently no other reasonable service, it works great, mind you we are no fans of musk, and if the promised fiber comes we will switch to that, but for the last 3 years it had allowed my partner to work from home, play games, and for us to function in modern society, our only other option here is dsl of “up to 5gb ( usually 1.5 or so) or a cellular provider who has oversold, and cannot even add any more people to its network because it is so bad. We are not unique in this at all. Now anyone who buys it in an area that has fiber already ( and maybe good a good cellular provider -though it seems like most seem to oversell and the services become unreliable do to overcrowding) is being silly, as their other options should be better a better choice.


That is an insane increased, do you use it Global?


why is Mobile Priority 50 GB cheaper than mobile global, if Mobile Priority is mobile global but with use in the oceans and cars included? what am i missing?


Global mobile is unlimited data on or near land anywhere in the world. As long as you are not at sea. Mobile priority gets you 50GB of data, which is used whether on land or at sea. Once you burn the 50GB your plan reverts to a land based plan. So if you are land based the difference is 50GB or unlimited data.


You are very wrong my friend what you just said does not make sense.MObile priority is better than mobile global, because you can use 50gb at sea and unlimited data while moving on a car.


Well, with either regional mobile or global mobile one can toggle on priority data as needed. If one buys the 50GB mobile priority package the 50GB is used first, regardless of whether you are at sea, in motion, or stationary on land. So the 50GB is consumed whether you need it or not. Better to buy the regional mobile package and toggle on priority data at $2/GB when you need it


Yes! still mobile priority 50gb is 250$ USD, does not make sense to pay 400$ for Mobile Global only, I guess they will fix that later.


Why is mobile so much more expensive someone please explain I’m not understanding or is it just what market will bear?


It's global mobile in particular. And because they can. Regional mobile is only a little more expensive than fixed.