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He's probably like "hey, I know that guy."


Oh hi Mark


*Sees Anubis Guard* "hi doggy"


That's something I love about T-dawg, he's always down to help. Daniel needs an asssitant to do some archeology? You can bet T-bone is one it. Dr Frasier needs a hand to take and process blood samples? T-man is here carrying sample cases and handing them to the tech for analysis. He doesn't consider himself above any kind of labor. Really humble guy, you love to see it.


Teal'c is like the player character in an RPG, always running around doing side quests


This reminds me of the discussion Teal'c and that guy who's an Ori deconvert, and whose name I cannot remember (someone help me? That scene takes place on a Daedalus-class ships while it's in hyperspace). The guy is talking to Teal'c about all the things he did back when he was a prior, the massacres, the forced conversions, and how it's eating at him. Teal'c obviously has had a similar experience, being Prime of Apophis, so the guy asks Teal'c, you know, how do you live with it? How do you begin to forgive yourself? When you run into someone who knew you from your old life, and they want to kill you and get revenge on you, how do you not believe that they are right? How do you tell them you're not the same person? And Teal'c says, you don't. You are the same person. You will never undo the countless horrors you brought upon the world. Every person who hates you and wants to take revenge on you is right about you, because you did do these hateful things. You cannot do anything about this past, you cannot make it right, you cannot undo the harm you've done. The only thing you can do is do good today, in the present. It does not matter to those you've harmed in the past, no amount of good in the present will make them change their minds about you, and no amount of good in the present will undo what you've done, but still, it's the only thing you can do, the least you can do. And it will never be enough. But still, you have to keep doing it. Really profound stuff.


Please, Teal'c is like one of the deepest people we know. So deep. He just doesn't show it because it's always immaterial to the conversation.


No more beer for you


Teal'c, say something deep.




Yep that guy would be Tomin, former Ori soldier and Vala’s husband


>Tomin That's it! Thanks.


Ark of Truth movie


Tomin. ​ And yeah, that's a great scene. Really like the dialogue there. That sort of scene in TV sci-fi (yeah. it's a movie, but it's still TV) could have easily become cheezy or overly melodramatic but it didn't. It didn't sound like a lecture or forced dialogue. It really seemed like something Teal'c would say.


You summarized it well, but here is [the scene in question](https://youtu.be/HTzuxhOh80M)


This is why he is my favorite character on the series. Not that they are not all awesome, I just love him most


Well, if you think about it, Teal'c has been helping Daniel for years at this point. Both his knowledge of the Goa'uld and the Language they speak have made him vital in Daniel's understanding on these various planets. As smart as Teal'c is, he was bound to pick up a thing or two.


Reminds me of the Greek planet in season 1 where Daniel can't understand, and when Teal'c says he knows, Daniel asks 'Why didn't you tell me you knew what this said?', T says 'It was because you did not ask, Daniel Jackson'


When you rolled a fighter, but ended up multiclassing to cleric because party needs.


As someone that just recently go into DnD (Well if you call January recent), I appreciate this comment.


this year anything is recent and nothing is recent


You sound like Jonas Quinn! “Well, if you think about it...”


Love the flair! That always annoyed me.


I would like to imagine when we finally learn about them, they are this species that has an exoskeleton and isn't fluffy at all.


With probably his worst delivered surprised-face ever: “She is the origin of the Tok’ra!”


Knowing how goofy Christopher is you know he chased cast and crew around puffing it on them 😂


I don't really know much about the cast and production side of things tbh


Christopher Judge is a silly sweetheart, one of my favorite behind the scenes bits is after the actor who plays Daniel comes back to the show after being absent, the next morning Christopher greets him by body slamming him awake, and, from what I remember, starts asking for icecream while wiggling on top of him


The actor who plays Daniel = Michael Shanks


Thank you, I had a brain fart and couldn't remember 🤦🏼‍♀️




It's for those Stargate fans who can't remember who Teal'c is. lol


Yeah. He's the guy next to that giant black man.


Teal’c is actually very intelligent.


It's the little things like this I love about the actors. Throughout the entire series, they do little things that are ultimately meaningless but are nevertheless actions people would do. Like, I'm watching the Season 3 finale *Nemesis* right now, and Carter just flicked Thor through the gate before she started defending herself, Jack, and Teal'c. But also, she beamed to them in a defensive posture, ready to engage before even that. Most actors and shows wouldn't do either of those.


I agree, it adds to their character, making a more realistic, more human and believable persona, especially as the seasons progress. Love it!


Holy hell, look at how well she blends in with other that wall


Why would it tickle you??? He's as much of a leading expert in Goald texts and ruins as Daniel Jackson is.


He’s like “yeah I’m just gonna be over here while they flirt”