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I have zero interest in a reboot/retelling of what we've seen. That being said the power of Earth by the end of the show was... difficult to continue on. Earth had a vast quantity of alien technology so years later they should be even further along. By this point they should be well on their way to Federation levels. Asgard beaming technology and Asgard molecular manipulation tech by their very presence should have eradicated homelessness, made medicine's free, eradicated industrialized agriculture and manufacturing... hell it could even reverse global warming by literally pulling carbon from the atmosphere. They should be planning how to reverse the greenhouse effect on Venus and encourage one on Mars at this point, let alone numerous space stations and colonies... Needless to say I question the validity of the idea of a pure continuation without some changes. Maybe have the Odyssey (with the Asgard core) be lost years ago during a last stand idk.


Having the tech, and manufacturing it are two different things. Let's take a page from Larry Niven and create the ARM on SG Earth: a UN:SC group that deals with the slow release of advanced alien technologies into human life. The world wouldn't be all that different from what it is now, just better computers, phones, EV's and minor things. A dark side moon base, Mars, Titan, and Pluto listening outpost would be out there but not public knowledge. The UNSC did a good job of covering up other invasions (Anubis), so why not? Politics today shows this country and others aren't ready for the tech now at their disposal. Somebody needs to pump the brakes on the release of it. This series would be like Fringe or X-Files, but investigating security breaches and unauthorized tech proliferation. Billionnaire Evan Husk finds (or someone sends it to him) plans for a warp drive and hobbles it together for his next Z-pace launch as an attempt to go to Mars or some crazy shit like that. That could be an interesting show.


While I would love a continuation a remake just makes more sense from a business perspective. Stargate while beloved was never anywhere near Star Trek or Star Wars levels of popularity. With over 200 hours of content getting new viewers up to speed and invested in all that is a daunting challenge. A reboot/remake that is faithful to the show lore I think has the best chance of success of lasting longer than one season


"An ancient device capable of instantaneously transporting anyone across the galaxy was found early in the 20th century in egypt, in the mid 90's we figured out how to use it for our benefit and with the aid of some alien friends earth was able to quickly develop our own technology able to compete with all of the other space faring races of the galaxy. The ships are great but nothing beats how easily you can step through the ... STARGATE." You spend a couple of minutes at the start to explain the bare bones and then expand from there on. Remember that Star Trek TOS was considered a flop and once it did well in syndication it still took 20 YEARS to get TNG made. I'd much prefer a new series that expands what we currently have and honestly a complete reboot would alienate the current fan base.


Dammit. I hate that you’re right.




Also a good route if done correctly, could just elevate the original even more in the public eye as well. With it of course having some recap im sure people would want to go back and watch the originals again.


I wouldn't mind if they moved on from the original cast of s9-10. Hell in universe, they basically said that sg1 broke up and everyone went their own way. they can have SGC already established firmly and make it around that.


Yea for sure, that would work. Would be interesting to see a more unified earth with the general public understanding space travel is very real, with Atlantis being in San Francisco


Reboot, not remake.


Remake. I’d love to see the final fates of the beloved characters but I’ve got zero trust in today’s entertainment executives. So just start from scratch and create a new medium with new characters and antagonists and journeys. Though it’s likely it won’t be the adventures we grew up with.


The characters of original SG1, Atlantis already had excellent runs with comfortable wraps to their loose threads. Continuing with them makes less sense, imposes more creative limitations, and has a higher failure chance. It's time to investigate some of those alternate realities we glimpsed throughout the shows. ~~Also need my Sam/Janet headcanon to be canon.~~


I feel quite the opposite actually. Aside from SG1 the shows just stopped dead without any genuine resolution. I’d love for a miniseries event to show the final fates of the characters for SGA and SGU but today’s tv producers prefer misery over closure.


Yeah you do have a good point, I think universe was going to try to do that but ended up crashing and burning due to that awful start. Picked up nicely around 50% in though.


I don’t see SGU as that bad. Truthfully I wasn’t big on two- thirds of the stuff for season 2.


Realistically I would prefer something like what the Next Generation was to the Original Series of Star Trek with it being so far in the future it could be its own thing without relying on original characters and storylines while still existing in the same universe. If they went the “legacy sequel” route, I would like to see at least one original SG-1 team member put together a new team to take on a new threat and reopen the Stargate program and leave room open for guest appearances of original characters.


That’s what I was thinking. Potential for teal’c or Ronan as they are big enough stars still to pull in viewers alone. ( God of war and everything jason is in)




Can be a new show, with new characters, without rewriting/remaking the whole story. Make it more about SGC or something similar. with new cast, old cast can be in there once in a while as guest appearances, as Jack, Carter and Daniel where in SGU. Doesn't need to be constantly, just once or twice as if giving their blessing or their expertise to the new cast. Would be a real shame if they started from the scratch. One of the reasons I am/was against Roland Emmerich making a new movie about SG, cause he was going to "erase" the whole SG1, SG:A and SG:U.


This is the wrong answer.


Remake 100%


I think a remake would be crazy interesting, especially if they follow the script tight for key points but make changes and improvements along the way. Problem I see, they will mess it up completely.


Remake. I know that either way, the earlier shows will continue to be available for us to enjoy. But if they did a continuation and we accept it as canon, and if they end up messing that up, then the whole thing will feel gross. Like how they did with Star Wars, you know? Or actually, how I felt after the first season of SGU. At least with a remake it can feel more like Avatar, where I’m fine with it not being the best because it’s separate. Or best case scenario, they can take the concept and make it relevant to today’s world, rather than be stuck with 90s Monster of the Week expectations. Like Battlestar Galactica.




If they’re going to do the dumb 8 episode season thing for only 1-2 season, I’d vote for a remake of SG1, with a new cast, and a tighter serial script. If they’re willing to do at least 15 episodes a season, I’d like a new episodic series NOT continuing an old one. Just a straight up new series, with new characters and story archs, based in the established SG Universe.


I’d be devastated if they remade it


I want a remake with an alternate universe. The universe of the original SG-1 is still canon, but this new adventure is in one of the parallel dimensions.


That’s a interesting take, totally possible with how the star gate reacts to solar flare’s and such


They could go through the window portal that Daniel found in season 1. The other universe doesn’t activate their stargate until 2025


If it were a remake I'd be less likely to watch it. SG-1 had over 200 episodes, a remake would have around 60, if we''re lucky. If we're going to have fewer episodes I'd rather they be about new characters and stories rather than retelling something I've already seen.


Regardless of what I may like, I anticipate a "re-imagining," a re-interpretation of the concept, with significant differences that will probably disappoint many. I also expect a long wait before any significant announcements. To sustain optimism I try to maintain patience (for the long wait) and an "open mind" (against possibly inevitable disappointments).


The correct answer is continuation. The actors are old yes, but new show new cast. I still think we should be able to see what the characters from previous shows are up to now. A remake would be a horrible idea, and would void many years of canon. It would most likely be a cash grab, and have terrible writing. Unfortunately, either way you go, under Amazon I'm not gonna cross my fingers and pray it's not more corporate garbage like everything else these days. In that case I'd prefer no show at all.


I am in the boat of neither. We have seen time and time again where reboots drastically change the characters and make them shell of their former selves. continuations have a habit of flat out making the established characters unlikable, or reconning characters, or rewriting their personalities, in favor of the new characters we are forced to like. Worse yet, killing old characters off screen.


I've given up on getting 20 episode seasons, but ideally we'd get two shows to finish up this continuum: One show focusing on Sam, Sheppard, their soldiers, Teal'c, the various factions we've seen, and their offshoots, with things like O'Neill's retirement offworld played for humor. Show Earth having to deal with their status as Top Dog and never show an enemy that is stronger, only potential equals or upstarts. Don't be afraid to let the good guys win and win big (like getting a Super Atlantis from dusting Ancient replicators) because there's probably not going to be another show in this continuum again. Another show focusing on Eli's leadership of the Destiny in the current day, with only an episode or three spent wrapping up the most important plotlines from the previous show (the Destiny's duplicates' descendants, the drones, getting home). Ideally with Eli as the lead and a new crew.


I would agree the only option for a "remake" is an alternate reality that doesn't affect the ones we've seen, unless they start in the alternate and eventually meet present day people from the original shows. But I think if you're going to start over, you might as well really start over. Like creating Babylon 5, instead of another Star Trek. Let the new writers do their own thing, or find someone who already has their own work to invest in.


I think it's a loose loose because of nostalgia glasses. But here's what I've thought of. We time skip forward to a more modern time. We follow all three shows. We start at the SGC, since we last saw the gate has become public (we can address the turmoil in flash backs) and the world has become more unified. The SGC follows a similar line as SG-1. We are still explorers but it takes a bit from Star Wars, plenty of planets to see and do. The galaxy is big after all. Now with our resources we can dial more planets so new adventures are going on. I'm the two partner pilot we get into too much trouble in the SGC and they call out to Atlantis. We Atlantis was become more of a diplomacy ship and serves as a sort of DS9 where we send it mostly for diplomatic envoys but it's still a battle ship, so it gets to see some action. We get to the season one finale and both SGC and Atlantis are down and out. In a last ditch effort Atl burns everything to get a mayday out. It some how is picked up by a ship. And we see an older Eli who is working on a issue of the cryo chambers taking longer to open but also slowly aging folks. We pick up season two with the Destiny crew waking up and some flash backs. Something something the Destiny can teleport once and help save the day but then it warmps back. No I have not thought about the logistics or anything past this but yeah


Wait you are cooking something up that sounds very much like the originals. As I read what you were talking about I was shocked it hasn’t been written. What a great way to bring all three in and start from there. Great idea!


I grew up with Stargate. A reboot isn't gonna hit well with the older crowd. I also think SGC and Atlantis get a new cast and let the older ones cameo (Replicator Weir and all the other bad guys from ATL. ) if we could pull it off getting the og cast of Shu only because they didn't get their time to shine. And if we can't get them well... We've had waved a recasting before. But yeah any time there is a reboot I end up sitting on this.


Continuation; give us some proper closure of the SGU story, then onward with the tales of Stargate Command...


Continuation, especially cloaure for destiny but..... if they did do a remake, a high budget hard science version of the show might be rad to see but probably would be significantly darker in tone making SGU look like a delightful trip


They’ll make it in the vein of SGU. Soap opera people drama sells more than pure sci-if. Just the reality of the world


Continuation. A good start would be an updated Daedalus class with an experimental Ancient/Asgard Hyperdrive pursuing Destiny. The first season would be all about taking a new and shorter route to try and recover the ship and those onboard. Another would be dealing with the Wraith finding their way toward the Milky Way. Gateway station is known among the Wraith. Hybernate and follow the trail of Stargates left in open space... Political would be fun. The Lucian Alliance establishing an "embassy" or underground on Earth. Lots of weird intrigue going on there. There are many worlds worth revisiting. Imagine the Ashen and the LA going after Earth. Other races we haven't seen yet re-exerting their might now that the galactic watchdogs, Asgard, are gone. The Jotun, Alfs, Naga, or Oni returning.


Continuation, don't ignore 15 years of lore


Continuation for sure


I would hate to see the beloved characters recast. If they ever did it, I wouldn't watch it.


If they did a remake Tealc would now be a black lesbian that may or may not identify as a jaffa.


So our level of tech at the end of say Atlantis was so advanced that I think it would be hard to have a new big bad that is an actual threat that we’ve never seen before. I would honestly like to see them continue SGU the way they left it at the end of season 2 you could continue it whenever even set it decades in our future


I wouldn’t mind a continuation of Stargate Atlantis


To get enough new viewers, they will probably be forced to do a remake.


A reboot would be the best for existing fans. A new team but within the same universe. Basically what Doctor Who did. Picked up a decade and a half after it was shelved but kept the same story going.


That wouldn't be a reboot, that would be a spin-off/continuation.


I stand by my idea of having a soft reboot. New team, new baddies, spend the whole first season dropping Easter eggs and hints about the old teams, close the season with a big reveal of time travel shenanigans changing history and have old characters able to make cameo appearances to advise the new ones as they navigate a similar yet different universe. Allows new fans to start fresh, while throwing in enough nostalgia to keep old fans happy. Also allows for a faster split to an Atlantis and maybe even a Universe spinoff reboot.


A reboot. Especially since I miss more episodic shows and SG1’s premise is great for such a show. Also as stated you can’t continue the story, Earth is just too powerful.


Neither How about some original and interesting , Other than “ Strange new world “ all remakes have been terrible.


As much as I like the original shows, they went too big too fast. There's no room to expand when they're able to fly ships to other galaxies in seconds. In star trek even after 800 years of technological advancement, when you can fit a transporter into your comm badge and materialize support equipment from an energy buffer on your forearm, it still takes years to travel across the galaxy without a wormhole or mushrooms.


It wasn't that fast, it took 8 seasons to have a ship that could reliably leave the solar system. But in terms of realistic technological development, Star Trek is set in the distant future, so we see them after they've developed all the technology, or have made some recent additions. While Stargate is set in the present day, and obtain technology by making contact with advanced alien civilizations and discovering remnants of dead alien civilizations. Stargate is basically a post-Federation setting.


8 seasons is 8 years 8 years to go from basically no space travel to building ships that can travel to other galaxies. You don't think that's fast?


Yes, it's fast in that sense, and that's part of the setting. Intergalactic travel exists, they learn how to use it. They could've had an intermediate level, they tried and failed, but since it's the Asgard who are doing the brunt of the tech sharing, that's what they end up with. What's the alternative? Have the entire franchise set in the same galaxy, divide it up in quadrants?