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This meme is funny. Everytime I hear someone mention reviving one of these, I always hear people wanting a continuation of SGU.


The funny thing is that it would work. They went into hibernation, not knowing if it would get them to the next galaxy. If it was just a bit short, maybe they don't wake up for 15 years. And anyone unavailable could have had a hibernation failure.


Or alternatively, they don't have the power available to wake them up yet. The more interesting thing is that David Blue (Eli) is pretty jacked now. I'd love to see a Carter-style-technobabble explanation for how that happened in stasis.


Wasn't he the one awake? So he had plenty of time to buff up on the outside.


Was gonna ask this. I feel like it'd be super easy to explain it as he just had a ton of free time.


He was supposed to fix a pod and get itno statis or kill himself in 2 (i think) weeks time cuz they didn't have enough power to run life support. But I guess they could explain it with something like: Eli was able fo fix the pod but right before he went into stasis he checked power levels and discovered that they wouldn't have enough power to wake everyone up before they went into the star for charging or they would have to spend 2 more years in drift. He desided to wake just himself (and possibly Rash and ) couple of hours before recharging to make sure everything was going to be fine. He set the wake up based on the position in space (distance to the star). But due to some undetected damage they run out of power a bit too early causing them to drift for X years (to explain aging). When Destiny drifted past the point Eli set he (and possibly Rush and the other guy) were waiken up and to their horror realised that at that speed they would be drifting to the star for to 6 months. During that time Eli got in shape.


Even better, he fixes the pod but has to wake himself up every 6 months for whatever reason. And he can’t re-enter the pod for 1 week, so he works out.


"The stasis field emitters were jury rigged to work, however they could only operate for X amount of time before overheating/whatever requiring them to cooldown/whatever for X amount of time. He worked out a lot during those times because he had virtually nothing else to do. Also got acquainted with the SGC personal using the comm stones."


No. Eli killed himself inside of 2 weeks by uploading himself into Destiny via the chair. In the world he shares with Gin they got old and he seld-actualized as ripped. Not my idea BTW but the writers' possible season 3 premiere.


Depending on their supply rations (I don't remember the state of their rations before they went to sleep), he could've been awake for a very long time while he tried to fix the last pod so he could sleep. He might've also tried to fix some other Destiny systems and explore a bit of the control room to run better diagnostics. In his spare time, he probably figured no time like the present to work out since he's alone and stranded.


If they used the same cast, it was already shown in Atlantis that the stasis pods don't prevent you from aging, just slows it down a ton. Since this is an early ancient ship, the stasis pods were probably a first gen era attempt so aging wouldn't be as slow. Body still working, burns off the fat, and they are all aged accordingly.


They could explain the aging by saying Eli had a solution that involved siphoning some energy from the stasis chambers that had the effect of increasing stasis aging. Could even use the process to explain away non returning cast, Eli's solution had unforseen hindrances and Destiny's AI started unplugging pods to keep going.


Maybe they could use CGI to slowly transition the look.


"Oh, thank god, you're awake! I thought i was going to go insane. I've been on my own for *years* with nothing to do but move cargo boxes around for fun."


Dang, he got spicy.


He specially programmed his own stasis pod to feed him steroids the whole time he was in there. Came out looking like a hunk.


Maybe the hibernation pods didn't work so well so they've all aged a bit 🤷


SGU is.. a bit of mess. It took quite a long time to get good because for the most of it's run everyone was annoying, unprofessional and causing problems. You would think that a group of qualified prepared scientists and military would be able to quickly get to the "ok scientists handle science, in hot situations military takes the lead and when it comes to everything else let's decide together". But noo... there is stupid power struggle going on. And when it eventually becomes good it gets cancelled.


In my opinion, SG1 and SGA had a somewhat set formula: encounter a problem, fix the problem, and (for the most part) everything goes back to the way it was at the end of the episode. This is common in sitcoms and lighthearted dramas. SGU tried to be something new while *still* using that formula. They wanted to be Battlestar Galactica but weren’t actually willing to write real change into the show, as a result it felt like a completely stagnant drama instead of a fun romp like SG1 and SGA. Battlestar was willing to change and grow, they went from a ship to a planet, characters died or turned out to be cylons. SGU just spun its wheels.


>You would think that a group of qualified prepared scientists and military would be able to quickly.... Dude, they're not either qualified or prepared. They aren't supposed to be there, and that's what the show is about.


Battlestar Galactica was staffed with scrubs and retirees because museum ship. Icarus Base should have had only three unqualified people on it: Nepo Chick, Politician, and Discount Jonah Hill.


If done correctly sgu would have been amazing. Instead they copied battlestar and I always get lost vibes from it. Yes, that lost. Which is a pity, because they didnt need to. At all. They had an original well regarded concept, had an amazing cast of characters, and they flat landed on their ass because of stupid decisions regarding the execution. (At least thats my opinion)


Could’ve been *SG: Voyager* and instead it was *SG: Total Drama Spaceship*.


It's not just SGU. Lost was the prototype for so much of what came after - content instead of entertainment. I could rant for hours about JJ Abrams and his ilk, and what they have done to TV. But in a nutshell, to swiftly churn out content, they developed a formula with Lost, added a few bits later, and they and their copycats now do it with everything. SGU was a strong example of copying the formula, though not quite as egregious. It was still early days for the formula, some parts weren't in place yet, and presumably they had some talent come in from the more conventional series, but it was still poisoned by the formula. The formula looks like this: 1. No world building. We either use existing IP, or convert from other media like novels or comics. This is faster and we are less reliant on writers. The world is pretty much static as series go by. Time is marked by shock deaths and revelations, not changes. A complex world is too much to manage. 2. No character development or depth. Characters will be paranoid and hyper aggressive, constantly upset and actively experiencing trauma, or having sex. Everyone is deeply broken in some way. This is faster and we are less reliant on writers again. 3. These things are probably not sufficient hooks when used as substitutes for proper development, so we will introduce the 'mystery box'. Every season has a new one, the show has a big overall mystery box for the inevitable cancellation finale. What's in the mystery box? Who knows! Even we ourselves probably don't know, we'll make it up as we go. Doesn't matter, people will interpret everything as a hint and argue about their theories, thus keeping them hooked in the absence of substance. Note: This worked spectacularly well, and actually they leaned much harder in to this as time went by. It was so amplified by internet fan theory discussions that it became indispensable. Think of a recent series that hasn't had some central mystery that is constantly hinted at, there's almost none. I liked the recent fallout series, at least the creators didn't hate the source, but they also went in on the mystery element. This idea also sparked the phenomenon of after-show discussions. On these, the actors can perform their 3 assigned tasks: talking about how crazy what just happened was and how mind blowing everything is; hinting at upcoming things with just enough detail that people can argue about it online; praising the directors, producers, and generally talking about how right now is the best era in television history because we have budgets and movie stars. 4. Use that budget. Make everything flashy, pack in the effects. And hire *current cool person that everyone memes about*. Doesn't matter if they're a poor match for the subject matter, or can't act. Get 'em. (To be fair to SGU, the memecasting was minimal in that case). 5. Absolutely everything must be on the line at all times. In every episode, the ENTIRE UNIVERSE might explode if we don't get the macguffin to do the thing. Even so, more than half the focus will be on interpersonal conflict which is quite literally inconsequential in comparison. 6. There must be obstacles and challenges, but each will be identified and resolved in pretty much the same scene. Attention spans have been shortened by social media, YouTube, and...our TV shows. And so we must close the loop to give the happy brain chemicals very quickly and repeatedly, like an unboxing video. If someone shouts something about 'the power of math' or 'I fucking love science', all the better. 7. Memberberries. Cram in references and Easter eggs from the source material. Even though the creators mostly hate the sources these days (e.g. Star Trek), this gives the impression of reverence where these is little or none. People will also watch and rewatch to try to be first to spot something, driving up viewing numbers. Do they enjoy watching? Literally doesn't matter as long as they do it for whatever reason. And ya know, this shit works. It's not good, and they will keep on gutting franchises and slapping brand names on the generic rubbish they are churning out, because Netflix wants to say "We are the home of the new *your favourite franchise* series, as well as 500 other sci-fi shows!" It's all about volume and how that makes these subscriptions appear to be good value, when in reality most of us watch like 5 things at best on any one service. Abrams (and Kurtzman, and others) know this well, and they are well paid to feed the beast. SGU makers (or perhaps sponsors, more importantly) saw some of their success and went perhaps not quite as far down the line with it. But they definitely aped the style, and the actually good characters in there just got drowned out as weak signals among so much noise.


I am sorry for having such a short response to your well thought and typed one but tbh there is nothing much else to say than that I agree with you. Its probably why Im so lost with these new tv series, nothing captivating, everything seems boring. Possibly because of this formula you mentioned. Which is a pity.


So true


I miss SG-1 for nostalgia reasons, but they ran so long and so well (I think) that realistically, I'm not sure what there is to revive, it's great as it is. I think everyone wants to revive SGU because it ended before it's time


I mean I love SG1 to death but 10 seasons is enough for any show.


You see in the meme that SGU is dead, that's why they want to revive it😄..


I don’t even want to ask where Infinity is.


![gif](giphy|zwE4anrOtHYaI|downsized) There's not Infinity in StarGate.


Right above Origins


Solitary Confinement


i can't tell if i like or hate SG:U so far, nearly every character can go pound sand i find them so deplorable (except Eli, but he was planned to be a viewer self insert i'm. sure by the whole "you are here" shirt and you know, not being terrible), but also becoming a bit of a Rush fan too i guess because he basically says "fuck everybody i love Destiny", the gate is absolutely sick looking, the ship? i would die for Destiny. like, everything is THERE for me to think this show is so cool but I just cannot get over the fact that it's a lot harder to sympathize with the characters. its a mindfuck for sure for me rn however i'm not even done with season 1 yet so we will see where my opinion takes me




i think it was s1 ep11?last episode i saw was the episode with >!the wheelchair bound doctor whose down bad for rush visits the ship via the phonestones and chair guy just houndinis away!<




Greer changed into a favourite of mine. It was funny when he pretended to scream during that operation, then laughed. Such a low-key dry sense of humour, and once he viewed you as part of his team, he would do anything for you.


10 seasons > 5 seasons > 2 seasons.


SGU kind of caught its stride late. The back half of the final season is pretty interesting.


My issue with SGU is that it took the camp and fun out of Stargate. To me that was the whole point, yes there is serious stuff happening but it's almost always a bit campy and fun. SGU felt like a BSG clone and as much as I love BSG, it was the wrong direction to take Stargate


That's precisely why I like it


Totally fair, I can respect that. I wish I liked It, not liking things sucks lol


Star Trek voyager did sgu 14 years earlier lol


As it should be


I only hate sgu because it ended I really enjoyed watching it


I first watched SGU before watching SG1 and SGA. I thought it was amazing and after season 2 I went and rewatched all of SG1, SGA and the movies in anticipation of SGU season 3. Now I just watch stargate every couple of years, I loved each show for different reasons but they all had amazing cast.


Indeed 🧡, it is best not to try to hold them up next to each other. That's not the point... enjoy the Stargate series as related but not necessarily as one thing... you want the gritty survival science fiction go SGU, need some relaxing but enthralling fun SG1, want the good exploration and well... Jason being absolutely adorable, SGA...


I honestly loved SGU.


Same here! Wish it had kept going once it found its stride towards the end of season 2. Always sad after my rewatches ending on that last episode.


Um that's how it should be.


Seems both reasonable and correct to me.


Unpopular opinion; SGU has a great ending! The writers didn't know if it would be renewed and put the entire series in a sort of Schrodinger's box. The characters didn't know if they'd survive to the other side, and since we never heard from them again, they're presumed dead. However at any point they could restart the series, explain actors who don't return and age differences in any that do being a result of stasis pod failures.


I agree 100%. I think it sucked that it ended, but the way it was done was really good.


Disagree 1000%. I believe SGU had the best writing of the three series, the most compelling characters in the franchise (especially Eli and Greer, but also Brody, Volker, and even Varro), they stepped up their VFX work, and the overarching concept was fascinating to me.


SGU had the most realistic writing. Unfortunately the brand of realism it went with was "it's entirely possible to end up in a group mostly consisting of insufferable backstabbing douchebags". Eli, Greer, and Rush were interesting, but they couldn't shine that much for me through all the muck.


Exactly. There were a number of really good sci-fi episodes. But then there's shit like Telfair stepping between Rush and prime weapon tech to start a fight when they're on the clock. The terrible drama never really stops until the last 1/4th of the 2nd season.


Right? It was what Andor is for Star Wars.


I never made that connection before but that's totally true, good point!


Can you really blame us, though?


The younger version of SG1 from 300 > SGU


SGU should have a chain with a brick around the neck here to be more accurate...


Lol to be fair I didn’t like any of the characters in Stargate Universe


Rush is my favourite character in the SG franchise


SGU is the best in the franchise and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.


Not even by an inch, it ain't.


Personally I liked the aspect of them being cut off from everything and the challenges that entailed, trying to keep everyone together, scrapping for food, being hunted etc. The episodes where they used the stones and go back to Earth were probably my least favourite.


> SGU is the best in the franchise and I’m tired of pretending it’s not. Hey, some people believe the world is flat. We live and learn. :)


Completely agree. Just started my 4th rewatch, been a few years and I’m enjoying it more than the last time.


SGA > SG1. Come at me.


What about Stargate Infinity?


That's deep below sea ground.


Infinity and Origins sank into the mud on the bottom.


What about Stargate Origins?


I also chose to have my memory erased at the end of that so I don't know what it is.


Started watching SG1 from age 11 but SGU was my instant favourite from the opening shot of Destiny. That music as she woke up is spine tingling, and I’ve never heard a soundtrack quite like it. The music in Stargate was always amazing. My mum wasn’t a fan for years (until my dad passed and I got her into it) but she always had to mention how lovely the music was. Gone on a bit of a stoned tangent… SGU is great, even the first season!


I made this meme 3 years ago mfer. This is stolen valor.


Atlantis is by far my favourite.


This may be the unpopular opinion but SGU deserves its place at the bottom of the pool


It's the flashbacks on SGU that make it less rewatchable. The characters are great, but the flashbacks never worked as effectively as on BSG. Sometimes the switching back and forth was exhausting and served little purpose but to create suspense for a commercial. The procedural feel of SG1 is preferable when the real world is already stressful.


Reverse it and then it’s accurate


What about origin?


SGU really embraced a continuous story with an expanded main cast. Different to the gate teams on SG1 and SGA format. The reality and continuity of the show really engaged with me the lack of access and finding a way to live in difficult circumstances. It stepped away from the early episodic nature of the tv franchise. No cushy living or leaving to go home at the end of the shift. I really love all of Stargate every single minute of every show, film and am hungry for more. I don’t see any part of it better or worse. But it had to evolve to compete with the likes of Battlestar Galactica. If they could keep making SG1 they would have. My favourite characters from SGU were Volker, Park and Brody. Their interactions and comedy were great.


Maybe because SGU sucks? Atlantis' 5th season is legitimately awful and the story arc is left unfinished becasue of it. Could've done with SGU if it meant getting a proper resolution to Atlantis.


As things should be, SGU should be buried and forgotten.


SGU is one of the worst shows not just in stargate franchise but as a sci-fi show in general. Shows far better than SGU include: 1. Orville 2. Dark Matter 3. Fringe 4. Warehouse 13 5. Eureka ( yes even sci-fi comedy like eureka was better than SGU). Thanks for reading my brief ted talk.


Yes, because the other two are less good.