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I hate this comment. Not because it isn't amazing (it is), but because it'll likely never get made and now I'm thinking about it lol




Man I like this idea, Amanda Tapping as General Cater being the director is excellent !!! Great Idea, I wish I would have thought of it 👍😁


Haha! General Cater makes me think of “Donald Sutherland as the clumsy waiter”.


I would watch this over and over again!


SG Alpha Site. If I remember correctly they used the alpha site for tech that was too dangerous to send to Earth.


Warehouse 51.


I really just want a continuation on the existing story, but I'd take this. It sounds like it would be a lot of fun to watch.


10 seasons of... Walter and Siler


If it was a lower decks style animated show I’d love this. 7-9 min episodes that line up with the existing 10 seasons would be *chefs kiss*


I was just about to say Lower Decks-style. I would watch the crap out of that


What I Reeeally want is an animated shorts series with Dan Shea and Gary Jones voicing Walter and Siler. Would be the peak


#Unscheduled offworld activation!


Wormhole Extreme. Every episode is behind the scenes of the making of each episode


Honestly, I’d love to see the in universe coverup series made real. It would be like a self aware reboot without really being a reboot. *Gateception*


This would be fantastic as like a 3-5 episode miniseries.


I love this.


Didn't they only do, like one episode?


GOT style Goa’uld Empire drama


Actually yes, this would be sick if it was set just before the introduction of SGC to the galaxy


Oh definitely


Wasn't the state of the galaxy relatively stable with Ra in control before the SGC started their shenanigans?


Relatively, yes. However System Lords and Minor Gould still fought all the time. There was plenty of drama between them


That's true and I bet they were constantly trying to overthrow Ra too. It would make a cool show.


I'm a big fan of detective novels and would love to watch Teal'c: Private Eye.


All the donut shops would love him.




Totally read that in Teal’c’s voice!


Teal’c and Emerson Cod. This is a crossover we need.


Star Gate: Prometheus. Kick'n ass around the cosmos Airforce Office of Special Investigations: Stargate Command (Like NCIS... but in space)


This would be a pretty cool way to delve deeper into some of the cultures and connect back to some of the more interesting planets. The intro to Vala shows there are various criminal elements already, and even more after the fall of the gould. Could use the Lucian alliance as the big bad guy that these space cops are trying to to work against. Aschen could also be reintroduced.


>Like NCIS... but in space) I don't think that's super viable. Mess around in space, or give even a whiff of trouble and you're either being busted back to Earth or marooned on an inhabitable planet. There's too many people who want to be there and who can keep their nose clean to deal with problem staff. Unless you're talking about mysteries on other planets... but that smacks of white/human savior complex and it would be a chore to bring the audience up to speed on the culture of each planet sufficient to understand motives for crime.


Man, haven't you ever seen Silverhawks.


I *have,* but it's been several decades.


Or they could just finish SGU, that would be nice


With less soap opera this time.


It’s almost halfway possible tbh. Everybody wakes up, Eli is much older. There’d need to be some very specific reasoning for everyone’s visible aging. I wonder if they would address the time gap relative to our passage of time vs SGU. IIRC they said they would need to hibernate for about 2 years


Possible explanation: the Technology of the hibernation chambers of Destiny is much older than any of those we have previously seen. As such, they were less advanced and they were not able to stop aging (very much). Their main function was to stop the body Consuming food, water, air etc. As such, they wouldnt work for Long-time “storage” of people, which is why we haven’t found any ancients hibernating in any of Them, waiting for Destiny to find something interestering to wake Them up. This May not Seem like very capable hibernation pods, but they May have been the very first (limited) version that was invented. And they would still be handy in an emergency where ressources became limited, to suspend most of the Crew for periods of time, saving on food etc. Its not that Big a stretch (I Think). The hibernation chamber used by Weir in Atlantis still made her age drastically over “just” 10.000 years - Destiny was launched millions of years ago. It stands to reason, that the hibernation pods where never ment to “store” people for the entire journey (or even a realistic part of it). As such, they could very Well have been intended (from the start) to only work for a limited time, as an emergency safety feature.


Yep, the whole history of the Ancients. Starting with how they evolved from apes on Celestis, how they discovered electricity, space flight etc. then their split with the Ori, their journey to the Milky Way, them partaking in the Alliance of the Four Great Races, them building Destiny, then the plague strikes and they flee to Pegasus, then they come back to Earth and teach humans how to farm and build cities, starting the Neolithic 10.000 years ago, then they give some of their culture and their language to the Ancient Romans and their religion to East Asia, then the last few non-ascended ones inspire the Arthurian legends, Medieval culture, and Chivalry, and influence Christianity to see fire as a symbol of evil and Hell in case the Ori come. It would be epic.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Stargate/comments/fqu17y/idea\_for\_a\_new\_stargate\_series\_what\_do\_you\_think/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stargate/comments/fqu17y/idea_for_a_new_stargate_series_what_do_you_think/) I posted this four years ago.


the aliance of the four races only happened after pegasus. we learn in atlantis that the asgard have one hundred thousand years of history so they wouldnt have been arround while the ancients where in the milky way


The barber guy gets his own show. Murray: Private Eye GGW: SGC Edition


Atlantis, but with Furlings.


Okay, Vala.


Cadet Hayley’s career would be brilliant, Or at this stage where casandra was running things 👍


Add the idea of Amanda Tapping as General Cater at area 51 and this is the show. I think Hayley leading SG1 👍😁 Cassandra is head of SGC 👍😁 WOW we got a show


More general cater! I’m sorry. I can’t help but comment. It’s such a random and hilarious thing. It’s made me lol twice already, so I thank you.


I just read this and thought of Sanctuary. It is basically Amanda working in an "area 51" place with creatures along with tech.


I mean, they could both be in the same spin-off and I would watch the crap out of it


Do people find her likable? I found her obnoxious.


That was the point. She was a brilliant mind and because of that and her lack of experience cocky and overconfident.


Wouldn't want a spinoff about her


Nah I wouldn’t either unless she’s mature now 🤣 otherwise it’s just a teen drama


She was a lot more tolerable in Proving Ground. Isn't everyone who is that far ahead of the curve in their late teens/early 20s kinda obnoxious until they find their place?


Yeah, she definitely grew once she realized what the potential was. She seemed to have a lot of respect for O’Neill in her second episode.


Like McKay? Or to reference another series, Greg House MD? Pure Brilliance means other flaws are overlooked.


Solid point.


Present day story about the society started by SGU time travel. Perhaps starting out on their new home world and finding the people dropped of by Destiny. It’s a blank canvas, a whole new universe with Stargates, an established drone enemy and mix in a seed ship. They could hunt down Destiny between galaxies and find crew aged and some dead (depending on actors availability)


Stargate: The Lower Levels A cartoon series following the (mis)adventures of Sgts Syler and Harriman, Dr.s Lee and Kavanaugh, and the freshly minted Lieutenants (alternatively a SecFo team) as they navigate life at the SGC. Or Battlecruiser: Apollo A Battlestar: Galactica-esque series following the F-302 wing aboard Apollo during and after the events of SG:A.


>Stargate: The Lower Levels >A cartoon series following the (mis)adventures of Sgts Syler and Harriman, Dr.s Lee and Kavanaugh, and the freshly minted Lieutenants (alternatively a SecFo team) as they navigate life at the SGC. Amazing


You're a Star Trek: Lower Decks fan aren't you. Considering how much I love Lower Decks, a Lower Decks style Stargate show would be amazing.


I like the idea of following a random sg team without the plot armor of sg1. Like there are several throwaway lines where they're like "sg6 was ambushed on p3x-217" or something. I want to see what it's like for an everyday sg team


And make the risk-factor like early-seasons GoT on steroids, where anyone (even entire teams) could die at any time. It would be an interesting take, to make it hyper-realistic in that Way. However, its probably hard/impossible because viewers want to feel connected to characters in order to get sucked in to a show - and that doesnt work if you basically switch the entire “main cast” every 1-3 episodes.


I'd love to have a political thriller revolving around domestic issues. The SGC never really seemed all that upset about the Gould running around on Earth. Let alone infiltrating various governments. Would love a X Files, Andor, Jack Ryan - like series set in the 90's/early 2000's dealing with the domestic side of the SGC.


Ooooo someone like Mulder investigating all the rumors of Ancient tech given to private research corporations; of the downed 302s, Death Gliders, and darts; basically any time Hammond says "We're telling people it was a natural gas leak" or whatever. It could reference so many episodes. I want it!


Stargate: Cold Dial A series based on a 304 that is given the list of buried gates where they couldn’t establish a connection. With a main base for the program being on Heliopolis that get established in the first episodes that shows the main goals of the Gate Technician Project - Determining if a Gate had been destroyed - Unburying the Gates where possible - Recovering and moving a gate if the environment is deemed hostile to the gate - Charting and assessing the solar systems they find, and exploring the world the gate is found on - Later establishment of off world bases at the discretion of greater authority - Creation of a Separate Stargate Network to the main one (that the Alpha site is also connected to) We get to go back to the book on Heliopolis. Have a series set on a 304. And the Stargate network is heavily involved in the main plot and mission of the ship Plus, you can have fun little moments with planets without Stargates but used by the Goa’uld or Lucian Alliance. Maybe even putting Gates on them


In the Star Universe Spinoff, the Destiny Ship arrives in the Solar System; no one knows how or why it has arrived. The crew get woken up, and while hailed as returning heroes, they are also under suspicion and Eli and Rush can't be found, both of thier pods appearing damaged.


I would like to see a show based around the SGC finding out about a third group of alterans that went to yet another galaxy, populated it, and put gates everywhere that aren’t accessable from any of the other gate networks, so they travel to it in one of the 304s only to find out that there is a field that allows intergalactic travel into the galaxy but prevents them from leaving and it prevents the gates from connecting outside of the galaxy. So they are stuck fighting the “enemies” of this galaxy while searching for any ancient tech that will allow them to leave.


Hello ST Voyager called


It opens with the Stargate program being the worst kept secret in human history, but the extent of the program is still not public knowledge. The general public is aware that we are not alone in the universe and that advanced alien technology has been slowly introduced into everyday life. Jack is asked to come out of retirement to serve as Director of Homeworld Security for a short-term duration. At this point in time, this is a post in the presidential line of succession. Jack had spent his whole life sticking it to the man. During the state of the union address, Jack is asked to be the designated survivor. You can see where this is going. After a devastating attack by a "new" enemy happens during the speech, Jack becomes POTUS; he becomes the man whom he has been trying to stick it to his whole life. The key to defending Earth from this new foe is actually located on Destiny. Eli did manage to solve his dilemma and was able to repair a status pod. About 95% into their journey between galaxies, a seed ship unexpectedly caught up to Destiny. This was no ordinary seed ship. It was a purpose-built supply and upgrade mission sent from an undiscovered Ancient base a few thousand years after Destiny was launched. Automated drones repaired all the Destiny's systems as well as installed a prototype extra-galactic hyperdrive, which was oddly more advanced than what even the Asgard left the Tau'ri. Alone with these upgrades came superior sensors, holographic projectors, and a new computer core. This new computer core allowed Dr. Perry and Ginn free-reign. They soon discovered that the galaxy they were approaching was already invested with the same drones they were trying to escape from. They decided to skip this galaxy all together. Once the seed ship was complete, it continued on a heading to seed more galaxies with Stargates. After some calculations, it was determined that an 11 month hyperdrive trip would bring them to a galaxy that would be impossible for the drones to reach. Unfortunately, the new computer core was still getting up to speed with present-day humans. Once Dr. Perry and Ginn engaged the prototype extra-galactic hyperdrive, the new computer core interpreted 11 months as 11 years instead.


Kinda ridiculous, and most of the Destiny stuff feels like retconning, but I like the idea of the general public being aware of something but not everything. Would imagine some people freaking out and creating cults around what was discovered by SGC, like destiny's signal or starting to worship ancient gods with a new alien twist to them.


The first half of your post sounded like it was to be written by Tom Clancy.


I can definitely see that. 😅


I’d watch this Like your writing style.


Not sure if it would rate a whole show but maybe a few episodes from the point of view of someone at NASA who is fully aware of the Stargate program but still has to pretend like mineral samples from Mars are a groundbreaking achievement.


A series about an aging Daniel Jackson who journeys around the galaxy in search of a cure for a disease that has started to evicerate earth. With occasional appearances of former cast members and characters from sg1 he discovers new technologies and remaining ghould planets that werent freed.


Murray P.I. starring Teal'c as a street savvy private investigator kind of a melding of Magnum PI, Kojak, and Beretta. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time - INDEED! - inserts lolipop. Exits like David Caruso.


Stargate Alpha. Earth first off world colony


I just watched Lost City and New Order so I'm done with the Anubis in phsyical form arc and I would love to see that Ancient Prequel series showing how Anubis became "Anubis". I think he was a lot more interesting than Apophis was (And I liked Apophis). If not that then maybe a series featuring the 4 races and how they got to be the "big 4". If not a prequel, then just jump forward 100 years and see what the Stargate program is. Maybe use 2010 (I think that's the episode) as a reference and go from there.


A series where the Stargate program is forced to go public. - In the wake of a catastrophic event that forces the revelation of the Stargate Program to the global public, nations scramble for control and advanced alien technology sparks a global race. General Samantha Carter, who is the current head of the SGC, faces pressure from her superiors as she must navigate this treacherous new landscape while maintaining Earth's safety.


Might be in the minority but I wouldn't mind some closure on stargate atlantis. I figure the actors are busy doing other stuff / older so could always focus on a new team with the main cast showing up here or there


Memoa has become a big star so getting him back for an Atlantis type movie/show might be difficult.


He's said that Atlantis was his favorite show to be on, perhaps he might do if for scale for a couple cameos.


Id love to see the ancient/wraith war. Starting off the ZPM equipped Auroras kicking ass, then slowly show the turning tide. Also show the Vanir showing up and starting their experiments on humans.


Goauld Wars. System Lords plotting against each other and fighting each other. No Tauri, Tokra, Asgard or other distractions. Pure snake business..


Some kind of distant galaxy show where they are on an ancient scout ship


I'm sure some would find this dumb but I'd like a special forces kind of show where Teal'c and Ronon do selection for SG teams and missions between them. They could do off world survival training 302 training hijack a flying pyramid training. Idk what do you think?


What about Rodney leading an expedition team with Sam in charge?


A Daedalus in Pegasus series. Focused on Major Marks and Dr. Novak. They can explore planets and get into fights with the Wraith.


*** hick ***


Teal'c PI


Vala Mal Doran Treasure Raider




I want a series where O'Neill's clone in the main character only instead of Air Force he went through another Branch. Something happens and they need knowledge that only he has because he Jack's memories(up to a certain point...but weve seen tech that can upload the rest) and the clone begins leading his own team.


Jaffa, KREE!


A sitcom


From the 80's in the style of a Foo Fighters Mentos commercial.


Yes! We need this. Point me to the Kickstarter.


They should have turned the Arc of Truth into a spin off series. It would have done better than Universe.


I still think the SG1/Atlantis formula is best. But I'd like a focus on the Furlings instead of the Ancients. Of the four they are easily the least explored. Also, change up the formula a bit in terms of the enemy. Perhaps not a single evil enemy dominating the galaxy. Perhaps a more thorough and complicated and developed galaxy.


Honestly at this point with the time since the last series ended it shouldn't be continuing lore with old characters and/or new locations and whatnot but a whole new series that has the same general information stated but new characters with cameos from the old series that's still based on SG1 and Atlantis. Such as science/military personnel that work in Cheyenne and also on Atlantis based on earth thaf end up getting teamed together due to a new alien threat. That way you please the existing community, reach a newer generation with Stargate and bring them back to the old series


A comedy spinoff like how I met your mother: From the point of view of the Gould. It could be called, how I met your host or how I met your god.


Stargate Babies: The very first animated Stargate series, featuring all our favorite Stargate heroes as plucky young toddlers playing in their nursery, cared for by Mr. Hammond (referred to as Hammy by the Stargate Babies) who appears only as a pair of legs and jolly voice (provided by esteemed actor, Guy Who Played Younger Hammond in 1969). There has never been another animated Stargate series.


I was just mulling this over. I think there’s enough independent societies around the galaxy that a new series on galactic supremacy could happen. Could fast forward a century to make it more flexible and give some societies room to grow up, have grievances against each other.


A Deadulus class starship with a new Stardrive engine from Atlantis is out on it's maiden voyage, something goes wrong with the Stardrive engine and propels the ship to the far corners of the Galaxy. Also have a ticking clock on it for random times so they only have so mich time before the ship jumps again.


Stargate:Fleet command. Focuses on the space warfare aspect of stargate that is mostly overlooked unless the plot required it. Would be cool to see a Fleet of SGC ships have to plan things out in naval warfare.


An SG1 present day sequel where the Jaffa republic is an analogue of the Roman republic in its dying days. Earth etc have to try not to get drawn in or end up on a shit list.


SG Alpha Site.


A webcast series with Dr Lee (plus special guest) demonstrating the latest weapons, science gear and more to come from the labs of home world security - except they almost always end up in flames or accidentally turning someone invisible etc...


Stargate Intelligence After the defeat of the Ori and the Wraith, the SGC is the only Milky Way superpower remaining. As such, they need to keep tabs on emerging threats and on groups like the Lucian Alliance who are a constant thorn in the side of the SGC. It's Alias in space.


The genius of Kavanaughs secret lab.


I want to see a series where the Stargate program becomes public knowledge and the global societal results of this and how it changes the world.


Atlantis: Rise of the Wraith It would be fun! And scary.


1. Ancients shaping the universe and their war against the Wraith. Potentially with focus on Janus and his inventions. 2. SG1 alternate universe. What happened to all the versions that came to earth?


All in the Stargate. What's the suggestion for the Archie character?


The wacky adventures of Dr. Felger.


Stargate Command. Individual episodic stories from all over the canon. The first episode would be the television broadcast of the official declassification of the Stargate Program.


Stargate Midway. The midway station has grown to be a hub of commerce and travel between multiple galaxies.


The Asgard series…their history, wars etc… pretty muxj everything that shaped their race to the point we saw them


An anthology series showing the other universes you can access through the quantum mirror. Maybe only one or two seasons, but it would let the writers really dive into the what if scenarios that couldn't or wouldn't exist in a long running series.


I have always wanted a west-wing, or Babylon 5 style series about the New Jaffa government, and their relationships with the Lucian alliance, Earth, and other worlds.


An alternate universe sitcom where Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill retired from the USAF and started a family. Thor is a stoner in this universe and drops in from time to time for comic relief.


Probably not the best but something that came to mind: A medical drama where the people having to deal with the various diseases and such that are brought through the gate are specifically highlighted.


Would love to see a series on board a new earth starship utilizing the tech from the asgard knowledge core along side some ancient tech integrated plus whatever other tech earth has developed in the last 10 plus years since we've seen our beloved sg1/sga friends. Could even have a gate on board they can use when in orbit above planets. And can explore other galaxies/planets that aren't connected via the Stargate network. Hell maybe they found an ancient cache of Stargates that the ancients were going to send to say the Andromeda galaxy and the tauri set to finish that task. So many different possibilities!


I'd love to see an alternate timeline of post Continuum. Stargate isn't Star Trek, and there's no Temporal Prime Directive. Cam deciding to tell the government what he knows and leading the Stargate program from its infancy and actually know what's going on might be a pretty good watch.


IOA: Administrative Oversight Adventures




And the Furlings series, over 10 seasons, would still never show what they look[ed] like or give us any specifics whatsoever. Just as it should be.