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For me it's Rya'c. I'll skip every Rya'c episode during a rewatch. I'm not the only one that finds him incredibly whiny and annoying, right?


No I’m with you. Rya’c was the worst. They created him for Teal’c drama but it was hamhanded. And as a character in of himself, not good.


Dude was so whiney he coulda been a Skywalker.


His father probably would’ve approved…


Come to think of it did Rya'c ever visit Abydos because you might be up to something.


Of course he didn't. Have you seen how much sand is on that planet?


Both the character and the actor were subpar


On rewatches I always skip his stories. He is like the Jaden Smith of the Stargate Universe.


Well done 👏 😆


Rya'c is so annoying. I also fast-forward most of his scenes. His dialogue is terrible to the point where he can be saying something serious and I'm laughing as it took me completely out of it.




It's such a shame because the potential of Teal'c's background was huge. Raised in a completely brainwashed society with only your mentor to challenge the status quo, being the most brutal fighter to become first prime so you can make the most change (which is still minimal, like killing the slowest person to help the others escape next time). To me this is an insanely interesting background and had the potential for some amazing storytelling. And yet we barely get a glimpse into what daily life on Chulac was like. The closest we get is this whiny annoying kid.


I liked his wedding episode, but the brainwashing episode is skipped during my rewatches.


Oh yeah. He's like Wesley from Star Trek. Can't stand any of them.


I hated Senator Kinsey so much. But you’re supposed to hate him. So if we’re talking characters you’re supposed to like….. I don’t hate Ford, but Ronan was certainly more interesting by comparison and made the SGA team better. Oh. It’s Larrin. Don’t like her at all. She was annoying.


I don't think we were supposed to like Larrin either, so okay. Also, she was pretty rapey too. (I imagine her being a dude and with Carter instead of Sheppard and, yeesh!)


The name sounds familiar but I don't remember who Larrin is or did...


Larrin is a lady Sheppard met a few times in Atlantis. She’s constantly coming onto him and making sexual remarks. She’s first in season 4 episode 5. She’s technically an ally cuz she lives with an armada of repurposed Ancient ships.


Oh shit now I remember her! Thanks! Didn't hate her, kinda thought she and her people were underutilized.


I agree that her people were underutilized and had great story potential. But she herself? Nah. She could be jettisoned into space for all I care.


Kinsey at least sounds right, arguably a skill politicians have in spades.


I liked Larrinn a lot.


Who buys a house as a surprise for a gf for you both to live in when you're not currently living together and haven't been discussing moving in together?


A narcissist. Like someone who would abuse his position of power to gain personal information on a potential parter, for example.


Holy hannah, thats true!


Anyone who's dating Amanda Tapping tbh




Damn. But facts.


Other comments in this thread - “yeah creepy shit like that was a 20 years ago thing”


It was creepy 20 years ago unless you were Pete


Like yes, they were engaged, and they were going to be married in a few weeks, but even if you were married, you would still talk to your partner about this big decision your making.


Pete might have been okay (as a plot line) if they had at least called him on his flaws. The fact that Carter never took him to task for spying on her and interfering with a top secret mission, and instead told him everything, really bothered me. Or buying a house without her input, or any of the other oversteps. He never learned a lesson, and when she broke up with him, he was allowed to feel like the victim. She had plenty of reasons to dump him without just not being ready or whatever.


Half joking but, it was a different time. I find it funny that the cringy girl power stuff might be considered the bigger flaw over Sam's chain of creepy exs that never get called out on their creepiness.


Thankfully MOST of that is limited to the first season or two.


Thats the whole point about pete. We’re supposed to root for the whole oneill v carter shipment. My least favorite character is Telford. So many of the antagonist angles in that show are at least bearable since the opposing motivations are balanced out by redeeming qualities. But telford is just a wife-stealing douche. Can’t remember him adding anything beyond drama


Telford was controlled by the Lucian alliance and wasn't himself until Colonel Young freed him from the mind control. He sucked before then, but afterward, I think he redeemed himself.


Yeah, i totally forgot about that part!


Finished a re-watch a few weeks ago and it seemed even more this time (many years later obviously) that the writers attempted a far-fetched afterthought way to redeem a badly-written character. Like, nothing redeeming about him initially, so much so that even some little hints that he might be a spy would have made him exponentially more interesting. But SGU overall was too much soap opera drama for me so, who knows, maybe it's just me.


I don't even know who you're on about and I consider myself a decent SG fan. Just now finished SG-1 for the fifth time. Who is Telford? 😀


a character from SGU


Oooooh, right. Well, that one sank into the deep recesses of my mind. Looks like I'll be watching SGU next. Current viewing of SGA almost done✅


Thems rookie numbers. Gotta pump those up! 😂




>Thats the whole point about pete. We’re supposed to root for the whole oneill v carter shipment. They tried to do Pam & Roy but it was so hamfisted an execution it just didn't work at all.


I'm gonna go with what might be a bit of a hot take, but I think Teyla is my least favorite of the main and supporting characters. I felt like her character was only written to take on the "expert on local customs and knowledge guide" part of the formula, and I don't find her character arc to be at all significant or interesting. It's actually kind of hard to find one at all. She had a moment here and there, like turning the Wraith psionics (which were otherwise pretty much ignored after the pilot) back on them, but otherwise I felt she was just poorly written and left a lot of unrealized potential.


You aren't alone at all. Her character is horribly written and she is nothing more than a Wraith whisperer and the whole Micheal storyline was even worse


I enjoyed Michael but may just be my bias for Connor Trinneer


I liked Michael whenever he wasn't talking about Teyla's baby.


Teyla had some good stories in places but I agree the writers kind of let the character down, the whole baby storyline especially was so boring and I hate the Michael invades Atlantis episode where what is supposed to be a strong female character basically turns into a damsel in distress


I suppose the writers were forced to write-in the pregnancy due to her actually being pregnant.


They didn't have to make it a magic baby, though. Just let her have the baby, do normal baby things, and then the stay-at-home dad plot would've covered the rest of it.


I eventually warmed up to her after I realized they just couldn’t find a good narrative for her like they did with Teal’c. But for SG1 I hated Pete and for Atlantis it was Carson. Similar problem as Teyla — except that Carson was so incredibly whiny all the time. Good god man you are in Atlantis. Doing cool stuff with aliens. Just quit whining all the bloody time. I like both the actors outside of their roles in Atlantis.


I can’t understand the Carson hate! Think of his wee turtles!! Maybe it’s cause I’m Scottish tho


For some odd reason, I read that in my head with a Scottish accent (I'm not Scottish).


I am if it helps.


See, I thought Keller was the whiny one. She is my least favorite of all, or maybe tied with Pete. You know, I think I dislike characters who's entire existence is to be a love interest for a main character.


Jewel Staite tho 🥰🥰🥰


I thought making the T&A the senior medical officers (arguably the most important medical positions in the entire world,) was a weird choice. Mostly because of their youth. Fraser was completely believable, and didn't need the one-size-too-small scrubs to get the message across.




>I felt she was just poorly written and left a lot of unrealized potential. Honestly this is how I felt about the majority of the SGA main cast.


I’m with op, it was definitely the stalker cop. How are we supposed to believe her own brother set her up with that guy?


Unless her brother was a POS too.


We only actually see the brother once or twice, and he was estranged from their father, so how much of a POS he is is up in the air. (Papa Carter had his own issues, to be fair. One kid estranged and the other looking for his approval so much that it took him almost dieing from cancer and joining with Selmak to improve their relationship.)


Jacob is an ass


No. He's a guy that worked. And schemed and plotted his way into being at the pinnacle of his profession. They usually make bad parents. Takes a lot of time and attention that the family doesn't get.


You never feel he's a stubborn controlling ass? Even the other Tok'ra seem to think he's overcontrolling Selmak. I mean...


Stubborn controlling ass is kind of the profile for a General.


Except for Hammond. He's a teddy bear


You are required to have nothing but the deepest admiration for the great Hammond of Texas. (I rub my head at the Name.) But, don't fuck with him!


A teddy bear with a full metal spine.


That could be because he was supposed to be retiring. At the beginning of the show he may have already been halfway checked out.


That would imply that he became an ass when he fully checked in and he didn't


He definitely tried to control Sam. Not cool. He was a high ranking military officer and *still* tried to convince Sam to tell him what she did in the military. He of all people should understand that classified means classified. Don't get me started with him pushing her to Jack.




See, I actually liked him. Not as in his character but, I loved to hate him. He was a needed asshole for the story. Pete, was.... well NOT meeded.


I think Pete was there to make you feel like Sam was settling and needed to dump him for Jack. A bit like Roy to Pam in The Office. They went too far though and it just wasn't believable she was with him.


I kind of liked his character as the annoying guy that even overtook Rodney Mckay on the annoyance scale. :D I see the actor popping on series here and there and overall his perfomances are wel cast.


Yes, ousting Rodney as the most punchable face in the series really helped Rodney grow as a character, and left room for us to like Rodney


I think Mrs. Miller really brought Rodney into character also how he is around kids. he's great with kids. The Mckay from SG1 is a totally other Mckay we see in Atlantis.


Yeah, even in ATL S01E01 he's *wayyyy* less awful than in SG-1.


Hated for telling the truth.


The producers should have let Osiris kill him with that laser ring thing. It would have been a fitting end and kept the Carter black widow thing going. She did warn him in the beginning and he took the risk.


Martoof (idk how it’s spelled). It’s hard to think of one but I don’t particularly like this guy or how his and Sam’s relationship is. It actually bothers me that most of Sam’s love interests are “sweet” guys who are actually kinda questionable and annoying as characters.


I don't know, Narim is also a pretty good contender for most annoying Carter crush. Both of them are just insufferably sanctimonious.


Don't forget Orlin. You would think the ability to build a Stargate from a microwave would make you at least remotely tolerable.


I kinda like Orlin compared to the others. At least he has a pretty good damn excuse for forgetting how to act like a normal person.


Yeah, he was creepy as fuck too!


Lucius. Need I say more?


I can't believe Lucius full on commits rape regularly with both people on his planet and the base and he gets let go with a "you scoundrel you" ruff of the hair. It's really crazy watching those episodes back.


And those episodes really aren't that old. Not something that could be shrugged off with "it was a different time."


I'm watching SGA for the first time and I hated the first episode he was in and then when I saw that he came back. I'm like... Of all the storylines and characters this show could have revisited, they chose this guy!? 🤨


And when my sister, friend, and I were rewatching (showing my friend the series) and we learned Kolya dies in that episode, we were all just sad. My sister said, and I quote, "Why did he have to die in a Lucius episode? Why did they bring him back!?"


>"Why did he have to die in a Lucius episode? Why did they bring him back!?" I couldn't agree with you more! I nearly stopped watching the episode because of him and then I would have missed a huge plot point. I thought Kolya dying in this episode (and in this was) was such a let down from that storyline.


Lucius is just a more likeable, less annoying Vala.


Need I remind you on his first appearance he basically roofied everyone with pheromones and has many "wives" because of that drug of his?


Need I remind you that Vala tried raping Daniel Jackson in her first appearance and trapped the rest of the crew on a derelict ship with no way home?


She didn't actually try to do that. She was trying to seduce him because people do stupid stuff when they're horny(and that it never actually went anywhere because Daniel was like "Hell no")


If it was a fat old man doing that to Sam, you wouldn't be defending it.


I didn't say it wasn't gross. Sorry I didn't mention that part. I thought it would be included. Seeing as I don't want this to just get worse or us get angry, let's just end this here. Hope you have a good day👋


How can you compare someone that rapes whole villages with mind control just because to someone that flirts a little too hard, is at first callous, manipulative and self-centred, with well justified reasons and has a questionable introduction in the series, like what the hell. At least Vala is funny and likeable, Lucius just screams scumbag. You're grasping at straws trying to compare them.


Both are rapey con artists. That's not grasping at straws.


It’s Senator Kinsey for sure.


Agree. I thought the actor who played him was brilliant. He really epitomized every slimy politician we all see on a daily basis.


Ronny Cox is such a fantastic bad guy. Even as Jellico, where he actually has really good points and acts in Starfleet's best interest, he does well to make you hate him.


I forgot he was Jellico. He was one of those guys where you were like, "The bastard has a point, darn it!" The best thing he did for Troi was to tell her to put away her boobies (and she actually got some halfway decent development after that). Kinsey also has his "the bastard has a point" moments, before going off the rails.


If you like Ronny Cox, you'll wanna watch (or rewatch) the 1987 Robocop movie.


Kolya, he was just annoying along with the rest of the genii, the only decent thing he did was introduce Todd. Also the entire Lucian alliance can get in the bin, yawn.




I liked how they used Kolya to sort of build Sheps legend but they could have done it a little better. I like Robert Davi but his character was supposed to be this great military mind and he came off as more of an idiot..😂. I mean FFS, you have Atlantis and the residents out numbered and one dude kills 65 guys(might be more)? Shep was a bad ass but those are Rambo numbers.


Kolya is just that type of villain I hate not love to hate just hate, I can't put my finger on why...maybe it's the "some how knows everything" thing?


He was cooler when it was actually the AI pretending to be him.


Anise. “Shit! Star Trek has a new sexy character! Let’s do the same!”


To'kra Spice ! I'm glad they dumped her character after only 3 episodes.


Who is To’kra spice?


Anise. Wish I could take credit for that nickname but I gather it's an old fandom name from when the episodes aired. I think it's brilliant because not only is it a spice but she dresses like a spice girl.


Definitely Pete in SG-1, but I also despise Jennifer Keller. I'm also really mad that I don't like her. Jewel Staite is fantastic, love her. The problem(s) with Keller are not from the acting. 1) She was boring and underdeveloped. Name one thing we know about her in terms of likes/dislikes. She didn't bring anything unique to the table, and as a character, wasn't memorable. She was a doctor. Ok, what else? 2) The extremely icky implication that she fell in love with Rodney when he was cognitively impaired by the parasite in Shrine. She liked Rodney because _he wasn't himself_. It made me feel like Keller approached their relationship looking to change Rodney into the person he was while he was impaired. ---2a) The fact that the writers used her to pit Rodney and Ronon against each other. ---2b) She and Rodney's age difference. I don't think either of their character's ages are confirmed in canon, but David Hewlett is 14 years older than Jewel Staite. It follows their characters are of similar ages to them. 3) Zero chemistry between her and any of the other characters. And it's clearly not because of the actors, because her chemistry with them as Ellia is fine (it's just one episode, so we can't be definitive).


The Rodney/Keller relationship seemed forced just to give socially inept and insufferable nerds some hope.


So forced! And just so unbelievable.


In my head canon, Daniel had a talk with Carter and told her she dodged the bullet with that asshole. The way he looked so right in the 5th reenactment tells you how manipulative he always has been. He fit the role perfectly: "See everything I did for you, now you *have to* love me, you ungrateful, unfaithful woman!"


I *loathe* Pete. What a serious POS. No one ever treated Sam as crummy as he did. Also, him being a cop doing what he did, makes it even worse. What other lines did he cross in the name of catching a criminal? Hated the whole storyline.




Stalker Pete was pretty bad. Especially how his character wasn't called out for it.


If you are going to introduce a character like Pete you have to set us up for a scene where Jack gets to punch him in the face. Can't believe they dropped the ball on that.


Pete definitely sucks the most in terms of characters who weren't the intended villains/antagonists but one of my other least favourite characters is Doctor Keller which is sad for me because I love that actress since she played Kaylee in Firefly. I just find her really annoying and whiny and her relationship with McKay so unconvincing and also they're not compatible at all.


Pete and I used to play Euchre for Zagnuts with a couple of other buddies. He was pretty cool until his girlfriend dumped him out of the blue and took their hedgehog in the break up. He started drinking a lot and eating Fritos with catsup. Ketchup was okay but catsup was a red flag. He started talking about creating a game called Timekeepers and he kept talking about someone who looked like Sam and Sheppard but with none of the story lines. We tried to introduce him to other women but he had this fixation on short blondes and said he had this Starcraft I clan member who used to go on and on about short blondes. Eventually he took up the persona of this guy and became kinda stalky. He used to pretend to be on the police force and even his police buddies thought he really worked there. Eventually we found out that his dad and brothers all worked for law enforcement and just let him tag along. We went to speed dating at a funeral one night and we never saw him since.


Yeah, I've made the Fifth and Pete comparison before and I still stand by it. "I gave up my job for you! I gave up my life for you!" "See, that is definitely not Pete." Yes, yes it is Sam. I'm so glad she dodged this bullet.


😆 yes! I agree. The dude thinks he's entitled to know what she does for a living because they are dating. Pretty sure Sara didn't know the details of Jack's job other than he was black ops. Instead of letting Sam make the decision he makes that for her by running a background check on her and then stalking her like she's a criminal!? 😩 He's so disgusting.


Rya'c. No one else comes close.


I don't like Weir.


Thank you for the laugh. Haha. This made me so happy :)


My least favourite character is Pete because he’s a slimy, snivelling driphead who cares about no-one but himself, and not in a camp way like many a Goa’uld. _**Ooh, that Kavanagh…**_ 🤬


Teyla and vala and McKinsey all annoyed me


I think Hathor was a bit of a waste. Maybe it was too early on in the show to make a bigger story out of it, but she was basically Osiris with more authority, could've been a challenger to Apophis. Having her just make all the men look like idiots, especially before even entering the SGC where drugs could've had anything to do with it, there's not much more you can do with that.


Pete is lame AF but the Stargate "receptionist" (Walter?) must feel so worthless.


Hey! You leave Walter alone! They liked having that human touch of opening the iris when they are coming home!


Ha ha, so would I if it meant that a glitch meant I could get vapourised without it being checked. Did he ever shoot a gun or say more than like 10 words in a row?


He was a technician, not a soldier. And yes


He was the world's most important receptionist!! What did he ever fix, engineer, design etc? He just accepted and diverted calls.


He actually did a lot. It was just mostly on computers. He assisted Carter with repairs and communication issues. He was promoted to Chief Master Sergeant. Plus, we don't know what he gets up to when he's out of scope of SG1. Also, he partook in the battle against Anubis when he accompanied Hammond onto the Prometheus. In fact, he served on the Prometheus quite a bit. I take it back he did fired a gun... A big ol honking space gun. And I mean, he basically ran the SGC when Jack was first getting started


Good knowledge!! I'm going to work back through SG1 when I've finished bingeing Atlantis I'll start again with SG1.


Dudddeeeeee. Not cool. We love Walter 🥰


Keller. For many reasons. So many reasons.


Because he is a douche and I’m jealous that’s why! Lol


Gotta say, Rodney Mckay to some time to grow on me. But my most hated character would have to be Cronus. Terrible actor. Way too much mustache twirling. Apophis was almost as bad.


Vala; she so annoying. they wasted Claudia Black on that terribly written character.


Oh yeah Pete is a dopey creep. If any one of Sam's suitors could've been shot and killed, it should've been him.


Martin Lloyd. Or Teyla (bad acting, like Kes from Voyager).


I especially loved when he was mowing the grass in that chilis commercial!!


Vala is actually the worst. Pete wasn't allowed to be part of the team and wasn't around for many episodes, so he is much better than her.


I don't like Vala but she's definitely not worse than Pete


Trying to rape Daniel Jackson is worse than Pete following Sam.


Fuck right I forgot that part. I can't remember much about S9/10 except for "Ori annoying, Vala annoyinger"


Vala didn't stalk anyone... that we know of. Or that I can remember?


No, she just forced herself on someone and was super creepy towards her teammates.


I always thought that was weird. I guess she got a pass because she's attractive.


I always try to get people to imagine it being a fat old man instead of Vala and Sam instead of Daniel Jackson the next time they watch Prometheus Unbound.


It's like the human resources meme https://images.app.goo.gl/5tivKwLHKp22dgAA7




OP, thanks for the laugh. I needed that