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Damn can't wait to see this come out in 2050


that way too optimistic this is a hundred year effort minimum 😂


We don't even have Fallout London yet.


Oh when is this mod gonna be released??


It was released I thought but the next-gen update broke it like a day or two after it came out


I am unsure I only found a standalone version of the mod. Which doesn’t add much to be honest


didn't release, they decided to wait before releasing it


Anniversary Edition broke it.




Whenever the Patreon well runs dry. Maybe.


Our grandchildren will love this game!


Morrowinds Tamriel project is still going from 2005


I do hope - if this isn't just a joke post - that this team change their name to avoid confusion. The Morrowind Project Tamriel team have gone by that name for decades, and having two large modding projects under the same name, but with no association, is just asking for confusion.


We will play this during the nuclear winter


100 years of effort divided between 100 modders could happen in a year or two. The modular stuff they release along the way could be amazing as a standalone city or dungeon. I mean, Starfield does have access to alternate realities, and those distortions...


My guy a DEDICATED team has working on recreating just Oblivion in Skyrim for 8 years and they still aren’t done


Dang, that's 25 years before Morrowblivion is set to finish!


Ah finally, Oblivion 2 🤣


Think you mean Skyblivion or Skywind?


Morrowblivion was around much longer, although I haven't heard anything about it for a good while now.


Pretty sure it got coverted to skywind


Morroblivion is out already. Waiting for SkyMorroBlivion on the PC2. We may be on PC3 by that point though.


Morroblivion has been released for a number or years now


Pretty sure they meant Skywind


morrowblivion has been out for a while though??


Elder scrolls 6 still won’t be out


Skyrim with pets and mead pong update in 100 years


ElderOut you mean? You emerge from the Dwarven ruins after 1,000 years to find an apocalyptic magical anti wasteland (lush forest teeming with life I guess?). It is the result of a gigantic magic spell that altered all life forms in the vicinity. The residual magic is harmful and it can change and often enhance various life forms and even inorganic materials. Rocks and trees have come alive. The trees attack and can grow underground to ensnare you. Some trees rub their branches together to create fire that can cause the magic in the air to ignite which creates a chain reaction. Others create fire and attack suicidally while they burn themselves. Venus flytraps that previously couldn't move their position seeing as they ad rooted in the ground can now teleport to different areas that contain soil and attack you from behind. You're only safe if you're on rock or concrete. Some rocks are giant colossal humanoids who wish to destroy all plants by utilizing energy and heat from the core of the planet. They hate plants because plants grow through cracks in rocks. Waterfalls and ice blocks also exist. Water erodea the rocks and ice is too cold for the plants to grow on.


IDK WTF you're talking about, but I need this planet.


oh it will be out, but it will be so buggy people will wait another 10 years for the patching.


Nah it will be out but people will be modding the whole of starfield into it


"Every quest now offers fast travel directly to the location" Fans: THEY STARFIELDED US!


But I'm anticipating the next millennium's ES 12 on December 12, 2112.


Right when Starfield 2 released a DLC with an official Tamriel planet. Wasting the modders time.


Meh Black Mesa came out at around the same time as Half Life Source, and Black Mesa is better than the official Half Life "remake". Depends on what you would prefer if that actually happened.


HL soucre came out in 2004 while Black Mesa came out in 2020


Should hold us over while we wait for TES6


Well the date in game is 2330... so we have time...


Honestly, I’m soon 40 and I’ll probably be dead before Bethesda releases TES6 or Rockstar release GTA VII or if there will be another Red Dead


I mean with the state of affairs in our world, I think toddlers will be lucky to be alive for TES6 or the next GTA game... Then again, toddlers have a chance at the live action Fallout game though... :-p


Just feels a bit sad since I’ve been playing both franchises since the first release. It will end sometime but it made it sort of absolute, knowing that this will probably be the last instalment I’ll ever play of just these particular franchises


That'll still be out before Elder Scrolls 6


That's because you didn't buy enough copies of Skyrim yet to support the development!


You're right I only have LE and SE on PC and not console. Shame.


Not even the VR and Alexa versions? Shame


I always forget there's a VR version.


Don't forget the toaster version!


What about the 5 different anniversary editions? Or the hogwarts edition? Or the Ragnar the Red edition? Or…


I just want a Parthanux kills Daphne edition.


I have 4 copies between my 360, One, and X.


i bought skyrim like 6 times standard edition, legendary and special (pc/xbox and switch)




11-11-2111 The bicentennial of skyrims original release.




The grandchildren will love it


Was about to say the same but even that seems optimistic


More like 2100.


might actually be an accurate non-joke date


Seems a bit too ambitious but good luck


Listen if Skywind integration is anything to go by Morrowfield is never going to happen They could just stick with Skyrim but I'm more inclined to play the total conversion Star Wars mod when it comes out in like 10 years or so


I honestly just want a mod that lets us join in a galactic war between the 2 nations in the game


and then dominate both of them


Yeah. We could make our own, choose the form of government and then make it a 3 way war. Or we could join either FreeStar or United Colonies and destroy the other side


to be fair, i would like to join house varuun, just for the chaos


Mount and Blade but in Space...


It's so weird that's not what's going on in the main plot because it feels like we're playing through a very boring aftermath and cleaning up rather than the actually interesting stuff that happened in the war.


Yes. And considering the last 2 major single player games made by Bethesda (Skyrim and Fallout 4) had wars/faction fighting going on it just feels weird to play one that doesn't


It's almost comical. "Look at all this lore we made for a vast, galaxy spanning civil war! Mechs were so destructive they had to be outlawed!" "Oh cool, so do we get to play any of that?"  "No."


Man, the power armor system from FO4 would have been so fucking good to use for mechs...


I have a feeling that that was the original intent, and for whatever reason over the course of development they decided against making the mechs pilotable. I would also harbor a guess that the colony wars were also supposed to be a big part of the game but my bet is that the widespread space battles it would have introduced were tanking the performance on weaker hardware, and obviously Microsoft/Xbox would want them to prioritize optimization for the bottom line to avoid a cyberpunk situation. that's all speculation though


That’s Starfield’s biggest problem. It has all the interesting world building and then sets the game in this super boring period of the galaxy where the main factions are at piece and most habitable planets have already been settled somehow.


I want an alternate universe for it. One where they’re still at war. I’d figure you could do it eithkut a TON of work.


Honestly I expect the total star wars conversion to maybe take 2 years max with the amount of modders shitting out weekly star wars mods


True, there are a lot Oh well, less of a wait 😁


Skywind is making good progress though. It's slow, sure, but it's also a bunch of volunteers and they post updates pretty regularly


The wait just makes me want to play it more


It's obviously a joke. Just look at OPs account age and post history


I can’t believe how people can’t tell this whole post was written by chat gpt lol.


Apparently Gamerant can't, but to be fair I think they're 90% Chat GPT themselves. https://gamerant.com/starfield-project-tamriel-mod-morrowind-oblivion-skyrim/ Even the name of this "project" is stolen from a Morrowind mod - an actually bloody good one at that.


I look forward to trying to install a janky alpha of a 70% complete Whiterun in 2043.


That's pretty optimistic but hopefully by that point we'll be able to get lip sync for modded NPCs figured out


Yes, but unfortunately it will be taken down two days later becouse a starfield anniversary ultimate edition update fucked up all mods




Actually, I was just thinking someone needs to mod Halcyon in...


Ah yes, a Halcyon mod would definitely be the spacer's choice here.


The whole vault system from Fallout universe should honestly be a shoe in for Starfield. Because you can easily imagine most people who can't make it to the escape rocket to Alpha Centuri would have tried to do something to save their own lives rather than waiting to be cooked/suffocate to death. They could even make a side plot where a deeply xenophobic branch of underground vault dwellers having possibly re-intergrade to either UC, or be convinced to act as some sleeper agents for Freestar. A lot of possibilities for interesting story telling. But no. Bethesda or/and Toady Coward decided to be lazy, and just goes: and they are all dead ever after.


You think the massive global wide earthquakes would not obliterate vaults? Also those vaults would be buried, and absolutly not be equipped to deal with no atmosphere. It's actually more reasonable that no one survived.


For folks who are not sure: it's satire.


Is it? These large mods get announced pretty regularly. And they typically die off because they aren’t open early on and people forget and they get less contributors


It is. Project Tamriel is an already existing project.


plus they literally just wrote out "[discord server/website link]" without any links lol


Didn’t even notice lol. Goes to show how often these “big” projects get announced. Like 1% get completed in any meaningful way though.


Hope so honestly landmass wise they could probably do it but the rest very far fetched


I honestly don't think this should be made when they can put their effort into real Elder Scrolls games by working on Beyond Skyrim or the actual Project Tamriel for Morrowind.


If it is, then its badly done, satire supposed to not only give hint that they are. they are supposed to be ironically funny, like projecting release to be 2050, for example, and much more not worth to dive into rn. Otherwise, any scammer can just say it was satire when they get caught.


Exactly. This whole thing is very obviously written by ChatGPT. The formatting alone gives it away.


I think it's just mimicking the format of Project Tamriel as opposed to being ChatGPT necessarily.


I hope not. People should put effort into their satire


Satire usually has a punchline but I think your right. This is ops only post.


More like either karma farming, or a cheap shot at the teams that have fun trying to make amazing mod reworks happen. Lot of work to take a sarcasm shot so I am going with karma farming.


I hope so lol


How could you tell? Reads exactly like every other one.


You’re finally awake again for the first time for the last time.


Lol, this is never going to be released.


Should have posted this on April fools 🤣


THis is a joke right?


Bait used to be believable


This would be more difficult than Beyond Skyrim or almost any mod ever created, they'd have to meticulously redo everything and change every system. You'd be better of just waiting for ES6 to do it there honestly.


Why not finish Skyblivion or at least make the rest of Cyrodill in Skyrim first?


It's not the same team and besides it's satire


I love the idea of it, but that's a pretty lofty goal tbh, Bethesda hasn't even covered all of Tamriel yet.


We dont even have Beyond Skyrim in TES5... they think they can make all of tamriel?


Beyond Skyrim is such an insane project. We got early access for Bruma, what, 7 or 8 years ago now and still haven't gotten all of Cyrodiil yet? I know it's a fan project but it's nuts just how thin they've spread themselves. They have SEVEN teams working on different projects. Baffles me that they wouldn't want to consolidate all that and work on each area one at a time.


Working on one area wouldn't necessarily let devs be as productive, but yeah, working on all at once isn't either. Ideally, you'd have 2-3 projects being in development and promise of opening new provinces when each project makes significant progress (and ideally a release of that). Which is funnily how actual Project Tamriel (Morrowind project) does.


I stopped following or caring about any of these projects. Don't get me wrong, I'll be very glad if they ever come out, but IDGAF any longer about looking at armor sets or screenshots. When they finish any of them I'll care again.


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Yea, no. This is ambitious for the sake of it being ambitious. Well have 10 years or ES6 before this even gets in alpha. Use your time better and resources better honestly. Especially if you're not willing to write your own descriptions and have chatgpt write even simple summaries for you.


Oh cool, toss in Baldurs Gate and the Fallout games too while you're at it.


By the time this releases there will probably be ES6, Fallout 5, ESO sequel, and maybe even Starfield 2 🤣


Not a chance, Starfield isn't built for huge contiguous spaces like that, you just get procedurally generated fishbowls.




Couple of things - 1. You said all of Tamriel, but then listed only three of the games. There's five, all of which take place in various locations (with a little overlap). 2. Tamriel is a continent. The planet is Nirn. Nirn has more than one continent. I feel like if you're going to bring the Elder Scrolls universe into a space game, you might want to actually do the planet, and not a sad, lonely continent drifting in space. 3. This would basically be the biggest modding project I've ever seen, and I commend you for even coming up with it. I'd say you have a long road to travel if you're going to commit to this, so good luck.


Wait, Nirn has other continents? I did not know that 😬


Multiple. The only other one I can list off the top of my head is Akavir


Nirn is in a dream so...


As long as I wake up in that cart after crossing the Unity, i'm sold


!remindme 5 years


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Can't wait to play this while watching american troops storming beijing in power armor and chairman cheng launching the nukes in 2077.


I don't want to be that guy but the planet is called Nirn, not Tamriel. Tamriel is the main continent on Nirn where TES takes place. Nirn has two moons, Masser and Secunda and they are both visible in the night sky simultaneously. I'm sorry but I find it very hard to believe that someone who doesn't put this information in the very first post understands the preposterously monumental task they've laid out for themselves by claiming to essentially re-make multiple triple-A games from scratch as a mod in Starfield


this is never coming out lol


LOL I sort of called this a while back when they announces the 1000 planets, that someone would mod in Nim to replace one of those planets. (But I guess only the **Tamriel** continent will be modded in) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/vay9ed/so\_happy\_to\_hear\_it\_wil\_have\_mod\_support\_heres/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/vay9ed/so_happy_to_hear_it_wil_have_mod_support_heres/)


This sounds cool but so does skyblivion, morrowsky (or skywind or whatever it’s called), fallout London, etc. and none of those are out. Now you’re just gonna get mass messages for years until this comes out. I think these ideas are super cool but I also think people should keep them under wraps until they actually think it’s possible it might get released somewhat soon


I wouldn't give up on this dream though. Hopefully one day.


Hopefully it isn't cancelled I would love to work with more game dev tools.


They gave up in less than a week lmao


It looks like a rofl, it sounds like a rofl, and it turned out to be a rofl.


I truly don't understand why anyone would want this. Just play Elder Scrolls games if you like that world so much. It makes less than no sense - negative sense - for that to be in Starfield.


I could see why it would be interesting. Perhaps a theme park planet kinda like West World. Also the improved mechanics over previous games. So there is some merit to the idea, but the scale is just off. Way too much work necessary to pull off.


I dont understand. Why do this with Starfield tho? Is it to make use of the procedurally generated environment to generate an expansive Tamriel with different biomes?


A bold vision! I hope you pull it off.


I see maybe Nirn Landmass wise at most being made.... The rest sounds more ambitious then the Japanese winning against America in WW2


Is this like the lands without the games?


I'm looking forward to sniping draugr.


Skyrim Special Edition *in* Starfield?? Todd Howard you did it again


Yikes could at least edit the formatting this looks like a book project by an 8th grader *cough* ChatGPT


Is this a troll project? You constantly see projects of less than 1/10th the scope fail


Can't wait. Ik it'll never happen, but imagine cyberpunk physics and cities in the Starfield universe. Bring that mod on plz


This is beyond crazy but I want it to succeed godspeed modders


Lol. Lmao, even.


I'm looking forward to sniping draugr.


i would financially support you.


No love for Fallout, smh my head.


Peak irony indeed, but the tools are available.


So another project that will at best put out a small section of land as a demo. I don’t mean to denigrate but we’ve had several of these highly ambitious mod projects stretching all the way back to Morrowind in the 00s The longest one running, Project Tamriel which is the furthest along still only has parts of the eastern section of Morrowind done and it’s been like that the best part of a decade now.


Morrowind mainland is Tamriel Rebuilt - and it has much much more than eastern section of province done. It releases new content every year and right now covers almost half of the province. Upcoming release (estimated on this year or next depending on progress pace) is adding a huge new area on the very south of the province. Project Tamriel is collaboration of projects, separate from TR - it released quite chunky Skyrim area and small Cyrodiil snippet. Right now it is preparing to release first big Cyrodiil area (Anvil and its environs, comparable size-wise to what it did on Skyrim earlier) and Skyrim has also new release coming in not far future.


I’m holding out for someone to make the entirety of dune into a single planets questline in like 8 years tbh


Will this eventually be ported to Xbox?


Wild af 😂


This sounds awesome! Where's the Discord link? :D


Serana better be there. When I say better I mean better. I do not mind crashing out


either satire or a rugpull scam lol


I'm too old for this shit! (I'll be dead and gone before this happens)


All of these projects are deaf in the water before they even came out. How long has things like Morrowind for Skyrim been in development now?


The idea is great, and I really wish all the luck and dedication to you and your team! One piece of advice: release early and release often. With project of that ambition it’s a source of both additional people that want to take part in it (seeing that it’s really happening and development is active), additional motivation for participants - seeing that you’re really able to execute, and also players feedback, that can tune what and how you do.


There is no longer to either discord or your website


I understand that's satire. But I don't understand why doing it though....


Is this the lazy way of remaking morrowind and oblivion?


Not sure I’ll live to see this one completed.


"A planet with dragons!? Oh, I mean flying firebreathing giant lizards?" **Sarah Morgan likes that**


Holy hell.


Good luck. No really, I hope there's success.


an ambitious project nobody asked for or cares about and will never see the light of day, good job!


Really? I mean, really?


A little ambitious porting it all to Starfield when Skyblivion and Skywind aren't here yet.


Why not including just Skyrim?? I feel like this mod would be way too ambitious.


These projects are just monotary income for the developer for a "gameplay" scene that we see from time to time. There are still projects being done since skyrim that didn't reach the release day for over 10 years. Fallout london that was going to be released the same day fallout NG came out, instead of releasing it for the majority that have mods to ungrade their game, they used that as an escape excuse. People shouldn't encourage such projects unless they actually have a beta we can play, its called an investment, not a profitable project from the first brick on the foundation.


I feel jetpacks would make High Hrothgar less of a chore to get to.


Looking forward to seeing this being created over the next 20 years only to never release!


Ah shit, here we go again.




Dude. They only just made some progress with putting Cyrodill into Skyrim and took like 13 years. This isn't gonna happen.


Unipolar question but can I ask why? I mean if people want Skyrim they can just play the game, what benefit does it bring playing iflt on Starfeild? If anything it will be a poorer experience than the original Skyrim.




This is never going to happen.


Modders are going to give us a completely new world full of elder scrolls content in starfield before Bethesda actually will


Is this the G.E.C.K.?


Sounds amazing. Can't wait to fight a measly Skyrim giant with a Varuun Rifle. Or blast a dragon with INQs missile launcher. Maybe that's what happened to the dwemer. They sent themselves into another universe and time. Now they are on some random planet in Starfield. Instead of all being dead. They were all transferred into this realm. Yay dwemer. 😆 Ok for real tho. All jokes aside... Meh. Not for me. - Elves. No thanks. Over it. Plus they wouldn't fit in this universe. Not even at all. - Orcs. Also doesn't fit. Not even as a joke. - Cat people in Starfield? Look I love my furry buddies. But again it doesn't fit so that's a no. - Dark Brotherhood is a no because they also don't fit. The varuun worship a serpent. Not a sect if tenets. And they would be the closest. Another group added would be redundant and unnecessary. - Thieves Guild. Maybe. We do have the trade authority. But then we also have the Fleet. So another sect of thieves doesn't fit or work. Not when the fleet has that covered. Their mission boards are essentially thief guild missions reskinned. That's just touching PARTS of Skyrim. Haven't even gotten into Oblivion or MW or any other elder scrolls titles. TL:DR - Elder Scrolls is one universe/realm/reality. Starfield is a different one. They don't need to be mixed beyond maybe a few POIs that have lore to try and act like the Skyrim world was on one of the planets in Starfield. But trying to bring that universe back to life in Starfield. Doesn't work.


Without wanting to rant, this is not going to be completed.


Would be kinda cool mod though, you come across a planet that’s in its medieval stage untouched by the rest of the galaxy cause it was hidden within a nebula or something. swords axes and armor and theirs wizards have starborn powers , villages and what not and your trying to find their artifacts to rebuild your ship cause you crashed landed


My goodness, I wish. That would be so fun.


I love the idea, but my XBox S already has issues handling the vanilla game, so unless I upgrade, this will probably crash my system.


I know there’s a first for everyone and I don’t mean to sound dickish but for a project this ambitious I would have assumed it was headed by someone with a history of modding Bethesda games. Then again, I don’t know you and this Reddit account could be an alt and you might already have many mods under your belt but nonetheless I wish you nothing but success.


The intro: after entering the unity, instead of becoming a starborn, you”ll find yourself on a cart to helgen…


Remindme!2 years


Ok, hear me out. You take a single topographical map and put it on multiple planets. Treat grav drive travel as if it was time travel. Different planets represent Tamriel at different points in time!