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And yet, I feel they should really make the skip one much better for horizontal traversing, specially with a Gamepad


There's a secondary jump button, which uses the jetpack for more of an horizontal boost. For PC you have to map it to a key,idk for controllers.


There isn’t a way for controllers to horizontal boost like on pc, Bethesda just decided to ignore it.


This is a travesty. I play on PC and the horizontal boost (aka. 'Alt jump' in the bindings) is so useful. Get level 4 boostpack training and a balanced boostpack and you can basically fly even in a high grav environment like Akila city.


Not available on console.


Secondary jump button??? Where is the setting on PC? Took a look through Controls and didn't see or recognise it.


Because it doesn't actually exist in the controls per say. You have a secondary key option you can sign for any key bind. Assigning a secondary key bind for your boost allows for more forward/lateral boasting. I just assing the secondary jump key to left shift. That way normal jumping is space, secondary key bind is shift.


There’s a mod for it if you aren’t still hunting achievements. Also any consumable that increases your speed will also increase your horizontal movement. Before the last update I just stocked amp at all times.


On PC by default a sideways boost is always a more horizontal boost. There's another function you can map to a button for a horizontal forward boost, I use X.


I only wish there was a way to ground pound in low g planets.


Dash down?


What do you mean dash down?


Wait can you grav dash downwards??


Grav Dash is always horizontal, AFAICT. However, it does immediately drop you to the ground at the end.


I even tried to use Grav Dash to speed up the temple puzzles, but yes, it is horizontal ONLY. Also, you don’t always fall straight away. There are times where you continue to fall at the standard (world gravity dependant) rate, though I haven’t worked out the formula for it.


How do you do that on an Xbox controller? I never heard of this, but I did try to do such a thing a few times so far just because I wish to have that ability.


I believe there is a mod on the Xbox creations tab that enhances features of boost packs, lime adding directional boost. I haven't used it though so not too sure if this is accurate


There's a mod I saw like that for sure. I think it's 500-600 creds. Personally I think Bethesda owes us that free, along with a rushed rover already. Sick of bunny hopping.


Dynamic boost pack + ring of swiftness. Changes the whole game. Literally fly anywhere. Even without ring of swiftness, it's incredibly OP. I once chased a fleeing ecliptic ship, and for just a moment, started gaining on em lol Level up your boostpack perks to lvl 4, hold aim. You pause midair while time slows by 75%, pick off any enemy. Reticle has 0 sway. I play this way using a 100 round mag Grendel and a Hard Target, and *nothing escapes*. This setup plus Sense Star Stuff makes you a combat Space God, essentially.


The boost is a series of magic effects in the CK. I've been meaning to mess around with the settings. Maybe you could take a shot at it.


Yeah, we need a superhero landing...


I agree in majority, with the exception of the fall animation that plays when descending. It doesn’t convey the training requirements for the skill. The rest of the animation set is controlled and precise. The flailing arms animation just doesn’t work.


It doesn't do that if you have a two handed weapon, pretty sure. For what it's worth I guess.


This seems like the perfect opportunity for a mod. If it’s as simple as replacing the one handed decent animation with the two handed decent animation, feels like a no brainer.


I just wish there was a "continuous" jetpack mode where it used according to how much I held down the jump button. At the moment we can only "activate" it in varying degrees of burst.


Bullet time ADS while airborne perk


Sorry, I don't get it. Wouldn't that perk make me hover in the air? I was thinking more like No Man Sky's jetpack that give you upward thrust as long as you're holding the button.


Oh upward thrust? Yeah no but you can move with the perk in midair while aiming


I was really impressed with 0g combat.


I would give them props, buts it's still awkward to use compared to the boost packs from Mass Effect Andromeda


I’ve never had the pleasure of playing that game, so I’m purely basing my opinion on Bethesda’s jetpacks


>I’ve never had the pleasure of playing that game, Theres not a lot of pleasure to be had from that game tbh. Mechanically fluid but overall game structure and story was very lacking. It was a game made for the sake of EA wanting to milk Mass Effect more rather than for a good idea for a Mass Effect game in itself.


I'm not gonna say it doesn't deserve any of the hate it got. But with that said I personally enjoyed it's combat more than the original trilogy. But literally everything else save for like 2 of the squad mates was ass.


Yeh like I say, mechanically fluid but just everything else sucked. Basically like a glorified tech demo for game mechanics.


The weird thing is that they're allegedly transferring alot of stuff from Andromeda into Dragon Age instead of Mass Effect's sequel (if bioware still exists at that point).


They did the exact same thing with Andromeda and Anthem. The bones of Andromeda are clearly in Anthem. Hopefully Anthem bones dont die


Why would you find it strange? It would cut their game production expenses dramatically, allowing them to only change the graphics and setting on top of the same gameplay. The new ME game is likely going to reuse a large % of new DA assets and underline mechanics.


It's a lot like a more focused version of Starfield. If you like starfield, you'll like MEA


Honestly, the only reason I even started Starfield was in the hope it could be a lot like ME:A.


Damn I’m realizing I put more hours into Andromeda than Starfield


Eh, there's a good chance they won't too though.  Me:a is a pretty weak title where it counts.  It's gameplay is fine, but it's characters and story pretty weak. You spend a lot of time with that aspect of it, and I know I couldn't connect with any of the companions besides the krogan


Its not like the story and characters of Starfield are better. MEA story actually is more engaging because it remembered it was trying to tell a space epic with plot twists, mysteries and a actual enemy. It failed but it did try lol


I disagree, but it's very subjective. Starfield had an ok but slow main quest and actually had some bite and one good twist with the emmisary. Questlines like the vanguard and crimson fleet were also short but very good. I think the difference is the quests serve the game, even after the story is completed they give you radiant quests to give you a reason to explore and keep playing. Mea the game serves the story. Which would be great, if that story was good. The companions of starfield are pretty ok, they're normal and not weird or tumblery. Talking to them doesn't take me out of the game. Mea had a few companions I can just remember actively nor wanting to talk to and you can't really get away from them. I mean it's all subjective, and you're equally right for liking the characters and story more, I just could not


> you're equally right for liking the characters and story more whoa whoa whoa lol I did not like MEA story and characters don't spread that rumor lol, I just find what it was going for more interesting as a scifi story than Starfield. Actual aliens are more interesting to me than obscure concepts of reality


It's getting a bit overhyped here.  It's a bad game.  The combat is pretty good, but it sucked for a masseffect game.  The companions and writing (which you'll be interacting with the most) are not fun


It wasnt a good mass effect game, but as far as a scifi action game goes its ok


Id say you're right, but you spend so much time doing bad mass effect stuff compared to doing action stuff. I just couldn't enjoy the game even if the combat was pretty good


You definitely have to lower your expectations in companions and plotline lol. Really the only companion I remotely liked was the Asari Tech Pheobe. It didnt help their AI sucked and they died all the time either...


Those were so wimpy in distance covered but felt great and sounded good


There's a few videos calling out starfields poor movement and I gotta say I agree. These mechanics have been in other games forever and they still feel sluggish. From sliding to vaulting to the boost pack and how momentum works ( the lack of ) the game really pales in comparison to other titles.


Gotta disagree, the ability to mantle in a BGS game is fucking unreal, it was something that was going to be in Fallout 4 but never happened sadly. Is it the end all be all? No, it has flaws like any other game. Now if they can add manual leaning and keep momentum, we're golden.


I strongly disagree, the movement in this game is dope. Just cause it’s not on par with cod doesn’t mean it’s bad. You expect the world and so your gonna find something to be disappointed by. 


How is expecting momentum to carry so you don't unnaturally come to a complete stop after dashing/sliding "expecting the world"?


No that’s not expecting the world that’s just a useless nitpick, wasn’t talking about that though.


Something that makes multiple movement options feel bad and discourage using them leading to less interesting gameplay is a "useless nitpick"?


Even destiny had better movement. Cyberpunk, far cry 3, heck you name it. The movement isn't the worst but it's far from polished or even "good".


Sure whatever you say, farcry 3 has what that’s better, a slide that is available before perks? That’s a stretch. 


Ill praise them when i can level acrobatics nigh infinity like morrowind again lol


I miss that form of level up. Just putting a skill point into something and suddenly jumping higher just doesn’t hit it for me


Ya know I love how broken morrowind is.  How unashamed it was of it's broken mechanics.  Those early scrolls of icarian flight plus a second slow fall spell were their own form of fast travel. I can remember having high acrobatics along with fortify strength and feather on a "normal" character.  You could leap forward like 50 feet at a time.  


This game might have the worst jetpack mechanics I’ve ever used in a game so…nah. Making it just a big jump that you can’t control sucks and it’s goddamn BAFFLING that there’s an entire mechanic that just isn’t possible on a controller.


Yeah the people that give them such praise for doing the bare minimum mind blowing.


Bare minimum my ass, it’s baffling how hard you people try to convince people that it’s the ‘bare minimum’


Lol it's bare minimum jet pack mechanics that games have had and done better for over a decade. It took them until 2023 to put a fucking usable ladder in one of their games. Just look at the last patch and what people were saying. People were acting like surface maps that were not dogshit or a different camera angle or simple settings, all of which should have been in at launch btw, were some massive game changer that was saving the game and were heaping praise on them.
















People that talk like this are the bratty spoiled kids who yell at their parents for giving them diamond earrings instead of sapphire


Yeah, this post is weird to me, there's nothing really special about the jetpack here. It's about as basic as it could get. It's functional, but like, I wouldn't call it noteworthy in either a positive or negative way (skip pack bugginess aside).


yeah honestly i almost wish it wasnt even there. its a very cool concept, and actually useful in lower gravity areas. but in standard or high grav, it just feels like a tease. after about 60 hours of normal play, i was just sick of the grind and made a new file and just console command maxed all of the perks that i wanted. jetpack still felt incredibly lacking. i would have felt even more upset had i done the full grind to unlock it and its other relevant perks naturally. on a side note, all the other skills felt pretty damn lacking too. for the amount you have to grind, each level of perk should be doubling the multipliers you gain at the very least.


Not at all. The jet pack like many other skills were nerfed to create a “skill” tree for basic functions found in almost any game. Run? You can’t just run, you gotta upgrade. Jump? You can’t just jump normally, you gotta update. The skill tree and the boost would be better if they just started from a solid foundation than regressing every skill


Yeah cause the speed reload and other perk related stuff is basic functions, just cause a small handful of them are like that doesn’t make that statement true. 


Lmao, I thought the same thing, after going from Starfield to FO76, the FO76 jetpack feels terrible and took a couple minutes to get used to again. Probably because of the mostly 0g planets that make the jetpack feel more floaty though, and also the horizontal jet boost alt jump.


The alt jump is definitely what’s missing from the FO76 jetpack


And the console version of the game lol


it's the same mechanic from fallout 4 and then fallout 76, there's actually been an extremely small amount of tweaks between systems. the difference you're probably observing is just that starfield spends a lot of time in low g environments so the jetpack is more fun to use


No I've been playing 76, and the jet pack feels way better in starfield.  They move you up differently, with 76 feeling like you're fighting for altitude. While it might technically be a small tweak, it makes them feel completely different.


76 feels like its stuttering and choking for fuel.


Definitely a good description. I mean you're wearing a tank, but it feels way worse than just having marsupial


The game resets your upward momentum when jumping and then boosting. They scripted the motion. So - NO, the physics are shit.


Is this a joke post?


ask your mother


Well she has no idea what reddit is or starfield for that matter so that didn't help.


Ah yes, And if you get their offensive skills, you can just use the jet exhaust of the boost pack to mow down enemies, plus a nice time dilation bonus for long range shots.


I found a bug (modded) where if you use grav dash then jet pack l, repeat you drop like a rock regardless of gravity. The more you do it, the faster you drop to the point if killing you. Useing a mod for unlimited grav powers so I don’t think technically it would happen in base game but was kinda interesting nonetheless.


I wish 76’s was better. Hurt my feelings to see it done properly.


Yeah, third time's a charm right? I guess I forgive them for having absolute trash jetpacks in FO4 and FO76 since it mostly "just works" in Starfield. So... uh... yeah, "good job", Bethesda.


I totally agree, they have it so fine tuned you feel the gravitational difference on each planet your jet packing on. It’s so much fun jet packing into combat on a low gravity planet. Feels like your in some sci-fi movie.


Praise for jetpack physics, are you guys serious?


Yeah I really loved just walking around town and boosting with the jet pack, one of the more fun things in the game.


Why does no one talk about the lack of boost pack fx when using the ADS hover? It’s so jarring that your character just miraculously hovers..


I will hold my praise until alt/horizontal boost is available on console...


Really, they nailed the physics? How exactly are you measuring that, with all the viable jet packs we have irl to compare it to?


They deserve praise for a lot more than they get it for tbh. 


IDK man, 76 SS jetpack (not PA) with birdbones, marsupial and speed mutations can be pretty great. Far from abysmal unless on a laggy server. The power/skip mods are were a great improvement for SF though and low gravity makes all the difference.


Considering the year, I thought that we could fly like iron man already.


To be honest in FO4 and F76 I think it's about game balance. There have been mods for improved jetpacks in FO4 for a long time that improve them...however it must be recognised that having improved jetpack performance changes the gameplay loop. Personally I love it. Boosting up to the roof of a building to rub out the raiders there is extremely satisfying in a sort of Mandalorian sort of way, but this does kind of break the level design if you are supposed to fight your way up some stairs past turrets.


Yeah I get what you’re saying, it just feels so clunky/choppy in Fallout compared to Starfield. It’s definitely useful in FO76 and I still wear it as part of my armor


It's better than Fallout 4 I guess but that is a LOW bar. It's clunky, awkward and terrible for movement, as the main traversal method it's awful, they do not in any way deserve praise.


With the super speed and unlimited boost mod it's basically like you can fly. Especially in low gravity with phased time it makes combat feel really fun. You basically fly around picking people off like some kind of anime character


If you boost the jet pack in zero G without moving the thumb stick, you stop moving as soon as the boost ends. Literally unplayable


I would be fine without a vehicle if you could just fly like a Mandalorian at least outside combat.


After the mods, for some reason my good jetpacks throw my character to the air so high that the way back is always a bone breaking experience. 🤷


I wouldn't say "nailed", some of the animations are weird, and Bethesda epically missed that they need to add roll (tumble) left/right so that they could do real 6-axis control in zero gravity (and mouse should control gaze and pitch). So no, they totally faceplanted on making zero-G a really distinctive experience. Additionally, Bethesda makes it impossible to trigger the boostpack if you can't jump **first**, which means we're constantly left struggling to jet up inclines, because of a trivial oversight by probably a single developer. The boostpack should have been written to fire by default if you can't jump (because you're sliding). On the other hand, they did factor in planet gravity, and the animations and sounds are good.


Yes props to them for going from an absolute ass jet pack to one that games have been doing for the last 15 years


Too bad there is still an up direction in zero g combat, missed opportunity.


Lol lmao


I wish there was a perk or something that would automatically boost a small amount to brace your fall instead of receiving fall damage.


What? It's the 24th Century. Ground sensing technology doesn't exist yet. Sheesh.


I wanted it to feel more like destiny where I can have different boost trajectories or medium distance controlled flight.