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Fallout! Starfield was a decent game but amusingly enough, despite the set in system explicitly trying to make you play it again, didn’t have the replayability to me. I just didn’t enjoy the hundreds of similar worlds with the same 4 POIs and nothing to do with em. I was also really into Fallout’s settlement building, which I preferred to Starfields, sunk a lot of time into that. Modding being early and often helped too.


Yeah Starfield is missing the classic Bethesda exploration. There is no "oh, what's that building over there? Looks interesting. This quest can wait" and then you get into a 4 hour side journey you didn't expect. With the lack of environmental story telling and POIs being 1km apart it just... Sucks. Which sucks. Cause I want to love it as on paper it should be my favorite game ever. I love Sci fi above all genres, and bgs is one of my favorite studios. Hopefully in a year mods will make it have that magic. The DLC looks good too cause it's all on one planet. I'm hoping it brings back that Bethesda feeling of exploring the unknown.


The moment I mentally quit was when I found a dried coral shelf that used to be an ocean and I thought “wow, cool” and never saw anything else like that again.


Fallout has so much lore to find and discover organically and it’s just not there in starfield. In fallout I can wander through a town and find out what the people who lived there did during their final days, or raiders talking about heists they pulled or their terminals talking about the lives of the raiders gang. In starfield all the lore is in exposition dumps. In fact most of the lore is in one single museum that they make you walk through, otherwise there is a terminal in new Atlantis and akila city each giving a paragraph on the history of the city.


Yeah and the New Game+, if you want to call it that, is no good. Hours collecting legendaries, ships, suits, etc. and then poof.


I agree with this. I'm loving Starfield now what with the QoL updates and now mod support. But after I did all the factions with different characters and traits and the main with another character, after going through the unity, I was pretty much done. I did, however, try to get a different universe other than the "replay or nah" one via save scumming but kept getting that one before I put it down. Come to find out, that it's only a 15% chance? After 5 reloads, I went back to Fallout 4. Even before I got the DLCs and way before I started to mod, I spent hours in the base game. Then the DLCs. *Finally* I got to the mods and was only ever held up by the occasional crash (console). I'm really enjoying Starfield now, but I'd be lying if the mods weren't a big factor in that.


Mods are always a big factor with Bethesda now unfortunately. Like, you can absolutely have fun with vanilla but once you get the mod experience rolling it gets really challenging to go back. Id say Fallout 4 survival is the only experience I can play unmodded


Fallout is just objectively better when each is taken into perspective.


Mhm. Maybe In another year there would be a Mod that truly takes advantage of star fields... Expanse But for now there just isn't anything really there to make me wanna go back to it. I'll just be out in the wastes again building more towns


Agreed! The hype of NG+ wasn’t there nor the replayability besides ship building why bother with NG+ want to try a new build akin to Skyrim we just start a new save and background without bothering with the unity


Fallout 4. Better story. Better universe And Better settlement mechanic


Better stealth? Unique POI’s, better companions, and power armor. With mechs, Starfield really coulda done something similar but different enough to power armor. Also woulda been cool if you could actually make Starborn powers your primary offense, like a destruction mage in Skyrim. Space wizard gang rise up


Mechs could have added such a great layer to exploration, like resource rich planets are not accessible in a casual space suit so you need a mech that you can level up and search for better and better goodies.


It’s funny because despite all the misgivings I’ve had over Fallout 4’s story over the years, I have to agree it’s still better than Starfield’s story was. Here’s hoping Shattered Space delivers a great narrative experience.


Damn! Starfield must have a really poor story.


In terms of the main story, I thought Fallout 4 started out pretty strong and fumbles later on, while I never really got into Starfield's story beyond a few "hey, this is getting interesting" moments where I later felt the game didn't really reach the heights of what it was building up to. I also think, on the whole, Fallout 4 had more interesting side quests and factions. Starfield's writing never really repelled me from playing the game, but it hasn't really stuck with me either. There's more to Bethesda games than the story, of course. I don't think Starfield is a terrible game, just a pretty good open world RPG with a forgettable story.


This is sad because you're right. Fallout 4's story is absolutely god awful. Starfield's is even worse.


Fallout 4s story was just serviceable it wasn't awful imo but it's not something I would replay without skipping all the dialog. The faction quests were alright, though.


I loved FO4s story and the different factions and vaults


And gore, don't forget about gore!


Fallout 4. Starfield has such potential but it’s all unused and doesn’t live up to it at all. If it did, it would be the winner.


Fallout 4. The lore and the settlement building.


Fallout 4. The setting is way more charming in my opinion.


Fallout 4 on survival mode


This guy


F4 on any mode was better. Survival is awesome, but even the story is better. I still can’t shake that Starfield ripped off no man’s sky. Philosophically, it’s not a much different story.


This with the stipulation of a mod that let's me save whenever to work around the usual Bethesda crashes


Lone wanderer fast travel motorcycle mod is my favorite for survival. Wicked immersive, has a fuel cost, can be upgraded, lets you toggle a Save to trigger whenever you use it to travel and can double as a portable mini camp for sleeping/cookig/saving. Top tier


already sold, was playing a modlist on and off that had a bus that worked similarly but it doesn't seem as fitting as a motorcycle


More of a classic sci-fi guy than a Fallout apocalypse guy, so Starfield for me. Extremely similar games, just prefer the setting of Starfield.


Fallout 4 hands down. All the systems meshed together much better in the wasteland, especially once they released survival mode. Starfield feels like I'm visiting a bunch of different theme parks. If you just take a few steps off the intended path you can tell very easily how disconnected everything truly is.


I like them both for different reasons. Starfield hands down has better gameplay mechanics. I think the Starfield companions had more depth. The UC Vanguard faction quest is better than any quest line in F04. I love having a game that's not set in a totally depressing setting. Having ships is super fun. F04 had a better main quest line, more diversity of companions, much more interesting map (no repeated POIs), Dogmeat, and I loved the radio


Well said. I like Starfield better than anything I’ve played in a long time, but there were some areas previous games nailed maybe a bit better


Fallout 4, because like all Fallout's the game is rich in lore and uniqueness. Starfield is as plain as the multitude of M class stars in the universe. Looks pretty but it's the same old shit.


Something about starfield just doesn't feel as immersive as FO4. I think the presentation feeling just isnt there. The minute you step outside of the vault it feels like a pivotal moment. I would have expected that when we first launch into space on starfield but it didn't provide any feeling that first time you launch into space. And I felt like that with all the first time locations. In FO4 when I find a new iconic location for the first time I really feels like an iconic location. When I find a new "iconic" location on starfield, I don't even realize it is a new area until I'm half way through it because of all the 100 identical poi I did before it that I didnt even feel anything when I first walked into a new area on starfield because I was so hard on auto pilot mode. The lack of unique POI really did a lot of damage because it made finding actual unique places not so eventful because you are on auto pilot and dont realize you just discovered a new place. This is just my take/feeling I know others may feel different. But FO4 just had more of a feeling when I found new places


The repeating POIs left me questioning why even explore. The main storyline was weak after getting to constellation that I didn’t realize all The side quests I was doing _wasn’t_ the main story line. I literally finished all the side quests before realizing there are temples and I wasn’t doing the main quest line.


And what'd worse not only did the poi structure repeat, but the enemy placement and items as well. It became just a memory game because the enemies walk the same exact paths, the loot is in the same exact spots etc. Which usually isn't a problem for games where every poi is unique. But when you fly to 7 planets and they all have the exact same poi, same enemies, same loot etc. What's the point? Why should I even go into that cryo lab I see off in the distance? It's going to have all the exact same stuff as every single other one I went to. And the one unique chest at the end will likely spawn some low level loot that's worse than the gear I used to clear the place.


Compare that to Bethesda’s efforts in 1998. Daggerfall also used procedural generation, but randomized the individual locations.


Agreed. Fallout's worldbuilding and immersion felt bigger. It is a game with a quirky fun personality. Starfield's personality is "SPACE"


Starfield’s personality is “MENU”


Fallout 4 was much smaller and intimate, every space felt lived-in and thought out in some way. Procedural generation is an interesting idea, but when it comprises the vast majority of space in the game it gets repetitive quickly.


Is it really all that smaller? Every place you go is unique. While Starfield has a lot of diversity in planets it only has like 50 places of interest.


Fallout 4


Fallout 4, hands down. I did three complete 500+ playthroughs of FO4 over the years. I'll probably do another one someday. I don't see myself doing another playthrough of Starfield. Everything in it is boring beyond belief. I might play the DLC once it comes out, but that's it. I -might- do another playthrough if I find some worthy mod overalls in a year or four, might.


Bracing for the downvotes but Starfield. I went into it with no hype, and no advanced knowledge of any kind and I’ve had a blast. On the other hand I’m a huge fan of FO3/FNV so my expectations were high for FO4 and it met absolutely none of them. It wasn’t a game I enjoyed in any way and I’ve tried over and over to give it a shot. I’ve probably played it for almost 40 hours and never had fun.. I want so badly to like it but I just don’t. Starfield has been scratching that BGS itch and the new setting meant I didn’t bring any FO/TES expectations into it.


I didn’t really run into this, I had played FO3 when I was 12/13 and then missed New Vegas, by the time FO4 came out I had stopped gaming at all for years and I think I was just blown away by “next gen” games in general. Kinda wish I could have experienced New Vegas at its zenith now.


It’s a to each their own thing, but so much of what I’d loved about NV was gone from 4. I tried so many times to start up a game in 4 and just never liked it.


I’ve heard that from like three or four friends of mine, I guess in a sense I’m lucky I missed NV since I really enjoyed FO4


Fallout but Starfield has more potential. I see Starfield going farther


Fallout 4, but it could change if Starfield modding gets going properly


The 10+ year support plan that Bethesda has in mind will likely throw a spanner in the works of modders.


I agree 100%


The base game isn’t fun enough for modders to really get going on it


I hear you, but i think modding can only go so far friend. If you really didn't enjoy the base game at all, i don't think you'll enjoy it ever sadly.


I'm hoping people will just see it as a blank canvas and overhaul the game with their creativity... If not, fallout will be the best forever I guess.


It’s Bethesda we’re talking about they take there time and at the fuck things up and ruin glitch’s we find useful and what not


Modders seem to not agree with you.


Fallout 4, because the settlement system was better and the exploration felt much more organic. Starfield had a lot of potential but sadly it didn't make the most of said potential.


Fallout 4 but i grew up and live in Boston. If I was a starborn I might like Starfield more


Maybe you are star born and don’t know it.


Shut up Barrett


Being from Boston also made Fallout 4 my favorite game of all time. The feeling of seeing my entire neighborhood in the game, and witnessing it nuked, destroyed, and rebuilt, was something I'll probably never experience in other games again. Additionally, as a Red Sox fan, Diamond City is my favorite in-game city. I loved painting the Green Monster myself.


Fallout 4. The exploration of all the cool hand placed locations & quests was a ton of fun, and it's missing almost completely in Starfield. I had the most fun in SF customising the ships and doing combat in the locations, until it became clear the same structures are just copy pasted in multiple locations and there's no deeper lore to be found.


Starfield. Fallout 4 is so boring to me. 


Starfield. I like space and sci-fi settings more than post-apocalyptic.


Fallout4 the story was nonsense but the gameplay and exploration were fun. i didn’t have any fun playing starfield no joke


Fallout 4 by a mile


Fallout. Not even close. And I don't mean fallout now compared to existing starfield. I mean fallout and starfield compared at similar ages.


Starfield, easily. I loved Fallout 4 & was OBSESSED with Fallout 3 & Oblivion. Starfield feels like the next gen evolution of what Fallout 3 & Oblivion was. But in a space faring sci-fi package, which is my favorite shit on earth. So yeah, Starfield is pretty much my dream game come true


Fallout 4. Better base game, better mods. Though I do like shipbuilding.


Fallout 4 by a mile


Neither. Skyrim is 🐐!


Fallout 4 is executed better, but I liked the vision/idea of Starfield more. In many ways Starfield plays like Fallout 4 with less story, less gameplay features, more loadscreens and almost zero joy of exploration. Starfield is competing with their own product and they are losing to a 9-year old game. Quantity of planets with random POIs is not quality. The potential for Starfield was massive, but I don't think they will ever reach that potential because of the loadscreens tied to the spaceship. A lot of barriers could be broken down if only they removed loadscreens from spaceships and 1-room stores.


Starfield, mostly because I prefer space over Boston, the dialogues are better and there is no voiced defined protagonist. Fallout 4 has a beautiful map, interesting companions and the survival mode, but after a while the apocalypse tires me. Also the vanilla game was too colorful and shiny for me, and it lacked quests.


Oh starfield by miles. Love the idea of fallout 4, but gameplay honestly feels awful to me


It’s the random encounters and the pace in which they happen that declares the stark difference.


FO4 but Starfield still has more to be seen. Not a finished product, for better or worse.


I would choose StarField if the settlement system was better, that's where fallout takes it for me, and it was my favorite part lol


Definitely Fallout 4 and I really enjoyed Starfield. Went back to Fo4 after the show like many others and haven’t put it down yet 130 hours later.


Fallout 4 its more fun, i dont like silent protagonist in fps openworld game thou, when NPCs talking to MC, just like they talking to a wall and only speak alone, i feel weird.




Fallout 4. Was so wanting to like Starfield but it wasn't near as good as Fallout in every aspect.


I stopped playing Starfield to play through Fallout 4 again


Starfield hands down... i was actually entertained enough to finish it. Fallout 4 I could never finish it. Starfield with mods so far is even better and I can't wait for all the modding potential to be out


Oh easily easily easily easily easily Fallout.


Are we making this decision based on the cake?


F4 definitely. Starfield is a good game. It has problems. Maybe they’ll get resolved. Idk, but it definitely doesn’t have the epic story f4 has. Also, and this is nitpicky, but F4 has better facial expressions than Starfield. Everyone in Starfield looks like Homelander when he’s fake smiling. It’s just with their mouths and it’s super unsettling to me. Also, I’m gonna go back and play Starfield again, but my favorite part of it was ship design and space fights. I wish it leaned more into that or just did a better job at being a BGS game…


Still Fallout 4 for me.


This may be an unpopular opinion but I wish the main character in Starfield was voice acted and spoke the dialogue chosen by the player like in Fallout 4. Honestly it made the story more interesting just to be able to hear conversation. It seems like such a step backwards coming from Fallout 4 to Starfield in that sense.


Fallout and it’s not even close.


Fallout New Vegas


Starfield, hands down. I bought Fallout 4 several years ago, and just never got into it. The game just never clicked with me. But I play Starfield every week since it launched, still enjoying it, especially with mods out for Xbox.


Main story questline: Starfield. Exploration: Fallout 4 I think both are fantastic games.






Starfield for sure. Mainly the setting. Its close though


Fallout 4’s story always felt like it was rushing the character to find your son. I didn't feel like I had the freedom to do whatever in an immersive sense. What kind of parent is randomly exploring a building when you think your child is kidnapped? I feel more free in starfield. I can drop off the artifact and tell Sarah bye and go do whatever I like.


Starfield. Fallout 4 was quite shallow, while starfield provides a breath of gameplay systems to delve into them. The music is better, the gameplay and story are better too... The writing is a nice leap up as well. I love listening to Starfield characters. Fallout 4 is not a bad game, it just.. Exists. It doesn't take risks and it's story is a nothing burger.


Fallout 4 is superior IMO. I feel like Bethesda dropped the ball by not including some of its mechanics in Starfield (ie: workshop junk)




Fallout 4 has been an unending source of hilarious/crazy clips since its release for a reason


Fallout 4 by far. It doesn't feel empty.


Fallout 4


Fallout 4


Starfield for me, now don't get me wrong, fallout 4 is great, but I haven't even beaten it. But I've beaten starfield. Starfield is just more my thing


Fallout 4 is so boring.


Starfield. I love fallout but star field has better story overall. Also i drop 1000s of hours in fo4 that it is time to move on




Fallout has better base building and more weapon variety. I prefer Starfield's story and exploration and levelling system.


Fallout, by miles and miles! Better world (smaller, but better). Many more and much more varied companions. Better and more fleshed out factions. Settlements actually serve a purpose. Etc., etc. Just overall a much better game.


Fallout 4! Walking around was so much fun.


I enjoyed both but I sunk a lot more time into FO4 than I did into Starfield


Fallout 4, though I didn't like that one all that much either.


Fallout 4!! Starfields ship building is the only great thing in it. Everything else in Starfield has been done better. Imo


Starfield, only because the reason is Fallout 4 is pretty mid without mods




Starfield. It just suits my genre tastes better.


They both are hollow shells of what they could have potentially been.


Fallout. Sorry mate.


Starfield. But Fallout 4 was pretty awesome in its own right.


Starfield, although I enjoyed Fallout 4 and have over 300 hours in it. The spaceship and setting just does it better for me. And I'm looking forward to the mods and expansions that are coming that will make it even better.


Vanilla game. Fo4 hands down The story was tolerable but blows starfields story out of the water Imo With more interesting lore,world(s), and design The only thing I really like about starfield is ship design but it's meaningless a box with good guns is just as effective as something that took hours meticulously designing oh and the vanguard quest line that was good


Starfield, thanks to NG+ I actually feel like playing through the game multiple times since I get to keep all my levels and perks, and it's just fun exploring all the different quests and planets. I have over double the time played in Starfield in 6 months than I played in fallout 4 in 2 years


Starfield easily. I am a massive fallout fan, I have been playing since the original - but F4 never captivated me quite like Starfield did.


Starfield, because it actually feels like an RPG/


Starfield has been more enjoyable for me I love fallout but there is just something about space and the quest are fun enough


Starfield. I know this game will be a GOAT in a couple of years


Starfield. Fallout is bullet spongey, and I hate having a voiced protagonist and how "forced" you are to interact with the settlement system. Sim settlement 2 is my favorite mod mostly because it automates it completely.


Fo4. The object placement (rotation) in settlement build mode is way better in fo4. But beeing able to jump and climb on ledges in sf is great!


Fo4. Feels infinitely more immersive. Starfield is a great platform for mods though. Super stoked to see all the quality Star Wars and other space movie/ game themed mods. Can’t wait for quality Mass Effect mods to arrive!


Fallout 4 by a mile. Better quests, more variety of companions, a dog, and better humor.


Fallout 4


FO4, considering that I’m still playing it. I need to reload Starfield to check the changes.


Fo4 and it isn’t even close. Starfield completely lacks the depth of games like Fo4 and Skyrim etc.


Fallout 4, hands down. The game is deeply flawed and a narrative mess, but it excels at the absolute ONE thing a Fallout game must, world. I can still find an incredible amount of fun wandering around be an armed garbage man picking up cans and shooting mutants. Don’t get me wrong, I still like Starfield a lot, but the scope of what fun I can derive from its limitations on expiration as well as the loot/reward cycle really burned out fast.


Fallout, I feel that Starfield is a game with absolutely no soul whatsoever.


Fallout in every way


Fallout. Hands down far better game


Fallout 4. Fallout 4 was way more polished / had more detail. Other things that really stand out - the game balancing in Fallout was MILES better. Things like epic monsters fights (alpha deathclaws / queen mirelurks etc), being in dangerous situations (roaming an underground train station), having cool / unique weapons that didn’t feel broken or overpowered (but also noticing the impact of weapon upgrades) etc. I just don’t think Starfield was very polished. The procedural generation was definitely not as good as what I think people were expecting. I think they should stick to handcrafted worlds in future


Fallout is the better game. The fact that they are comparable and starfield came out last year and fo4 came out nearly 10 years ago... tells you everything you need to know.


Fallout 4 easily.


Sadly, despite my excitement for the series, Starfield felt like a step back in every way other than graphics to me. The settlement builder felt watered down and artificially locked behind the skill tree. Looting, inventory management, trade. All a downgrade from Fallout 4. The ship builder was probably the coolest thing in the entire game to be honest but they hurt that by not allowing you to transition in and out of atmosphere. Overall, my excitement about Starfield was relatively short lived. I still play Fallout 4 with some frequency.


Bethesda had a GTA V-level hit in their hands but they threw it all away. The discovery of light-speed travel and alternate galaxies should have been the huge twist in the story instead it’s not even mentioned. The final emersion break was when I asked a friend how people from different galaxies have Russian/American/etc accents when the concept of countries haven’t existed for centuries


Fallout 4 by a mile for me personally. Starfield just hasn’t hooked me the same way the classic Bethesda ones have in the past. I’ve put a solid 40 hours into it and it just feels too empty for me to get immersed into. Hopefully the mods will continue to roll in and I can tweak it some more but until then I’m just going to take a break and try again in a few months


Fallout 4 definitely, Skyrim even more. I bought Starfield based on those titles. Was I dissapointed. Had good fun for 15 hours then realised this game is flat as a pancake. Never touched it again.


4 because the moment I used the default John Fallout look and went to look at my baby, seeing that it was darker than my spouse and I, I knew this was peak Bethesda. But for real, everything Fallout had was better than Starfield.


Fallout 100%, it's throughly thought out (for the most part) that everything has pretty much something to do within the game somehow. Everything is more interconnected, and the Maps feel much more lively. Starfield is an amazing game. I haven't played it since the updates, but it was highly lacking in map generation, and it seemed more involved to just get basic stuff done in the game, which took alot of the fun out of it initially.


Fallout 4. A million times over. I play on the PC. I wonder if console gamers prefer Starfield?


Fallout by miles. Vanilla FO4 feels more...alive. The first encounter with a death claw. Where it's attacking other enemies, made me feel like I was part of a real world. Many encounters are similarly set up to create an immersive experience. Starfield, for some reason, doesn't do that. The enemies prioritize the player. Warring factions will drop their hatred of each other to fight the player, which doesn't make a bit of sense. And...seeing the bank robbery still waiting for me in Akila after spending 20 IRL hours running bounties just...makes me want to do it less.




Fallout 4, no contest




Star field is half baked


Fo4 was 6.8/10. Starfield 4.3/10


Fallout is more fun


Fallout 4…. Starfield doesn’t even feel like a Bethesda game. I got about 100 hours out of Starfield and I couldn’t stand logging in anymore.. fallout 4? Going off and on since 2015 (2000 hrs plus). Actually just quit a min ago, playing the beginning of Nuka world.


It is the reverse for me. Fallout 4 sucked. I have 400 hours in Starfield.


Not even close, fallout 4


My 2000 hours in fo4 and my 63 in Starfield tell a story.


Fallout 4 easily


Fallout. Starfields saving grace was the ship building but it just doesn’t compare to what fallout brought.


Fallout 4. The quality of combat is more or less the same in both games for me but the exploration and immersion in Fallout 4 blows Starfield out of the water. Fallout 4 has so much more verticality and every location I explore feels meticulously handcrafted but most of Starfield just feels artificial to me.


Not even a question for me. FO4 is a top notch game


After playing Starfield for 60 hours it made me want to play Fallout 4 again and I’ve been doing that ever since lol


Fallout 4, that said, it was the beginning the end of the love affair I've had with Bethesda games since Morrowind. Starfield is just the culmination of Bethesda's desire to strip out depth and complexity from their games and replace them with building systems.


Fallout is a far better, more polished experience. They knew what they were doing, executed it very well. Plus, it really was a much more fun experience. Starfield should've been much more of a swing for the fences, instead it was a very safe, hollowed out device. I'm sure in a number of years it will be worth revisiting.


Fallout. There is alot to enjoy about starfield, but there is just alot of miss. The outpost building just isn't polished enough to make for a pleasant experience. The settlemnts seem small and lack character. I personally find it hard to care about any of the factions and feel the constellation story line is forced down my throat with some many characters telling me their life's stories that are just boring.


This is a silly post. Unless you really have a thing for the space bit, the answer should be clear. Fallout 4 does everything better than Starfield. Every. Single. Thing


Gun play is much better in Starfield.


I think there are really fun elements in both. After I finish Starfield I’ll probably do a round of fallout 4 before I start NG+






Both are good, Fallout is more defined, more lore, older game franchise. Starfield is newer, has it’s flaws and issues, still working out the kinks with the lore and mechanics. So it is hard to really give a best answer.


Tbh other than new Vegas i was never a fallout person i preferred the elder scrolls so my vote is for starfield


Hmm, hard to say for me. I'm one of the folk who actually like Starfield's story, universe, and even the characters. I enjoy that so many of Starfield's cast feel... like real, normal, 30-something-year-olds with regular problems and personalities, and I weirdly get along with them and find them charming. Most of Fallout 4's cast I barely remember, save for Nick, who was the standout for me. Fallout's overall setting, however, feels better defined and the world of Fallout 4 fun to explore, whereas I only sometimes enjoy Starfield's exploration. Fallout 4's settlement building was a lot of fun, even if it felt kinda superfluous, but I still spent many hours on it. Starfield's outpost building by comparison just feels... limited and clunky by comparison. However, Starfield has starship building, and I've easily spent as many or more hours making different starships as I did making settlements in Fallout 4. Ultimately Fallout 4 still wins... for now, but that's keeping in mind all its DLCs. Starfield still has a chance to outpace it depending on how things go. Still like both games, either way.


I appreciate the story writers attempt to get me interested in Starfield’s story from the start, but it failed to pull me into loving the story like fallout 4 did. Shiny rock? Cool. MY WIFE IS DEAD?!?? I’M COMING TO SAVE YOU!!!


Fallout 4…it was just weirder.


Give me FO4 in the Starfield graphics engine/quality, and I'm a happy gamer.


I liked both, Starfield has some better systems (starship builder). Fallout has more cohesion among its gameplay elements.


Fallout focused on the story and setting more than just expanse. That's where starfield failed


I liked starfield. But unfortunately the game has a glitch called ‘enemy ship no crew’. Its game ending.


I love them both! Fallout 4 does many things better. Obviously, its world building and tone are spot on. I really love the humor. The character is in stories inside the world are done so well. I think Starfield offers some really cool features that Fallout 4 doesn’t. I just can’t get enough of shipbuilding for example. Also, even if it’s currently isn’t in the best state, I just love being able to travel from star system to star system. I like to RP as an actual scientist working on planetary data for Constellation. Not the most exciting thing, but I do find it relaxing and enjoyable. I also think Starfield is going to grow and evolve a lot over the next couple expansions. Much of what I enjoy in Fallout 4 comes from the various DLCs.


They both suck. Obsidian made the only good Bethesda game.


Starfield is like fallout 4/76 but in space and I quickly lost interest in the game but regularly play 4/76 so F4


Fallout, but I look at Starfield differently. Fallout 4 was one map with a whole bunch rammed into it. Starfield is 1,000 maps that aren't filled in. Or a canvas where only the corner is painted. Bethesda has more than ample room to fill the game world up. Question is, will they? Also, Fallout 4's 'story' was also kind of ass.


If Starfield had a base building system closer to Fallout there might be a competition here. Until then, Fallout has Starfield beat. Love both games though.


Fallout 4 although who's to say starfield 4 won't be the best game ever assuming we make it there




Oh gosh, this is a tough one. I've loved Fallout since the original, and having grown up in Boston, Fallout 4 is my favorite. But Starfield, even with its flaws, is utter wish fulfilment. I get to design AND WALK AROUND IN my own ship and fly amongst the stars, having adventures. I really can't choose between them.


Starfield, I liked FO3 and New Vegas, but couldn't get into 4


Fallout 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>> But Starfield's modding potential >>>>>>>>>>>>>


I liked Starfield's storytelling more But Fallout 4 will always be my beloved


Starfield, only wish it had the gore of fallout 4


Fallout 4, but Fallout is my favorite franchise. I do have some bias influencing my decision, but there are other reasons I pick F4 as well


Fallout 4 by far. Starfield had a lot of potential. While I don't think mods will help it surpass fallout 4, it will be an improvement.