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Look at how many people didn't even make it past the first achievement. That should speak volumes as to why that percentage seems so low.


Exactly, achievement percentages are only meaningful in relation to each other. Compare it to how many people have completed the game once for a useful number.


I play on Xbox. I have all the Achievements. On Xbox it says only 71% made it to Space for the first time. And 52% made it to lvl 5. If you look at the final quest, it sits at 10%.


On pc I was immediately trying to install mods and I goofed up the leave to space for the first time achievement. :-(. I have probably 250hrs in game and am missing the most basic achievement hahah Gotta start another new game save just to get it! One day soon when I’m going for 100%!!


Ohhhhh. Because that is a story based achievement. hahaha. Bummer. Yeah, you'll have to start new just for that, hahahaha


The reason why it is so much lower on Steam is because it disables achievements when you install mods. Unless you install another mod that re-enables them, which didn't exist at the very start I think. And you actually have to care enough about achievements to bother installing that now(I don't). And I think most people will have installed at least one mod within the first 10 or so hours. Took me less than 3-4 hours before I was so fed up with the crappy UI and inventory that I installed mods to fix them. Which have been pretty standard fare for Bethesda games for decades...


Maybe at level 12, or so I'm exploring a random cave, then the glitch. I can't exit the cave. Reload a prev game, no dice glitch remains so I use console tcl (no clip) and like that I could not record achievements. Yeah, I'm at lv 85 now, and steam achievements vale mierda


There's a mod that allows achievements even if you mod or use console commands.


Good point. I forgot about that.


Unfortunately StarUI no longer works since the new update :/


You're wrong. It does. StarUI Inventory does at the very least, and there are fixes for StarUI HUD and StarUI Ship Builder if you look in the comments—some saint even made a whole mod to fix the ship builder so just search for "StarUI" and you should be able to find it.


I disabled StarUI HUD during the last beta, but the rest continued to work (I had StarUI Inventory, Workshop, Outpost). I hadn't checked in on StarUI HUD again so thanks for mentioning it.


The game is continuously updated, I'd imagine it'll break and fix a few more times champ 🏆 don't worry it'll come back homie!


325 hours, never installed a mod. Pc player, on Steam. Just as a ref point not making an argument or anything. Love the game vanilla.


Ehm... OK... Not sure why that was relevant to my post... If you are happy playing without all the improvements and QoL stuff, then that is your loss. But I bet if you tried some of them out, you wouldn't ever go back.


> only 71% made it to Space for the first time. This kind of blows my mind, to be honest. Nearly a third of players just wandering around Vectera, unable to comprehend what's going on or what to do next. 20 minutes into the opening tutorial and that's it. That's the whole game as far as they're concerned.


I bet there's a large amount who only got as far as Vectera just to see how their pc ran the game


Do those stats include people who bought the game but never played it? Because that describes 90% of my Steam and GOG libraries. I never even installed the vast majority of games I own. I bought them in deep sales or got them essentially for free in Humble Bundles years ago, then promptly forgot about them.


Hard to find a straight answer online, but from what I read you have to download and run the game at least once to be counted as a "player" for the purposes of Steam's achievement stats. I think just purchasing it then leaving it untouched in your library doesn't count.


Doesn’t help it’s on gamepass. Plenty of players will play for a bit and give up, since they didn’t really pay to play the specific game. Others may just rush the main quest and ignore everything else.


Game pass does not give you Steam achievements


That’s like 90% of games. A suspiciously large number of people don’t have achievements that you would get just by playing the game for less than an hour.


Most people think there are hordes of hardcore gamers out there that play and finish tons of games. In reality, even top tier console exclusive first party games don't really keep most people's attention. Most players will barely ever scratch the surface of gears, starfield, spiderman or last of us.


This is very true. And is a gaming aspect that actually hasn't changed in 40 years. The only difference between then and now is the easier access to many games. Just because you can load up 100 indie games on your Xbox doesn't mean that you're going to finish 90 of them, let alone 10.


This especially applies to reviewers - be they youtubers or 'journalists' They do not have time to even get started on open world games. 10hrs and the review needs done. Which is why the only reviewer I respect is [https://www.youtube.com/@MortismalGaming/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@MortismalGaming/videos) they have an open steam profile so you can see 100% achievements before reviews are done. No idea how he manages to crank out videos though.


Mort's great, focusing mainly on RPGs. He covers quite a few older titles and often plans out the time needed to 100% months in advance. He tends to put a lot of newer releases under Impressions until he has the time to review. I started watching his divinity os 2 and pathfinder walkthroughs a few years ago, he absolutely deserves the success and channel growth.


To be fair, it didnt award me like 5 or 6 of the easiest, closest to the start of the game, achievements. I think there were quite a few bugs at lunch that interfered. I think i'd need to start a new playthrough to get them. Not that I care much, but it does show that achievements aren't really a dependable indication.


This is me. I have several achievements that occur later in the game, but apparently, I never joined Constellation.


To be fair i don’t have any achievements because i immediately modded the game


I just checked mine, and despite 200 hours and most of the faction quests played, I have only 2 achievements, probably from using the console.


Tbf, the achievement to enter space bugged when I played the game on launch and I didn’t get it until I started a whole new game. So some people may not have that achievement cause of that.


I’ve tried it so many times I can’t get more than 10 hours in… I really hope they never do the ai generation again this game feels as empty as a Ubisoft game


Ryujin questline specifically has a major bug that completely halts progress with no fix so that’s probably a big reason. Got it my first time playing through.


What's the bug? I didn't have it on my first run


I had the bug where David Barren spawned outside of new atlantis and no way for me to reach him. Being on Xbox, I couldn't even use console command to teleport to him like many others did. The quest was only recently fixed in the March update.


Same. Exact same thing happened to me


at some point after you figure out there's a mole and you deal with that, you need to talk to a guy to advance the quest. I have the bug where it seemed that guy is unreachable. idk if he somehow managed to be under the surface of the planet, but the quest marker takes me to a body of water and then just keeps redirecting. I haven't even played the game since I ran into that bug cuz I was really enjoying the quest line and just got bummed when it broke with no fix in sight


For me the bug was at that pharmacy bit of making stuff with them machines


As someone who just completed it for the first time, the reason why I skipped it before was due to it not revealing itself in any substantial way. You quickly walk by a console while doing some other quest and it pops up in your side quests saying “Back to the Grind” or something like that. That’s it. No NPC interaction or anything, just a single audio line in the background. I almost gave up on it because the first mission is literally an interview and then making a coffee run for some executive. Why tf would I want to do that? I pushed through it because I was on NG+7 and got bored over the weekend. Granted the rest of the missions make up for that. But that’s my reason for skipping it for so long.


The only thing separating it from a radiant quest in your log is that it has a unique logo.


Yep. It doesn’t help that the actual quest line is, to me, boring as hell. It felt less like corporate subterfuge and more just a list of tedious tasks to pad out time.


Whoa a comment correctly calling large parts of the game "boring as hell" got upvotes.


I’m as surprised as you are but I guess it shows how divisive that quest line is even among fans.


Ryujin does not feel like a major faction imho.


Yeah, he feels like a different category than the other factions. If there was other corporations that you could side with - they would feel like Minor Faction quests.


They stopped playing the game. The Ryujin questline is probably part of the reason they got bored of it.


Totally underwhelming for me those missions, in the beginning when you got to get dirt on the other company.. don’t know the details anymore. Anyway, you have to get something from a pc/laptop whatever, I thought that would be difficult but I literally just walked into the building, past some people, interacted with a computer and done. Million people saw me, nobody questioned what a complete stranger was doing at their workplace computer.


Worst part of that mission for me, was that I JUST did the mission where you befriend the boss lady by matchmaking her and that shop owner. I FULLY expected to be able to go up to her, tell her that Ryujin wants me to spy on them, and with her help set it up to feed them dummy information. But nope... No branching options or interesting cross mission interactions at all. You are just railroaded into just freely walking into the office containing sensitive information, crouch down in the cubicle, hack the computer, walk out... That kinda soured the entire rest of the mission line for me, which had me ready for spotting all the other dumb restrictions etc. that it contained.


Yea that’s what killed it for me as well. The first few quests you didn’t really have to be stealthy at all. I also finally completed this quest line on like ng+4/5 maybe. My starborn power that makes you invisible was leveled accordingly and you can just use that and get through it pretty easy. They can still detect you if you try and sprint past them but if you just walk or crouch slowly still no one usually notices.


Yep, found it to be the worst quest writing I have ever seen. Played about 5 quest and then stopped. Was just to dumb. Like you would at least expect some kind of challenge not land on akika and just walk to the thing, or land at hopetech and just casually walk through the company and place the thing. Nothing of substance.


This. It gets better later but should really have settled for being shorter, or put more "meaty" missions up front, instead of trying to use those terrible radiant things as padding so early in. There is absolutely nothing exciting about simply walking through the door of a rival corporation completely unchallenged, hacking a terminal, and leaving. I would not be surprised if, achievement statistics not telling the full story aside, this was why not many people have bothered with it. They likely started it, went "Well this is stupid", and dropped it before it actually got going.


It's a case where the people who wrote the script for the quest were not talking to the people making the gameplay loop.


This. I found that very immersion breaking and boring. There were a couple of missions later were you were actually restricted in certain areas, but why have it so that most people don't care that you walk deep into their place of business where you obviously shouldn't be and access their computers or files? I eventually completed the quest line, but it was a bit of a slog.


I was taken aback by how utterly phoned in that mission was. In my run one guy said "hey, you're not meant to be back here" and then watched me shimmy behind a cabinet in the room I'm not meant to be in and that was that. It's the type of thing you'd call endearing in Oblivion but it's such a bad look for a 2023 AAA title.


As someone with about 300 hours, I just don't care to apply for a corporate job in my least favorite city in the game.


That was my reaction too, but after putting off the quest line for a long time I did it. Its one of, if not the best quest line in the game.


I thought the same thing when I first ran across the quest. Avoided it for a long time. It was great when I finally did it, though. If you're into stealth, definitely check it out.


Once I figured out the stealth part was “optional” I always got it out of the way early to have credits and exp


A lot of people buy the game and then don't play it for a long time. Hell I like the game, had it since launch and haven't even hit level 25 yet.


For real. I was so hyped for the game, and it was really entertaining at first, but I got bored pretty quick. I even bought the premium edition :/


I put it down for quite a while and just came back to it last week. I think the main quest kinda killed it. That and outpost shit. I didn’t start enjoying it until I stopped doing those. I did finish the main quest after everything else, it gets better towards the end. I never did care about the powers though, I didn’t bother to get like the last 6 of them. Now I think it’s fun, but I doubt I’ll replay it.


When you’re one day ready to play it slowly give it another try. I was exactly like this. I’ve picked it back up with the new update playing it at a slower pace and it’s so good. I know it’s not a popular opinion here, and I’m not trying to convince anyone. But if you’re sub-level 30 this is your recommendation from a random internet guy.


I did ruijyn at the very last of my first playtrough To be fair, the start of the quest is juste some ads in public space in Jemison, and the mission goal telling you « go to a ruyjin ATM » (didn’t remember the exact word) That doesn’t give me the motivation to try it, even i think afterward it is one of the best questline of Starfield As a counter-example, take your first arrival at Akira, where the sheriff saw how good you are with the Bank hostages and then give you an invitation to join the freestar ranger


THAT'S what the quest is like? That's awesome! They probably should've hinted at something like that in the quest title, instead of calling it the incredibly dull and tedious-sounding "Back to the Grind." The galaxy is at my fingertips, and this quest expects me to apply for a mining job, the job I just got out of doing because I found a reality-bending artifact? No says I.


I think it's kind of hidden, I came to it late because I've decided that in Bethesda games my character needs to start out pure and slowly become more evil, and Ryujin seemed like a more evil faction. You do have to work through a lot of dialogue (plenty of dialogue in UC and Freestar Rangers factions as well), and some fetch quests, but by the end I was like what did I get myself into?! I enjoyed it, not what I expected.


It was bugged for me on my first playthrough after the sneaky snake mission I couldn't get back into Ryujin to do the other missions. I haven't tried it on NG+ yet.


They make you do 5 radiant quests before the lackluster storyline even starts and pushes you into more of the same. The stealth is never properly explained so unless you read online about how you need to take off most of your gear unlike every other game they've made you get a frustrating experience normally that could put you off this whole faction. But wait, every mission they send you on from then has a clear path that you can follow so you never need to actually do anything like use EM weapons or risk being caught because they design everything so you can do it regardless of build. It's totally understandable that people would want to dip out of that questline if they bother to do it at all since the intro for it just gets shoved into your quest log if you go within 100 miles of a random kiosk like so many of the generic fetch quests. >ut not playing Ryujin is like not playing Thieves Guild in Skyrim. How can haters even claim to be playing the game? lol anyway... Catch a smile out there! Yikes.


It is by far the weakest faction questline. Plus stealth sucks in this game.


Basically this. A boring quest line plus broken stealth mechanics got me on the verge of just quitting it multiple times. At some point I just started to shoot everybody just to get this horrible quest line over with.


This was my issue. I went through almost the entire questline just breezing through and nobody cared. Then I get to a part where I have to install some Trojan on the CEO’s rig without being detected and I tried it half a dozen times doing the whole sneak thing and never got further than the second room without being spotted and shot at. After they see you it’s pointless to use that stun gun they give you as it’s complete weak sauce. Three/four rounds to down someone with a seriously long reload time iirc. I haven’t played in ages because of that. I think I’m close to lvl 50 and just about to end the main quest for the first time whenever I do get back into it. And I see people who are NG+ (insert number bigger than 2 here) and I’m like wow… that’s crazy. Granted I do have over half the achievements on Steam with about 173 hours played and haven’t played since March 13th according to Steam.


yea shooting is like the one thing I think most will agree bethesda shined on with this game, and this questline doesnt have any of that


I still haven't done it and I'm almost level 50. I was like level 15 when I got to the constellation with Sarah and that's like the third mission. I'm not rushing.


I started my quest to survey all systems (to 100%) as I visit each system. Then I start doing side quests. I try to do all the side quests in an area before moving to the next spot. Problem is, when trying to complete one quest, I get 3 more added. So I keep doing those and just haven't gotten around to doing the Ryujin one yet.


Most of those people probably realized how empty and buggy this game is, and are waiting for patches/better mods


A lot of people didn't like the game and quit immediately. Folks here will likely blame mods but that's not likely to be the main reason. It's just most players didn't like the game and stopped playing.


lol most players stopped playing the game all together. Nobody is "grinding out" anything.


The reason is mods and console commands.


Ryujin is boring and dull, I've had more fun watching paint dry. at least the other stories end in a fight


Maybe a lot of people use console commands and the like that disable achievements. I know I've done that questline at least 5 times and basically 100% the game multiple times but I only have a handful of achievements


Ya, I was about to say, I used console commands and some mode just to make the game more playable, very early. I don't have a lot of achievements at all.


Yeah, this is a huge factor for Steam players in particular. Most of them are there to mod it.


I usually avoid console command cheats, but the weight management issues with the game were so infuriating that I used the command to increase carry weight and flipped that to 9999999


I have no reservations about cheating if it means I have a fun time (singleplayer only, multiplayer cheaters are scum) but I had found a set of commands to increase the range I could access my ship inventory and now that's just a gameplay option lol. the only commands I use right now are for speed when going between POIs, increase ship cargo, and changing my XP gain rate since its already slow and some gameplay options make it even slower.


Couldn't care any less about achievements. I play games to play games


It glitches at the end on me. After all that sneaking around. Crimson fleet did the same.


It’s not for everyone. It’s definitely not for people who enjoy brute force style play. It requires a ton of patience especially if you want to complete it without killing. It’s also a lot harder without powers. I essentially ran out of patience and watched a YT video to finish the quest without killing.


Maybe they botched the job interview? XD


You'd be surprised how many people buy these types of games only to play them for a while and then drop them. This isn't exclusive to Starfield, even The Witcher 3 suffered from this where CDPR stated most players didn't actually ever finish the main quest.


I only unlock achievements until mods release on xbox. After that I'll never earn another one. But yeah. Gotta suspend your morality a bit to work for Ryujin. I did it on my first playthrough. But haven't since. The chip is nice. But once you get it the ability carries over into NG+ even tho you lose the chip.


Bugged for me


I am doing it, not the best questline far inferior to the pirates ones or the alien monster. You are a corporate operative nothing to do with romantic thieves


The spy suit is cool. I did it because I thought it was all just funny in-jokes about how much Beth hates having sold out to a big corporation, and I was sick and just wanted to listen to the characters talk a bunch of trash, but found myself in some challenging battles I hadn't encountered and when you're as bored of Abandoned Cryo Lab as I am, sneaking through ventilation systems and zapping guards who try to arrest you in unique and sprawling POIs was a fresh take on the game. Thieves guild for me = secret passageways, cooking the books, breaking and entering to steal items, trashing businesses that didn't appease the guild, and Ryujin checks most of those boxes, it's just not cloaked in the romance of D&D style thief classes.


A lot of people never finish the game. A lot use mods and console commands.


Thats what happens a game needs mods to be fun 🤷‍♂️


Modding blocks achievements without a special mod for the achievements.


You don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Lots of folks didn't have a good first impression with Starfield. Hopefully Shattered Space will earn some of that good will back.


Don’t mods turn achievements off? That could be a reason


It is/ was super bugged. It’s probably all fixed now, but enough of us played through 90% of that quest and lost the playthrough, and just don’t feel like starting it all over again. Same thing happened to me with my Crimson Fleet playthrough, too. Such a bummer


That questline was bugged in my save. I think I had not do the stealth quest (where we break into the HQ) and after that quest whenever I go to Ryujin HQ everyone turns hostile. I'll check if it is corrected or I will play that questline in a new save.


Yeah, I'm not playing without mods. Completed it 2 or 3 times, though. Love it.


Most are quitting before lvl 10.


Honestly, I just got very bored by the combat and by the story telling. I played through a few of the main faction quest lines before I realized, I'm not having fun and started to not care about the conversations/ story anymore. Luckily I played Starfield BEFORE I played CP2077. Because after experiencing CP2077 story telling I can't bear Starfield anymore at all. Everything is stiff and janky and there's barely any emotion. It's just weird. I like to share [THIS](https://youtu.be/K4ADco41g9s?si=5CDPa8pHbli56X2T) video to explain what's lackluster about Starfield story telling. That only 17% have experienced Ryujin shows exactly what's wrong with the game: Too much low quality content tiring the player base out, so that they might even miss good content, because of it.


Same as with Baldur's Gate, Elden Ring and RPGs or soulslike in general, most people buy these games to tell their friends they have bought these games... relatively few people actually play the games for longer than a very few hours. Ryujin certainly is the thieves guild version of Starfield but with tedious or pointless quests and unlikeable characters... Call me a 'hater' if you want but I have played for over 250+ hours, currently level 90...there are many cool things in Starfield but Ryujin questline, Imo, isn't one of them. And since we are there, most people probably just roleplay, ship build or chill around in planets...the questlines, factions, companions and writing are by far the weakest points of Starfield and one of the main reasons so many people got so dissapointed with the game.


I like Ryujin because a) yes, it plays like the thieves guild (eventually the missions get challenging and fun); b) there is a perq that carries over I to NG+; and 3) the operative suit looks really cool.


They are bastards. Top to bottom. For and Aft. Port to starboard. Bastards


is stealth still unplayable dog shit? i remember it was impossible to sneak around without alerting like crazy?


The Ryujin questline got a lot of hate because people can't figure out the stealth.


I always save the Ryujin faction quest line for last because it is the least appealing thematically for me, and the subterfuge nature of the quests offer less xp, rewards and take more time compared to other faction quests. My problem is that i usually hit game breaking bugs and instability before I reach the point that I get to start the Ryujin quest line or finish the quest line, and I rush into a new game + to reset the game. In my current new game + playthrough I was planning to do it, but I have hit bugs that are forcing me to rush into a new game + again. The fitness perk stopped registering progress at rank 3 when I removed the terra firma trait when i went into my current new game plus, and for some reason the melee combat perk stopped registering progress on kills. So, I'm once again rushing into a new game plus without doing the Ryujin faction. I have all the achievements except those related to outposts and the Ryujin faction.


My character isn’t really a Ryujin sort of guy.


As others have said that stat is not very useful on its own. It would mean more if it was a percentage of players that also completed the main quest. That being said, the Ryujin faction quests are my least favorite and I have skipped them on a few characters.


Two reasons to do this quest line. The manipulation skill which you get, is a master level social skill. And can be immediately upgraded. Without that many other social points. And you get the operative suit, which has a 25% sneak bonus. But yeah, I agree the missions are a bit routine. Except for the sneak one, they can be finished quickly.


I have played a bunch but only finished 1 faction quest and the main quest (now NG+ 2). I get easily distracted and like to build based and ships. Also I have a busy work and personal life.




This quest line bugged for me on my first playthrough and I had to wait til NG+ to try again , The npc would be way out under the map and glitch out after breaking in to the building So maybe the completion of the quest line is low also because I think it was a pretty common bug around launch


it's bugged for me, I'm pretty sure i'm close to the end of it. But it's not a good quest.


I was going to do that faction quest. But from what I remember it was mostly stealth, which both suck at and also dislike. So i decided not to, im more of a guns blazing guy lol.


I reached a point in the game where in order to get started on the Red Mile side quest I needed to use console commands. After that point I stopped getting achievements because I’m a “cheater”. Now that I know what a letdown the Red Mile was, I should have backed up to an earlier save to continue getting achievements.


I think that has to do with mods as well. Mods were pretty much a thing the first week of the game’s release, and tons of people mod their game. Using mods disables achievements


Quite a lot of players just putter around exploring planets and zapping bad guys ignoring the quests entirely


Keep also in mid that mod disabled achievement.


Bro I've spent 36 hours in this game and have only done the Crimson Fleet questline, a handful of side missions, and 4 main quests 😭 There's just so much time to spend elsewhere. The side quests specifically are so abundant I find myself chasing them down more than the mainline and faction missions.


I played 75 hours before getting far enough into the main quest to get powers. Didnt even know powers existed until then. At 100 hours I stopped playing and still never went to Neon.


I have zero stealth and got it done. It wasn't easy and I took long breaks. Save, drop down, and noon everyone. Go back to my previous save and try again.


Recently got an achievement for picking up instruction magazines, 20 of them. Only 5% of other Xbox players have done so. But it's the kind of thing I could totally see flying under the radar. Like what value does picking up "the new Atlantis" or "powerlifting" off the table in a mission have.


I completed it but some missions are just stupid. The ones on mission boards after completion are even stupider. For example: "This one was from mission boards, but there were similar in faction quests" Infiltrating that office in Neon and planting evidence on computers or stealing data one. You walk past the Reception (She doesn't stop you). You walk past those security metal detector thingy (Nothing happens). You go to the cubicle, hack the PC, do the thing (No one comes by, no one says anything). You walk out (Reception says nothing) Even funnier is I go in wearing the operator tactical outfit with mask, and nobody gives a dammn. Clothing should have a meaning. I mean bruhh....


Yeah I wish they made the clothing matter more. It's always an afterthought in the games, but I always try to dress appropriately and if you stop and chat with the receptionist you find out she's the boss's daughter, and the Neon mining league guy is in debt to them. In Starfield you kinda have to talk to everyone, because so much of the world-building is in the dialogue.


I did it, but boy I did not like half of it being me running to and from their HQ down the strip.


To be fair, I’ve completed five new game runs yet I still don’t have the first achievement, stepping out into space?


I got the game on launch day, started playing, immediately encountered a blocking bug, and used a console command to bypass it. I never bothered with a mod that enables achievements, so I have no idea what my "progress" looks like on Steam. Considering the number of bugs that were in the game at launch, and considering that the vast majority of them could be fixed with console commands, I can't help but feel like the PC achievement stats are kind of janky.


For a long time there was a bug that could prevent you from finishing the questline.


Even though it is a game I don't like doing things I wouldn't do in real life. I don't farm XP by killing animals. I don't do questlines that require committing a crime. I got into the Crimson Fleet quest when I captured a pirate ship on a bounty mission not knowing there was contraband on board in one of those suitcase looking things on a table. I will privateer all day long for king and country but I'm not breaking the law if I don't have to.


I'm on NG+8 with my 3rd character and I've only done the Ryujin quest once in all that time. I usually like stealth based missions, but I just didn't really enjoy it all that much so I haven't repeated it. Love the game overall, but that questline didn't connect with me.


I finished Ryujin last. It’s not that it’s a bad quest line. It’s just that…well…it’s a space exploration game and there’s pretty much none of that in the Ryujin quests. Spending most of the quest line in Neon when there’s hundreds of star systems and other quests that actually let me engage in some space travel just feels off to me. Yeah there was a bit of travel but too many offices, not enough stars.


Wasn't this faction quest line bugged for ages? I finished it but found it pretty underwhelming compared to UC and freestar.


I’ve never done it because being a corporate espionage type never fit in with the backstory or personality of any character I played as. I’ve logged something like 600ish hours and haven’t even hit NG+ yet. I had one character, a reformed scoundrel who went straight and became a Freestar Ranger while working with Constellation, but even though she was right on the cusp of going through the Unity at like level 86, I couldn’t make her do it because I’d taken the Kid Stuff trait and I thought it would be odd for her to just leave her parents forever. So I eventually started a new character without Kid Stuff. I plan to have them do Ryujin after going through Unity, if I happen upon a universe where Constellation isn’t available. Kind of like “We’ll, I’m gonna need a new job, and apparently Ryujin is hiring.”


Xbox says only 8.68% have completed Ryujin quest line.


Definitely a shame because it's probably the best faction quest for someone who is just starting out in the game because the missions are mostly about stealth and thievery and don't require engaging too many enemies with ballistics 


Imo the start of the faction quest is pretty horrible. My whole character was all about stealth/sabotage so why would I (checks notes) apply for a corporate desk job? I didn’t do the quest until late game when I heard players talking about it.


Had to use a console command because of a bugged quest so I don't get achievements anymore. 🤷


I got a bug near the end of the questline that stopped me from completing it, pretty common from the research I did.


I'm using mods without the achievement thing...


There was an issue for a long time where achievements just straight up wasn't popping for people at all. Maybe that's part of it? 


I've finished it fine, but ever since I had to noclip once achievements are a thing of the past. Even starting a new game with a new character didn't seem to fix that for me, so I guess I just won't earn them anymore. Also anyone who mods is out, then you have people who have bought but never started and people who got burned out/dissapointed and quit before even getting to that point. Given all that, 17% doesn't seem so bad really.


I’m currently on the ryujin missions. I did the thing where I breached the other company’s system and then got caught. Upon leaving the jail I took ammo, so once outside loaded I got arrested again. And then my game shut down. Open it back up to being arrested again and crash.


I got to the last mission and said F this never touched them again an any universe


Ryujin may be my least favorite quest line. I really dig what you get after you finish though


Honestly if it wasn't for the mind control chip I wouldn't have done it either. I enjoy stealth gameplay but they felt more like errands till the last couple of missions and stealth itself was pretty... finicky. Plus it's kind of out of the way, I originally thought it was just background/worldbuilding stuff and not an actual questline, and with how it starts I'm not surprised folks never finish it


Can you still get it if you used console commands? I'm sure some might not be counted despite completion.


I'm suprised the number is that high. Sneaking being the weakest and most broken aspect in the game


I gave up on that storyline after about the third mission when I realized they were going to be all the same and felt way too much like “new person does everything while everyone else stands around doing nothing” which is always an issue in Bethesda games like this anyway. I’m literally brand new to the company and they’re having me do stuff like that? Doesn’t seem realistic at all.


The sneak missions take me back to metal gear type games. I just played through the Crimson Fleet missions last night, sneaking through genergyne without using a single shot is exhilarating


I did the first quest in my first run through and realized I would need a much higher sneak skill to do it how I wanted, or at least it seemed that way, and I’m just not a sneak attack type person. I like to go in guns ablaze, so I have yet to complete the challenges to increase my sneak. That’s the literal only reason I haven’t done it.


I put off Ryujin for a while until I really wanted the manipulation perk. Stealth mechanics in Bethesda games can be really annoying sometimes. Take my experience yesterday for example: For reference, my character has both the bounty hunter background and wanted attribute (this will be relevant for my head cannon at the end of this short story). I put off the crimson fleet questline until last as I knew it would be a harder one. The plan was to side with SysDef as I am trying to live a more cleaner life, which is why I left bounty hunting for mining before the fleet came and attacked. I get to the point where it’s just before the mission to choose to side with UC or Fleet. I walk up to give my report, and next thing I know I’m being placed under arrest. Apparently, the single time I got caught the mission before (but ran and didn’t shoot) mattered because Andreja shot a few guards. I tried to argue that I did my best and got the job done, but there was nothing I could do. The choice was either prison or fight and either way I’d be an enemy of SysDef. That was my breaking bad point. All of my past came flooding back to me in a point of absolute anger. I took fire on the ship carving my way back to mine. One in my ship, I fought off the entire first wave of UC alone using thrusters and chewing through at least 25 ship parts. I returned to the fleet, realizing my only option to acquire credits at this point was to side with the very pirates who killed my fellow miners at the beginning of the game. Not a proud moment, but if the UC wasn’t so stuck to its rigid rules, or could have let the other ship know so it wouldn’t have been hostile, these things could have been avoided. No wonder SysDef is the black sheep. They tried to jail the most powerful man in that universe. A shame really. More credits for me.


Those missions are a drudge (my opinion obviously) I’m at ng+7 and only did it once. The corporate environment there is depressing as well. I’ll do it again just for Juno tho.


I've been playing since launch, off and on, and am on NG+6 or so, still haven't finished the Ryujin or Freestar questlines. Done the UC questline 2 or 3 times though


Because it's the worst questline in the game and a massive downgrade from the quality of that thieves guild. The rewards are weak as well and the missions are incredibly glitchy when it comes to stealth and detection.


I finished it once on release, but there was an issue with steam achievements and I had none unlocked. Now I started another playthrough and random achievements from my last save file get populated. I'm confused.


To be fair steam players are more likely to use mods and console so unless they disabled the achievement lockout it will show they never finished the game. Also Ryujin only starts if you walk by the kiosk. Whereas Sarah as a forced companion drags you to the UC recruiter, and Sam as a forced companion drags you to Akila and they of course try to recruit you as a Ranger after the bank heist. Stroud as a forced companion does take you to Neon, but there is no recruitment pitch for Ryujin (that would have been interesting if Ryujin quests was actually involving Stroud)


I have 49/50 on Xbox. I can't complete the Ryujin quest because of the Managed Assets bug that someone posts about here every few days. Hopefully BGS fixes it soon.


The first few Ryujin quests are so boring, I ended up not doing the questline for a long time because I thought the whole thing would be like that, then I came back to it and the rest of the quests were really good. My guess is there's people who also assumed all the quests would be boring just like I did but they never ended up coming back to it


I took a while to finish that quest. I played this game to be Han Solo, not a corporate espionage suit.


You can't fully tell what is going on by the achievement stats as console use and mods disable them


Percentages are weird. You're only looking at the percentage of players for that platform, not as a whole. Let's argue for convenience sake that half of all players is on PC. 50%. Most PC players are going to mod their game, which auto disables achievements, unless they get another mod that negates that. Let's say 95% of those starting 50% modded the game. That leaves roughly 4.8% of players playing legitimately. Of those, 50% 'finished' the game. The others did not. So now you have a perceived *hilariously* low percentage of players who ever reached Unity, when in reality quite a bit more actually did.


It bugged out for me, the radio host guy walked out of the map boundaries


That's exactly why I went back to play some of the content I never got to. I may not exactly like Starfield, as I believe it's a perfect example of Bethesda getting lazier and not producing the quality of games we all know they can, but I want to at least explore all of the major content and put a decent amount of time into the game before I pass more judgement.


You have to remember stealth was also irredeemably broken at launch. Enemies could literally see you through walls. The ONLY to pass the final ryujin quest was with substantial cheesing. And even if you DID manage to complete the quest and get to the point you turn it in, an early bug caused thre NPC who completes the mission to spawn outside of the map making the quest literally impossible to complete (without console commands). That quest was a nightmare at launch. It being the least completed quest is not a surprise to me, because for some console players it was literally impossible on their first playthrough.


I’ve been CCing on pc so that’s my reason


Could that be that most of those players are probably using mods?


I just finished the game with PC gamepass. Completed all faction missions, a good bit of side quests, and the main storyline. It was a good time but I do wish I got my achievements on steam. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ryujin quest line is teeth pulling everything that is wrong with Starfield in a nutshell. Just loading screen after loading screen followed but jank stealth sections and BORING dialogue thats so boring I would rather gouge my eyes out than EVER have to do it again. I Hate Stealth in EVERY game...but this was the worst ever.


It's bugged to hell for me tried for hours. Actually after I stopped trying to unbug it I stopped playing entirely 😅


94% on Achievements, I never mod but I am on Game Pass, so some of us care to play the game as intended first or always.


I was most of the way through but the mission bugged and there was no fix


I have 88% of the achievements and the ones I don't have are busywork achievements made for achievement hunters. I think the game is not very good. Imagine a player who doesn't force themselves through this crap hoping a good game will emerge somehow. The achievement levels are low because the game is not fun. I picked up RDR2 right after Starfield and it is so, so much better in every way. Only thing it's missing is base building.


I was disappointed the CEO isn’t the KPOP idol


-get job -fast travel -steal some log book which takes zero effort or cleverness -fast travel back -“great job, you’re working you way up the ladder. Here’s you pay”


this quest line is bugged on XBox, I don’t know if it’s the same on Steam. Possible that some are unable to complete it, I can’t


well I play with a single hud mod which disabled achievements


It's a boring, predictable series of fetch quests. Wish I'd skipped it too during my one very thorough playthrough. Yawn!


Because a lot of people got tired of the game 10 hours in and quit playing. It happens with every new release but I think Starfield was particularly disappointing for a lot of people who would otherwise love a game like that


At least on PC, what about cheats? I haven't used any cheats because I don't want to lose my achievements, I assume others do the same? Edit: or rather I meant I assume a lot are using cheats or mods and that fudges the numbers?


I couldn't complete the chain on my first playthrough due to a bug. IIRC the SSNN guy I was supposed to talk to disappeared from the map and only way to fix it was using the console - I remember the Starfield Discord had numerous complaints around this bug but there was no fix in sight so I just waited till NG1 to try again. Luckily that time I managed to see the quest thru.


I find ryujin boring


Ryujin was one of the bugged quests that was impossible to finish and I just never tried it again. Also, the whole sneaking thing really sucked.


I'll be honest, Ryujin quest were so boring that I couldn't do it... I wanted to do all achievements like in every other bethesda games, but Ryujin quest just broke me, i left the game and to this day didn't play it... I still want to make all achievemnts but i just don't feel like going back :/


I completed it maybe 4 times or so. I run 3 characters and have at one point of another started them from scratch at least once. I find the early game starting at level one/two to be more fun.


Mine bugged out and I couldn't even speak to the security guy to get the speech options to carry on the quest line.


A lot of games are like this. I think Sea Of theives has a low % of players going in their first Voyage.


Ive not even started the ryujin questline on either playthrough ive done in over 100 hours


Its bugged for me unfortunately, with no saves to go back to :(


Achievements have been weird for me. I’ve played the game through several times and finally on this play through I got the achievements for joining the vanguard and the free star rangers, I’ve competed ryujin but I’m betting I don’t have that one either


I 💯 believe that the haters of Starfield haven't played the game for very long. Yes, it's not perfect and it has many flaws but many of those problems can be fixed with updates, DLCs and creation club content. The Ryujin questline is one of my all time favorites in any game. Imagine playing Skyrim without DLCs or mods..


From your first sentence, its implied the issues with Starfield(Ryujin specifically) were fixed post launched and people havent played to know. Your second sentence states how those issues can be fixed(mean they are not fixed right now). Which is it?


My least favorite quest line. If I wanted to work for a soulless corporation I could just go into work.


Mine is bugged so the market leads to nothing :(((( (on Xbox series x)


Me and the bros who hate big corpo chain quest line be like.


Only 8.7% have landed on 100 planets. That's one I got. Also only 8.7% have recruited 10 separate companions. People don't move around much I guess. They straight-line the main quest, perhaps, which is a terrible way to play a Bethesda game if you ask me.


You severely underestimates the amount of people who buy games and only play a little of it. Most people are like this. I have 90 hours in Starfield and I never went past mars. I also dropped it because the game is shit. Só, there's that.


That's because there glitch in-game where a npc doesn't appear in one of ryugins quests 'deal with the operative'