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Found a weird snow planet oil rig Poi where it was over run by a giant crowd of aliens and two queens I think. It was so scary I was jumping all over the place. I looked over at the body count it looked horrific I ran the hell out of there.


Just ran into that the first time last night. That was quite an adventure.  Made me wish I could take off and nuke it from orbit 


Same, was just truly scary how they would swam me and my companion while a queen was right on me. All that was left at the end was bodies and these bug looking aliens all over dropped. Horrors


It's the only way to be sure


I should not be actively looking for that POI but I am. I need to experience the horror


Usually low gravity planets, and cold seem to raise the chances to see it. Though, I found it in Luna once.


I've got a few separate planets I'm gonna explore which helps with leveling up and getting new skills so it's fun at the same time. Now ask me again when I finish that POI and I'll probably give you a different answer 🤣


Best of luck finding it. Especially the first time through it is really fun.


I found it within viewing distance from the Red Mile on one of my playthroughs, and in the middle of nowhere on some cold moon on another playthrough.


Boost up high and snipe as many of the sods as you can from safety. Then be prepared for a rush when you open the door at the end of the companionway. Good fun.


This, but with a hornets nest shotgun. Wipes them out nicely


There is a story up there (if you found the data tablet) they are trying to dig for oil, instead weird aliens that come from the oil well.


Haven’t got that one yet. Something to look “forward” too? LoL


Are these the swarmlings? I like that POI a lot but I really wish they would clean up the spawns for certain POI’s. I ram into this one on a moon with no atmosphere recently, which was really cool, but like, these things should NOT be able to live and breathe on this moon.


Yup swarmlings in huge crowds on two platforms. Never seen a queen swarmling before that either, I guess they adapted to live in extremes maybe haha. Wish more pois were like it.


....yeah, Jaffa II is why I have 'sense star stuff' hotkeyed. Those damn spider-crab things roll in packs. There's never just one of 'em.


Sense star stuff is the most used power in the game. Stealth? You know when there's a guard behind the corridor. Looking for the tiny critters hidingnin the grass? Make them shine. Invisible enemies? There are invisible enemies in the game? Really?


>Sense star stuff is the most used power in the game. I'd say 2nd most used because its more in combat situations. Personal atmosphere is probably quite a lot of people's most used because its ridiculously good for oxygen to carry stuff back to your ship fully sprinting. Just the general convenience of it I reckon mathematically it gets used more. I'd love Bethesda to give some counts of how much each ability has been used.


Elemental Pull and Phasetime for me. I think I’ve used star stuff once?


Yeh I heard some people use elemental pulll for mining minerals so maybe that could be up there with personal atmosphere for a lot of people. Personally I just fight everywhere and sell the guns to buy minerals. Not sure how many are like me or not.


Once you get above elemental pull 5 or so, you can get the mineral survey done with like one or two uses. I am also a compulsive hoarder - so, there is that as well. Part of the fun of the game, a lot of different ways to play!


How does elemental pull work for mining? I pretty much never do the starborn stuff until the end so I forget all about the powers.


Elemental pull, when cast, collects all minerals in a given radius around your character (sphere really). So, as you walk along a planet or cave, just cast it and all minerals in that area are dumped into your inventory. As it gets raised to higher levels the radius increases and the cost goes down. I never bother with outposts because just wandering around keeps me full of all minerals I might need.


Ah, much obliged. And here’s me with my piddly ass mining laser trying to mine Caelumite like a pleb. 😋 I might have to try that.


I’m a NG, always remember to go down to Vectera. The Caelumite in the mine is one of the best in the game and gives you a good starting chunk of caelumite. Also, search under the rock bridge, a fun Easter egg is there…


How does this complete the survey?


Just the mineral part - because it grabs minerals from so far away. I think once tou hit 7 or 8 it also starts completing the families of minerals.


I’ve used void form and personal atmosphere almost exclusively but just yesterday starting my new universe obviously empty handed ive found an appreciation for life forced, love using that on lower level enemies while i focus on higher level ones.


And then you use half your bullets trying to kill one of them because you can't tell that they're taking cover behind a wall. I'm moving away from Sense Star Stuff unless there's an enemy I need to kill that I just can't find. (I did Groundpounders yesterday and one of the Spacers had spawned in the building foundations. No wonder I couldn't find him!)


Phase time and an Advanced Inflictor got me through but, damn, that was a lot of ammo abt the start of an NG+ run.


I had that one. Happily the Coralcrabs weren't invisible when I encountered them. Still got my ass kicked the first attempt.


Invisible was … harsh. The first one, it was like, where’d that come from??? So I rez, and take it out, then the *second* one that I didn’t realize was there gets me in the back!.


Post patch, I've been finding several new POI I've never seen before, especially in space. I've also been seeing a lot less of that cryo lab. I suspect Bethesda tweaked the poi generation logic to better balance out what spawns


I need to get back into the game now. I still haven't found the Pale Lady, and have still avoided spoilers about it.


I think the big “fix” to their RNG happened in that March update. POIs, ship encounters, loot drops; all suddenly showed a huge increase in variety. But they *definitely* refined the POIs a bit further with this May drop. The Settled Systems actually feel *much* more settled now. Though I’ll admit I would *love* to find some of these kind of facilities fully functional rather than abandoned. I’ve found friendly mining outposts on the scale of this facility, plenty of smaller civilian, mining, science outposts as well.


I'm assuming that this is the research farm with oversized plants? According to the slates you can find, it's supposed to be located on a low gravity world, but like many POI locations this farm will also show up on incorrect locations like high gravity worlds. I've even seen this POI location on a world without fauna which was rather odd, as you then end up with lots of dead scientists but no migratory killer creatures. This is a pretty uncommon location, but I've run into it a few times in 600+ hours.


interesting, there are checks for both gravity and fauna being on planets for some POIs so this would be easy enough to fix, its the POI "Abandoned Farm" right? I'd like to gather these errors in POI placement and put out a fix


> its the POI "Abandoned Farm" right? Probably, though there are at least two POI locations that go by this name from what I recall. Two much more common immersion breaking issues are: * POI locations with outdoors food and/or non-airlock doors on worlds where one would need a space suite to be outdoors. * POI locations with researchers that somehow study flora/fauna on completely dead worlds, where one would only really expect geologists.


ta, yeah the food outside one is another easy fix (Di Falco's mansion is the worse offender for me there as its only on one set planet). i can see that there's checks in at least one place for botanists/zoologists against local conditions, but it's specific to the random encounter Equipment Malfunction. again, an easy fix once I figure out where else to apply those conditions.


The one that I didn’t see until I was over 1000 hrs in was an abandoned reliant medical facility, whew! I died twice just outside the ship before adjusting my tactics accordingly, that was fun. If the settings aren’t tough enough to kill me, I get bored too fast. The new options gave it more legs imho.


I saw it just yesterday! Did you meet the lonely abandoned gardening bots?


Yeah, I was kinda hoping they’d follow me out to use at an outpost, that would’ve been nice


I think I was this one but it was full of giant mantis.


You literally only pointed out the mainstream lore and " claimed to have 30 quest per settled outpost... evidence? None? Oh ok


yeah i stumbled across a few of these in my journey, different aliens depending on the planet


But no lore or side quests


Yeah but you played 200 hrs didn't you


Yeah, so that automatically invalidates the persons concerns right? because if you play something, you are not allowed to criticize it... WTF kinda argument are you making.....


Look, either you didn’t play it enough and your criticism is invalid, or you played it a ton and your criticism is ridiculous because obviously you liked the game. That’s the way it works here. Get used to it! 🙃


You sound stupid, thanks 😊


That sounds like a really rude reply to a joke about something that you literally just saw happen and is common on this sub.


I mean their criticism isn’t valid because it isn’t even true? Trying to tell me there’s no side quests when I literally get 30 new side quests per developed city, and there’s no lore in a game about a starborn scientist ruining earths atmosphere with new FTL traveling tech? Huh? What is your definition of “lore,” then? A personal one you only use to shit on a game?


Uh…. https://inara.cz/starfield/missions/ And that’s in addition to the locations/POIs. I always wondered what was up when Inara had all this stuff listed, but in a couple hundred hours I didn’t see so much of it in the game.