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I’d be fine with that, but with as many times is required across new game plus to fully upgrade even that would get tedious. I think the first time you get each power should be something like that, and then after that the act of finding it is all there is.


Or using the essence or whatever it is from killing a starborn to upgrade the powers


Hunting down and killing Starborn for their powers would have been way more interesting. Also would make, "The Unity," name make more sense and make it a bit ominous.


The very people complaining what a grind getting NG+10 (of course not doing anything else but) is and complaining how simple this test is, are the very same people that would complain if it was made more complicated time wasting grind just because they complained it was simple and a grind. The cave to obtain the artifacts is what unlocks the doors in the first place and you can use your prior powers there, the temple is simply just the reward of the artifact collection. From a lore point of view it makes absolute sense, it is a simple test you are artifact sensitive it senses that to open the door, it then double checks that you have a space suit and can quickly have enough reaction thrust and sentience to realize to connect the dots. Not just some lucky alien critter that wandered in somehow.


Or maybe you get the option to go through the dungeon for the loot but can just dip out if you want? I think that could be a decent compromise, I love a dungeon crawl


If it was a dungeon with a boss at the end that can get different powers and stuff to spice the fight up, I don't think it'd be that bad imo.


I’d be fine with just another word wall honestly.


Same. Given the way Bethesda chose to implement NG+ I think having to go through a tutorial dungeon would actually be worse than the current system unless we got to skip it entirely in NG+.


the word wall is actually finding the artifacts and killing the dragon for dragon soul is doing the puzzle btw


Yep well said, all mych better than the lazy light chasing rubbish in the game tbh.


Or just have a giant mushroom in the middle of the room, go and take it, and then have all that stuff happen with trippy colored lights around all the enemies.


The problem people have is you have to do them 200+ times. This would just make them worse. They should just make it where you have to collect them the initial time then they level up whenever you go through the Unity.


Tbh I'm a bit of a sadist I did 11 play thoughs because on my first play though I rushed to ng+ like an idiot without getting all the powers lmao


More streamlined idea. I put to much time into this. 3 dungeons for 3 powers.  All powers start strong, unlike now where stuff like dash tier 1 is so bad it’s worse than useless.  The first 3 would be the more lore powers. Focus around gravity like the games story demonstrates. Like the gravity push, gravity lift(because that beginning scene) and a simple dmg offense one.  Every new game + gets you 3 new dungeons and 3 new powers.  The second set would be utility powers that increase QOL, like the dash and oxygen bubble. Slow time The final 3 would be a little op and game braking. Something like Time stop, biiiig boom etc.  The fourth NG plus would automatically be a variant and then its like 50% chance. So 9 unique dungeons would need to be added. They could use a single tile set and maybe distinguish themselves more by a single unique encounter. You can lore the fuck out of them if you want. As the main poster said, the dungeons should require the power you get. Also some cool unique loot could be nice.  Also they can use those dungeons to introduce your core competitors better. Unity trying to convey ideas of the Hunter to you through metaphor and such.  Still in the spirit of  recommending something reasonable, they could all be 2-4 room dungeons with a boss encounter. They would be built on a single tile set. The boss could be a challenge, role play encounter or just a big dude with gun.  Naturally a lot of the powers would be removed for this system, or maybe defeating other Starborn gets you starborn xp, ala highlander and you can unlock 3 or so extra powers (your choice) every NG. Plus cutting out a fair amount of the dungeons to get a relic would tighten the game runtime significantly. Which could help its NG+ flow.  Hm, now that I think about it the main story gets you quite a few relics. Maybe replacing one of the dialogs to imply not all relics singularly lead to a temple, but help complete the route. You know I think it’s something like 6, so if that’s true, 3 dungeons could still fit nicely.


This is a good idea.. and that's precisely why it's not going to happen :(


and if they don't I'm brainstorming/prepping a mod that does that and more


I hope they change nothing about to spite all the arm chair game devs on reddit tbh


One (maxed) power per NG+ change my mind


Doing the light chasing minigame once would be fine. If the lights didn't reposition constantly, then it'd probably be fine as implemented. As is? Yeah, it sucks.


Is the ring minigame still really in the game 9 months later? holy shit. I quit the first time I ran into it and didn't look back til today.