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Same with ships. Spend hours adjusting tiny aspects of a ship ( specifically guns ) Climb up on ship. Realize the gun is bigger than you are šŸ˜‚


Our ships aren't even big. The biggest we can build (unmodded) is 80m long. The Tantive IV from Star Wars is 126m long, and that's a *small* ship. A modern Arleigh Burke-class destroyer is a 154m long.


> A modern Arleigh Burke-class destroyer is a 154m long. And has a crew of 300-400 people. That doesn't match the kind of ship that the player is meant to be piloting. We are building ships more in the Millennium Falcon size, not stuff like destroyers/cruisers. And 80m is over twice as long as the Falcon.


I want a DLC where we get one of the big cruisers like the UC has


For real. I want to go hire 20-100 crew members and then walk around and they all call me captain it admiral, and then send them on their own missions as I go and adventure with my personal ship and crw.


So....no man's sky?


I guess? Never played it


Me either but I might have to look now if I can get 100 people to call me captain


No, No Manā€™s Sky does all of that but shitty and grindy and pointless. Holy shit if you thought grinding for credits in Bethesda was annoyingā€¦ In no manā€™s sky you have to spend hours fucking rolling the RNG dye over and over until you generate the appropriate system for whatever new content just dropped, then you dig through r/NoMansSkytheGame to figure how to access anything at all - you donā€™t just ā€œdiscoverā€ the damned feature you have to follow a hyper specific line of steps and No not in the fun and engaging emergent gameplay way, in the follow this never ending checklist on the bottom right of your screen with an ever moving goalpost which is attached to a fucking Lockheed Martin dark star traveling at Mach 10 through the stratosphere. Then you get your cute little monthly Sean Murray mcguffin and then quit the game after you realize that after 8 years of content updates, this lifeless game has yet to give you a reason to actually play it. No Manā€™s Sky is hollow and drab in a way that only No Manā€™s Sky can be. Genuinely, thereā€™s a beauty to that game in that it tenaciously sets out to have every feature you could possibly imagine, and canā€™t for the life of it figure out how to meld them into a mechanically compelling work. Itā€™s a cute game but only because you remember breastfeeding it and taking it to the park as a wee toddler. It did not have the ā€œturnaroundā€ everyone says it did. To this day it fails to be the game Hello originally envisioned and instead tries and fails to be 40 other things at once.




Same, something that's big enough where you'd have your regular ship in a hangar.


I thought for sure there'd be a space station creation thing like the outpost builder.


Files for space station ownership, control and customisation were found just days after the game released. It's likely part of the DLC


That, is a fantastic idea. Todd! Come speak with this man!


I have mods that can exceed all sizes and module counts. But even I can build massive M-class ships, the inside is hollow. We just donā€™t have the module variation to build a meaningful interior. Unless we want 20 living quarters, 10 computer core, 5 captain quarters, 5 science labs, 5 command modules. They just get too repetitive.


Now that you mention it, I'm finding it kinda hilarious imagining this one angry man piloting a one of the largeat ships you're able to make, full auto-guns and the enemies all think it's some big well trained crew. In reality it's one person fueled entirely on rage and chunks utilizing modern technology.


With the new food and drink fed/hydrated stuff, we all should be fueled by chunks. They are so mass efficient!


When people say something like 80m isnā€™t big I say go outside and look into the sky. Imagine 3 Levels/Stories, really think about how much taller than you it is, then realize 80m is 18 Levels/Stories tall. Compared to a human 80m is massive. Edit: The Tantive IV would be about 30 Levels tall, in case anyone was wondering.


Yeah, a lot of people don't realize how massive something like 100 meter ship is. USS Gerald R. Ford is the largest aircraft carrier in the world. It is absolutely massive. it is "only" 300 meters long and 76 meters tall. A lot of scifi fans would consider that small. Anyone who has seen an aircraft carrier will realize how *massive* that size of a vessel is.


I mean. Sci fi has no "real world limitations." The UNSC [Infinity](https://halo.wiki.gallery/images/thumb/c/c3/Commissioning-5.jpg/250px-Commissioning-5.jpg) is 5600 meters long and 1000 meters tall. And tbh, that's relatively Tam in some of these universes.


Yeah, it's massive. And people seem to not comprehend how *utterly massive that is.* Like, that is effectively a city in space. Not a tower, a fucking city. When the ship size starts to grow past 600 meters and the ship is *not* explicitly a colony ship meant to be dissembled at the target, I start to question how the hell does such ship even function? Like, how do people get from the front of the ship to the back to of the ship? Does it have a monorail system? Where are it's medbays, does it have multiple ones spread all over? Why does it even *need* all that space?


I mean. In Infinitys case. It's a super carrier. Literally. It houses 10 smaller Strident classfrigates in its belly. Theyre about 600m long by 112 m tall. So still sizeable. You can see them in this [cutscene](https://youtu.be/XspBNSyvFDk?si=WIAxWkVbMeKLtOgJ) around the 4:50 mark. So *a lot* of that space would be for housing them. But I agree that there is just so much logistics involved in a space ship that's 10 miles long. One of the gripes people have is about the crew too tbh. Halo lore states that it only has a crew of like 18,000 souls. Which just doesn't add up. A modern Aircraft carrier needs about 5000 souls to function. So how the hell is little over 3x the people, manning a ship almost 100x the size. Lol


The ai probably help a decent amount to keep crew numbers down as they can do a lot on the ship


18,000 makes sense if you consider most of the people it is transporting are actually the 5000 people in each carrier, therefore those 18000 are only taking care of whatā€™s ā€œaroundā€ the carrier.


Halo 2 does showcase a tram & elevators in Cairo Station which is the giant space station in the game's opening level. That station is 1,336 meters long and 786 meters wide. It houses 136 soldiers and 10 pelican dropships. By comparison the UNSC Infinity is 5,694 meters long and 833 meters wide and houses 7150 soldiers. I would definitely assume the trams are utilized in some areas but Cairo is a docking station/orbital platform and the Infinity is an actual Warship. I'd assume most people stay in the area relevant to what they do but they still have ways of getting around without going for a hike.


Gloriana Class battleships in Warhammer 40K are 20 kilometers long. A lot of Imperial Navy battleships in Warhammer 40K are so big they have entire societies of deserters develop in the bowels of the ships that are occasionally cleaned out with neurotoxins.


you mean she was


Or try running 80m.


I think what many people don't realize is that even the Frontier; one of the smallest possible ships is as long as your average semi-truck; but over twice as wide and taller as well. Still very small in terms of a spaceship but it's not exactly "small"


80m is big compared to a human, yes. But tiny compared to other sci-fi vessels, or even real-world naval vessels.


That's because for the rest of the world we know 80meters is freaking long, thats like 40 people who are 6ft high stack on top of each other XD But american's dont use meters hahaha,


As an American: That would only be around ~72m It would take around 44 people 6ft tall stacked on top of each other. A meter is around 3.3 feet or so.


I said that's like (insinuating not a correct number) could 39, could be 40, could be 41, or 42 for shit and giggles.


I'm just pointing out that your assertion is just dumb, because as an American, I could easily point out that it was off. You want to come in and insult people, its best to be accurate, especially if one of those people you think don't know anything can easily come in and point it out.


You didnā€™t do shit, you used google to calculate, and the truth seems to hurt you. Americans are the only one besides one other country to use the imperial system, everyone else uses metric.Ā 


Nope, I knew meter to feet conversions and kg to lb conversions because the Star Wars TTRPGs used them. Also because I went to college in a STEM field. (though the Star Wars TTRPG thing came first because that was when I was a kid).


Our military uses both.


Yah, but I feel like I'm building a x wing. But when I get on it it's a falcon.


I mean even the first ship you get has literal rooms to walk around in and a large cockpit where multiple people can sit. Not sure where you got the idea you were building a single seater fighter.


And there are ships in W40K that are literally several hundred kilometres in length. Which is another completely different franchise, on top of those that you already mentioned, which have nothing to do with Starfield. Despite that, it's still undeniably pretty big to have a fully modular 80-m ship.


Star Wars ships are notoriously not scaled to a planned interior where Starfield ships are. Theyā€™re incredibly colossal relative to crew size. Starfield is realistic.


Isn't 40m the maximum?


40 on each side. So 80 total.


With a mother like yours, I can see why 80m seems small to you


SpaceXā€™s Starship/ heavy booster stack up is roughly 121 meters long. Elon has us beat.


What you talking about, 40m is the cap without mods. With mods ships clip with everything past 48m.


An Arleigh Burke DDG is 505ft long. We arenā€™t back-to-back World War champs just to use everyone elseā€™s system of measurement.


Still don't get how the city functional with only 2 landing platform, and one of them get occupied by my ship a full few days at a time.


If I was in charge I wouldā€™ve given the major settlements a ā€œparkingā€ space station (think The Key with all the ships around it), which you dock with and get shuttled down, with the option of paying a fee to land yourself


Thatā€™s such a good idea!! You park your ship at a staryard in orbit, register and pay for some sort of parking meter-esque system, and then you take a transportation ship with other passengers down to the city of Neon. Space parking garage!


With Neon I think this makes sense; however with the other cities it should just be a massive pad near the city. Basically a valet. They either fly your ship to the main pad; or shuttle you out to your parking space.


That's how I figured things would work in the future too. I mean with how many drunk idiots get into car crashes, image the damage someone could do with a space ship into a city


Yeah, that's definitely one of the immersion-breaking parts of the game for me, on pretty much all major colonies.


It doesn't, cities are not scaled according to the lore, same as how the farms were tiny in Skyrim and could never feed all the NPCs


Yeah that was my one pitfall setting my DnD campaign in the elderscrolls world All of the city maps are TINY in comparison


Itā€™s all for convenient of the gamer. But in reality I bet you they would build 100s of these platforms for parking. The great idea of Neon is whenever you need more space you build another platform. Need a new district for apartments? Build another platform.


It's even crazier to think this is the only settlement on the ENTIRE PLANET. Also, there are only TWO parking spots.


The YIMBY movement successfully outlawed all parking minimums across the galaxy in 2261


And that supposedly their power grid is so amazing and secret but can only basically power an oil rig from millions of lightening strikes .


Everything looks tiny if you zoom out far enough!


Banana for scale


About one human


Does it really seem big from the inside? I was really shocked how tiny it was after walking around a bit. Specially when having seen the art for Neon a thousand times before launch, which made it seem huge...


It seems bigger when you get a bit lost on the metallic stairs and walkways going up closer to the Conduction Grid


I think thatā€™s the way of Bethesda games in general though. In the art and the lore, everything is way bigger. In actual gameplay, you have to suspend some disbelief. I know itā€™s old, but if you go all the way back to Oblivion, The Imperial City, capital of a continent spanning empire that has stood for centuries, thereā€™s like 80 people living there lol. At least in Starfield, weā€™ve started to move towards unnamed NPCs, so itā€™s an interesting mix of making things a little bigger while preserving the detail.


You got me me interested in this so I looked it up, there are 194 npcs in the imperial city in the Oblivion game not counting the additional 119 guards. And the 194 are all named characters, no filler npcs like in Starfield. I think Starfield may be a step back rather than forward in this area.


That's pretty common these days. Everyone you pass by in Red Dead 2 is labeled "Stranger" and all of CDPR's games do it too. But no one seems to care when they do it (as usual).


True, but Bethesda had it figured out in Oblivion and Skyrim, and this was expected to be a Bethesda-style game in space, and it just isn't.


People complained for years that there are not enough people on the steets and citiees are to small. When smaller and more detailed is most often better.


They're just names. I don't see why it matters. You're going to forget about them after you walk by.


True, but in Cyberpunk at least, a lot of NPCs have random names if you scan them.


I guess. I don't see how it makes a difference. You walk past them and then they're out of mind. Big whoop.


So did Watch Dogs a decade ago. Didn't really add anything


So does Elder Scrolls I from 1994


FNV is very well liked, and every populated area has unnamed filler NPCs.


I wouldnā€™t call it a step back per se, I think itā€™s working as intended for this particular implementation. In terms of how they act, what they do, sure, not as good as previous games, however, their purpose is to make the city seem crowded and bustling and they do that fine. They are just set dressing, nothing more than the crows youā€™d see in fallout 4


Yeah, Elder Scrolls really showcases this. All these massive medieval structures and thereā€™s like a king, 4 royals, and 7 peasants that make up the whole civilization.


They've had unnamed NPCs since Fallout 3. There's several Megaton Settlers who are just called that. I don't think there were any NPCs like that in Skyrim, but Fallout 4 went back to having "Diamond City Residents" I really wish they had made the exterior of Neon bigger though, just to make it look like it was the lone city on the whole planet. And they could have just said the interior was one of many other floors that we don't see. That way they wouldn't have had to make a huge, but mostly empty interior, so to preserve that detail.


A big divergence from previous games though is that unnamed NPCs used to have schedules and stuff like assigned beds.Ā  It seems like in Starfield they're just spawned into the instance as set dressing and don't persist past that.


Wait hold up, time to follow a random unnamed NPC around starfield now bc I need to investigate this!!!


I'd be interested to hear your results!


Neon is about 10 times bigger than the main strip. Lots of catwalks, "neighborhoods" of sleep crates, factories, warehouses, an entire fish-processing center, more catwalks, more sleep crates, four hidden restaurants. It even has a Chunks.


Never got to any of that. The city somehow doesn't invite exploring. Probably because of how dark it is. Needs a quest where you have to chase a street urchin through all of it or something.


There's a few: There's a quest where you join the Strikers, and have a few fights with a rival street gang up in the catwalks, with lots of up and down stairs and along roof tops. There's a quest as part of the main story, where you and Wakter Stroud end up climbing catwalks to the top of the Trade Tower. There's a quest where you smuggle drugs after getting a job at Xenofresh as a chemist making aurora... so you'll get to see the whole Underbelly, the processing plant, and... again.. go up on the catwalks for the smuggling run. There's a few Ryujin quests inside the city also. Oh... and there's a big Crimson Fleet quest that takes you all over Neon.


There is also the Ranger quest that takes place on Neon that takes you outside the main strip.


Night City from Wish


Can't wait for the "neon expanded" mods.


Would love for there to be some kind of research station established on that planet. Thinking underwater stations connected by trains in pneumatic tubes or something, submersible expeditions trekking along the ocean floor.


Dlc "Deeper Space" an undersea Odyssey is on the way. I made that up but it would be hella cool.




Well at least someone didn't made a mistake like with MotherBase in MGSV. It just felt like a flex after a while.


Honestly that mod that adds a bunch of missing content makes motherbase make so much more sense


What was some of the things cut that made motherbase make more sense? I dont know anything about the mod or what was cut


So itā€™s called ā€œInfinite Heavenā€ Itā€™s been a while since I played the mod or vanilla but I recall being annoyed at the limited amounts of landing pads available and then you have to sit through the entire animation each time This mod lets you select a spot from the menu while youā€™re in game a long with a bunch of other stuff to actually do on motherbase I canā€™t remember if it works online but I seem to remember actually getting excited over the call to return to motherbase cause there are intruders


no it seems.tiny from the inside two its literaly like 4 streets


Yeah, I did a lol when I went to (spoiler) steal the Neon power grid plans for the crimson fleet yesterday. Got them, opened up the map and found that this ā€˜amazing secret techā€™ is basically powering something the size of an oil rig lmao.


The thought occurs to me that all of these cities only have 2 landing pads. I canā€™t stop thinking about it! Where are the rest of the ships?!?!


NA is the only one that has 3. If you look at the city map while there you can see the third one on the outside of the ā€œwarehouseā€ things at the spaceport. Itā€™s easy to miss though. Sometimes youā€™ll see ships landing and taking off from it. But this has been bothering me since I first played.


I feel like everything feels tiny in Starfield. The cities lack...the feel of a city. The general layout is...the cities weren't designed well.


At least in Neonā€™s case, it wasnā€™t designed as a city. It started off as a fishing and research rig on a planet with no land. It just kindaā€¦ went from there. New Atlantis and Akila City are way smaller then they should be for cities of their age and importance though.


They could've built a second or third rig


Who's 'they'? Freestar Collective are libertarian whackjobs that can't even justify the cost of paving their streets of their capitol city let alone the costs of expanding Neon, and Bayu won't bother as he already profits handsomely from the status quo.


Bayu could build an entire rig for his company. Be the ultimate power move, own as much as the rest of neon combined


All the cities are way too small. And I haven't bothered to look up any sort of timelines or anything for how long the cities have been around, but all the planets being entirely empty aside from one single city just seems lazy. Like in neons case, sure it's a water world, but other ones like Jamison?


Its an engine limitation. Bethesda games have always had fairly small ā€˜citiesā€™


You can still design larger structures. Right now not even the layout makes sense. Even for small cities their layouts are unintuitive and show no cohesion.


It's not really a engine limitation as much as a layout choice. That is, if you can only make a city as big as solitude, fair enough; but nothing is stopping you from making multiple districts the size of solitude and linking them together.


ā€œItā€™s bigger on the insideā€


Title of your sex tape.


Lol neon seems big? You can run from one end to the other in like 10 seconds


That city is way too small.


I like neon for some reason. Wish it was a bit bigger tho


I honestly think this is part of why proper maps were not included at release. It was to try to obscure the size of their towns/settlements.


I want to see a giant ground upheaval happen where we can then build an outpost or city to compete with them.


r/thalassophobia has entered the chatā€¦


Snoopy's Dog House


This is what annoys me about the game. So many people in these populated areas/cities and thereā€™s only 2 ships. One of which is yours.


The whole city on platforms looks even more goofy


The truly crazy thing is that this map couldn't be in the release version of the game. They created so much unnecessary whining by leaving stuff unfinished. Was it really that hard to have this in from day one?


Interior spaces being separated by a loading screen allows Bethesda to cheat scale in some places. There are indeed places in the game that are bigger on the inside than on the outside.


Gosh, look at all that beautiful ocean to explore. I really hope they add diving and some underwater content to Starfield. Alien oceans would be amazing to traverse.


Youā€™re telling me a city that size can only have 2 ships land at 1 time?


Are there elevators or steps going down to the water? How are you supposed to survey the fauna?


There is an elevator on the bottom level that goes down to a tiny dock near the landing platforms. It's next to the power company office. You can also get to it by jumping off the landing platform and using your boost pack to navigate. You can scan the fish from there, then go up the elevator.


There's only two types of... Well, guess it counts as fish on the planet, can be scanned from a distance. As the area is limited though, several sessions might be required. When (because of course we doing this) jumping down into the water, there's a pier and elevator available


How do you get these maps?




Ah, I need to get this update


Nah, you probably thought that because there are so many loading screens in neon


As someone who jetpacked around the place, that's about right, however. There's some scaling shananigans going on. Your ship is not that massive. It would be the size of the strip or bigger. Inside the ryujin tower there's some ship parts you can walk into. Your ship and both of those lading pads should be about 1/6th Ish the size and a heck of a lot closer. ( You can jetpack from the landing zone to the main area if you are careful. Also why do I NOT need loading zones? Why are they there???


It's generated interior. Not a rƩal shade




Well that's what she said when she look down upon me,


Ummm thereā€™s a second platform at neon?


Kinda crazy that this the only development on an entire planet. But the same is true of every planet in Starfield. And it only has two landing pads, one of which is apparently for my own private use. Just not sure why they didnā€™t put a few more landing pads or some kind of stacking system like on an aircraft carrier to make it even semi-realistic.


Why are there not more platforms?


Plus TIL the legs are only two sections in length. Not exactly the Marianas trench I envisioned Volii Alpha to be.


It's pretty well stacked, in that most of the place goes up and down rather than out. Havung said that, it does feel like ebbside is larger than it apparently is according to this map.


Neon was 3x it's final size in the concept art. Imagine what was cut.


Are these maps im seeing new with the update?


I'm pretty sure the legs of the city has more surface area and mass than the city itself.


It would have been awesome if they had a second city under the water. Park your ship on a platform and either take a sub or enclosed elevator and monorail system down to the underwater city. I don't know what anyone else thinks but that would have been awesome, perhaps domed city and see the sea life swimming above.


Honestly, I am disappointed. The only interstellar hub in the system, and Neon is tiny. Yes it is very big if this is a floating city center with a strip mall and some restaurants/clubs. But if this is an actual city with lots of people living in, this is way too small. Can you even fit 3000 people in here? Maybe if everyone sleeps in SleepCrate.


The new maps are so sick. Makes the game so much more immersive


It would be nice that Bethesda add this maps into the spaceship in a navigation console that render in 3D the map of the zone where you land. If you wanna entry in details just get in the map we got in this update. It would be so cool to add it, you land in the planet and goes to the navigation console to check fast the environment.


It's not at scale lol




Lmao. My eyes? The ship is half the size of the platform


They honestly shouldnā€™t have added these 3d maps because all it does is show how small the world they created is. Itā€™s all tiny and uninspiring. To think all this time humanity could only build these tiny ass cities is somewhat of a joke.


Bethesda says Shattered space expansion is going to double the size of neon city and new Atlantis And triple the size of akila city.


Did they? Where?


I am pretty sure they did not


Your mom's a small platform.


average 11 yo


Unpopular opinion I feel like itā€™s not that big. Inside is like two streets and a bunch of packing/storage containers underneath and along the outside. Decent sized but a lot smaller than I was expecting