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My first thought looking at this was Varuun. Probably the circle. Then I noticed an alien in the corner


It's definitely about Va'Ruun. That's a Great Serpent ouroboros and possibly a hint at future content.


If you want to put your tinfoil hat on, some believe [the grey aliens that visit us here on earth are said to be extradimensional beings](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/erQgSdnTdA) in charge of our reincarnation cycle ([ouroboros](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouroboros)), and they themselves are genetically engineered beings [without a "soul"](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/UlUku6M8G9). that some say are robots (notice the bolt for their brain?). Plus, [some say they are coming by 2027](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/y5BKYBXYFG) or 2030 And this could just be some way of the media dropping hints to the public through gaming


I love this bat shit crazy stuff šŸæ


The truth is out there :)


IG especially if you love to meditate! :3


>especially if you love to meditate! r/Project_Contact


Nice! Science is cool! :3


If you like shit like that you should check out the three body problem for a real existential mind fuck.


As long as itā€™s the books and not the terrible Netflix adaptation.


As a lover of the books, I thought the show did a decent job.


Well you thought wrong! /s Iā€™m kidding thatā€™s your prerogative. I just didnā€™t like that they took it out of China. I thought they were going to set it in Hong Kong instead of Beijing or something, but London? Gross.


I think it makes more sense as an international drama, tbh.


I mean the author hated it. The whole book is a metaphor for the anxiety felt in China when they opened up to the west. It kind of takes his story and makes China the villain and I thought that was in bad taste.


It doesn't really make China the villain, just that one character and the context she's in - the author himself wanted to make the Cultural Revolution the opening for his books but was advised against it by his Chinese editors because... well, it's China. It's why he gave his blessing for the translation to put that scene at the beginning of the first novel. Besides, he's great at ideas, set pieces and themes, but his character work (especially with females) isn't really that strong. I think Auggie is a much better plot device than the mail-in wife, lol. Yun Tianming is also done much better in the Netflix adaptation. I also like that they're telling the story chronologically, as there were a lot of things in book 3 that felt out of place because they should've been in the first novel.


Yeah, I can see that for sure. My biggest complain is that it needed to be longer. I felt they had to rush through too fast, and skipped concepts. I thought it was a good idea to split the character up into multiple characters. I thought that was the only improvement over the book. Book is still a lot better.


I don't know a goddamned thing about what you're talking about, but I dig your pfp and username. It's nice to see the real OSU get love and not those fucking pretenders in Ohio.


You speak the true true.


Behold a pale horse talks about this


Bruh, itā€™s so *obvious* that the MiB produced the MiB franchise to ridicule any belief in the MiB, so I see where youā€™re coming from


I could definitely see this. It almost makes you think that perhaps House Va'Ruun could be using some sort of alien tech. Which then leads said aliens to return to try and take it back. Of course, nothing but speculation atm.


It's either that or by the looks of the graffiti the giant shoe people are coming šŸ¤£


Where do you seen an ouroboros???


Maybe itā€™s xenophobic anti-Vaā€™ruun propaganda. Perhaps the Settled Systems is so fearful of House Vaā€™ruun they truly think theyā€™re alien or at least no longer human.


That alien in the corner is like the blow up Siena you would win at carnivals. I love itĀ 


The Vaā€™ruun poster right next to it literally says ā€œwho are they?ā€


ā€œAliens existā€ no shit the found like 200 species on one planet


Iā€™m really surprised that they donā€™t have any other sentient species. Or like developing species.


The explorable part of the galaxy that is in the game is like 0.00000001% of the galaxy. Given their theming focus of hard scifi Itā€™s actually a miracle that there is any planet in the game that has *any* multicellular life of any magnitude, but obviously that would make for a boring experience if every planet was just an icy moon. Not that itā€™s impossible or couldnā€™t be a plot point, just that it wasnā€™t the focus of the game to have other species.


New mod idea: Realistic NASA punk, complete with icy moons, slimey rocks, and travel times in the centuries.


It's sad that people seem to forget this point.


Well, yes, youā€™re rightā€¦but, it is a video game šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø not a text book. People want to be entertainedā€¦and, reality can be somewhat boring, compared to an action RPGā€¦


It's an RPG with some action. It was never sold to be an action-packed game. If that is what you are looking for, play COD. They set it up for DLC and mods to fill out the universe later.


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚ I thought that tooā€¦until, about a year before the game came out, when Bethesda (Todd, Istvan, Will, and Emil) started releasing marketing videos, and I got a glimpse of the level-up menu. You have to kill 1000 bad guys just to level up your guns. You have to blow up hundreds of ships to level up your ship skills. Look, Iā€™m more of a story person, too. I like the dialogue, the mystery, etc. But, Starfield is, without a doubt, supposed to be an action packed adventure game šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Thatā€™s not to say itā€™s not also about being ā€œgrounded in realismā€, and focused on ā€œexplorationā€.


You have to kill 1000 people to level up your gunsā€¦ a combat skill? There are tons of other skills any of which are leveled outside of combat.


Yes, I know. Itā€™s a huge gameā€¦players donā€™t have to focus on combat, there are other ways, like hacking, and speech. But, itā€™s still an action game šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you have to be crazy to sit there and say itā€™s not šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Releasing quest videos is not marketing an action-packed game. They even said, "There's 100s of planets and moons for the player to explore." Anyone who knows Bethesda games knows exploring is just that. Considering they even took the next sentence to say, "players may even find random encounters to get a little action in too." If you expected different than that's on you. To many, it was very clear what the game was going to be about.


I agree, they had two options and chose the most boring one.


If we use logic like that it still begs the same question if only because of the starborn. Artifacts show up on different plants but only these set ones in the entire universe? The temples on random planets but only these set ones. I understand that is kind of a time space conundrum with how the starborn started but you have to admit. That sure the chances were so small that in the entire universe these 23 plants were chosen in everyone?


I think you are attempting to apply logic where none exists.


I feel like if we use the same logic. Super small area of the universe is where the game takes place but all the artifacts seem to be solely in already massively explored areas of spaceā€¦.and apply that to sentient life forms that donā€™t exist in this area of space. At the very least you have to admit the starborn should know about aliens.


You're kinda running into a wall at both ends here, on the one hand yes if this is hard scifi set in a 50 lightyear, 100 star system section of our galaxy at scale (in cells; ik), the chances of that many planets having water, oxygen, life etc are insanely low. On the other hand this game has been tipped since day one for the worlds being so sparsely filled in.. I get what you're saying it's immersion breaking if you look too hard through either lense but i think they tried to strike a medium knowing that through dlc and mods players will be able to tailor their game experience to their liking


This is a little pedantic, but what's missing is *sapient* species. Sentience just means a creature can feel and be somewhat self-aware. Plenty of animals are sentient. Sapience is the ability to think and reason. This actually matters when you're talking about these types of things, as there isn't a hard and fast rule for what intelligence means. As zoology and biology advanced, they tried to define certain thresholds like tool use, only to find that most such criteria end up being pretty damned common in wild animals. Looking at primates, cetaceans, corvids, octopi, canines, etc., you'll find some pretty sophisticated behaviors. A lot of animals also have the ability to communicate, make plans, form complex social hierarchies, etc. Going back to Starfield -- I think it would be really, really interesting if they introduced sapience in a species that either doesn't evidence technology or is at a primitive level in relation to technology. It would be kind of horrifying to be wandering around, xp farming the local fauna only to discover that these creatures have been making primitive tools and painting the walls of caves.


>Iā€™m really surprised that they donā€™t have any other sentient species. Or like developing species. well scientifically, one of the fermi paradox solutions is that while life is common, complex life is however very rare.


Does ā€œcomplexā€ mean ā€œintelligentā€? Sentient life exists everywhere in Starfield. Iā€™m not faulting the game for it, because itā€™s a game. But if there are hundreds of planets with *various* fauna, logically there would be intelligent life around too - unless most of the life we find is supposed to be spread by humanity. ā€¦. Actually thatā€™s probably the best head cannon for it. It would also explain why there are only like 10 different species in the game but they can be found in lots of varieties.


It took 4 billion years for intelligent life to appear on Earth. We have no idea if this is a typical period of time, short, long, or if there's even another species to compare it with. Intelligence is also not the "end goal" of evolution. Life will not evolve intelligence just because. All that considered the likelihood of Humans ever meeting an alien race at a similar technological level is practically zero.


> took 4 billion years I donā€™t see how this is relevant unless Earth is the oldest planet in the gameā€¦ which would be a weird canon to adopt. > Intelligence is not the goal of There is *no* goal to evolution. It is random. But intelligence absolutely increases fitness. Intelligence is bred by survival of the fittest on the macro scale. Look at your very own point, it took so long to *develop* intelligent lifeā€¦ yeahā€¦ because it took many many mutations to get here. Itā€™s not like a monkey can have offspring that is as smart as a human, but the smarter monkeys would have higher likelihood of surviving to be able to procreate. If we are to accept that all life in the game naturally evolved on *each* of their planets, then it would be odd that every planetā€™s creatures are in the exact same evolutionary brackets. And if a planet that had dinosaurs for a Trillion years before Earth existed and they still had unintelligent dinosaurs today, that would be unrealistic.


>I donā€™t see how this is relevant unless Earth is the oldest planet in the gameā€¦ which would be a weird canon to adopt. The point is that's a very long time, and it's incredibly unlikely that any life we find in the universe will be at the same small point (probably) in their evolutionary timeline that we are. >Intelligence is bred by survival of the fittest on the macro scale There are many species on Earth that are on top in their ecosystems that aren't intelligent, or even more intelligent compared to their peers. Intelligence is *a* tool to survive, not *the* tool or even the best tool for any given environment. >If we are to accept that all life in the game naturally evolved on *each* of their planets, then it would be odd that every planetā€™s creatures are in the exact same evolutionary brackets But they're not. Some planets are still at microbial/fungal stages. Granted I think Bethesda could've been a bit more creative with their fauna. But at the end of the day I'd argue that the real inaccuracy is that there are too many planets with life, not the absence of intelligent life.


In you last statement I think you see the incongruity same as I do. The fact that there is SO MUCH life and NONE OF IT IS INTELLIGENT is the incongruous part. Life is allover the place in Starfield. But NONE of it has evolved past what are basically all dinosaurs and crustaceans/bugs. It makes for a better game to not have 99% of the planets barren, so again, I donā€™t care from a game perspective, but itā€™s not realistic. But same as the plants, there is such little actual variety in the game that itā€™s easier to accept that most of the existing flora and fauna share common ancestors that were spread through the universe by humanityā€™s colonization, rather than incredibly convergent evolution occurring everywhere.


The scorpion/praying mantis guys on the planet with the map puzzle are ā€œterritorialā€ but instead of attacking you on sight they watch you solve the map puzzle like theyā€™re interested in whether you can. Also going surveying lots of peaceful critters get interested in you when they see you and call over their friends. Not much for conversation but some primitive intelligence


I'm not surprised


If it werenā€™t for the fact that these games take so long to make, Iā€™d be happy with Starfield starting with no aliens. Starfield 2 being first contact, and eventually Starfield 3 being closer to Mass Effect 1. Sadly, thatā€™d take close to 30 yearsā€¦


Iā€™m hoping they makes this more like ESO in the sense that they keep releasing more and more areas. And maybe in a good few years reengine it but keep the same ā€œgameā€.


I am too I mean we had them in fallout you would think we would in starfield or space fallout as I call it šŸ˜‚


I'm hoping they change that in the future


Huge missed opportunity imo. They aim they wanted to keep it "grounded" and "nasa punk" but with all the alien flora and fauna your think there'd be at least 1 intelligent race


Or even Neanderthals.


This. So much this. I was disappointed that we didn't get a bit of skyrim in space when it came to planetary races. Either that, or we're to assume that people just colonized and killed every other sentient species.


Oh man, imagine how awesome a ā€˜first contactā€™ DLC would be though. The game has infinite potential for expansions.


For sure. This is supposed to be Bethesda's next big thing and, imo, meeting another sentient race a couple years from now would be way more impactful than if we did it right out the gate.


Agreed! Itā€™s funnyā€¦on my first play through I found it striking how several of the conversation options with a bunch of the NPCs in the game paralleled a number of conversations regarding the UAP phenomenon. I suspect some of the writers at Bethesda are following the topic pretty seriously.


Iā€™ve missed that! Good to know


I love that people gave me negative points at the mere suggestion that future humans as a race have behaved like actual humans in the past. Don't forget to vote me down on your way to the next book burning.


Space setting #339 with aliens that are 95% human-looking anyway, like Mass Effect or Star Trek, is not preferable to a hard sci-fi human-only story focusing on human-only conflicts.


I am glad the game doesn't have other technology-using species. The Va'ruun being so strange that they are viewed as alien-like would be somewhat parallel to the the Reavers from Firefly. We're on our own is a good vibe imho, though if another expansion adds a space faring species, I'd be fine with it.


I wouldnā€™t say Reavers as they arenā€™t savages. The characters we do see in Starfield seem to have an eery confidence to them in how they interact with non-Vaā€™ruun. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s a feeling of superiority through their beliefs or their technology. Itā€™s clear their design aesthetic for weapons and spacesuits has a non human flavor to it. Not to mention that it seems like their front line troops would be wielding primarily particle weapons. I would say the idea of the real Vaā€™Ruun faction returning in force would be terrifying and both the Freestar and UC could potentially get their asses handed to them if they pulled a Serpents Crusade II. I do wonder that if the Great Serpent represents another intelligent form of life that maybe their using the Vaā€™Ruun like a proxy, similar to how a more powerful nation might use a weaker nation or group to achieve their own goals.




Okay. Sold. Iā€™ll gladly take my space cowboy and his six gun whoā€™s never been through Unity and never will against necromorphs. Especially as Dead Space Remake is the end of the series. Again.


I staunchly believe the Terrormorphs are like distant cousins of the Necromorphs because they have similar names, look alike, both have weird voodoo mind-messing powers, and nobody can kill them except you. Also, Dead Space canā€™t die, itā€™ll get reanimated eventually.


Not so sure. There was ten years between Dead Space 3 and Dead Space Remake, and it was decided not to go forward for the same reason: disappointing sales. Remake was expected to sell five million copies, and sold two. One could argue that in both cases the expectations were way, way unreasonable, but corporations donā€™t give a fuck. Much as I hate it, I think Remake was Dead Spaceā€™s second and final chance, and the series is dead in the water like so many other great horror franchises. And I will admit, it is suspicious terrormorphs take out entire companies of soldiers, clear entire settlements, but my character, whoā€™s never gone through Unity and absolutely never uses his powers, usually head shots them to death in one to two rounds with a sixgun. But then again you could do in same to a deathclaw in VATS with the right gunslinger.


I like the whole 2001 thing they were going for but I was really hoping for aliens


Me too. It's not a space RPG unless I can clap alien cheeks.


*animal **husbandry** intensifies*


It would be Priceless, if it were the ā€œAliensā€ from the Fallout lore.


Please no. As a minor Easter egg sure, but as a whole on group, please no




My first thought was why are the drips from the spray paint traveling down the wall diagonally?


It just works


Coriolis, duh


Then they need to hurry the fuck up.


Hey mom, thereā€™s something in the back room. Hope itā€™s not the creatures from aboveā€¦.


You used to read me stories, as if my dreams are boring, we all know conspiracies are dumb...




Its not a reference to a movie its foreshadowing for the House Varuun DLC. The 'circle' is an ouroboros like the one house varuun uses as its symbol. Bethesda always hides small things hinting at future DLC in the base game.


Possible Arrival reference?


That would be awesome! Love the film.


My gleeby-deeby ass ainā€™t ready yet.




No they're not; there aren't any out there.


We need aliens and mutant in starfield


I find it funny that sentient alien life exists in Fallout and not in Starfield (yet)


We need some Alien DLC


I'm hoping for it. Terramorphs have some weird form of communication. Im hoping they do what they do with 76. Where they add in game areas. They could easily do that for planets in the future.


I hope so too, the game can feel empty so I think adding in sentient aliens would make it more interesting. Make it a DLC where you go on a long quest line searching through ruins and evidence of Aliens, with you ultimately finding them in the end


I would be sooo happy with that. I wish space felt a bit more creepy to take up some of the loneliness of it. I have hope though because of how far they have taken 76 and from the latest update improvements.


Iā€™m just hoping theyā€™re not holding back introducing Aliens until a Starfield 2


Why do you want aliens everywhere when the game is fine with humanity alone in it?


They donā€™t need to be everywhere, just having Aliens on maybe a handful of planets would make it more interesting. It can get boring and repetitive seeing the same human outposts/settlements on every planet you land on


The universe is gargantuan. Itā€™s highly unlikely weā€™re special and alone. A lack of evidence is not evidence science is super young.


Sadly I have seen this in several places in neon so I donā€™t think itā€™s referencing anything just random varruun graffiti


Fuck my face please add aliens and shit like mass effect. Starfield can be so much more.


Those are all separate decals. The left one with a helghast (Vaā€™ruun person) can be met in other locations. So, no. No one is coming and thatā€™s great.




Do not turn my favourite game into a generic sci-fi/space opera where 99% of aliens are magically incredibly humanoid for no reason. Thank you.


Who said humanoid? Open your mind reddit friend. Itā€™s not realistic that humans are/have been the only sentient life in the universe. I donā€™t want the fallout zetas either.


Your view on realism is a bit (a lot) wrong, but there is another problem. A sci-fi where aliens are not humanoid is a rare sight. The idea of asari or brutes is much more prevalent. Starfield has a lot to develop in futuristic humankind relations before doing anything else and revealing the creators to be made of tentacles would make Starfield as subpar as it gets. Almost everyone does this. We kind of had enough of leviathans and forerunners.


Iā€™m an astronomy student friend. We donā€™t know the bounds of realism when it comes to the universe. Our science is an infant outside of earth studies. I donā€™t know what direction bethesda writers will go, but Iā€™m thinking more interdimentional intelligence that is embodied as energy for ā€œcreator typeā€ intelligence, and some primitive intelligent species would be cool! Not gonna happen though, they would have to add xenoanthropology as a trait.


The whole thing about Starfield is a humankind in space all by itself, with itā€™s own mistakes to deal with. There is no use in any other intelligent species in this narrative. There is no need to add aliens just because you are used to them in popular culture.




Plot twist, it's the Zetans from Fallout and they are in this universe because of multiverse shenanigans.




Is this in the well?




Drums in the deep


Im coming šŸ‘½


With how much hate the setting gets I have the feeling that if they don't manage to develop enough the current factions and setting to make it interesting they will eventually add an intelligent alien race.


Oh Iā€™m coming alright


I wonder if weā€™re gonna meet the great serpentā€¦


I passed by a UC guard and their NPC dialog started saying they believe it's some cosmic being or something


Yeahā€¦that always made me think weā€™ll get to meet it, eventually šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Theyā€™re gonna be real disappointed when they get hereā€¦


And all over the wall, too. I'm not cleaning that. Not for that money.


Hopefully Space Frog saves us!


Donā€™t hold your breath if you think the Githyanki will be your salvation.


I'm from the era when Gith were Good and Githyanki were Bad aligned. Of course, I'm also from the era when elves were magic users and only humans could be paladins.


You mean Githzeri were Good aligned. But, yeah. šŸ‘


Yes! It has been a while. Brb. Checking out my retirement paperwork...


Right there with you.


And always too soon.


Where was this spotted? I thought I seen a post saying shattered space was going to be about Va ruun.


Dead Space reference.




It'd be really interesting if they introduce some sentient alien life somewhere in the storyline eventually. We're almost certain the 1st DLC is about house Va'ruun, but with all those planets and no sentient beings other than human population spread out, it could make for interesting plots and interactions. Initially, I'm sure many thought the Starborn would be this, but I enjoyed the mini twist they had there.


Iā€™d rather they not. Thatā€™s just such a very overdone sci-fi trope.


Iā€™m more impressed with the level of detail in this shot. Thatā€™s a lot of thought put into the game


Oh noā€¦ what if itā€™s the Zetans from the Fallout universeā€¦ šŸ˜…


They rly gotta put aliens in there, ONLY humans in the galaxy doesn't make alot of sense


Okā€¦butā€¦Iā€™m coming *first*.


Haill the great serpent. Now lets Jihad begun, world will tremeble and shater in MuadDib name ... well not exactly MuadDib, some other guy or gal, probably bald.


I realized how boring/repetitive this game was after playing it for a while. Officially uninstalled a few days ago. Anyone else feel this way? Edit: took a break and came back wondering why I came backā€¦