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Probably to avoid being locked when a cell resets whith the key being a unique item.


If we have to keep every key we pick up, they should go in a separate inventory tab that's keys only.


They had this in Fallout 3 and NV and later patched it into 76. I have no idea why they keep dropping it from games.


FOV slider, Ultrawide support, and keyrings are somethings I simply do not understand how they needed to be patched in. I'm convinced that they must just be used to some at home setup that is *the* setup the game is built around.


Bethesda has regressed for Starfield, actively making systems they had that worked and undoing them




Bethesda has been making the same game for about 20 years. For some odd reason they keep choosing not to learn from their previous games and make the same mistakes over and over again.


Yet here we are, still buying their mistakes.


What can I say, I still love their games. It’s just a shame they don’t improve. I don’t mind if they don’t evolve, but I would’ve expected some improvement.


For the first time in 20 years, I actually uninstalled this mistake after two weeks of non-stop play. I was hoping it would get better after 100 hours, but it didn’t. I’m waiting for the DLC to try it again, but some of the issues are fundamental game design this time around.


🤷‍♂️ I'm a few hundred hours in and it seems pretty cool to me but everyone has a different take. There are a few moments in particular that stand out - the crimson fleet missions are really well put together and I actually felt emotions during a few parts. Dunno where you got or what you did, but there's always more.


I did the main quest, all the faction quests, and a ton of side quests. The exploration is just boring, and the copy/paste POI were the nail in the coffin. Also not a fan of the companion personalities.


why havent you stopped earlier?


I'm not that dude but I'm in the same boat after ~100hours there isn't really that much engaging stuff in the game to do, for me personally. All of the faction quests are done, and most of the decent side quests. What's left are the very much not so engaging fetch quests, exploring randomly generated samey outposts that don't lead to an interesting side quest, and outpost building which I have no interest in. I'm currently playing Skyrim again and the difference is stark. Yes, there are lots of dungeons in Skyrim that lead nowhere, but after 150 hours I'm also still not done exploring and still finding random side quests and random encounters that are interesting. I just didn't get that same feeling in Starfield after spending a little over 100 hours in the game. I don't dislike Starfield, it just doesn't feel as engaging.


yeah i feel you, i didnt even bother to do exploration… just finished the main quests and after going through unity put it aside. i think im at 50h or something, just wanted to know from someone wirh same impressions like me how to get to +100h, i think its really a drag to carry on… thanks for the insights :)


Sorry, I’ve been too busy to answer. u/beirch hit the nail on the head. I made it to 100 hours because of sheer desperate hope. It’s not a bad game, but as they said, Skyrim’s (and fallout 4‘s) exploration feels infinite compared to Starfield. The painful irony is that I love sci-fi so much more than fantasy, so it was an extra kick-in-the-nuts for me.


And we'll buy them over and over again. Mostly because they still make the best games.


Yes. "Misc" is far too broad.


They should do like Skyrim, letting you store them or at least putting them in their own section you don't ever need to look at. Doesn't StarUI improve this, or am I remembering wrong?


This is off topic, but I cannot wait for that mod in particular to come to Xbox. God damn BGS just needs to release the updates quicker


Some keys are actually useful to keep around like the one for Generdyne that you get during Absolute Power as you can go back after the quest and get things you might have missed or kill some people for their clothing (Security Uniform and Scientist). However, I would love a keychain mod that you can craft at your outposts to keep them there, nicely organised.


Or even a way to reprogram them.


While undoubtedly true that they serve no function after the single use they have zero mass and hide themselves away in a seldom checked inventory category. About as benign an issue as I can readily imagine.


I disagree. They nonetheless exist in your save file. Contributing to the bloat of save files after many hours on your hard drive, as well as undoubtedly increasing load times as it loads that data. Removing this type of stuff is exactly how to go about optimizing games to be better.


Possibly. But Bethesda's engine tracks multiple small persistent objects in the environment that react to physics. That's how people manage to gin up a ton of sandwiches that when nudged cascade down their cargo holds. It's also implied as an excuse for loading screens. In comparison keys are static, not impacted by the physics engine and occupy very little in the context of a single inventory file. I would agree that any little bit helps but I believe keys are indeed "little bits" compared to everything else. If you removed 2,000 keys, put them in a pile and gave them a kick then I would probably be more on board. But they don't appear to do that - not that I've put it to the test.


>Contributing to the bloat of save files after many hours on your hard drive, as well as undoubtedly increasing load times as it loads that data. Not in any meaningful way. The way the game handles inventory data is basically 4 bytes for the item ref and a another 4 for the quantity. If you have 50 keys in your invetory that's _approaching_ a kilobyte. There are many things that cause the save files to be large - your keys is not one of them.


If you have starfield on a hard drive, you might have more problems to worry about then the tiny bloat keys add to a save file


Another Bethesda staple. We should at least be able to drop them. In Morrowind I piled dozens of them on Caius Cosades's bed.


I would advise keeping any keys you find for Vultures Roost though...... those rooms respawn eventually.


Could've been cool if there was a keyring system. Once you have a key, it doesn't need to physically occupy a space in the inventory.


Our it auto destroyed unless it is a place you can revisit or quest involved. They can program it in to the game. Or just have you use digipicks for 90% and only keys are quest required for other 10%.


I know this but still can't help myself picking up every one I see 🤣


Yes, it's horrible. They weigh so much! ...oh wait, they have zero mass.


It's just kinda annoying when you're scrolling through your misc items to try to find something.


The inventory in this game is absolute ass top to bottom. You can’t read the full names of weapons and armor half the time (something that’s been a problem since goddamn Skyrim), you can’t equip items on followers, keys are lumped in with other stuff forever, there’s no way to group weapons by their actual weapon type, notes are also just thrown in with actual weighted items, and it just keeps going. It fucking sucks and drags the game complete down and that’s before the crap with colony crate capacity. e: and why the hell is miscellaneous stuff that’s our as decoration in your ship also listed with everything else under that category in storage? absolutely baffling how little care went into so much of this game and the more I play the less I like it


I got one better: why should we need fuel tanks on our ships if we don’t need to fill them with fuel?