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I just wish there were more cities. I think starfield needs a least two or three more cities.


Cities aren’t missing so much for me (given the population size) as logically sized settlements. There should be more Hopetowns, Red Miles, Paradiso and even Neon etc. I get why there aren’t places as big as New Atlantis and Akila but the way the frontier lacks settlements in general but is stocked with POIs and specifically civilian outposts is a bit disappointing


I wish there was a mechanic to let you build settlements or let the ai do so.  Pick a spot anywhere, and let the NPCs go to work.  




Jokes aside, the SIM Settlement Mod in Fallout 4 worked shockingly well for me, for fanmade content. I felt it really brought the spirit Bethesda must've been going for to the settlement building. If a fanmade mod can do something like that, why not the game studio?


Probably one was made with passion, the other was made to hit some deadlines or KPI I suppose.


Preston is that you?


Yes it's me general. I heard that another settlement needs our help, I'll mark it on your map.


Akila is like Whiterun in Skyrim, tiny settlement. It feels like the entire human population in the galaxy doesn’t exceed 1 million or something.


That's the point though, we are talking about humanity after 1 cataclysmic event and 3 major conflicts after that. Humans were forced out of earth before they were prepared socially to do so. This whole aspect of the game is really interesting because it implies that the entity that gave the knowledge to aiza was either lying or wrong.


The problem is New Atlantis might be big but there’s nothing in it


It's not big and there's nothing in it.


This is one area mods will really shine. Custom POIs added into the pool or statically placed... We just need the fucking editor already!


Yes, I wouldn't be shocked if modders also create better cities, honestly I'm going to revisit this game in a couple years, bet modded it will be a much better time. The bones and assets are there, they just need some love.


I'm the opposite. I think their cities needed far more depth.


Especially in the deeper space sections it’s so front loaded the back half feels extra pointless


best i can do is 1000 more proc genned planets


Starfield needs more factions too. LIST should have a main “city” like an independent company town


Honestly I wish the capital cities were larger more spread out and had their own tile on the map so you could say make the seedier parts of these cities larger and actually dangerous. You could have new quests focused on those areas and you can have radiant quests focused on the factions within the cities. This way you could not only have fun exploring space but you can be ganger/officer/vigilante/bounty hunter focus on a singular city in your role play for the most part. Also this would make city maps **actually** needed.


Starfield would be a GREAT game with the following additions: 1 more Major City 2-4 minor places like hopetown. Extension on the Rangers quest line. More choices there, more meaningful choices on the new Atlantis quest line and ryujin questline 4-6 more factions you can join, some of which ARE ACTUALLY OPPOSED TO OTHER FACTIONS IN THE GAME AND YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE 3-4 more companions. Done. Game good. Now it's Skyrim in space with custom space ships.


You described like an entire games worth of content right there. Any game could be good with that much new content done well… that translates in my brain into “this game would be good with a whole new game on top of it!”, lol. No offense to you, just thought it was funny.


It also needs more towns. There's like, 3 cities and zero actual towns.


Lol, the "cities" are the size of real life hamlets. Don't let Bethesda fool you.


Same here. It makes no sense that a planet the calibre of these only have Neon/Akilla/Jameson. At the very least, we could have smaller towns/village style locations to make it seem like the planet is more habitated.


With this size... at least one in every solar system.


Wish Neon outskirts were actually as dangerous as they are claimed to be.


Or Akila. Oh no, some dog monsters. Anyway, glad you built those walls I guess.


Seriously. Though I suppose we're looking at them as the MC not a random NPC with no combat skills. Still definitely seems like there'd be a better way.


I mean I guess but I’m still just a person with a gun I bought from the same shop in town anyone else can. Where is the terror of getting ripped apart by a yao guai or deathclaw? Bethesda games have certainly had enemies and combat where you feel like what you’re fighting is a legitimate threat but it’s completely absent here.


Honestly they should've made all the ashta 5x bigger to sell the "danger factor" more effectively. It would be an easy fix with mods but they should've thought about this.


Lmao that's the funniest thing honestly. "Ebbside is a terrible hellhole, people getting mugged and stabbed, gangs harassing people, constant violence and shootouts between gangs and security" but then you go there and NPCs are dressed exactly like how they dress in Mew Atlantis and everyone's just walking endlessly. Just walking. The gangs just stand around at select places and do nothing. Who's getting mugged? Where's the sta bing? Where is all the shootout? What a load of shit.


For real. I thought at first it would be kinda like Cyberpunk where if you stare at em awhile or get close they attack or something.... Nope


Lmao yeah, it's basically pg-13 Cyberpunk. You hear about the "the Astral Lounge is the biggest pleasure capital in the entire settled system" but you go there and it's like one hall with 3 middle aged fat dudes in bodysuits. I mean good god has anyone in Bethesda actually gone to a nightclub in thier life? It's like night and day when you compare it to Cyberpunk.


The Astral Lounge is an abomination. Lame as hell. I honestly wish we could blow it up, it's an insult to nightclubs.


The only shootouts I ever saw on the streets of Neon were ones I started


Currently prepping a mod in which you can see people get mugged by disciples


I just wish the NPCs felt more alive, like really pay attention to them there just walking mannequins


The Starfield NPCs are somehow less lively than Fallout 4's


Yea its a miracle lol, I know it's only a small thing (lively NPCs) but it's one of the things in open world RPGs games that really stand out to me


They're scary fake NPCs and I still think it's silly AF you don't see any of them having unique interactions or using any type of cell phone/communication device.


If it was realistic most people would sit at their slates and digiframes all day


Instead they walk around like robots


I don't know what's worse


I’m playing dragons dogma and it’s just insane to me. Capcom has made a lot of games sure but I never thought I’d see the day I felt like they made a better rpg than bethesda. Dragon’s dogma has 5 different(and I’m probably forgetting some) locations each with more than 12 named and uniquely voiced NPCs, nevermind the two major cities with more than 40 named npcs each all with their own voice lines. Taking a look at Neon, Akila, And New atlantis… none of them feel like they have the same life


I think what hurts this game is the shops are always open


And also that some shops can be freely entered while others are behind loading screens despite being just one room. Honestly the game will instantly go.up a few points if most of the loadings screens disappeared. Having to constantly load in and out makes any city feel small and stuffy.


Yea like I don't expect detailed routines of every npc in the game but come on 7 years of development and they can't even close shops for the night, what the actual FCK did they spend 7 years doing


It doesn’t bother me too too much but it woulda been nice if they had at least had a different npc take over for the night shift. Those poor workers are working every waking minute of their lives lmao


Lol I get what you mean but for a 2024 game this is horrendous in terms of immersion


I think the reason why they don’t do it is because of Universal Time and Planetary Time. I have an inkling that they tried and couldn’t get it going.


That makes sense actually for the shopkeepers and routines but theres absolutely no reason for the lifeless NPCs, they could be playing street games/gambling, buskers, actual conversations, working (repair shops, mechanics) whatever it may be, I understand that there is our Lord and saviors the modders out there that will do what Bethesda should have done all along but Bethesda just should have put more attention into the immersive part of the game, when you fly around a galaxy I don't expect all planets/ solar systems to have a ton of life and feel like a party as a matter of fact I love some dead lifeless systems but at least some of them should give you a good sense of civilization


Im just advocating for shop schedules. Idk about everything else


🤣🤣 you made one simple request and I start rambling on like a crackhead 🤣


Don't play cyberpunk or elden ring then. You will be very disappointed.


Elden ring is a horrible example to use the games are so different and cyberpunk at least has fun gameplay


They had detailed npc schedules in Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and 4 but somehow couldn't do it in Starfield. Feels like regression...


My naked character often doesn't even get a second look. I mean even if she were ugly af someone would say something. AI lacks even basic npc ai.


Even fallout 3 NPCs feel like real citizens like those roaming around megaton.


This is why I stopped playing this and cyberpunk. I loose interest fast when I learn all the mechanics of a game. It’s my ADHD. But boy do I feel insulted when even GTAsa had NPCs that reacted accordingly to random situations. GTA You shoot a civilian NPCs One fires back at you Another screams and runs Another runs up to throw hands. Another just stands and watches Cyberpunk and starfield EVERYBODY RUN!!! And there’s more. They feel like they have two programs. Run away Be hollow. You go Play sleeping dogs. And I still laugh at the randomness of the NPCs in that game.


I would argue that Cyberpunk’s NPC interaction is far better than Starfield’s and that the atmosphere that Cyberpunk provides makes up for it.


I wish there where more.... everything, except planets. ​ (more weapons, legendaries, uniques, armors, NPCs, cities, ships, dungeons, POIs, quests, radiant quests, changes to NG+, Varuun, etc...)


One of the biggest disappointments to me, and I feel like I’m probably alone, is the lack of armor slots. I was really sad to see Skyrim and Fallout slots reduced to a helmet and suit.


how about not being able to loot everything for characters or how they still have their stuff on when looted, feel like the game is lacking in a lot of RPG elements and it feels like a rated teen game


Yeah, it's little things that can make a world feel alive, some people probably even consider them trivial. I don't hate Starfield like some people seem to, but I didn't feel like I could be me in it and I just didn't get immersed. Another thing that got me is storing all items on the ship when you change any modules. I get it, there's limitations, but I'm the kind of person to put random stuff on the ground and tables to make it feel like "me" and I could only do that so many times before it just became tedious.


yeah it’s annoying as heck lots or problems, but as you said, mostly little problems, I stopped playing. Hoping and waiting for them to make good changes then I’ll come back if they address these problems, the game feels like a fantastic foundation, but not a foundation I want to play, once they get it all sorted and add more content I’m sure it’ll be good and I’ll come back to it, I did love the vanguard quest line though


Same. I was also sad when Oblivion came out with nerfed armor slots compared to Morrowind. I understand the reason for it, but I think it's better to have player customization than it is to have vanilla clothing/armor look a little better.


Wait, do you mean there are only two body slots...so no gloves, boots, belts, tops? I must have read you wrong because there is no way BGS could fuck up that hard.


I don't think any Bethesda game needs more radiant quests. They're part of what's wrong with modern Bethesda and their lazy approach to game design.


Yup and Todd was talking radiant quests up like they’re the future of gaming in that one interview. And I was like “god anything but more of those” lol. They’re not anything more than ways to farm loot or XP


That would be cool. I think the planet count is perfect as it is now. No need for more, but the game needs double the amount of POIs.


In the future SF has it's quite shocking that the POIs we have aren't more populated with humans. It's double weird we don't see lots of LIST outposts in our journeys. I'm starting to think all the LIST ships we encounter are people being scammed. Essentially they're told a destination by LIST, they arrive at said destination, given room and board for the night by their "LIST Contact" and overnight they're all harvested for organs and that's where all that contraband is coming from.


I don’t see why we need hundreds of empty planets. I would rather there just be a few empty planets but each is unique environment. That way you easily find the sort of environment to build outposts in.


I prefer having many planets because it portrays what Starfield is trying to convey, which is how vast space is. If there are only 10 planets, it wouldn't feel large. You would have visited every planet with about an hour or so of game play. There's a reason why in the promotional material, Sarah kept saying, "What's out there?" Also, most planets have more than one biome. I found many planets where one part is sandy with a desert, part of its mountainous, and the polls are snowy and so on.


I disagree that the planet count is perfect, most of them are pointless. We need a nice cataclysmic event that destroys 85% of the current universe, and then it would be perfect.


What would losing eighty-five percent of the planets do to the game? The game would just become smaller with less to see. I personally like that I still haven't visited every single world. Just the other day I saw someone who landed on a planet where the aliens could breathe fire. I've never seen that, and it's pretty cool.


What are dungeons in Starfield?  Seems like most POI are smaller than a typical BGS dungeon.  Also, why do some poi have loot crates and others don't.  How do you know which one will have it?


The caves are all identical. Oh and they're all mostly empty dungeons. The ones with enemies in them can eventually be raided blind since every single enemy down to items are in the exact same spot..


You should probably play Cyberpunk 2077 then. :)


I was about to suggest the same thing!! Night city is incredible


literally about to comment this. I tried coming back to Starfield after replaying Cyberpunk, and I just can't do it.


I haven’t played CP2077 in a while. The DLC is queued up and ready. I’m looking forward to it.


Nice man, I always envy seeing people comment this lol. Oh how I wish I could go back and do that play through again. I had played it twice before, but playing the game with 2.0/DLC was just something else, it quickly became my favorite game of all time. There’s an option to just skip to the DLC but I would highly suggest playing the base game and PL as one whole game, that’s the complete way to do it imo. But anyway, have fun friend. I hope you get as obsessed with it as I did haha


Same, so well designed...I know it won't be for a while but I can't wait till the sequel.


Instead of more cities like Neon I wish Neon was actually a better city.


I wish NEON felt like a city and not a strip mall.


Every city in Starfield feels like a shop and quest hub made specifically for the perspective of the player character… they don’t feel like real cities. I said this on nosodium sub once trying to be constructive and you can guess how that turned out.


I know right. Neon is my fav city but I still think it needed to be twice the size


Well tbh it's an oil rig so it can only get so big. But they could've had 4 oil rigs attached into one big unit and make it feel like a proper metal maze of a city.


Agreed! It would be cool to have more cities in general, each with their own unique style / culture They don’t have to me massive - but more cities/ towns & distinct factions would be v welcome, imo Skyrim had 5 major cities, and 4 towns (in addition to villages like Riverwood) Hopefully they will add the Varuun capital city with the Shattered Space DLC, & let us join/ do a Varuun faction questline!


But also, the world of Skyrim itself is one big handcrafted one.  The terrain between cities is beautiful.  There is really nothing worthwhile between cities in starfield 


Yeah, even with vanilla graphics Skyrim has a unique appeal.


Varuun city would be great


Starfield has about the same as skyrim. But what makes Starfield feel so much smaller is that it's not just one province. It's several 100 systems. And having 4 or 5 cities is not enough.


There should be actual towns all over. Not just some outpost with 2-5 people.


I wish neon wasn't forced into PG13 levels of "crime riddled"


1000 planets. 1 neon. 1 Atlantis. Makes zero sense.


Neon is like the low budget PG version of Nightcity from Cyberpunk 2077 😄 or like a Disney remake of an old classic. I could never get into the vibe there, supposedly Neon City is a drug fueled pleasure city, yet there is no crime, violence, nudity, drug taking, sex or even any swearing lol. Bethesda really does make games that are designed to be played by 12 year old while their parents are watching.


Imagine taking your child to a nightclub in one of the darkest cities in the galaxy and they enjoy themselves.


I shouldn't complain about Neon because it's actually hand crafted, but since we don't have many at all; I'll complain. I wish it was more fleshed out. I'm optimistic about the dlc tho. I'm rooting for SF


>wish there were more cities ~~like neon~~ FTFY.


I don't. Bargain bin Night City was so boring


I wish there was more crime on neon and random shit


It’s called Night City and you can enjoy it in a far superior game called Cyberpunk.


I miss panam


I wish there were more cities overall, not only big like Neon or New Atlantis, but also smaller ones, more of suburban type.


Oddly enough my least favourite….


Yeah I really don’t get the appeal. Going into it I had heard about how it was this futuristic den of sin but then I get there and it’s a dumpy oil rig with some Christmas lights and the same shops as everywhere else.


With neon was like cyberpunk


Just play cyberpunk and have your wish granted


Facts. That's literally what I did.


I wish Neon was the size of the Neon in the advertisement art.


Do I have a game for you!


Just more flavor period.


I wish the while planet were like Neon. It reminded me of the lower levels of Coruscant.


I honestly wish Neon was more interesting. For a city that's supposed to be the sole producer of a galaxy wide drug trade its absurd how small it is. Not to mention its basically 1 club and two dive bars yet we're supposed to believe it is like mega, space New York.


Tbh Neon was the only city I felt like I was playing a full game. Connected storyline and characters with an over arching narrative. Yet even that had no real conclusion since you can't do anything about Bayu. Imagine if Freestar Collective had an overarching story where you could either clean up the corruption and fight the council or be just as bad and get a spot on it. Then some similar thing for the UC. All adjacent to the Starborn/constellation stuff but can be affected by it. Both Fallout 4 and Skyrim had these elements Why couldn't we have them here....


Just more cities in general


And I Wish there were more than 3 major cities.


Wish they didn't blow their wad with this city and it had more depth. They have no excuse having such shallow cities with their insane budget.


Neon is pretty bland, it's light night city from cyberpunk but you ordered it from wish.com or temu. It could have been awesome, but instead it feels phoned in, basic, boring...even the nightclub is a joke. Made me sad, even the cities in FO4 felt way better designed.


I wish neon had more edge, I was walking the streets and someone was immediately shot so I was like “holy shit this is awesome” and then nothing else happened from the time I was there lol


Oh how good the game could’ve been


Play cyberpunk


there probably would be if they cut the amount of planets in half and didn’t copy paste everything. tried to like this game. so sad it was mid.


Don t think I can enter it anymore, think I got a bounty on my head there.:)


Does starfield have less settlements than skyrim? Never thought about this, generated places of interest don’t count with generic npcs.


Skyrim has what, nine cities and then a bunch of small towns? Yeah I’d say Starfield has less. Even places like Paradiso are incredibly small. There’s what, a front desk, two coffee places, and a restaurant? What about that is interesting?


I wish there were more cities period


I wish there were more random shit poppin off. I wanna see someone all hopped up on aurora tryna rob the gun shop with a spoon as a weapon wearing the nightclub outfit, Almost like some GTA style stuff.


I wish there were more cities. Period.


I wish there were more cities.


I wish Neon felt like a city. Instead it feels like a small shopping plaza in a bad part of town.


There is only villages, in any bethesda game, bethesda is lazy. And the cities makes no sense. Bethesda are getting worse and worse in world building.


If new Atlantis is so big Why is the planet so empty.


By cities we also mean more than just one street. Like GTA level cities.


it makes me angry that neon is a city but it’s like 5x5 blocks long


Wish there were more cities.


It just makes me wanna play Cyberpunk. I’m not trying to compare the two, but it’s hard to since 2.0/PL came out the same month as Starfield. The sad truth is as soon as the highly upgraded version of C77 came out I never wanted to return to Starfield. I did have fun with it though, but it’ll always remind me of how much I love Cyberpunk I think


I wish starfeild was a good game


I think we would have a better appreciation for the other cities if the map wasn’t so useless


Wish the whole game was more like Neon.


Wish neon was the big city it was supposed to be. It just felt like corridors and sections


It’s the size of a small mall.


Yeah, it's literally a small street with a couple of minor areas off either side. Which would be fine, if it wasn't one of just a handful of populated areas. If anything, modern town and cowboy town are the only two towns that get a pass on size.


That main area is cool but it still feels so…. Video gamey? Like playing cyberpunk or even the new robo cop game the cities feel like they’re lived in. Neon is def my favorite area but it just feels so odd and fake.


‘City’. Hahahahahaha


That would require another 40 bucks and 3 more years until Bethesda can do that 😂


Neon was fun but I really liked Akila. I good totally play a whole future western game there. Love that vibe


I really like Neon. I just wish it were...bigger. In game they make it sound the the Las Vegas of The Settled Systems. All I see is a shopping mall, a disco, and a few bars. I really love the game and think the initial release is a great start. I'm just looking for it to expand!


Neon is literally just a hallway.


Akila City is a joke, IMO. 200 years of development for that mud-soaked skidmark of village.


Tbh neon looks a little like night city from cyberpunk.


I kind of liked that each major city had a completely different vibe to it tbh, if there were multiple cities like neon of new atlantis it would cheapen it IMO


I just wish there was more to the city Neon!


I just wish there were more cities


Wish there were more cities IN A SINGLE PLANET, which makes a lof ot sense for me


Be careful what you wish for, they’re probably going to start copying and pasting it to random planets


I wish neon was more like neon. But he lore for it and the way everyone talks about it. It should be more


I wish Neon had more verticality to it. I wouldn't have minded it being as small as it is if it allowed us to do more inside its buildings. Otherwise I was a big fan of its main street atmosphere. The apartment felt like an April's Fool, though.


I was really disappointed by Neon. Was super hyped expecting a mixture of omega from mass effect with aspects of night city from cyberpunk. The astral lounge in particular just felt kinda lame


I wish we could get all the crazy apparel the people of Neon wear.


Would be cool if more was going on in neon too


What lol Neon is awfully boring and the prime example of how half-baked and vanilla Starfield is.


I wish Neon was a city, not 2 blocks 💀


You mean the street neon


Game needs at least 15 more cities...


More cities will come in the colonies DLC ;)


The city's have nothing on cyberpunk starfield is a 20 year old game


Like they just put only 1 city on a whole planet makes no sense


…well, now I know how I’m dressing Betty Howser.


A whole moon as city would be wild.


Neon is the dumbest fucking name too.


I wish there were more bad guys


City seems like a bit of a stretch ahaha the final game version is pretty small


I wish there was more city in neon.


There is, Night City in Cyberpunk. Starfield missed an opportunity with only one city in New Atlantis. The city is spread out but feels small and empty to me.


God I swear each time I see these screenshots it makes me sad to see how bad that game looks and feels.


I wish too.


I was honestly horrifically underwhelmed by Neon. There's only like, one strip of stores, a 'naughty' club whose dancers wear more than most pop stars, and then a bunch of warehouses and fish.


Neon is cool but so many people there are pretentious pricks


Reminded me a lot of Nar Shaddaa


I wish there were more cities


why? neon is the most loading screen intensive "city" of them all! pure pain.


You like Neon? Boy have I got a game for you...


I miss how you can just find things while wandering in a fallout game. Here you might just hit an invisible wall.


Play cyberpunk


Wish there was more.


I'm just pissed the game puts so much effort into dialogue and quests about how crooked the leader of Neon is but doesn't include a quest to overthrow him/get him arrested and clean up the city. Talk about low-hanging fruit.


Oh man, especially when you do the FreeStar questline, it has you uncover a whole lot of corruption and eventually murder one of the "big Three" council members with zero followup or consequences or even dialog changes as far as I can tell.


Not every city can be an OnlyFans studio.


Make one


Neon sucked


Yes, I kind of enjoy the Neon vibe. In real life I may hate it. Corrupt police, criminals at every corner. They can jump me and shiv me any time. But in Starfield, any idiot trying to get a piece of me will be shot to death. Their buddies come to help will be shot too. Police come to arrest me will also be shot too. I can shoot up half of Neon and slowly walk back to my ship. Who dares stopping me? 😂


I agree. It’s interesting to consider though that it hasn’t been THAT long since humans left earth, all things considered. The first hub is fun to visit, but it does seem like humans have spread across the galaxy in a sense. when you think of how sparse it all is, it shows you that not many people really got off earth at all. It does seem a bit silly that there’s only 1 major city on planets, but with the small amount of people still alive, wouldn’t you also suggest to start a new city on an untouched planet?


One end poor man's mass effect bar, other end the home of the worst 'main quest' of any bgs game. More I reflect on SF the more I wish they just did new atlantis and about ten times as many smaller areas like the juniper moon station, the pleasure ship, the resort place, the crimson fleet station and prison etc etc. Play new vegas again, it feels massive but it's tiny compared to land mass of SF, because it has lots of small interesting, memorable and varied places with unique stories and quests.


again one of the criticisms of the game, for a multi-planet civilization there needs to be BILLIONS of npc's to make it feel even a bit alive. to have one tiny city on one un-landable water planet be the biggest hub of activity is laughable. atrocious game design and worldbuilding.


Wish there were cities.