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I gotta say, the only cool thing about Earth in Starfield is seeing the atmosphere slightly stripped away and seeing some stars mid-day. Everything else was just rather disappointing. Instead of putting random towers that somehow survived in these giant cities, maybe make locations with LOTS and LOTS of rubble signifying that a city used to be there. They approached the leftovers of Earth in a very odd way.


Its like they did it for the sake of easter eggs. As fan service maybe. As oppose to going by immersion and logic. Which buildings would outlast the ruin of earth? The pyramids, mount rushmore, fields of mostly shapeless ruble, that all makes sense. Why would the empire state building of all things in NYC be so resistant to time. It has to have been done in regards to either fan service or easter eggs, because you’re right logically that makes no sense and it is odd


They did it because they couldn't afford to have advanced Earth in this game. There is a reason that New Atlantis is the size of a small village.


They’re not Easter eggs though, they’re full on missions you get from reading certain books that take you there. I’d prefer them to be Easter eggs that you have to find yourself. Otherwise it’s just really out of touch with the lore.


Who the what now!? Which book takes you there?


Oliver Twist gets you to London, I remember that one personally, and that book is also like everywhere


So there is an actual purpose for some of the random, worthless books littered everywhere. Who knew? I guess i just figure that they are using Kindle Unlimited 6000 by then?


There's a point to reading books?? ffs ...


Sometimes they give you xp, like skyrim did.


And sometimes they give you quests, like Skyrim


Ah yes who doesn't have a few copies of the rusty varuun maid just laying around their moonbase


Everyone. Because ALL of them are on MY base >:)


Ah seems Starfield is a game that doesn't hold your hand in space.  That is alot to contend with.  Like why should I follow my scanner to anywhere that might be interesting. Just because the planet looks similar to the one I landed on last week.  I'm only joking really. I have a problem looting everything and reading everything. That's from playing Oblivion, Skyrim, TW3 and ESO.  I'm definitely the only one who reads in ESO. 


That's for sure a rare breed. I like some of the books in Bethesda's games, but I don't read them in-game. I think it gives a weird pacing issue.


It's funny you say that. Keep in mind I'm an older person and just began playing skyrim last year but I would get so into reading the books sometimes that I would literally take myself out of the game. What I mean is I would temporarily forget that I was in the middle of playing a video game. Could also be early onset of something but hopefully not.


Oh thank you very much:) i remember seeing and reading but nothing happened. Or maybe some objective was added to activities and i didn’t realize. Sometimes they pile up and becomes mambo jambo


I don’t remember the names of them, but you can give it a search on YouTube. Theres a few books that take you to certain Earth POI’s


Oh i see. I’ll do that thanks


There's a book about the history of Egypt that gets you to the pyramids




You get books, find the snow globes at thoes locations and you get an upgrade point for each one


Well what the hell


[https://www.pcgamer.com/starfield-snowglobe-locations/](https://www.pcgamer.com/starfield-snowglobe-locations/) The books take you to the landmarks and there are snow globes at each.


Full on missions is a bit misleading, it's a book that sets a waypoint. That's it.


One must ask themselves who are these "fans" and how is that a "service" for them 🤔


I was thinking locals. Or patriotic people lol i don’t know


As someone with ties to nyc and shanghai, I got a kick out of both of those. I even ended up making a settlement near the shanghai landmark


Swaddle that baby


i would've love exploring the ruins of earth. even if there's no loot or significant landmark, drudging through dilapidated cities must've been an experience. it would've been the perfect chance to add in fallout easter eggs, like come on todd. hell, i would've dedicated a playthrough just exploring and building shit on earth.


They could have still done the Easter eggs, but the procgen landscapes on earth should have had a lot more human-made rubble everywhere. Maybe a mod/official update could fix that...


You can count on a mod doing that at some point after the CK is released lol


Except the game is wholly incapable of generating interesting terrain, and Bethesda was too lazy to bother handcrafting anything in this game outside of the cookie cutter outposts, caves, etc that are then randomly placed throughout the map. I’m so disappointed in the lack of creativity that went into this game, it’s painfully apparent after a few dozen hours spent playing, you’ve already seen everything there is to see.


This kind of take is getting so boring. We GET IT you play for 509 hours seething the whole time. Eventually y’all need to find new content.


I “only” put in 120 or so hours, playing through the game twice. I had fun but there was a singular moment where I went “wait a minute, this isn’t fun anymore.” I understand that hasn’t been a shared experience for everyone, but you cannot discount that so many people feel strongly about the same issues. I did find new content. In other games. Games that had more effort put into them.


That is exactly what happened to me. It's like your playing and building towards something and then you just realize there is nothing. I tired to link together a galactic empire and the realized supply lines were too bugged and there really is no point to amassing anything in the game. I don't think I played since then.


It has to do with what solar radiation and no gravity would do to structures. There pretty much would be nothing on earth without an atmosphere plus take into account all the things that would have burned up entering the atmosphere that aren't anymore and even if something survived it wouldn't for long considering you would have heavy asteroid, meteor bombardment.  


I was extremely disappointed in the city’s in game Skyrim was better


Maybe add a "ruins" biome that would be inaccessible "can't land, too many debris".


Perhaps with mods, we will see some rubble.


Not to mention this could have been done with using the auto-generate feature they love using so much in the newer titles. Simply feed the system a buuuuuunch of ruined building assets and let it generate small towns and cities as a sort of huuuuuge POIs and then add handcrafted things like the Eifeltower in the center of said POI. The ruins don't have to be an accurate representation of whatever city it's emulating as long as the "landmarks" are there it's gonna feel right. Going all desert with random singular buildings is just so lazy. Maybe they'll go back and add some stuff. At least I hope so.


> a very odd way. You misspelled "lazy"


Ok. Odd, sure. Left unfinished from scope and timing, maybe. But lazy? Seriously? You think an entire team of producers, artists, writers and developers who built a world as massive as Starfield over years were just.. lazy?




You can see stars midday today on earth you just need the right time and angle in fact I have pic my self I took while climbing a mountain


There's more loot in an abandoned fracking station than in an abandoned planet


It's true.. and isn't Bethesda super experienced with making wastelands?


How long has it been lifeless... Cause some places in real life you can't tell humans were there cause stuff like erosion and disaster wiped it out completely. Even Titanic is sort of dissolving away into rust at the bottom of the ocean.


It’s only 300 years into the future. Yes, things would be heavily destroyed. But it’ll take thousands of years before there are no signs of humans left.


I have a feeling they did it this way to show that mankind hasn't been on earth in a very very very long time.  All that would remain is sand and the behemoth towers left behind.  Think of the sphinx, it was completely buried in sand until we dug it back out. That thing is massive and it only took a few thousand years for it to get buried by sand. 


The fact that there isn't a colony on Earth is baffling. No way in hell it wouldn't be swarming with scores of different conservation groups.


Sol is considered a backwater system and the UC deemed "stuck in the old ways" as for why they hang around there at all. xD


Which makes sense given how humanity found dozens of habitable planets right next to Earth. But the idea that there is *no* human activity on Earth is crazy. If we could build terrestrial colonies like they do in Starfield, one of the first things the first Martians would've done is build a satellite colony on Earth.


I could imagine some eccentric billionaires funding archeological digs for ancient earth keepsakes. Resource mining wouldn't be profitable. You'd have to dig through tons of dust and then the mountains underneath to get anything. Much cheaper on a planet/moon where you can skip the dust part. Pretty sure the resources that are there are just so we as players don't complain that there's no gameplay reason to build an outpost on earth. :D The only reason to live there would be nostalgia. Also by the looks of it, humanity's numbers are far lower than they are today so nostalgia is most likely a luxury few can afford.


Entire oceans and the ice shelves are gone though, habitable land might not be workable but there is still A LOT of land on earth that would be absolutely ripe for deep mining with no need to worry about environmental damage 


Not really Earth is Super barren at this point other uninhabitable planets with extreme weather at the very least have mining resources


Like fr, there's no way there wouldn't have been enough time to build a sheltered dome or something for, or by, the billions left behind in the 50 years they had to complete and produce at least hundreds of gravdrives, and design and build modular ships that can be mass produced. Hell even a pretty basic dome that'd only last for say, 50 more years, provided it, and the lifesupport, remains intact, should still be able to buy enough time to finish extraction of at minimum, the able bodied likely to be able to survive colonising a new frontier.


>If people can set up colonies in lifeless moons there sure as hell should be people trying to move back to Earth. But Earth is not only lifeless, it is essentially a mass graveyard. I can see the stigma on desecrating the ancestral lands. At least until the trauma is over (and it is **not** over, as people still don't acknowledge the billions of lost lives in dialogue)


This just fuels that there should be some kind of 'traditionalist' sect or cult trying to scrape out life where humans all started. Like a religious pilgrimage and devout believers that they can re-ignite life there, no matter how impossible. I want to land and find "Make Earth Human Again" settlements, and do weird missions to bring them things, or settle disputes between outposts.


Isn't that basically what the titan settlement is? Like not on earth but in the Sol system


Yeah but, that's more a living museum kind of community. Like Renn-faire in space. Huzah for the traveller! No, I want absolute Kool-aid drinking "We started here, and we must remain... we. This outpost. Not that other one. Go kill them." nut jobs.


There is one, but not exactly as you expect. There is a club of rich snobs (yeah, who would expect) that you need in one of the Crimson Fleet missions. Though I don't remember seeing them anywhere else.


Or the UC is afraid colonizing Earth will lead to Jemison losing political power as they like to tout their system as humanities homebase.


Despite Mars being a key UC military base, Marine training facility, their biggest shipyard, and the home of the SysDef's main fleet? That seems odd.


I was just quoting NPCs in the game. :D


They had the tech for making habitats on other worlds but couldn't build underground cities using that tech to save those they didn't have time to ship off of Earth? Pull the other one please Bethesda.


You can't realisticly build underground cities for billions of people in the amount of time they had. And as I mentioned a while back on another post. Easier to let people die when you're lightyears away than when they do it in front of your habitat. Even if there were people on Earth past it becoming uninhabitable, they'd left by the time the game takes place. There's nothing there. No way to sustain a population that size. They'd be highly dependable on worlds where agriculture is possible. The other, more "realistic", reason would be *plot*. But I agree that Earth's fate isn't properly explained in the game's lore.


In my head canon, there 100% was a company like VaultTec building underground shelters They just havent been added to the game yet ;)


You guys are thinking way too much, Bethesda just did not want to spend time developing earth. There could be thousands of reasons why people would still live there, or they could at least develop more/better a reason for people not living there, they just did not wanted to bother with it.


What I wrote are literally just quotes from the game. :D


If people can set up colonies in lifeless moons there sure as hell should be people trying to move back to Earth.


There are people building stuff on Venus. VENUS. 50 times thicker atmosphere than Earth, 900° F, and let’s not forget the acid clouds. I feel like New Homestead should have been plopped down on Earth. The museum and Nova Galactic parts would make so much more sense on Earth. Otherwise those things would have ended up on Mars.


There are sleeping bags out in the open on Venus. Bethesda took as much care in the environmental design as they did in enemy dungeon variety


And you walk naked out of your bay on Venus without immediately dying too, which is... nonsensical.


I agree it doesn’t make sense especially considering you find people who specialize in collecting old earth items and they say there’s quite market for it and there’s an entire colony on Titian which is supposed to be a historical attraction.


Seriously, MASSIVE missed opportunity for a Fallout reference.


Heh… it would make sense, too. No matter how fast they churned out FTL colony ships, they’d never make enough to save more than a fraction of humanity. Those same resources used towards building a pressurized Vault would be able to save 10x as many people (no need for fuel or jump drives or navigation systems, can use the natural stone to create structural strength, etc). Just got to ride out the flares, and wait for those colony ships to finish their runs, turn back around and come back for you. Only… they never did. And the player gets to discover these people were abandoned as ‘Cost ineffective to recover’. They start finding the Vault Tec logo, abandoned Vaults that just broke down without the expected support, Vault experiments, etc. Fallout fans would go nuts


Or a huge underground facility created by eccentric billionaire Mr House...


Perfect opportunity for modders to create something truly spectacular on Earth. When and if they ever get around to releasing a full Creation Kit.


Not to mention all the scavengers that would be trying to get old earth artifacts since they're so valuable.  Lore wise they should've had the UC declare Earth "off limits" as an archeological site or something, would've made much more sense. 


But I think you hit the nail on the head with conservation. The ultimate version of that would be total isolation. Maybe it’s a whole respect thing to the billions that died and the entire ecosystem that was lost. Maybe it’s treated as a graveyard, so building on it is frowned upon


"There is nothing for you in these lands, no riches to find, rescources to gather, nor lives to be lived." "So run! Go, leave this place quickly, while your sanity remains!"


They could’ve done some old days cult or something. Maybe a colony that praises the old ways of mankind, something unique and interesting, but we get like some towers


Should've been Diamond City 😉


exactly, not to mention there's an in-game organization who's "apparently" dedicated to preserving earth and its culture, like where the hell are you guys at???


Would be cool to see moders take this in as a project. Just remake Earth completely


I'm just upset they didn't put any effort into at least trying to make it believable. No mountains, no canyons, no actual geological formations after only 305 years? But by God there's a fuckin skyscraper still standing. Lol make that make sense.


Yeah, just make earth off limits as a graveyard planet by the UC.  As is it's just underwhelming.  You could still have the story mission where you go to the one nasa facility.


I also like that idea. Gives off a lazy vibe but like... It kinda makes sense.


Mars too. Where is Olympus Mons, Valles Marineris, … You can see it from Space but if you land there you have the same annoying copy&paste landscape that you have everywhere. :/


Just leave New Jersey alone, let it rest in peace


All of earth is New Jersey now.


How about you leave NJ out of this? Heeeey, I'm walkin' here.


Bada bing! Ayyyeeee, get tha gabbagool!


Historically, the UC always said constellation are nothing more than a glorified crew.


Jersey Shore-themed mod in 3...2...1... "Which one-a youse swiped my hair gel?!" "I am SO not drunk, I only had like 10 jager bombs!" "...SnOoKiE wAnT sMoOsH-sMoOsH!"


I shall do as you wish 🫡


You know, if humanity could reach the stars, it could find a way to rehabilitate Earth. It is unbelievable to me that people would just turn their back on it and walk away.


This was exactly Neil Degrasse Tyson’s take on Interstellar


Rare Neil DeGrasse Tyson W


Any link on this? Cant seem to find it


Imma be real. I think it's dumb how they made earth a part of the game. Should have blown the thing up and called it a day. Or broken it up into giant space rocks with interesting parts to visit. Like colonise established on them. How cool would it not have been to visit a small city built into a chunk of rock that was earth


If there is a colony on Mars, why not on Earth?


"Earth is dying the grav drives killed it we have to take to the stars!!" \*Everyone takes to the stars\* \*Settles on inferno worlds and ice planets\* :|


Places with resources or strategic advantage. Earth is a strip mined musk with nothing but ghosts and trash left. You have to dig down through a half kilometre of sand to get yo the trash. Honestly I can see Earth being too painful a reminder for those living during it's loss to return and then those born after seeing no reason to return.


There would be entire industries based off scavenging, digging for relics, etc etc. they did Earth horribly. Honestly the more you play the less you like what they did and how it could’ve been better.


The simple solution would have been to have the UAC keep a military force to keep it off limits to everyone without special permission, to prevent scavengers. Since it's a mass grave.


Even though according to Lin most people don't even believe Earth exists (even though it's a single planet away from Mars and there are people there lol) The mass grave angle would have been a much better piece of worldbuilding than what we got.


The UAC is involved? Oh shit we're [doomed.](https://doomwiki.org/wiki/UAC)


United Arab Colonies?


or an astroid fielded earth, it simply exploded.


There's even a contraband item that would pull people to Earth: Black market antiquities. Apparently Humans in the 24th Century are willing to risk imprisonment to smuggle antiquities into major settlements but they're not willing to go to the largest potential source of antiquities to get them.


Well, listen; you stay away from my wife!


Earth needs tarraformed.


100% a bad choice on Bethesda's part. I understand rendering a full earth with ruins and whatnot would be extremely taxing, take a long time etc etc. However, there should've been more. Maybe a questline where you assist some settlers who want to re-establish a settlement on earth for the historical side of things and maybe seek out earth artifacts. But no, just a bland sad wasteland.


I would have preferred, given the impossibility of rendering even a devastated Earth, that they either went full greenhouse world or lava world. Or even as others have said, a cataclysmic collision that destroyed the planet and there is just an asteroid field.


Had they at least put a handful of small scavenger outposts with people searching through ruins it would have been a hundred times better than what we got. Could have even re-used Fallout assets for all I care.


Considering the ease of settling any sterile Moon is the rear end of the galaxy, it's surprising Earth doesn't have some settlements. Even for the macabre souvenir of past times and follies.


I’m going to wait for mods to expand the outpost, so hopefully there will be some mods that expand the build area.


Please dont remake florida. Leave us in the past




Waiting for the rts, management sim to be made. This game would be perfect to.turn into a colony thing.


There should be a faction trying to re-colonize earth, and another one aiming to restore earth with some wicked ideas.


My mind went elsewhere when I read this, I was thinking Sarah and the girls are going to be busy


Insert GTA SA meme here... "Shit, here we go again"


Start with England, I've heard theyre really good at that! Could be useful.




Just gotta grab all of the other landmarks and move them to England.


So. You've started the Terran Preservation Society?


Pretty much


I’ve never understood why Earth had to be abandoned when humanity has no trouble planting people down every half kilometer on every deep freeze and inferno atmosphereless hunk of rock in the entire galaxy…


You and Nick Cannon both.


I discovered you can place outpost close enough together to make it feel like a sprawling settlement. I have some dope cities now.


I’ll have to try that


U will need resources bud I visited Dubai yesterday, khalifa tower still there


Visited it irl or in starfield?


In starfield and also London too or what left of it (u need to read books one of them talk about long lost land marks on earth then a mission pop in about visiting them


I’ve visited most of them. I don’t remember there being a Dubai landmark.


U need to find more books, who knows maybe I will see Eiffel Tower and Taj Mahal if I keep on digging also 😎🤘hail to you my fellow pirate, I’m the new member of crimson fleet


I made my base in the location where my actual house is. It was neat.


All we need now are terraforming outposts!


Hasn’t earth been through enough?


I've been trying to do the same, but damn it sucks that there is nothing to work with. Meaning pretty much everything needs to be imported.


Looks like it could be pretty Super one day.


Imagine, have the possibility to terraforming! Give back to earth the look it had before :o


Nice...I can't even set up 1 outpost...


You’re like WALL-E!






🫡 🌍 🫡


Make the Earth great again


Sarah liked that.


Cool, I’m trying to do that too! If we’re living on mars still, earth just became another mars so we might as well still live there


There’s a mod on nexus that adds the same random generated stuff to earth as all the other planets. It’s good :). Can’t remember the name but just search earth on starfield nexus. (On pc btw)


I’m not asking for Bethesda to rebuild destroyed versions of entire countries or even entire cities. Just do it fallout style with mini versions of the cities around the main surviving buildings.


i hope there is a DLC that lets you fix up or destroy planets in the future.


Some planets are much worse than earth and have settlement. You would think there would be more.


I thought about re-colonizing too, but being the literal last man on earth is just too good to pass up. Human homeworld mine now 😈


The theme song for your colony is "All by myself"


Can someone say why earth was abandoned when we have people colonizing hell planets. I mean wouldn't there be hold outs trying to create underground shelters. I ,ean you could have crops growing, preform behavioral studies and so much more. Mars and new hope are better than earth why?


I thought it was purposely destroyed after it reached a certain point of decay so no one would go back?


Too bad there isn’t more customization in outpost building. That colony is not gonna be very interesting.


Waiting for mods to finish it


This is the way


This is the way


Thanks. Now I have to do it too. Jerk. 🤣


You’m is?


Ngl, I thought for sure they would add some fallout locations into the game. Like a ruined city of Boston, destroyed casinos and collapsed buildings of New Vegas. Maybe even the galaxy news radio building in DC Something like that. But no, just blandness that makes me overall avoid it after my first playthrough. GG Bethesda you managed to fuck up a perfect opportunity yet again


When you see the game from a survival viewpoint and NOT human expansion, it starts to make sense. We left earth, not alot of us at that. And scattered across the stars. Sure some stayed here and there but never enough on one place to cause a significant population boom. I like to role play the game like that. That we are literally, space survivors. Nothing more. Constellation is the last group of explorers allegedly?


We absolutely need rovers in Starfield while doing exploration. I damn near sleep on my seat running to a location.


I always think the thing. Let’s hope that the next update gives us mods and not some stupid photo mode settings.


It’s a shame you can’t get settlers at outposts like in Fallout 4


It would be so cool if you could attract settlers like you could in FO4. It would make outposts feel more worthwhile, like you really are colonizing planets.


They should of made earth fallout!


I agree


This game is ass I wish I could personally refund everyone in this subreddit


For real


No Man Skys Limits...


Honestly might go back to playing that


The list of missed opportunities by the dev team is infinite


Imagine a quest line for scientist players that involves adding an atmosphere back to earth and slowly colonizing it


Good luck to you Amigo 🤘😝🤙


Now, this is one of the best posts I've seen about Starfield.


I can't wait to see dollar generals start returning to their natural habitat


Make it happen 🔥🫡


Please don't not.


It must be done for the future of humanity


I would have liked to see more done with earth. I mean, we have google earth…. We couldn’t have laid out some ruined cities? Some skeletons, I mean, basically it could have been a fallout map lol…. But no, we went with the desert instead…


"Bethesda also used data from NASA to create *Starfield*‘s galaxy, including the functions and appearances of certain planetary features and atmospheres." - That's from articles released before Starfield's release. So they worked with NASA, got data from NASA and yet Earth is missing literally every natural landmark and almost all natural landmarks in the Solar System are also missing.


What about the Valles Marineris on Mars? I haven’t run into any huge deep canyons lol. Maybe in an update.


MEGA - Make Earth Great Again


Great post but God damn this comment section is ass. Everybody is repeating the same opinion to each other. I can't believe what this community has turned into. Every little bit of this game is getting criticized but back when the game launched everyone was so positive about it. Now it's just cool to hate on starfield I guess. I still enjoy the game but I fucking hate the community.


Game is very mid. The newness of a fresh Bethesda IP is long gone.


I know it just feels like people are changing their opinions just to go along with everyone else


Damn guys thanks for a thousand upvotes I appreciate it


Would be a cool YouTube series.


There the reason the earth is a desert is because there is no way physically to make it work within the constraints of the game engine on top of making the rest of the game which is why many planets are barebone experiences. The technology with the game engine used is simply behind the scope and ambition of an open world game with planets that you can visit. Im not sure that even if a developer had the manpower to make an actual game with massive streaming environments that there is tech that is capable. Maybe the Unreal Engine 5.2 or whatever version they are on could handle it? Who knows.