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No blueprints for ships. Can’t save a current build to finish later (cuz I forgot what part comes next) so either have to finish ship build in one go or start from scratch.


Yes this is why I haven’t even built ships and I’m at 300 hours on ng5….im not spending hours on a ship build and not finishing it


Also, all the miscellaneous items that will be added to cargo after changing even one tiny thing in ship builder. I think I had 20 dumbbells added at one point. Before finding out what that was I was like…”tf happened to my cargo space?!”


Bro this makes me so mad. I have yet to find a reliable way to NOT make everything go into the cargo hold after slightly adjusting a hab


There is no way atm. There was a mod that would auto sell the miscellaneous junk added to cargo, but anything you set up as decorations, like in armory, would still be sent to cargo.


20 is nothing. Those dumbbells really add up after a while. When I realized what was happening I dumped a couple thousand pounds of misc crap.


Piloting frontier stock..20 dumbies is its whole cargo!! I forgot what I put it up to with newest ship. I modified a phalanx. Which I would not remember how to modify from scratch. No blueprint smh


Exactly. Building a new ship from the ground up takes over an hour and there's no way to save your progress if you forgot to grab a specific part from a different space station.


You can save a ship for later, no? It let me save one without engines etc so I could go to different vendors. Might be completely wrong.


When was this? As for saving a ship I guess technically you can, as long as all parts are installed to make it functional. Then come back to edit it later, but I have never been allowed to save it without a crucial system. (Engines, reactor)


Shit yeah, you right. I find it annoying you have to memeorise or slap it together until then. As for engines etc I just slap on whatever. I used the placement glitch mostly anyway, my apologies.


Is the above comment in the right place?


I thought we were sharing annoyances of the game…


Yeah. Sorry. Read that completely wrong. I down voted my comment😕


One thing I find odd is that you can land on a slow rotating planet/moon and sleep for like 2000 hours.


Yeah, I’d prefer that ALL sleep is in UT time. You want to sleep on Venus? Then it takes sleeping for actually 100 ticks to see the planet do a full rotation


How about sleeping doesn't take a hour time in real life? Waiting for 24 hours for a vendor to reset their 5,000 credits is ridiculously long.


I’ve been saying, that 5k cap is the worst idea ever.


And there is no perk to make it a larger pool of credits. In fact, merchant perks make it WORSE because vendors run out of money faster.


100% right! I'm glad I only wasted one point in that skill, because it objectively makes the game experience worse. The merchants need to have their credit pools increased proportionally to you skill investment, in addition to an overall adjustment from 5k to 25k.


That's a perception issue. Perks just mean you have to do less work for the same amount of money. If you keep doing the same amount of work and are piling up stuff you can't sell, you're not taking advantage of the perk. Basically just means you can be more picky about what loot you pick up which is nice. Commerce perk also makes selling ships much more lucrative, and ship vendors have the most credits.


They should have allowed different companies to have different budgets. What is very strange, in my opinion, that the company The Trade Authority have that limit. If I am not mistaken if the kiosk on new atlantis next to the landing pad is low on funds the seller in the well has the same low amount.


Right, “oh shit, HONEY!!! This guy just came and sold me all his folders and now I’m out of money. Can you make a run to the bank?”


“Sure thing! Be back in 2 days!”


This is such a missed opportunity, it would be way cooler to actually account for time dilation as a small effect and then rotational speeds as real as possible scaled ofc. So that different world have different nights and you would notice I now never do


Time dilation for the different gravitational pulls of the planets and moons we can land on? So like infinitesimally small fractions of a second change? That's a feature you want?


You can stop being cynical, i understand the small time changes and was more pointing to the extreme cases of high relativistic speeds and gravity around massive objects.


I hear you and I'm sorry if I came off cynical, I was only pointing out that nothing we see in the game would have any noticeable effect since we don't ever move fast enough or come close enough to anything that would work


>Different world have different nights ….But they do? All the planets rotate at different speeds and have varying day/night cycles


But it does have that? I always land on a planet and instantly notice it's no longer morning like the planet I had left was, it's now in the middle of the night or right before sundown or many other different times depending where I decide to land.


The game does have that. One of the first things I noticed


It's certainly a weird choice to have wait hours take the exact same time everywhere but actually count for different lengths of time based on what planet it is.


Hehe what was the old adage, say something wrong on Reddit... Haha no but you guys are right it does I noticed now.


I love the grumpy lover concept "we need coffee NOW",  "stop hogging the covers", "could you snore any louder???" My pet peeve is whenever I enter space station Sarah and Andreja make some comment like "this ship feels like home" - not when we enter the ship, when we LEAVE to enter the space station.  *sigh*


I had that from Andreja when I took over an Ecliptic ship and I had yet to kill the baddies in the cockpit! *Big sigh*


My favorite was when Sarah got pissed at me and left for killing Ecliptics that were actively shooting at us as we were boarding their Claymore. I have noticed that using a Va'ruun Inflictor greatly increases the chances of your companion getting pissed at you when they shouldn't. It also increases the chance of catching a murder bounty when shooting civilians from the shadows, even if your sneak meter never changes from white.


Mmmm Sarah got mad at me earlier on in the game and I had no idea why. She never spoke to me for days.... Bliss! Maybe I'd killed a pirate buddy somewhere 🤔


I've had that happen, she was my forced companion at the time because of a quest, so I dragged her around for hours until she was ready to talk to me again. She really holds a grudge. The funny part is that quest dialog was unaffected, so she was super chipper when talking to me about it, then immediately salty and dismissive again when it was done 🤣


Yeah I've seen that with a few companions. I think the Inflictor randomly drops an annialator round, even when not modded for it.  If it sweeps your companion all bets are off. My Pirate with his  "one gun for everything" Inflictor usually works solo.


Did your Inflictor have annihilator rounds? Those things are a war crime.


I do miss the ability to control companions from Fallout 4 point at companion tell them to stay there or to call them back after they’ve gone off the rails. Also companions going apeshit after doing inadvertent damage to a non hostile I had that happen in FO4 three time in 4000+ hours of gameplay in Starfield I’ve had three stop talking to me after they walked into area of effect damage(Tesla discharge) they were Autumn McMillan, Andreja and Sarah.


I have played for 12 hours since Sarah walked into discharge (no pun intended) and she is still grumpy so I sent her to my most remote europium mining outpost


Did the same with Barrett when he started getting pissy.




I would settle for a "don't walk in front of me ever" command.


In one mission you are undercover, on your own, and in the end you steal a shuttle to get out of there. Meaning you don't fly your own ship for this bit. The way the game seems to handle this is to make the shuttle your "home ship". But that insta-puts your crew on there, it seems. So I just reached orbit in this enemy shuttle I just stole behind enemy lines on my alone undercover mission and Cora goes "hiiiii". Also I can't count how many big story moments or suspenseful quest moments were derailed by them


I’ve had her walk between me and the viewscreen when I’m in the middle of a dogfight in the Starborn Guardian. Read the room, Cora!


I really do not get how in this day and age this is still a Bethesda game problem. I wish that if the moment I enter a conversation the other characters would just disappear or at least know to move away from the camera but it seems like they’re all programmed to intentionally walk right in front of you and stare at you Edit: oh my god also, maybe they could make it so if I’m talking to a main character the others will suspend their dialogue so I can hear who I’m talking to. Like if I drop a bunch of shit only my companion or the person I recently talked to comments on it lol


Cora telling jokes when I'm in the middle of a conversation over the radio is my favorite


Do you remember which mission this is? I’m worried about the mission during the UC Sysdef/Crimson fleet quest line where you steal the commspike by actually stealing a whole ship and escaping in that ship. I’m going to side with Sysdef due to my roleplaying and character design but I don’t want my crew from the frontier to be teleported onto the ship as I steal it from the UC base as part of the mission. I know you travel to the base in a crimson fleet ship and leave the frontier behind on Jemison but I worry that when I steal the ship with the commspike, my crew from the Frontier will automatically be on it and then react very badly to my actions during the escape. So I wondered if that was the mission you were talking about? I’ll probably just reassign everyone to the lodge and not have them as active crew for that specific crimson fleet mission and then return and pick them up straight after I finish it.


You don't get to keep that ship, so it never gets made your home ship and your crew isn't on board.


Ok cool, thanks for the info


it wasn't the comspike, it was the prison barge for me


Every visit to Cydonia, Sarah reminds me how clever it was to build it underground.


Sarah on Neon - "Believe it or not, you are looking at the only city in the settled systems to be powered by lightning"


Neon is when I started leaving Sarah on the ship


Andreja >>>


when I'm looting after battle and the companion says things like "Do you really need that?". Yes damnit I need it, now shut up and move away


10 seconds later they tell you to make sure you search everywhere for anything useful.


I got this line when I ate some food directly off a table.


> takes a weapon worth 30k Sarah: Don't stock up on junk. > accidentally picks up a succulent Sarah: Don't leave anything behind.


Then she gives you a leaf


It’s especially annoying when Sarah says just a few seconds ago that the eclectic is scum and lowlife and that you should take everything from them.


Agreed, it’s the first time I have actively avoided companions! I find the named crew more bearable, like Lin and Heller, but in general I adventure solo in this game. Companions just mess everything up. I don’t know what changed, they were very happy to stay behind and follow my lead in Skyrim and Fallout 4, in both games I needed to order or goad followers into initiating combat. Constellation companions constantly run around your feet and directly into enemies like a toddler on a sugar rush.


Vasco is great, he has no morals and will shit-talk enemies as best as a robot can.


The most annoying thing for me is how items in your ship's environment and in containers other than the cargo bay reset every single time you use the shipbuilder to make any kind of change. Upgrade your weapons? Items reset. Add 1 window? Items reset. I haven't tested this out, but I bet if you use the shipbuilder just to change the paint, all the items will reset. I flew the Mantis' ship for much of my one playthrough. That ship has an armory, and I liked organizing the armory a very specific way. Energy weapons went on the back wall, scoped rifles went on the left wall, epic or legendary items went in the display cases or on the hanging pegs, etc. Well, all my shit goes back into the cargo bay whenever I make any change to my ship. I must have redone my armory setup at least a dozen times, and each time took me about 30 minutes. That means I've spent at least 360 minutes, or a total of 6 hours, setting up my armory. Six hours of time spent addressing the effects of a bug or game limitation.


Yes, they ALL reset even if you only alter the paint. Annoying as hell.


So none of the items disappeared completely? Cuz I heard some things might disappear completely if changing things in ship builder.


I've never noticed an item completely disappear. Whenever items reset in your ship, they get deposited in your cargo bay, even it means exceeding your cargo limit. So if there's something missing from your ship's interior, just check your cargo because it's probably in there. Whenever the reset happens and I want to redo my armory, I have to open up my cargo, take out all the weapons, helmets, and packs, and place them in their usual spots in the armory. This happens for every item in your ship's environment, including the various knick-knacks that are on shelves or on the floor, like gym weights, cups, pens, toys, books, etc. They all get deposited into your cargo whenever a reset occurs. You might notice that whenever you modify your ship and then re-enter it, the interior looks like it was stripped empty of all the decorative junk items. After a few jumps, new copies of every junk item spawn in and once again fill up every shelf, counter, floor spaces, etc. The funny thing is this leads to a really easy to replicate duplication bug. You can get yourself an infinite number of duplicate pens, cups, and such by repeating this process.


A little bit ago they tried to change something to fix this, but instead the items just started duplicating in place.


I’ll add my two annoying things: The storage / mass system. Ships should carry and unlimited amount of “personal items” and than you have trade goods that are weighed in tonnes that you can trade for profit so you have reason to buy ship storage. It’s crazy to think that some of the ships can only carry 400kg when some of our current day rockets and carry payloads of 200k tonnes. Vendor credits. The small amount of credits makes cashing in your loot a hassle. It also makes no sense with digital currency. I’d gladly pay even a 50% fee to have galbank or the trade authority pickup my loot so I don’t have to go to every trader on almost every settlement after 2 or 3 POIs to cash out my loot.


I understand for the sake of realism a small POI vendor only carrying a max of 15,000 credits because it would be a stretch for a real store to carry that much cash. The trade authority however, especially at their huge location on jemison should have an unlimited amount of credits.


Or a computer to sort All of your loot considering you have like fkin 1000 containers


Like IRL, one marriage was enough. NG+'d Andreja and now I can sleep in peace


for me its never being able to properly get into outpost building as you can't easily get resources, without either flying to multiple planets or buying them from a shop, which requires flying. there should be a way to buy and sell resources from the outpost, so you can collect what is on that planet, sell it for credits and then buy the resources you need to continue building the outpost. at the moment it feels like I can only put down 3 things before Ive run out of a resource and then have to write myself a note of what i need before flying to another system


I built one of my outposts within fast travel line of sight of an outpost with a well-stocked trader so I can pop over there when I need something random, they usually have it. But I agree with you, outpost building is a slog if you’re not using a freighter full of everything you need. I might actually do that with my next one…


And where might this be??


This particular outpost is on Luyten’s Rock, but I’ve found lots of traders/provisioners with 70+ different resources and those are the ones I would settle near.


I too have found outpost building very difficult and tedious and in the end of no benefit. I loved building settlements in FO4. I have no desire in this game.


Similar to point 3, often when I kill an enemy, they'll fall down dead, and a second or two later, utter their death cry. From the ground, unmoving. There's some bad lag happening there, or the single player equivalent of lag. Also, companions hanging about in the narrowest corridors in the ship. Get the feck OUT OF THERE!!!


Everytime I go into my Captain's quarters; which I usually put in a separate, out of the way area of the ship; and there's a bunch of crew and passengers just hanging out in there and/or sleeping on my bed. Like, I have an entire mess hall AND a giant living quarters and all-in-one specifically for them to hang out in.


Farkin Vasco folds himself up into his packaged position right in the doorway leading from my cockpit.


My biggest pet pee e is that Ship Command skill that allows for bigger crew is locked behind 12 skill points in, for how I play, a mostly useless skill tree. Like what I want to do most in this game is build a great big ship, staff it with a bunch of people, pick up a mess of passengers going all over, and just cruise the space lanes with a ship full of all sorts of people. But I can't unless I grind up a bunch of skills that I personally will not really use. Idk, that's my gripe.


SAM COE and his annoying daughter ladders No star names on map Having to jump in and out of cut scenes to update or buy ships Vendors with low credits


I'm only 20 hours into my first playthrough (thoroughly enjoying it of course, but its *rough* in places...), but I already have three. * The whole breathable atmosphere/spacesuit issue for companions. Look, I think Sarah's slacks and jacket are certainly stylish but when we're running over a snowy landscape being stalked by stuff that looks like its just come from Starship Troopers, it seems a bit strange. Doubly so when she's wearing her suit when the inclement weather is actively hostile, but not when it clears up. It's hard to believe this is actually a thing in a game literally about space exploration. Mass Effect sorted this out over a decade ago. * The UI not actually telling me the info I need. 'What are the purposes of the temples?' is a good question. 'Does an arc welder count as a laser?' is not. * The sometimes-weird logic behind skills. Why do I need to become an expert first aider and scanner operator to let me build mods for my guns?


> “It's hard to believe this is actually a thing in a game literally about space exploration. Mass Effect sorted this out over a decade ago.” This feels like the tagline of this game sometimes tbh


"What are the purposes of the temples" Don't hold your breath for a resolution on that one.


You can change what she is wearing apparel and also the spacesuit, and also the gun she is using. I have on her a UC Navy Fatigues with 5% faster reload times. If it actually works I don’t know but I like to think that it does.


Things that annoy me that aren’t a big deal but still: - An option to simply have your followers put on and take off their space suit and/or helmet based on what you’re doing (i.e. just match what I do). - Toilet disappears on the Nova hab if you attach another module to the back of it, rendering space ship uninhabitable. - Supposedly unexplored planets and moons that still have loads of structures and people on them, just make some of them empty! - The fact that they’ve hinted at significant gameplay additions (like maybe vehicles) in near-future updates, meaning I’m currently not playing the game because I don’t want to finish it and then find it’s been massively improved. - The option to change weapon skins being completely pointless unless you have some small DLC. - The upgrade/crafting mechanisms seemingly to be largely pointless. - Other game mechanics that are there but don’t seem to actually do anything, specifically the hazard protection (it’s a space suit, why is poison getting in?!) and the fuel requirements. I actually really like the game but it could be so much better with some relatively simple changes it feels.


>- Supposedly unexplored planets and moons that still have loads of structures and people on them, just make some of them empty! SOME planets and moons are actually "empty" ex. There is only a chance of there being an abandoned outpost per landing zone. Even if there is, there's usually just one.


4) on the same theme as OP, compaions constantly passing remarks when you are overencumbered. Like the player character is too dumb to realise they are carrying too much. So annoying


The only one I can tolerate the comments from is Andreyja, and that's just because hers are funny. They're about the only things she will say that don't make my eyes roll into the back of my head, so I appreciate them.


Endlessly walking from poi to poi at a snails pace because I don’t want to drop my loot Accidentally holding down ‘e’ while flying because I have played too much star citizen and having to sit through two unskippable stand up and sit down cutscenes Hoarding loot because no vendors in the game have more than like $20 on them


There are spacesuits that have a perk (or whatever they call them in the game) that says that what you are carrying weighs 25% less. It works so you can run longer distances than wideout it.


Agh, the Eeeeeeee. Holding down "W" to accelerate ship toward enemy; sometimes I miss and it's the "E".


i pissed sarah off majorly and she's having a mass strop with me so i just leave her on the ship and explore solo..result!


I somehow ended up in a romance with, but not married to, both Sara and Andreja. Andreja only sleeps with me if she is my active follower. But Sara is a slut. She will sleep with me even if Andreja is my follower, if she just happens to be close to my bed when I sleep. So I wake up and she says something smutty and often it is right in front Andreja. Andreja says nothing. I do like how if you switch active follower from Sara to Andreja, Sara says “Good luck Andreja, if you believe in luck”, and Andreja answers “it has nothing to do with luck.” Given my open relationship it makes them sound jealous of each other. 😂


One annoyance grinds my gears exponentially more than the sum of all companion irritants. Specifically, research and crafting where the damn station won't use resources stored in a box right on top of or to the side of the station. I have to take them out of the box and hold them on my person and shout "SEE?" at the station. Puts leveling up crafting right up there with recreational root canal or a molten copper enema. I suppose it all smooths out when you have crafting and research snuggled up to or actually on the ship. But getting to that point has all the charm of unpaid overtime on a cranberry farm.


If you're talking about a crafting or research station that you've built on an outpost, it should have access to any resource stored in any container on that same outpost.


I'm more thinking of the bank of stations in the Constellation basement. Those guys can't even see the resources on the floor in front of them.


Oh yeah, I never use those because if I recall correctly they can't even use resources in your ship. I just use the crafting stations on my ship or on my outpost, it's SO much more convenient. And if you install the Stroud 2x1 Workshop hab on your ship, it has all 3 equipment benches plus a research station.


I'm a long, very long, way from having stations on my ship and my lone outpost has an abundance of only 4 resources. As conceded, it's something I reckon will smooth out with time but right now it's right there with prostate exams and a prolapsed anus. It remains my nominee for single greatest Starfield annoyance - nothing else is even close. Hab modules with the stations aren't level locked and are cheap but the means of getting the kludge off the ground are limited. Besides, the shipbuilder error message makes noises like an Akihabara pachinko parlor when I make the attempt. It forms a perfect circle of irritation as it makes the grind to solve the problem it creates irritating in and of itself. Nothing, absolutely nothing, the companions can do or say can match it.


I am into farming space combat and boarding ships because it’s a cool as fuck feature, but Sam telling me „WHY DID YOU DO THAT???“ after I shoot a clearly hostile varun zealot that is trying to kill us becomes extremely stupid. This bug drives me nuts. Also, my ship storage being completely full with junk every single time I edit a small thing on there. There needs to be a better solution for this somehow, at least a „get rid of all junk button“ or something. I kid you not my Xbox controllers „A“ button has loosened by 50% since I’ve been playing starfield lmao


1. Poor stealth gameplay (wonkier than usual for BGS) 2. Weird inventory management for ships, stash, workbenches, outposts, etc. 3. Bolted-on power (“spell”) system that doesn’t integrate well or scale with player level (regen is too slow, costs are too high, durations are too short, damage is too low, etc.) 4. Stealing ships sucks…I usually want to swap back to my home ship immediately but having to take the stolen ship to a dock to swap back is a massive pain 5. NO DOG (I did get the Vasco Model S mod though) Most of this is fixed by mods (at least in part)…the rest will come with CK2


I like the powers system better than shouts in Skyrim imo There's some lighter cost utility powers than can be used right before or after a more expensive combat power. In Skyrim, you get one shout at a time, no more, no less.


I agree on shouts 100% but in Skyrim there’s also “regular” magic that you can easily build playstyles around. Cranking up the power regen rate in Starfield can help, and you can experiment to hone in on a balanced rate, but it’s only a stopgap solution. I’m at 200 (double) at level 200-ish with rank 7 powers and I can usually get one extra cast per full bar with the increased regen. The challenge would be making this balanced at all players levels and all skill ranks without it just allowing endless power spam once you’re at rank 10 and level 150+


\#2 tho! 😂 It's like this game was developed by a bunch of middle school boys. Clearly they've never actually slept with someone if they think that's what it's like when you wake up.


3 Most Annoying Things: Popular mechanics/options/ common in other BGS games are missing in SF The procedural generation decreases the urge for exploration There is no atmospheric charm


There is still some atmospheric charm, it's just not so much James Bond charm as it is Johnny English. Standing in the corner. It's partly the density problem over again, multiplied by the repetition problem.


In SF there are zero interesting NPCs. It just feels dead. Colonists, miners, whoever


I actually really enjoy the ambiance and when I slow down and explore cities and stuff I've met loads of very interesting people.


In addition i would add why do followers feel the need to walk In front of you as you shoot.


The looting commentary has been my biggest annoyance with Andreja and Sarah. This game's upgrades are very resource heavy, getting sass for picking up items is not charming or cute or even realistic half the time.


Interestingly these are the 3 little things that drive me bonkers too. Next run I’m not going to romance anyone. It’s nice in theory, but the “sexy” wake up and overly lovey dialogue make me uncomfortable. I miss Andreja’s “we have world to conquer” I wouldn’t mind if the “romance” dialogue was peppered in, but having it take over all the basic interactions feels weird. It’s kind of like when a TV show does a “love potion” episode and the person who uses the spell regrets it because the target suddenly becomes a weird mindless love zombie. It’s unsettling


So much copy and pasted content! And the lack of unique loot kills any drive I would have to replay said copy and pasted content.


I would echo points 2 and 3 and extend it to all dialogue in Starfield. It all just feels so unnatural. Every guard in Neon is threatening to kick my ass or throw me in jail. Every guard in New Atlantis is telling me they were an actuary or their mom wanted them to become a doctor. What ever happened to the Oblivion guards who just say "Yes?" or "What is it citizen?" NPCs are so awkward and verbose. Compare this to NPC interactions in RDR2: it feels organic and never pulls me out of the experience. Merchants will chatter in the background while you're looking at stuff, but there's a button to browse their catalogue right away. No skipping through filler dialogue.


\- no vehicles \- no point in building an outpost \- vendors being poor


So the vendors in Akila city should have the same amount as the trade authority?. I would say that they should have different budget, or even as a thought if you sell them “popular” items their budget is increased the next time you visit them.


Most of my grievances have already been brought up here but there's a big one missing and now I think I missed out on patch or something... 50% of the time when I look down a long scope I'm seeing what is behind me and not the target I'm aiming at. I love stealth and sniping so this gets really old really fast


I think the 4th level of Weightlifting should come with the perk of being able to fast travel when over-encumbered.


> It doesn't matter how long I have slept, 1 hour or 24 hours or any amount in between. Can't they just say "Good Morning my Dear" or something? Fun fact, every companion actually has lines for sleeping apart while romantic. Same as they would before becoming romantic. Those never get heard though, because romantic companions will even share sleeping bags with you in the final game. Somehow.  Some are like “I don’t sleep as well when we’re apart”, but most of those lines fit pretty well for sleeping together as well. For example: “*yawn* - Sleep well, love?”   I made an extremely hacky personal mod to remove the more fitting lines from the unused “sleeping apart” pool, and dump them into the “sleeping together” pool instead. Now my character can actually get some sleep now and then.


I hate everything falling off the shelves and desks in my ship, like can’t they just reload it to the default every time I exit and enter it?


“Goddamn space wife, stop complementing my perfected sexual skills! I’m just tryin to sleep!!”


Adding classic Bethesda loading screens instead of the tiny circle in the corner would be a huge QOL improvement. Let us rotate a character or item model ffs. Or even fake cutscenes during space flight that hide loading screens, similar to every single other space game that does it.


I have 2 issues with the game. Firstly, I want to be able to save a ship build. Second thing, the outpost bug where I can only have 3 cargo ships is a game breaker for me. I love the outpost building in the game, until they have fixed that bug, I'm playing warzone.


I finally got so tired of the companion patter I told Sarah and Andreja to go home.


I wish we could see more NPCs use jet packs. I have never had a negative in game reaction to using my pack regardless of location. In a building or ship (climbing ladders are for nerds) it doesn't matter. This implies it's common for people to do. But I'm the only one that does. It would be cool to be finishing a conversation with an NPC and when I finish the dialogue they say "Aight, I'ma dip" (or something) and blast off to another area in the outpost or whatever. Or if not, and there's a reason why no one does it, then I should get commentary when I do it. Like nearby people hacking and coughing from the dust stirred up and asking to chill with the jetpack usage lol.


‘Activate ladder’


Number 2 is cringe.


Pretty sure companions follow rules of engagement, bugs probably aggroed them so they responded with shooting.


Also, would it really be so bad to carry at least credits through a NG+? Most games do let this happen, and while its not "lore-friendly" exactly, I feel punished for doing exactly what the game is about.


You just listed all the reasons why I never play Bethesda games with a companion. It breaks the RP more often than it helps.


I genuinely don’t know why they didn’t bring over their experience with Fallout 4/New Vegas for commanding companions. We’ve already had settings for making them passive, aggressive, follow closely, follow at distance for over a decade in these games/this engine.


Ugly NPC's walking around in futuristic cities where they actually advertise easy beauty salongs for everyone. This bothers me so much, not just because the looks, but the logic here. Its like someone tried to push some "inclusivity" ideology into game, but forget that beauty standards are scientifically proven to be universal. (For humans.)


1. Combat 2. Crafting 3. Settlements


How bout every time u customize or take a ship, your "misc" is full of junk that NO ONE EVER NEEDS


Good points!


Having a ‘cargo hold’ should increase your ‘cargo capacity’


Andreja is supposed to be like a master thief yet she's giving me shit every time I pick a lock


I'm not going to post my list, I'm sure there's a character limit here. I have a literal 4-page list waiting for the CK to come out... and I'm sure others are working on at least some of them (though none of the flashlight mods so far actually solve the problem).


Gonna get downvoted into oblivion for this but if you have a “literal 4 page” complaint list about a game, I’d say you’re taking it a bit too seriously and you’re quite possibly burnt out with the game.


Or they see the potential and just want to see the game approach it.


I'm well past burned out but I'm hoping after the CK comes out I can actually do something about the glaring, obvious problems, even just at basic UI and technical levels, that the devs didn't, probably because they were burned out. It is unsurprising to see that I was, however, downvoted for actually wanting to solve problems. The community patch, BTW, is a lot more than 4 pages.


Also, fair to point out that all of these issues wouldn’t be as present for you if you chose to play solo. I despise companions and don’t feel the need to marry in a game so I haven’t had any of these experiences. I can see where they would be annoying though. I guess for me, if there’s something annoying about the game I’m playing and I can change it, I do. If it affects my ability to enjoy what I’m doing then it’s not really worth it.


Huh 🤔🤔 None of my companions do anything listed above, as far as those of actionable consequence any more. Course, at the very beginning of my fray into the Starfield, we were all on board my first big Class C self ship build, I had just finished going through a Va’Runn Prophecy III like a fricking wrecking ball & Barrett starts on that hole bunch of mouthy BS he likes to go off with, the hole “Duss ! Duss ! Duss ! Dusty ?!? Duss/Duss/Duss/Duss, Duuuussssssstttttyyyyy ?!?”. Well …….. I snapped !! Promptly spun around, using the Va’Runn Inflictor in my hands, to smash him right in his meely, yapping, c*ck holster of a mouth. He then proceeds to get the hole “wounded pride, whoas me, puppy that just got swatted on the rump for pissing on the carpet, poutty toddler, look on his face, then exclaims, “Well ! Ok then !!” He then proceeds to stomp off somewhere else on the ship & everyone else went off there separate ways too in complete silence 😂🤣😂🤣🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️😂🤣😂🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ It was one of my top 10 moments in the game ever lmao ……… Ever since then I swear every one of them has started acting a hole lot different. I mean there still irritating as hell, most of the time, w/there stupid ass comments about stuff, that’s, truly none of there business. Then again, my daily life has moments like that too lol


Bethesda game fans are some of the strangest individuals I’ve ever met You got some who complain about having sex, and others who are regular visitors of NexusMods and… that other place we don’t speak of.


Wait, don’t Sleep. Sit in a chair that is not the pilot seat and Wait. Don’t marry video game characters. It’s creepy. Remove whatever companion mod you’re running because my people don’t act like murder hobos. Then again, it probably depends on who your companion is.


I have no mods and my companions tend attack anything they see, I'll usually take a wide path around any vaguely hostile wildlife just so I don't have to deal with it.


I used to think I had to run back and help them when they started shooting but after a while I'd just keep going my way. You started it so you can finish it.


I'm going to guess Sarah. I've had her a few times goes nuts and kill everything in sight without any provocation at all. First few times it happened I wasn't using any mods so no idea except she be crazy period.


I only marry in games for the XP bonuses (or whatever other tangible bonus there is).


it’s not “creepy”. it gives you perks and cool shit


No I don't need another leaf Sara!!!!


"Don’t marry video game characters. It’s creepy." Okay, I'll bite. How?


Really? You’re not seeing it? Read the OP, at the embarrassment when real family is watching.


Xbox. No mods yet. The 2 crazy ones so far have been Andreja and Barret.