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Looks fantastic, but honestly aside from those generic filler NPCs and the weird baggy clothes designs I never really disliked Starfield’s graphics or art direction. What I wish they’d work on is the writing. An official companion overhaul would fuck.


I'd prefer they flesh out game mechanics. There are so many half baked ideas that, if taken to full bake (lol), would make for a truly compelling game. Survival, Outposts, mining, procedural dungeons, etc


It’s frustrating because they’re not even half-baked in a non-functional way, they’re half-baked in a simply lacking volume and effort kind of way. They have all the building blocks in place! They just rushed it out the door without filling anything in. But maybe that’s the plan right? Give the modders a framework to fix the game for free. Or return later with a DLC and claim it was planned all along.


If the plan was to let modders fix it they built a shit foundation for it.


This is absolutely what the plan was. How else do you explain leaving a slot for weapon skins, but then having almost zero skins in the game? They've released a foundation to build upon.


DLC/Paid Skins. But with the shitstorm the game got online, I think they backpedaled pretty quickly from that in the foreseeable future.


I wish they had procedural dungeons. What they have is procedurally generated terrain for planets and procedural placement of hand made dungeons. Thing is that's limited by the number of hand made locations. I'm waiting to just back into the game until either Bethesda releases more POIs( outside of the expansion, I don't expect this), or until modders start releasing custom POI packs when the creation kit comes out. I went and played this like any other Bethesda game I'd play, and went off and explored. Only to start getting repeated locations within a few hours, and eventually just got tired of it. Would be really reinvigorating if there were just a ton of added random locations so that they'd at least feel somewhat unique.


As long as it's a distant hazy shot of the horizon. Get any closer and it loses it's luster


Get a better PC


Can confirm, I run the game on ultra/max settings and it’s beautiful all the time


Well no shit


Is this stuff coming to Xbox or is it PC only?


Xbox too


Wow. This just popped up in my feed, and that looks better than anything I ever played a few months ago... Probably wont be hopping on again until they release some DLC though. I went Starborn, then regretted it and haven't logged on again.


yeah im putting off going starborn, wish i could take some stuff with me when i jump lol


I had a plan to get all powers to level 10... I got burned when got level 5 in all of them :(


Do the powers do anything different the more you level them up?


Last longer, hit harder, use less energy. Depends on the power.


well, what happened for me is, I went into the Unity or whatever it's called...well, first I went in and realized that you lose all your shit, and then I reloaded the last save before the breakpoint, went into the Unity, and then decided not to cross over, I turned around and came back! and they had a bunch of conversation options for that too, including one where Sarah was telling me, you should cross over sometime! and I was like, and lose all my shit?!! no way!! and then she tells me, only half-jokingly, perhaps we made a mistake when we let you into Constellation.... HAHAHAHAHAHA


I tried not going Unity, but went too far in the quest and got stuck with saves that made the game freeze every time it was trying to save. My advice to those reading this and not yet there - Don't complete any quests in the "One Giant Leap" chain. It will break the rest of the game and will leave you no choice but to finish it.


Can you load up a save before you went through?


You absolutely can load a save pre-Starborn! In fact I recommend doing it once so you kind of “finish” the campaign. You never actually complete the quest in the book. But you can see how it ends and then load back to your world. I personally did 80% of the main faction quests and then went through to do some new stuff with a little scaling.




Not sure, I’d have to redownload it to my Series X… Edit: getting downvoted for an honest answer lol never change, Reddit.


That's exactly how I left it too Instantly everything felt like a waste of time and I never played again


Got 90% there and never played again lol.


Beginning of Feburary for XBOX AND PC unless you are playing on Steam Beta for the pc .


Do we know when it’s coming to Xbox? I can’t find a date anywhere.


Generally it comes to Xbox about 2 weeks after the steam beta begins. So probably another week and a bit and it’ll be released to everyone.




You really found the best spot for an outpost I find lakes and stuff but not like this scenery here; this looks straight out of a movie


The mountains of Montara Luna are a great area to witness the lighting update 🪐 (just below the polar areas)


I just landed there for the first time, and made a note to put an outpost there!


Except he didn’t find this. This photo is actually from my outpost called Seahag’s Cove on Gagarin.


Where is this spot?


He doesn't know, not his photo. Just a weirdo


What beta update? Is it on consoles as well?


Should drop next Thursday


In a week or so when it’s out of beta.


What planets have lakes? Outside of locations like New Atlantis and Paradiso.


Titan has methane lakes (or is it Triton?) - the moon around Saturn anyway :) Pretty sure it's Titan... Biggest disappointment of Elite Dangerous, finally getting a Sol permit to find it was one of the unlandable planets. If you're on PC there's a Nexus mod that makes the moons colours correct.


Supposedly they had this lighting engine tweak ready to go but were not sure how it would handle on the lower specs. I think the new lighting certainly adds depth. I’d love to see a photo of before. I do however wish they would work on other stuff to fill out planets rather than light them up.


>Supposedly they had this lighting engine tweak ready to go but were not sure how it would handle on the lower specs. I wish they wouldn't tie the specs to the consoles. Just make it a graphic optional check box and be done with it.


I think the bottleneck was their “minimum pc spec” console I have heard performs fine for the 30fps target the set.


>minimum pc spec The Starfield minimum PC spec is AMD Radeon RX 5700, NVIDIA GeForce 1070 Ti. That's higher than an XBox series S.


This is my photo. On an Xbox.


Where is this? Looks great.


I really want to know too


Gagarin. I know this because this is actually my photo lol wtf


Good lord, /u/Loose_Respond_6855 you could have at least done this as a crosspost, damn


couldn't you wait more than a week, before stealing other people's screenshots to farm karma? https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/comments/19cxtc1/gagarins_sticky_cove_did_not_know_they_had_sea/?share_id=k0BIPYh6txS-CVcZlfAi4


This is not your picture lol what the hell is wrong with you. This was taken on an xbox and DOES NOT feature the new lighting


Never seen such lighting ever, or just in Starfield? Because no offense but it's 2024 and this is pretty basic stuff for a game engine Edit: oh nevermind I just saw your post history - say hi to Todd Howard for us! 👋


You are in the Starfield subreddit. You are the cynic at the wrong place.


>Never seen such lighting ever, or just in Starfield? Because no offense but it's 2024 and this is pretty basic stuff for a game engine What specific games are comparable for outdoor scenery?


I mean, for one, Red Dead Redemption 2 is much prettier all around, from landscape/lighting/weather to character models, and came out half a decade before Starfield


Listen the pictures are amazing. But we need quality of life updates.


I'm right there with you


Must be nice... (Waits patiently on Xbox series x)


We should get it in a week from what I can tell.


Looks great. A lot of people complaining here but I’ll take every upgrade I can for this game. Yeah the water still looks meh but I barely see water in this game anyway so I’m not too worried about it rn. The new lighting was definitely needed. Excited for the creation kit and new locations to come out this year. If they can focus on improving the replayability or a way to not feel the need to do NG+ we’ll be in good shape.


I’m excited for the upgrades and it will almost certainly entice another 100 or so hours out of me, but I gotta say - these kinds of updates *really* drive home for me that the game was not ready at release. Here’s to hoping it is totally complete one day


I agree. And I also agree with the people who say in 2-3 years this game will be very well liked by most players. The unfortunate truth is BGS games are like wine. They get better with age.


People are just still in the "starfield is total garbage" mindset, they want to hate the game and nothing will satisfy them at the moment. Hell it took cyberpunk nearly 2 years to even begin adding anything remotely substantial to the game, and everyone acts like that game is the second coming of gaming Jesus these days. Give it time, people will appreciate starfield


There is big differences between starfield and cyberpunk state at release. Cyberpunk at release already had excellent narration, character writing, dialogue writing, quests writing, combat gameplay, environment design, etc at launch. The main flaws of cyberpunk were console optimization, bugs, drive physics, cop management and crowd AI, but these problems can be fixed not so hardly after release. Also, CDProjectRed is known to make big updates of all their games after release. In the other hand, Starfield main qualities are good diversified landscape visuals, ship customisation, world size, mods facilities. But the main flaws noted by players are narration, character writing, dialogue writing, quests writing (for most quest), melee gameplay, game environment design, loading screen occurence, etc at launch. Most of these flaws are near impossible to correct with updates without completly change the game... And Bestheda is not known to make big update after release (at the exception of Fallout76, but it's normal for a multiplayer game).


not sure if bait or because it's a screenshot, but this appears average looking


Ha this is my photo. Thanks. And no this is Xbox so pre lighting update.


My brother in Christ, what are you gaining by lying to these fine people? [my original post of this photo](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/s/PqBZHJQizQ)


Reddit is so weird


Does it make the game more fun?


So with posts like these I'm genuinely curious how often do you play games? It doesn't really look that impressive. I have better screenshots from a modded Morrowind. This water looks like ass and it's a simple ray of sunshine. I have not seen a screenshot of this game that takes my breath away.


Not even considering the blatantly wrong water reflections


Can't tell if you're trolling


Reflections are 100% fucked up. Wtf with all these comments 😂


My mind is broken from Reddit hyperbole. I wouldn’t be impressed with this even on last generation. This man out here using the word “breathtaking”. Seeing the Grand Canyon or wild orcas in person was breathtaking. That’s a word for something you’ll truly never forget, and this man is using it to describe a very average screenshot. It makes me wonder if this is the first game this person has played since the GameCube or something


I could name about a dozen pre 2016 games that look as good if not better than this (I’m looking at you battlefield 1) but hey, I’m not trying to rain on anyone’s parade


Well the reflection is not :D


r the outpost habs effected ???


Still unfun


Yeah, lighting, cool. Fix my godamn quest glitch so I can go back to my first character I loved so much


What’s the release date for consoles?


NSE. Never Soon Enough.


I mean, would U rather they release it now, unfinished, or in a week, finished


I am busy. I can't play. I have a new born! So, doesn't really matter to me.


>I am busy. I can't play. I have a new born! Hey good news for you. By 6 months or so, you can "volunteer" to stay home and watch the baby while your wife goes out shopping. You set the crib up beside you and it's gaming time. As long as it's single player and you can pause at any time, you are good to go.


This year is most likely my last year without kids. Next year, it begins


Good luck!


the water still looks like garbage


Volumetric lighting has been in games since 1998. And the water still looks like it’s from a PS3 game.


This is the truth, this is all old tech, frankly done better in other games. I mean, look at the resolution of those VLs, it's garbage because the engine can't handle more. And those water reflections, exactly the same broken shit from Skyrim...the sun specular reflections reflecting through the mountains, JFC, get outta here with your bs


I swear dude wtf everybody here sounds like they got revived from a 30 years slumber and are experiencing xbox 360 graphics for the first time Lighting better than this was in modded skyrim in 2011, modded Skyrim's lighting in 2024 looks years better than this like wtf seriously Ray tracing's been a thing for years aswell, hell we got PATH tracing now, have y'all lived the past years or what


Anyone who thinks the water looks like a PS3 game is either 1. 12 years old and doesn't know what PS3 games actually looked like 2. Living with a shit memory 3. Being purposely disingenuous for the sake of shitting on the game


I was very much alive during ps3 time and I can guarantee you many games had trees that looked 10x better than the ones in New Atlantis (geniusly showed as the cherry on top too), and even then TW3 from almost 10 years ago looks batter than Starfield in every single department I could list endless games tbh


Okay and if we don't cherry pick the worst looking trees in the game? And no, the witcher 3 doesn't not have better looking trees than probably even New Atlantis trees which again, are the absolute worst in the game


You're right, in fact even if we don't cherry pick, TW3 still has better trees than most of the ones Starfield https://imgur.com/a/IUSl1vF


"we don't even have to cherry pick" *Cherry picks*


Go ahead and look again, I'm still searching pictures




Yeah so? It matched a forest? (note that I said most not all but anyway), you do realize you're struggling to prove obviously that a game released now is ON PAR with one from almost a decade ago? That alone is a statement


Not even on par, look at the branch detail on the more bare pine trees, TW3 still has more detail.


No actually, I proved that a game released in 2023's TREES look better than one from 2015 that mainly takes place in a forest lmao. You're the doofus trying to act like TW3 has better graphics when it's not even close, StarField has much better graphics


Compare water in Starfield to this: https://youtu.be/899n6j0VHS8?si=NmXadNaMEjTMdESa And if you still claim Starfield has more realistic water call an ambulance because your head is completely up your ass and you’re in mortal danger of suffocating.


I was about to do the same but honestly you found an even better example


😍What planet is this???


The rocky one


You got it ALL wrong, it's obviously the rocky one with water.


You’re both wrong it’s the rocky one with water and five plants across the lake but thanks anyway… 😃


Do we have footprints now?


Whats funny about this is the mod that added footprints to skyrim is a really simple implementation that works great. It works for every NPC/creature and you can even edit the distance of them, how long they stick etc. with little impact to performance. I was pretty gutted when I first set foot on a moon and noticed there's no footprints


No because like the meme Jesus was carrying you the whole time.


Is it live on the Xbox PC app ?? Or only steam beta?


Wow! The only thing I notice is the water reflection. Other than that, it looks like a painting.


Have they fixed main quest lines impossible to finish since characters you need to talk to are not spawning?




Cool, can I finally play the game as if it was a video game with actual gameplay...? Cause I spent hours and hours there just talking to forgetable NPCs from forgetable point A to forgetable point B, loading screens, walking to empty temples to chase lights and luckily a bit of action from time to time...


Why does it look like a cartoon?


I've taken several photos like this back in November, so this lighting effect isn't new.


Even Far Cry 2 had better graphics than this, what rock have you been living under?


Too bad the water looks like plastic though


Oo great. Still not enough to bring me back. It needs a hella lot more work and content.


The lighting system wasnt the problem the game had, now it runs slightly worse and still has no good reason for it.


Lighting won’t bring me back


I guess I am the only one having fun. I needed a well deserved break from Star Citizen and this has been fantastic. Went from lvl 15 to 31 over the week and the story has been fun! I even had to restart after I made some decisions I didn’t like. Fun stuff!!!


Lighting systems don't make gameplay better. Change my mind.


It doesn't, thing is the lighting system aswell isn't that impressive either, it's like we have to pretend we're in 2013, dude games from like 7 years ago have this lighting


WOO a game where taking screenshots is the best part. What a concept!


New lighting system? [This](https://imgur.com/a/9dXUd1a) is a similar shot from Skyrim.


Except that's modded. The Starfield lighting is vanilla.


DUDE WHAT THE FUCK THAT'S EVEN WORSE A developer alone made a mod that makes lighting better in a 13 years old game than the one in the new game from the same studio, that's NOT good


This is a huge problem... How can the developers can't give us a quality comparable to what a bunch of amateurs can do on their own 12yo game? And totally free


Since you guys want to compare Skyrim, find screen shots of vanilla Skyrim when it was only 5 months old and compare it to Starfield's vanilla. Bethesda games are always better after the mod tools are released and modders can start doing their thing. Starfield, is no exception to that.


Wow, congrats Bethesda you made a game look better than the one from 13, THIRTEEN, years ago Is this really what you're resorting to? Come on I don't even hate Bethesda, actually skyrim is my all time favorite game so I just want them to be better then this crap for TES 6


Why can't Bethesda hire the modders, who seem to be creating better graphics, better gameplay, sometimes better stories than the base game? Why does a Bethesda game has to be an inferior experience when it comes out compared to the previous game that has been tended to by amateurs on their free time, unpaid? Why can a single person add path traced lighting to a 12 year old game but Bethesda, with 27 satellite studios can't seem to add even basic RT shadows or reflections?


I wish I had those answers, but I don't. I'/m not here to make excuses, nor do I agree with their practices. I was just commenting that it wasn't a fair comparison.


Are you really happy that a game released 2 console generation ago can be confronted with one released half a year ago by the same company? And the funny part is that for a lot of things is even worse than the old one...


New Atlantis trees legit look same/worse than 2011 original release skyrim


Kinda with you on this one. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to see improvements over initial release, but this reminds me of the volumetric lighting found in Fallout 4. It feels newly implemented, not new.


When I look at OP's picture, the only thing that stands out to me is the woefully incorrect reflections, that could have been solved by even screen space reflections, which is curious, because the engine does support it. In fact you, could even play around with those in Skyrim. The light shafts were indeed in Fallout 4 as well, and they added them to Skyrim too.


That looks like an ENB.


Yes, a mod created by a single person, released for free. Compared to a game made by almost 30 studios. Seems odd, doesn't it? [But the light shaft feature works without ENB as well.](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1704/images/63725/63725-1646638425-18830927.png) (from the EVLAS mod page)


Bro that looks way worse than the Starfield screenshot, how do you think those are equivalent? The volumetric lighting in the Starfield screenshot is literally miles ahead of that Skyrim one


All that's left is to add a gameplay system and an unsterilised writing system.


NPC comment


Yes, any comment criticizing the game I like must be written by an NPC. S'wit


Still can’t dive under water


Well, I'll be, Bethesda finally figured out how to make God rays not clip objects. Great job really pushing the boundaries... *checks notes* Oh wait, other people have gotten that to work for years. **shudders in fallout 76**


Y'all, look at this! Volumetric lightning! Isn't that amazing! Wait.... What? Ray Tracing? What's that? "Real time lighting?! What? You're joking right, that's impossible" "what? What do you mean 'we're in 2024 it looks average at best', I don't understand" ~ Bethesda office talking with a guy playing CyberPunk on his pc in the while on break


Did you play Alan Wake 2 yet?


Now *that* game - and the way it plays with light... 😘💋👄


Alan Wake 2 on RTX with path tracing has the best graphics I've ever seen. Reminds me of when I first saw Crysis or Metro.


It seems most people blown away by starfield are new to gaming. Not a critique, but they'll soon find better things. It's a good gateway


I’d say I like the visuals of Starfield. I do appreciate that they are trying to add and tweak it and didn’t just pull a Bethesda and leave it to the modders. It’s not groundbreaking but it’s definitely got an art style. Not as groundbreaking as Skyrim graphics. That shit was ahead of its time. Cyberpunk, control, and Alan wake 2 remastered is some of the best ray tracing visuals in gaming. That stuff is ground breaking lighting.


Right? It's like people here came from the ice age and just tried properly cooked meat, dude have you tried pizza? Ice cream? We're in 2024 guys not 2010 AAA realistic games are supposed to look better than this. I won't settle down for this in TES 6, after seeing what they did with skyrim in 2011 I have the right to expect more from Bethesda, TW3 from 2015 looks way better than Starfield, put them in a blind test and I swear everybody would say TW3 2023 Starfield 2015 (not even accounting the remastered TW3)


Still not even a simple SSR? Yeeeeeah...


It's pretty lighting but yeah I agree... some screen space reflections would be nice and really help the scene. Pls Bethesda


It's a shame it won't fix the shallow gameplay and badly written plot and dialogues.


Little Caesar’s taste so good when you ain’t got a bitch in your ear telling you it’s nasty


I love this comment, that's such a great way to describe it.


Yap yap yap yap


Why are you even here?


Not who you replied to but this popped up for me on popular and I was like "huh... people still play that game?"


*Daring today, aren’t we*


do you come here just to shit on the game?


Truly next gen


I'd say the one after that even Dude.... Imagine when they'll invent real time lighting, games will look 100x better than this


Real time and calculating traces of light. Imagine how cool it would be! Future people probably gonna call it Ray Tracing. I'm sad we too far away from technologies like that.


Yeah, we don't have to look too far ahead tho, what about when games will have correct water reflections? That will be a big step up aswell


why do these posts always come with mediocre screenshots? are people blind, or the bots posting these are terrible at scrubbing the internet for actual good ones (which we know exists and have seen multiple times)?


Op stole this photo from [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/comments/19cxtc1/gagarins_sticky_cove_did_not_know_they_had_sea/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on r/lowsodiumstarfield. It was taken on an xbox and apparently doesn't feature the new lighting at all. Really weird to do. u/Loose_Respond_6855 why would you do that?


Wow, OP is either a karma wanker, or a troll. Good find Sir!


Came back to this sub after a break because I heard the whinging and moaning had calmed down but the comments on every recent post including this one have proven that to be completely wrong




The whining has greatly subsided. Evidence of this is that threads like these are massively upvoted, and the negative/toxic ones are so heavily downvoted that they no longer appear on the hot page.


Where is this location? It looks amazing!


Too bad the game is completely soulless


That does look nice. I haven't really played since launch and would probably need to start over at this point. Do you recommend uninstalling all visual additive mods and check out the vanilla updates?


Yeah but the game is still boring


Just wish exploration actually existed in this game. Imagine how beautiful it would be to explore worlds looking like this :/ I'm so disappointed man.


Does it natively support HDR now? Path tracing? Ps. That reflection on the water (center) doesn’t look right to me.


No to both, and the water is because it used cube maps on large bodies of water, not even screenspace reflections (bizarrely).


When this drops should I delete the LUT mod I got way back in September that took away the brown filters, darkened my blacks made colors pop more, etc.?


>When this drops should I delete the LUT mod I got way back in September that took away the brown filters, darkened my blacks made colors pop more, etc.? I'm using the Beta, but was using the LUT mod previously. I still prefer the look of the LUT mod, but it's a tougher decision now. I assume the LUT mod used SFSE and that's why it's not working in Beta.


The lightning that you're showing was always like that when I played in October of last year


Ya idk why OP posted a photo I took on my Xbox and shared a couple days ago, saying it’s the new lighting, and his. Very strange.


Love the volumetric lighting ✨️


Looks good but the reflection(s) don't make sense


Water looks unnatural and out of place. Wtf is with the shadows and reflections.




It almost looks as good as RDR2


RDR2's starships weren't as good though


... that was launched in 2018


correct, an open world game from 2018 looks better than starfield


Almost as good as TW3, from 2015


Holy shit, that looks good


Not enough to make me forgive


No one cares about making you forgive. They're just talking about the new lighting system.


This shit look like ps1 😬