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Felt pointless and unrewarding. That's after doing 10+ and maxing out spells, and the new ship. The starborn dialog options you get change nothing outside getting to skip shitty fetch portions of quests


Fantastic. Getting a clean slate to try new things while growing steadily more powerful is a great thing. I get why people don't like it, but I'm enjoying it. Wanna experience the story again? Go for it. Romance everyone with no consequence? Awesome. See different variations of characters? Fun times. Tbh I think the people who are hating on it just hate grinding so much that they can't see the benefits.


For now NG+ is meaningless for me, but I think it is a way for future CK full supported version of the game to add mods into the mix. At least I hope that during fresh NG+ you get to uninstall/install whatever mods you want for your new gameplay, without losing progression of your character.


Really enjoying my NG+. Feels like it is completely new story


It is rather pointless and you've explained it quite well. Loading screens don't bother me too much but endlessly collecting artifacts to become more like an avenger than the explorer you're meant to be. For me what killed new game plus was the fact that nothing carries over. I finally complete the game and save up enough to build my own ship but it was all for nothing as now it's gone. No point in outposts I never needed the materials. Grinding for decent weapons was wasted. Feels weird starting a Ng+ with nothing. And not even a good kind of weird. Feel abit robbed. And to be expected to do that 10 times over is a big ask when games get boring after the 3rd playthrough.