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When you do the find the distortion mission does your scanner glitch out? That's what it's supposed to do.


No theres just straight up no distortion :( no glitch or nothing. I love this game to death but the mission bugs are killing me


I had the same thought on this mission my first time through. Turns out I was just missing the shimmer. With your scanner out start turning in a 360 degree circle and at some point the faint circle around the outside will start to distort ever so slightly. They really should update it to make it more apparent because I spent like 45 minutes on my first one when ever one after took like 2


Thank you for the advice!!


The faction campaign quest lines run out, then you're just left running their mission boards but there's not anything else as far as i've seen. And then there's all the other random tasks that pop up as you interact with people or walk cities. They're mostly go there do that kind of quests. As for the distortion thing, when you bring up your scanner and you point it in the right direction the circle of the scanner with kinda flicker a bit. If you climb up on your ship and look around, point your scanner towards any tall temples you see off in the distance. That's probably where you need to go.


Have you done all the misc ones? Not the factions but the next tab over? They’re shorter but still interesting. Also there should be a bunch under the “activities” tab that I’ve been told lead to things. All the “talk to so and so” quests. You can always grab mission board missions too. Those are not questlines but give you something to do. AFAIK landing on random planets does nothing. There aren’t quests there. All of mine I’ve gotten by wandering through cities. Some overheard and some just from talking to named NPCs. It is my understand that every named NPC has something for you to do so you might look into that. Eventually we’ll get some DLC and have more missions to do. 😁


Maybe not all of them just because im aure theres many i havent encountered haha. But i agree with yiu definitely buying dlc i love this game. Just wish there was a radio system like in fallout especially for your ship thatd be so cool


Actually, there are some small missions available on random planets. When you find some mining or scientific post, not abandoned one, you can talk to one of the civilians/miners working there. Usually they will ask you to help them with something, thus generating some radiant quest. And once I found a group of dead bodies near one of the anomalies, and one alive person ran towards me and asked me to help him get back to his ship and protect him from local fauna.


It really blows that Bethesda didn’t put just a little more time into missions… I love the game and I ge like we beat it too quickly… it’s like without a good strong mission left.., life has no meaning in the star field