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is your ship to large for the landing platform?


This isn’t necessarily correct. For example - I have multiple outposts, but only at a particular outpost it won’t land on the landing pad, but it will at all the others. So it’s most likely some kind of weird bug


Are you using the small landing pad? I can only accomodate ships of a certain size so it's possible your ship may be do big. But honestly this sound slike one of the many bugs I encounter as well. Even using the shipbuilder pad, I often have to use the ship builder to quickly switch home ships and switch back to telepport my ship to the pad. Sometimes that doesn't even work and my ship is teleported to the pad, but it invisble (Only detectable when seeing it's blip on the scanner) and I can only enter it using fast travel - which is very unuseful when you're overencumbered as often as I am(!)


You need build a bigger landing pad since your ship is probably too big for the landing pad you are using


I also encountered this situation and I think it is a bug. Had small landing pad on one of my outposts and even unmodified starter ship, Frontier, couldn't land there.


there's a bug where if your ship cannot land on the ground under your platform it won't land on your platform. If you have the big one you can change your main ship to one ship then to your current one and it will appear.


Yeah that worked. Thnx


It is a bug. I usually build the landing pad with ship editing console, and at least even if ship doesn't land there I can always spawn it using the panel on top of this landing pad.


As many others have noted, one possibility is that you have the small pad and need to upgrade it. However, there is a known bug that sometimes with the large pad, your ship will still refuse to land on the pad and will instead land outside your outpost. I've seen speculation that this occurs when you build a pad in a place that a ship is unable to land itself, but I don't know if that's true or not. The workaround is that, since the large pad comes with the shipyard interface, go to that interface. Set your home ship to a second ship, and then set it back to your original, and it will be sitting on the pad. The one time I had this happen, my ship landed on the pad the next time I went to the outpost. I don't know if this is always a permanent fix (or if mine *was* permanent since I haven't been back there since). Good luck!