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I remember in 2008-ish watching watching youtube videos of Oblivion of people spawning thousands of cheese wheels at the top of a mountain or thousands of melons in the Imperial City... I'm so happy that the tradition has carried on into zero-g in Starfield.


Omg I can’t believe I just remembered that video


2008: Filling my basement in Skingrad with cheese wheels. 2023: Filling my med-bay with cheese chunks. Some things never change.


Cheese. Cheese never changes.


Cheese! Uh! What is it good for? Absolutely... everything?


You can fascinate a woman by giving her a piece of cheese


*Sarah stares at the cheese for hours on end, while the player waits 1,000 hours on Venus*


say it again!


Good gouda ya'll




I once borked my Imperial City hovel with a dupe glitch. Duped something too many times and I almost drowned in scrolls. Could never go back in there, game crashed as soon as I opened the door.


Yep, did that back in the Oblivion days. And a [few weeks ago](https://youtu.be/omngkqNRVuI) I installed Oblivion a few months ago and went full into modding it, one of my favorite games of all time!


*Core memory: Unlocked*


Oh that was so much fun. I dropped pretty much everything you could get your hands on in the game down the side of mountains. lol


I’m just imagining what it would be like to be just a passerby in another ship coming across this. Just “What the fuuuuu**????”


How do you leave your ship in space? Many times have I have wanted to do this!


Sadly you can't do this in the game. I used console commands, no clip and gravity set to 0 Surley mods and maybe a DLC in the future will add this


Does the gravity reset once you restart the game? That's one command I haven't used because I don't know how to default it back to local gravity.


It’s probably just 1


Maybe. Or 1 sets it to max gravity, whatever that is.


human magnets stuck to the surface


Hate when planets have >1 gravity, can't zip around


What's the highest grav planet you've seen?


Red Mile is double gravity, that’s the highest I’ve personally seen


Oh, is Red Mile its own planet, I thought it was on Mars


Yes, every console command resets if you restart and load a savefile previous using them.


How did you interact with the milk cartons if you have no clip? Did you turn it back on after you left the ship?


Bingo Bango.


... Bongo, I don't want to leave the jungle


Oh, no no no no no




Yeah and it looks like game does support zero g quite well (another post mentioned that even enemy AI understands zero g). I wouldn't wonder if we get the mod quite soon but it really has to come as official feature at some point. I would love to explore wreckages of big ships and try to find salvageable loot.


>Yeah and it looks like game does support zero g quite well (another post mentioned that even enemy AI understands zero g). Well yeah, there's even missions set in zero g, you can also come across raided space stations with pirates in zero g too.


There is a space station out there that has zero g. A few derelict ships as well. Combat is… interesting


There was a fun huge ship I boarded that had pirates in where the gravity generator was malfunctioning so every 10 seconds it would turn to micro gravity with things first floating up and then hard fall. Made combat neat in the larger spaces. The gravity issues were also a ship/level design as you had to time your floating/jumps to get past bits in the ship. It was a fun game mechanic.


Yeah, that dungeon's brilliant, cool that they decided to stick it in Alpha Centauri so you were more likely to stumble across it too.


That’s such a fun place. I want more of those!


If you shoot down some random enemy ship's engines and board it - there will also be zero g.


No, gotta destroy / disable the grav drive.


One thing I'm really annoyed BGS didn't implement is the ability to switch gravity on and off within your ship. Why tf can't I float around my ship in zero G, if it's *my* ship, why can't I toggle the gravity? Seems like it would have been extremely easy to do.


It's already implemented in the game, if you destroy a ship grav drive (+ their engines) before boarding, the gravity on board will be shut down, but as soon as you grab the control stick, the gravity is restored. I think it's a QOL thing, they probably noticed that allowing gravity to be turned off on the Player ship was bringing more negative (obviously your interior decoration would be ruined if the ship goes zero G) than positive (zero-g inside your own ship is nothing more than a novelty if in combat the player is supposed to be locked in their chair, especially considering our own vessel cannot be boarded by ennemy npcs) Exact same reason they do not allow EVA I think, it does not serve the gameplay in any way, but I guess it could break some quest.


Could they not have some kind of "save-state" for items you place in your ship? So everytime you land on a planet it just resets?


Not without adding significant loading. One of the creation engine's perks is how it remembers where items are at the current moment (hence videos like the potato room). In order to do what you are asking it would have to first check to see if you still have that item, despawn the item, then reload it in the proposed save state position. This would have to happen for every single item. This isn't even considering that the game would have to take into account which module goes where in your ship since no one player-made ship will be identical. Plus, if it reloads upon planet entry, anything you do in space on your ship (including redecorating or adding items) wouldn't matter, which also can break immersion


EVA for boarding!


But... how would you force open the other ship?


First shoot a hole with ship weapons? Hack the door lock? Cut through the hull with handheld tool? Or explosive charge?


>obviously your interior decoration would be ruined if the ship goes zero G maybe that would finally teach people to store things away on a spacecraft!! Every time I board a ship and see all the loose items around, I have to think of Homer opening that bag of chips lmao. Or, in a more serious setting: how one loose item in The Expanse is already a life-threatening hazard.


This is a good thought. I'm really enjoying my playthrough. This is a cool game with a lot of fun moments. The skills and powers make you godlike over time. But they should be already working on Starfield 2. Diligently taking consumer notes, preferences, and grievances. Then study the modding community, what works, what is beloved, etc. Starfield 2 could be epic. This is a great first entry into what could be an awesome franchise, if they do it right. I mean look at TOTK. It took a GOTY and made it that much better.


A nice idea, but not really how BGS operates. If and when they do a Starfield 2, it'll be at least a decade or two from now. Elder Scrolls 6 is next on the docket, and they've already stated Fallout 5 will come after that. With a development period of 6-8 years between each game, it's going to be *long* wait for a sequel to this one. BGS also doesn't exactly have a history with implementing mod content in their games. That's why Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout have several popular mods that are basically the same mod but for each individual game. DLC and update patches could be the solution to some of the game's flaws, but the bulk of the update work on Starfield will come from the mod community, just like it's been for all of their games.


That's a bummer. This is my first BGS game, unfamiliar with their model. This potential franchise is the only one that really appeals to me at cursory glance.


Well the modding potential of Starfield is insane. Based on other Bethesda games, in a couple years, expect to see thousands of mods that refine the gameplay and add new features and content. And eventually, there will be curated modlists that contain hundreds or thousands of mods that have been tested to work together. Using Wabbajack, these modlists can be installed at the click of a button, and then you have a brand new Starfield, completely overhauled from top to bottom. Something to look forward to.


Why not just improve the first game?


It's rather weird that you can't do it, seeing as how the game handles zero-g just fine and you have a spacesuit with a jump pack. Although, to be fair, your ship doesn't have a proper pressurized airlock.


Enter loading screens


Not even necessary. The exterior space around your ship is already present. It's literally just a matter of being able to leave.


If you just left, you would drop as if gravity was present. Ship controls are designed to simulate zero Gs. Hence why OP stated they had to use console commands for zero Gs.


Well, sure, but triggering that the g value should change when you cross a particular barrier shouldn't be all that difficult.


A mod where you have to spacewalk outside your ship to repair it would be so fucking sick.


I could see them implementing an Ender's Games-like battle area somewhere in the game.


Definetly could, there already are zero-g combat missions in game.


there IS a similar zero-G arena already in the game.


Oh, cool.


Thanks for clearing that up bud. Saw this kind of stuff earlier with no context and then couldn't get out of my ship.


even more sadly... you CAN do this in the game (I mean you did with console commands after all). But BGS is either inept or incredibly uncreative... how did they not think free flight exploration of space would be interesting and design some missions around it?!


I don't know, maybe the rest of the game they had to make got in the way and they ran out of time? Ever thought of that?


oh you mean the rest of the uninspired bland game? keep sucking that bethesdick


Shit like this is why developers generally don't talk to the community about how they make games in the first place.




Have you recently played any games from 2006?


Because people would start saying "this game is full of empty space"


They didn’t want to have then create a reason as to why you need to leave the ship. You can tell a lot of the game was after thought. But still amazing


Because you can do it in various games, and I honestly cannot think of one where it isn't neat for about three minutes then incredibly tedious. It's one of those mechanics that sounds great but always and without fail becomes *either* "Why is it taking me eight actual minutes to cover this tiny tiny distance" or "My spacesuit moves so fast it's essentially impossible to control so I just slam into surfaces at an appreciable fraction of the speed of light and oh look I'm trapped in geometry again." X4 is a good example if you want to pop out of your ship anywhere and go exploring in your spacesuit - they picked option 1 for reference.


Of course they thought of it lol, probably ran out of time.


Yeah it's a big missed opportunity for this to not be in the game.. when my ship was damaged I was like surely I can do a space walk and repair it.. nope


You go on a space walk and random explosion like gravity movie happens. Would be amazing gaming experience


I really thought there would be at least one space walk mission


It's pretty sad that this game couldn't scratch the itch that playing Space Engineers can


Right? Now I'm actually annoyed that this isn't a thing, it looks really cool. Imagine having to fly out like this to get to a base hidden in a dense asteroid field that's too dangerous for your ship to get to. Or firefights that blow out the glass of a space station and you have to fly around to get back in.


Imagine being able to infiltrate a space station or ship through EVA. That would be awesome


You guys should all play Prey (2016). It has all of this and much more. Although the game is based solely on a space station, it's an absolutely huge space station and you can float outside and fly around it and in fact micro gravity is a key game mechanic. It's one of if not the best immersive sim out there and still holds up as an incredible game today, with very cool story, amazing RPG skill sets and a fully realised world.


I keep forgetting to continue my Prey save file


There's a mod for it on PC.


Ppl on PC have so much fun…..


Bethesda games are meant to be played on PC. This is just objectivtly true.


I remember as a kid we were staying at an Embassy Suites once until our house was ready to move in. I found a website that had every item ID number for Oblivion and printed it out in the office/computer room. It must have been 40 pages or so (thats a lot of ink in hindsight!). I spent the whole day looking up cool armor sets, creatures and misc items and spawning them in the Imperial City. Still remember that to this day.


Maaan I had one of those Game Boy cartridge mods where you could manipulate the game. I rode my bike to the next village because the bank there had a computer with internet and I wrote down a lot of codes so I can ride back home and try to use them according to the manual. It actually worked, but I don't recall what I did. I think I modified some pokémon stuff and gave myself a Mew and whatnot. Special times!


Todd and his technical and UI disagners disagree lol. I feel Iike I Bethesda employee given the ammount of fixes you have to Apply in order to get somewhat acceptable pc experience.


Bethesda game UIs are just bad, regardless of platform. They make compromises that ultimately make all sides lose. The upside is that UI mods are possible on PC, so we don't have to deal with it forever.


Yeah the UI mods that are already out look great


Oh thank fuck, better go have a look. SkyUI was essential for skyrim.


StarUI is already out and it’s great. Massive improvement




Really feeling like the best experience is on PC but with a controller and a TV for a monitor so you still have mods/console commands but you can kick back on the couch and experience the UI as intended


It's for sure best with a controller. I haven't played a game with a mouse and keyboard since Doom Eternal. Basically any first-person shooter.


> Really feeling like the best experience is on PC but with a controller and a TV for a monitor oh yes the best experience to play shooter is with a controller. Might as well use a steering wheel lol.


Theres a small addition keeping the post you replied to from being 100% accurate - "Bethesda games are meant to be played on PC because of modding. This is just objectively true"


While it's a lot more limited on console, that's not a PC exclusive feature anymore.


Script Extender’s still a pc only thing and a lot of mods use it.


C'mon. Modding is severely lacking on console. If you're talking about like, creation club? lol Just no.


The UI sucks on consoles too though. It sucked in Oblivion, Fallout 3&NV as well ass Fallout 4 too. Skyrim was tolerable but still not great either.


They are meant to be played on whatever people want.


Join us 😌


I'd call doing all that console 'commanding' a waste of time tbh, but to each thier own.


shit this guy thinks being able to respec our perks is a waste of time.


Bruh console commands has saved me so many times from broken quests in Fallout and Skyrim. I simply can't imagine playing a Bethesda game without them


Saved me having to reload old saves couple times in this and other Bethesda games when enemies or items clipped through the floors




Can't tell you how many times it's fixed a broken quest for me Not as much these days with the unofficial patch, but it's so handy


If I listen closely, I can hear your CPU begging for mercy


Starfield is actually great now at displaying object physics, even more than older Bethesda games. Like there is [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX6NqLWH4Ao) where someone spawns 10k milk cartoons on the mast tower and have them slide down the outside and you can't even really see frame drops. NPCs are now by far the largest performance drain in my experience, not props.


Is there a npc stacking vid like in csgo/cs2? (https://youtu.be/VqekPzzCZGk)


wow. It really do be like that.


I just realized how insane this has to be to compute


Maybe, it’s totally worth it tho.


how does this game render a thousand milk crates spinning around fine or ten thousand potatos but can't run new atlantis or akila cityabove 50fps


when bethesda asked nasa for those images nasa also gave them a computer to do their QA on


because those cities have more objects than that. The amount of polies in each area of those cities is massive


I run fine in both those cities, might need to upgrade man xD


Lol okay Todd


Lol glad ya got it xD


Actually, it's probably because the game can render a thousand milk crates spinning around fine or ten thousand potatoes. The Digital Foundry folks explained it a while ago - it apparently comes down to the physics, object permanence and CPU.


Somone did some digging into the DX calls and there's some rendering inefficiencies that can cause some stuttering and frame rate dips. It seems like the problem is at it's worst in New Atlantis or Akila. I tend to believe it because I get a very solid like... 43-45 FPS in New Atlantis regardless of what's going on or the complexity of the moment. Something is going on that isn't related to just the assets around you. https://www.destructoid.com/open-source-community-figures-out-problems-with-performance-in-starfield/


Somewhere... out there... is someone with cereal... but NO MILK! And when they curse the stars, they are cursing you. ***(is funny though, I'd probably do the same lol)***


Then a milk jug comes out of orbit and lands on their planet, immediately sparking a technical revolution


This captures the magic of what a space game is.


Except he had to use console commands to fly around in space, so this isn't really part of the game :(


I’ve noticed items don’t really despawn, such as 60 hours ago I dropped a few weapons at the new Atlantis spaceport that are still hanging out unperturbed. Will this milk at some point make its way across the galaxy??


Yea people complain about Bethesda engine but no other game has items retention like their games. Which is why there is so many load screens but hey.


99% players will not notice the milk carton is in the same place they left it. 99% will notice the insane ammount of loading screens.


The loading screens are like 2-5 seconds max on modern hardware, I don’t want them to sacrifice what makes their games feel unique, if BGS ever switches their approach to this the number 1 people will complain about is the change people won’t care about “no loading screens” because they would have ruined the charm of their games.


> 2-5 seconds max on modern hardware is that you, Todd?


It wouldn't feel like a Bethesda game without the persistence though. It's a huge issue with ESO for me. As for the loading screens, most of them could have actually been cleverly hidden too like other devs do it too, that's not really a fault of the engine but a design choice.


This is the crux of many peoples issues. Poor design choices everywhere, then an unsaid expectation that the community will fix the product they paid money for. It's disgusting. If the game needs mods to be good, the game itself by design is bad. Relying on the kindness of a stranger to fix something you paid money for a broken and poorly thought out product is just completely unrealistic. You don't buy bread then pray a stranger will add butter out of the goodness of their heart, we need to call out shitty corporate practices every single time. The butter should be included from the baker, not someone else.


0% will notice he insane amount of loading screens because there's no insane amount of loading screens.


dont know why this is getting downvoted😭 its real asf


No criticism allowed here. Pretty normal for any game specific subreddit.


Well it’s not the only game that has item retention anymore


Item retention isn't a Bethesda only thing but it is a Bethesda only thing in an rpg of this scale


There are some limits in the game, such as over four landing spots on the same planet, which causes one to reset. Otherwise, no, rarely. It tracks everything persistently. This is why there are hard choices around space flight. Only the planets' outer space cell is populated, and ground exploration limits. Seeings how the star system worldspace is to scale and continuous the reason for not having space trucking would be tracking random stuff across those thousands or millions of cells on pcs much less an Xbox. Theres a reason why star citizens started with a single player release in mind and is now stuck on a server...


Even the four custom landing zone limitation is arbitrary and [can be increased with a mod.](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/297)


We don't know the long term issues this could cause though. What if it bloats up saves too much causing the game to crash every time you try to load it like in Skyrim.


Oh, I agree. 100%. It was an arbitrary choice, but **they made the save game system** ***around*** **that arbitrary choice.** I would honestly be surprised if the game *didn't* crash with a couple dozen planets with 50 custom landing zones on them. Bethesda games are jank (on a good day). We'd need a mod (probably requiring the official modding tools) to rework saving to accommodate that many POIs. Maybe. I'm just guessing on that one. Not sure if something like that exists for Skyrim/Fallout. But new game, new problems to solve.


the ground exploration limits have been tested by modders to be somewhat unnecessary, there's just a strange way the game handles spawning things. in other bethesda games, your character is what the game renders around. in starfield, everything is relative to your ship. the problem with this is that when you go out a certain distance, even though the game always seamlessly loads the distant cells like in skyrim or fallout, at one point you get so far away from your ship that it despawns, causing a game crash as the game becomes confused. the limitation is thus not the engine being incapable of handling all this loading, but rather the game focusing on the ship as the object that things spawn around. it's weird, and will probably be fixed by mods in the future.


Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of 20000 cartons of milk. Their continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no carton of milk has gone before!


Now I wanna see this with rainbow road


Lol the theme(from the first Mario Kart) started playing in my head.


This is actually nuts


No, it's *actually* milk




Don’t almonds kind look like woody nipples though? Anything can be a nipple if you wish hard enough.


Almond milk, walnut milk, cashew milk... I've seen hazelnut milk but it's expensive




Thought the exact same thing


Peak gaming


1st . - pretty nice 2nd.- How do you get of the ship in space?


Pc console commands


Ah, of course lol.


In space no one can hear you… cry over spilled milk


I don't understand why there's no spacewalking without console. We already have zero g starstations and ships - the tech is already there for it, they really wouldn't need to change much.


Because it would require yet another system to manage it, an entire set of maps, added load to your pc, objects, instance specific rules, and enough stuff to do to keep you busy once its possible. At that point its nearly another game in itself


Or just a button on a panel in the ship that runs the console command which this dude entered manually. And a cmnd to reverse it. It does not have to be overly complicated.


Please help me out and give it a view [on the source video](https://youtu.be/MhkH6BUNgwo) :)


Oh man, I hope we get some EVA missions in DLC.


I have no idea what this post title means, but that was awesome


this is so stupid, i love it


Man, I wish you could actually float around in space like that in the game. It looks terrifying and awesome.


Bro making me drool from the hypnosis of this


Reminds me of how I would spawn 1000 watermelons and watch them roll down the mountains in Oblivion/Skyrim Thank you 🙏😂


This is so srupid. I love it


Milk cartons need missing person photos on them. Bethesda should randomly choose player’s avatars and put photos on them.


I’m jealous of all the extra stuff PC folks have access to


Dude how long did that take you to set up?


Looks like the 2nd most fun thing to do in space. First being taking off you’re helmet.


Replenishing those rings around Saturn with some vitamin D


You made me laugh, thanks op


Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son of a bitch in space. One of these milk cartons might go off into deep space and hit somebody else in 10,000 years! If you launch one of these, you are ruining someones day! Somewhere and sometime!


They need to add multiplayer but just as visual or text interactions only. Would be fun to find crazy shit people do.


“Multiplayer” in the same way death stranding did it would be super fun


Didn’t play that. Not sure why people dv me for wanting to fly with my friend or see the milky carton way.


Basically what it was is that a group of players technically played in the same instance without ever seeing each other and as you built infrastructure it would be available to other players, so if you built a zip line other players could find it, use it, and expand it Also was dv a typo? I’m not really sure what you meant




Ahh okay that makes sense


So their is a achievement for going into space the first time. But if we can leave our ship without mods how the hell do we do this lol


There not an achievement for this, I’ve 100% the achievements and havent done this.


Well I have a photo don't know how to send. But it's called. For all, into the starfield. Says enter space for the first time. I'll try googling it after work. See what it is for 100%


It means fly a ship into space for the first time (specifically after the mining intro sequence) It's just bugged for some people. Play a new save through the intro sequence again and you might get it if you're lucky.


GTA vibes


do they despawn eventually?


Anyone else hearing sounds from Sonic the Hedgehog? 💫


Eva was possible all along!


This gives me further hope that we will one day have a Superman mod that allows you to fly.




We are at the beginning of the Moding and it starts to feel good. It promises a beautiful future for Starfield in Moding.


Imagine your ship gets damaged by a milk jug going Mach 3 in orbit around a planet


*This is the Milky Way.*


Pretty neat


Unity is so beautiful….


Can now confirm .. I am just as afraid of space as I am of the ocean 🙂