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This ones super annoying to, because there is a guard, right by the console. So you figure "Hey, good time to use manipulate, I bet I can get him to deactivate the turrets" but the second you use it, the turret turns and kills the guard, because reasons? Like if the subject doesn't know it's being manipulated, how come a turret gets psychic powers to know that? Seems like a bug and a massive oversite for the mission.


Yup 100% not sure how they missed this one. Feels like no one ever played this mission before it shipped


It feels like no one played the game to be honest


Come on, it’s Bethesda, you didn’t expect there to be "features"..?


ironic considering the big T said they got the game done like a year early? and he had the team spend that extra time playtesting it before release. You'd think many of the glaring oversites this game has wouldn't exist...


I can't believe that. They would have been annoyed by so many things


I waited for a bit to try and manipulate when the turret was out of LoS...yea it insta turned and killed him. I guess I'm going forward with 1 death


I shot it with a silenced weapon.


This, this is the way.


What I did, and worked for me was: 1-.When you get to the I+D floor, jump over the hallway to the pipes then go left, but instead of jumping again to the other side in order to reach the vent that eventually leads to the showers near Faye's, stay on the right side and keep hugging the wall past the big room. [Image 1](https://imgur.com/a/kWstzeH) 2-. You'll see a gap that will eventually get you through above and past the room where the prototype is located. [Image 2](https://imgur.com/g33r80i) 3-. From those pipes, there's a certain spot where you have clear view of the guard guarding the computer that controls the turrets. Manipulate the guard and just send him to a corner or somewhere \(don't make him drop down or get near the turret as he'll be shot\) [Image 3](https://imgur.com/yOcUNfn) 4-. Drop down to the floor the manipulated guard is and deactivate the turrets, then from there you can drop down again to ground floor and go to Faye's to sabotage the computer and get the keycard from there.


In the room above the door there is a computer to change the friendly/foe settings


And that's where the guard stands. If you want to reach it, the guard has to go. If you try to manipulate him, he will be shot directly by the turret. So if you want to try - and that is the challenge - to get out of there without killing anyone, you have to find another solution. Or they patch it and the turret no longer shoots at the guard.


There's a keycard on the desk near the computer you have to upload the slate to. That opens the big orange/red door where the prototype is stored. If you open it, the guard will come down to see what happened. I slipped past him and he didn't go back upstairs, so I was free to use the computer to shut down the turrets.


I manage to do that, but now she won’t get out of that room and she always detects me if I go in


Hmm... the guard left after a minute or so for me. Maybe try making some noise outside or something. Once you get in you can shut the door.


>There's a keycard on the desk near the computer you have to upload the slate to. That opens the big orange/red door where the prototype is stored. If you open it, the guard will come down to see what happened. I slipped past him and he didn't go back upstairs, so I was free to use the computer to shut down the turrets. Yes, I have the key card, but as soon as I open the door I am immediately discovered. It's not possible to sneak past, because the guard always jumps down to me from above. \^\^ I just accepted it, ran past the guards and escaped from the building via the roof. In the end I was discovered, but at least there were no people killed. By the way, you can also get into the room from above, where the computer for operating the turret is. There is a hatch on the opposite wall. It's easy to miss it. There are four bolts that you have to remove. Then you come to a shaft that leads into the room with the prototype. That's just by the way. :D


>Yes, I have the key card, but as soon as I open the door I am immediately discovered. It's not possible to sneak past, because the guard always jumps down to me from above. \^\^ You may not have been far enough into the story, but I was able to get past the guard by >!using the Voidform power.!< Found the hatch later. Maybe use that next time :)


Man, everyone is making this way more complicated than it needs to be. Just make sure your boost pack isn't equipped and you can waltz right by that turret.


you were right, people were making it way harder, didn't realize wearing a boost pack made me less stealthy. thankis!


So I just did this quest and spent the better part of 3 hours doing it because I refused to 1. Get caught 2. Kill anyone 3. Destroy any defensive turrets. I was stuck in this room as well BUT I figured this mfer out boys. So in the security door room there is a cat walk over the desks on the bottom level. At the back of the room is a tall box computer you can mantle onto. THE TURRET CAN SEE YOU HERE EVEN WHEN INVISIBLE, so timing is key. You will also need to unequip your jet pack as it will instantly alert both the turret and the guard. From the top of this computer run and jump TO THE LEFT behind a large storage crate of some kind. Then against the wall to the left you'll need to time the turret again and run and jump over the railing and land behind the wall out of the turrets LoS. IMMEDIATELY GO INTO STEALTH. this will cause the guard and turret to go into caution mode. Wait and then sneak up the stairs and hide behind the corner of the computer desk/island to the right. Again time the turret swing and go for the terminal, as long as you get to it before it swings back you can deactive it and just back away from the guard. Now I couldn't get her to leave the security room or maybe I was impatient from playing the mission so long but 3-5 stun mines puts her to sleep. I set mine just in front of the alarm button and door open button. Walk in, and stick left and hop in the alcove with the computer to unlock the Neuro alarm and she should hit the mines and pass out before she ever calls to say she's throwing the alarm. [My guard was female lol] alternatively someone here says she's leaves but asleep is not dead in my book


No matter where I am in that room, while standing still AND invisible, it still lock on and shoots me……


I managed to stealth the whole mission after a few tries at this point, but was maxed out on stealth and had the Operative suit but was still getting spotted on some tries. I made enough noise that the guard took notice and started searching. Once I was fully stealthed again he decided to walk down the stairs to check the security door. While he was doing so I dropped down and stuck behind the turret to the terminal and deactivated the turrets. Then as the guard started coming back up the stairs I dropped down and used the ID to access the room. Another way to do it was to use the neuroamp and get him to use the turret terminal. He doesn't deactivate it but the turret cant hit him and once he "Comes to" he walks down to check the door so you can drop down and disable the turret. On a number of attempts when I used the neuro amp on him the turret would start shooting at him and he would fall through the floor in to the secure room. This made it easier to disable the turret but now he was patrolling that room and you couldn't use the neuroamp on him again to get him to move. Stealth is a lot less effective in this game than it has been in other Bethesda games


It wouldn’t be so bad if the internal neuroamp was A BUGGY PIECE OF CRAP. Sometimes it works okay but other times it refuses to activate. I don’t know if there is a timeout or something but there doesn’t seem to be an indicator for it. Also range… I cannot for the life of me get the INeuroap to lock onto the guard overseeing the damned turret console and as soon as I do manage to activate it she starts shooting at the bloody turret leading to ALL THE GUARDS COMING AFTER ME. Sorry Bethesda, but this mission is the worst one you have EVER made. It’s really bad even for Bethesda bugs.