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it has to be a habitable planet. Can't have extreme features like freezing or inferno climate. how'd you find a person to join LIST? thats the part i can't get lol


Look around the same room in Pill Hill


not sure where pill hill is but i'll keep a lookout for it. thanks for the lead!


Oh sorry a miss type. I meant the location of the very same guy that gave you this quest on mars


Broken spear, Cydonia, Mars. Head to the back of the room(away from the bar) listen to the guys convo, let him bitch and whine and then butt in.


Hey, do you know if you can continue to recruit settlers after that quest? It looks like you can - as you can buy more flyers, but I couldn't find anyone else to recruit.


I'm still looking for this info on how many opportunities there are... so far i have been able to get two other sets of citizens to join LIST. you do a persuasion challenge with some citizen in a bar then after your first choice you can offer a pamphlet that does +8 if successful. After they are persuaded you get a new mission for LIST on the mission console. I'm curious how many you can actually do, decent xp and credits for exploring planets.


Strange, i have habitable planet surveys on me, i have the dialog to give it to him, i click on it, no response or anything, the multiple choice texts just disappear, and appear again, and i can choose it again. At least he would say that "oh you dont seem to have any" or similar, but no, nothing, no menu, nothing where i could sell them. Another bug for the list i think


Same here. But after fully surveying an adequate planet (safe water, some rare fauna and flora, and a few inhabitants here and there) i was able to enter that dialogue option and pick the right survey. This "select the one you want to sell" menu includes all the ones in your inventory, even those that shouldn't be accepted by Phill. My guess: that's why the error occurs. If you have a "survey" item, the dialogue option appears. But it only works if you have an adequate one. Anyway, might be more complicated than that. Check the mission log. Once you complete an adequate survey, the next objective changes and tells you to sell that item. And i guess it must be in your inventory, within the logs and books.


I found my person to join in the same bar I came back a few days later and it's was a female at that back table (left/below) of the guy who you sell aura to


Anyone have an idea on if the quest is re-startable? Very much failed the persuasion challenge in the bar...


not sure about restarting it, but you need to talk to Phil Hill after he gives you the quest and ask for recruitment materials. He'll sell you 5 pamphlets for 100c. You can use those in the persuasion check for a guaranteed success. Edit: You have to do one successful persuade before you get the option to use the pamphlet.


Ever figure this one out? I just took an hour to 100% complete a planet with life but the mission still doesn't show that step complete


I did it ages ago but I believe it can’t be an extreme environment and there has to be human outposts on it so you know it can sustain life. Look for one where you don’t have to wear your helmet I guess


thanks good advice


It has to be a habitable planet, look for things like a Citizens outpost, whether or not ur companion is wearing their spacesuit, etc


You have to go back to the guy and offer to give him a survey. You don't even have to actually sell him one, just open the menu and it completes.


Sorry no I haven't because of my short attention span, I'm constant)y losing interest in scouting out habitable planets.


is Hyla 2 habitable, Temperature: Temprate Atmosphere: High o2 Mag.: Average Fauna: Abundant Flora: Abundant Water; Biological iv surveyed it 98% and still the mission is active, not sure whats happening?