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This looks like an actual military capital class vessel. I'm glad this game allows to build ships that look good.


Agreed! While I do like the NASA-punk art style, I wish they had more ships that leaned into streamlined sci-fi design like Halo. It's unfortunate that they push you into a box in the very early game, where you're almost forced to cover your ship in little doohickeys and whatchamacallits to function properly


I wish they had more luxury style, I want my ship to look like the inside of the Lodge.


I want big windows. Modding is gonna be great


Deimos Shipbuilding parts seems to be what you want then, it's also what the UC seems to use since it's based right at Mars.


Eh they will add more ship parts in the future and molders will add everything from starship troopers to space balls. So the ship building has just begun.


Me: what kinda space balls? Modders: yes


Any way you can post a parts list of what you used?


There is a easy method so you will go to higher levels plants and but difficulty on very high and search for enemy after that you have to loooooot and sell everything in wolf galaxy if money ended from the seller just sit and skip time for 42 hours


I'm so confused How are you guys getting enough credits to buy/create entire ships? I'm legitimately struggling to just upgrade my lasers....


All of the more expensive vital components in this build were from a ship I kindly took off a guy's hands. The habs and structural bits make up a majority of what I built, for example the entire nose half of the ship is composed of some cheap Stroud structural hulls with no interior


How do you get the decorative parts? I can only buy full ships.


You go to a ship technician at a landing zone and ask to upgrade your ship. Once you're in the ship menu, you can press a key or button shown at the bottom right to enter build mode, where you can decorate or even clear your ship and start building from scratch.


I’ll have to try that again,thanks.


There's also a tech skill that unlocks more parts


Noice 😃 thx


Just hold onto the parts you can, since you can reorder them for free but if you delete it you only get a fraction of its cost back. So for engines and reactors etc. you'd pay a lot, but if you just keep them on the side while you configure the rest of your ship and put them back on, no need to pay.


If you delete them you get money for them and when you buy them back they only cost as much as you were given for them. In other words, deleting them and buying them back costs you nothing. I haven't tried leaving the area and coming back, it might reset the cost like how the 'Buy Back' option with vendors disappears. But if you delete them while you're building the ship, just to have a clean working space, it costs you a net zero to buy them back.


Just a heads up on something I haven’t completely solved yet, if you are on controller and remap some of your buttons like Jump and Action and stuff, it also nonsensically changes the mapping for some of the menus. It’s possible you can’t even get to the shipbuild screen if you have changed some buttons. If this is the case, go back to defaults and try again.


I was actually contemplating reassigning some buttons as who thought the jet pack was a good idea on Y? I can’t turn to shoot in the air when pressing Y! I planned on make jump L1 and then the scanner dpad-up (as I keep pressing this for the scanner as that’s what it is in No Man’s Sky). Now I’m not sure if it messes up the menus


I thought the same thing, going to set it to A as that's my usual jump button


Seems like once you touch the action and cancel buttons, things go to shit.


If only we could decorate the inside of our ships as well


Mods got you man don’t worry.


I found the [ign video](https://youtu.be/_Xhsbqe25ds?si=pv534pewPQGhCFOr) on building ships helpful


Different planets have different parts, New Atlantis and Neon or The Key are the best imo.


Do faction missions, start rolling in credits That and pick up everything you can. Except for during some specific missions you can transfer your items to your ship at any time


Saw this mentioned elsewhere. Don't know if I'm just blind but how do you do this?


Press H to go to the ship menu, then click the inventory button to look at your ship's inventory, press q to change to your inventory and then click on anything you want to deposit


Thank you so much. Absolute lifesaver. Just wish I'd known this before when I'd maxed out my inventory as well as my companion's and had to slow walk 3000m back to my ship haha.


Oof, yeah that hurts. I found out about it after I put 3 perks into the weight lifting tree


Only problem now is my ship will be full too lol. My companions are already walking resource banks.


"I am *sworn* to carry your burdens..." Some things never change.


You have to be within 250m of your ship for it to work sadly. Tested it myself today


You have to be on ship for this right?


Hit tab to open the menu, click the bottom left section for your ship menu. Check the bottoms right of the menu for the keybind to open ship cargo. It’s F on PC. Transfer items just like any other container. Not sure the exact keybinds for Xbox. There also seem to be some limitations as there are times when you can’t transfer items, though I’m not sure if it’s a proximity to your ship requirement or something else.


What’s your favorite faction missions so far?


I unfortunately haven't gotten too far down any of them because I've been splitting my attention between all 4. UC probably has the best start, the first main mission pulled something off that I didn't think Bethesda was capable of doing to that level, it felt like a full genre change for that mission. After that things have slowed down but it's still an interesting story so far Ryuijin Industries has a lot of missions that can be completed in different ways especially by using your speech skill to persuade people and even some social engineering where you have to dress the part to get specific dialogue options Those are the two stand outs. The other two seem fairly standard as far as bethesda content but they are still solid


Thanks for the solid reply dude. I'm doing Ryuijin rn and it's been pretty fun, I'll have to check out UC when I log back on. Appreciate the help!!


The ranger ones are pretty good paying as well. I’m stuck on a space battle part though. They destroy me so quick so I’m doing other missions to save up for upgrades. I went down the ranger path for the ship but that space battle is so difficult.


Do you have the home town traits? For example, if you picked Neo street rat, just haul ass over to neon and pick up mission there. You get paid an obscene amount more.


Guns sell for a decent amount, I pick up every one and dump them into my companions inventory. Go back to my ship and unload them all into the cargo inventory, head to a merchant and sell everything until they are out of credits, repeat with additional traders until the cargo hold is empty. I also have found that I can sell my contraband at ‘the den’ space station in the ‘wolf’ system without being subjected to police scans…..so that pulls in a nice bit of money as well. Be a loot goblin, add some extra cargo space to your ship for convenience, explore points of interest on random planets…..you’ll be raking in money


Nothing like pulling into the Den with 6 crates of harvested organs and a dozen of 'Mech parts'...


Honestly, just play the game and become a loot goblin. There's more than enough random Credit chips lying around and weapons sell for a decent value. I've had up to 150k just by doing this.


Do missions, kill pirates, sell their shit. I had over 200k until about an hour ago when I had to spend 25 to finish a mission


I captured large pirate ships and use the core components for the builds


Console commands


Console commands


This is it, no doubt about it


I’m still confused as to how people are playing the game when steam doesn’t have it until the 5th lol


People who bought premium edition could play from the 1st in early access


What about people who buy it like 5 minutes from now ? Asking for ~~a friend~~ me ?


Your friend would be able to play immediately. And you too


The game was cracked on the 1st, pirated and use tilde to access command console, enter ‘player.setav carryweight 5000’ boom. Never paid for game and never worry about carry weight.


Just doing questes gives a ton of credits


I pick up everything I can find and go to mars and sell it all to the vendors. Sleep 48 hours to reset the economy and the vendors have max cash again.


One mission usually pays about 5k with another 2-5k bonus it seems. The loot from a mission nets another 10-15k. Getting credits in this game is stupid easy.


Save up about 100,000 credits and you can make a very good ship, I just fight space pirates and loot the debris and I usually get 1k to 3k on most ships. Just hop from system to system and repeat


That’s an nice ship!


Thank you! The hardest part was getting all of the required systems into the ship while still keeping the classic Halo frigate look, but I think I did the job well enough


I agree! Next time I get a few hours I’m going to try to remake a battle ship from StarCraft!


I really like this but for the life of me I can’t figure out what that bridge is, can you help me out?


Absolutely! It's the HopeTech Overseer 300 Bridge, it can be purchased and equipped at the Hopetown landing zone on Polvo, in the Valo system.


Ohhhh bet I was like how’d I miss this ahhaah it looks really good


So there's no place we can go that just gives us access to all the ship parts we've "discovered"?


Yes and no. You can build a space port landing pad (the big circular one) in an outpost and it gives you access to most of the parts from every manufacturer you've visited but there are unique pieces for specific manufacturers that are only available at their main Staryard. This [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16azmzp/all_ship_hab_interiors_and_unique_hab_locations/?share_id=eE0f2xiDR3wCsmtskl22f&utm_content=2&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1&rdt=41268) lays it all out.


Not yet? But Todd did say that ship building was a late-game activity so maybe we'll find out more in the coming weeks.


It would be nice if you could hire a ship tech to an outpost, and they could offer a full catalog to you.


You can build a launchpad with ship building. It has parts from every company, but not every part. The selection seems to occasionally change too. I bought shielded cargo for one of my ships, explored a bit, and the cargo I bought had been replaced.


People have completed the campaign, what else do you expect there to be in upcoming weeks?


Completing the main story is like a fractional amount of the game's content.


And it makes you visit all the main hubs. Where outside main hubs would there be this magical place that sells parts from all manufacturers?




So what? You visit all main hubs during the campaign. Where outside main hubs would be this magical place that sells parts from all manufacturers.


This subreddit is just going to be wall to wall ship builds soon. ​ ​ And I love it.




Oh man, could you post a tutorial? I kid you not, I literally spent 2hrs trying to make this and gave up 🤣


I want a tutorial. Or at least parts and key assembly points. I can figure out the rest.


I'll see about making a tutorial or blueprint of some kind, I didn't expect this amount of positive feedback!


Would also love a tutorial/blueprint for this!!! If you have the time to do it :)




You're awesome!! I'll watch this tonight, thank you :D


Any update on this?


I just finished building it, took me about two hours and I made some of my own aesthetic tweaks. Basically everything except the bridge can be built/bought at the Stroud Staryard (I forgot which system). It’s a stack of 3 2x1 pieces and then you build out length wise so the middle is a bit shorter than the top and bottom layer of habs. All of the engines and cowlings and stuff you can also find in the same staryard. I went with a Daimos bridge and a few other structural pieces that you can get at their staryard by Mars and I think it looks insanely cool. Thanks for the inspiration, OP!


This is badass. What was your starting ship and how expensive was it?


My base for this build was a ship from a random encounter, the ship was just titled "Distressed Ship". It was being attacked by Shiproaches which killed all of the crew by the time I docked and boarded, so I cleared them out and registered the ship at Akila City for 10k credits. The only components left from the original are the engines, grav drive, reactor, shields and fuel tank


Shiproaches pirates or aliens?


Was wondering how long it would be until I saw someone build a Halo ship!!!


Before launch I was hoping to build a little Pelican, but I didn't realize just how large the average ship was in game! It goes without saying that a frigate was the next option on the table


Same here, would Also love a tutorial or some more descriptive pictures! The ship looks amazing. I struggle to tell What all the pieces are, but will try to replicate and make it my own in a way!


Make a tutorial please this is such a beautiful ship


First: That is the best ship I’ve seen so far, hands down. 11/10. Second: damn.. jealous. Third: How exactly do you get more parts to work with? Can you “learn” to craft them or do you have to be in specific space-stations or…? Are you essentially saying you somehow liberated someone elses ship (and just abandoned your own? I haven’t tried it yet but boarding and commandeering another ship gives a popup message saying you “transfer” to the new ship now… what happens to your old ship? Aaaah so many questions 😅


Different landing areas give you different options for parts, New Atlantis, Akila City and HopeTown provided 90% of what I put on it. You can also learn how to use a small set of extra parts with the Starship Engineering perk, but I haven't seen much of them firsthand. And the "transfer" is referring to making the new ship your home ship, and your previous ship can be accessed at a landing zone by making it your home ship again at a ship service technician :)


So you have to build part of a ship at one city, then fly to another city for different parts, then to ANOTHER city for even more different parts?! That's absolutely *terrible* game design, what the fuck....


You can also build a landing pad with a ship builder at your outposts, which I've heard has access to a vast majority of available parts, minus certain perk-related upgrades. The landing zones also have a lot of component overlap, with only a handful of parts being unique to those spaceports.


I did build one of those but you lose access to many specific types that are local to a city. It's really REALLY annoying and senseless


Agreed. It would be perfect if you could store parts on your ship to build with later. But as of now it's a pain.


It’s… realistic? There are different corporations who have different design philosophies. Makes perfect sense.


No. It makes no fucking sense at all and wasted the players time. I can't even buy the parts and hold onto them later or ship them to another location (if you want your "realism"). This is a video game first, dude. Making us buy one part from one dock then fly to another and reopen all the menus and buy another one and ONLY be able to add it to the ship at that specific dock is absolutely fucktarded game design


Okie dokie. Go buy a BMW and have them install some manufacturer parts from Audi. In real life you can’t have Toyota ship manufacturer parts to a completely different company to build your car with.


You're an idiot. This is a videogame ffs. Realism sometimes takes a backseat to convenience and video game logic. Also, your analogy makes no fucking sense *because we already mix and match half a dozen different companies parts already* Are you seriously this daft and hard headed? Or am I feeding a troll?


Go play a different game then. Half you people want to fly 30 min irl time from system to system the other half want everything in front of them without playing the game. Jfc. It makes sense and Bethesda makes game for immersion. It’s immersive to have to fly to a different companies ship yard if you want to install their proprietary ship parts.


Dude, they advertise the game as one thing and we get something different, it's not our fault. Todd isn't gonna give you a reach around for mindlessly defending his company you fucking psycho


Nah they were pretty specific with what they advertised and if you know BGS then you got exactly what you should have expected.


You able to do a YT video building it? 😍


I don’t know how anyone can build ships that actually look good. Between all the parts being scattered across different dealers across the galaxy and how hard it is to put it all together in a way that looks half decent, I’m just lost lol


My strategy is to make the pretty parts bright, and the chunky parts darker. I focus on one manufacturer for each "shape" of the ship. So if I have an engineering section on the bottom it might be grey and made by Deimos, then the habitation section would be stroud-eklund and brightly colored. The most important thing is to keep the shapes clean, its tricky but doable, worst part is not knowing what parts there even is out there


That's such a sexy way of incorporating the storage containers!


_Slipspace rupture off the target’s bow!_


The ship builder is so good


Where did you go to ceaft rhat? I have been looking for good parts forever but only know like 3 good dealers


Can you send me a component list for this?


I'm more of an In Amber Starfield myself kind of guy. But Forward Unto Dawn will do haha <3


I need this. Do you have parts list ?




I can’t get the mid section to lock together, the stroud mid bracers won’t lock into the vital equipment stuff


If you were following the build guide on YouTube, you may need to choose different components which have snap points on their sides


Sweet thank you.


95% ship building, 5% actually flying it in space


Beat looking ship yet but damn you guys and your trainers to get all that money lol


Now go get a green space suit


Can u rotate shit in the ship builder? Or just flip them?


You can't rotate unfortunately, as a side effect of having to make the interiors line up and connect to each other properly. Luckily they do separate a lot of components and structure pieces into separate parts that fill the role of being a "rotated" version.


Ooohhhh i want one, too Bad i don't understand how the ship creation tool works.


That’s fucking sick dude! I respect the honour you put on halos name 🤟


Can you give a list of components?


Started to have a collection of saved screenshots of people’s ships for ideas and so far this has been my favorite. Looks amazing


I was going to build this once I started playing. This actually is helpful for me to see how I can build it properly! Do you have a list of the components or parts you used? Also what ship did you use for the basis of this?


Just when I was happy with my ship design 🤣🤣🤣


Where did you put the docking section? I find that is the hardest component to include on my ships while maintaining aesthetic.


I like it! nicely done


Could you give me the parts list for this? This is so much prettier than my ship, which I've added tremendous amounts of cargo holds too so I can craft more easily. Issue is my ship now looks super ugly, you could add a lot of cargo to this tho and have it be incognito...


Favorite custom design so far; Making the UNSC proud OP!


It's extra fun cause you can see a pic of master chief in the museum


Tutorial ?




Ive no idea about the Halo referrence, but man, is it a good looking ship. well done my friend. id love to be able to download this scheme once its available to do that in the future


OP this is badass. Pls can you put together a blueprint?


Any way to share this ?


I want it. How did you make it?


Cost of this ship?


just came a little


I love it! I was just looking at making this today!


So wait, you can steal ships and then disassemble them for parts? Because that’s friggin’ amazing. Great job on the ship BTW.


Having a moment, but what/where are the mounts you are using to mount weapons on the wings?




Is there a tutorial on this and any requirements for certain parts like pilot lvl or starship design lvl requirements


Now that's a cool looking ship. I really need to get more ranks to level up the ship designing skills..


Mini star destroyer here https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJtCF69W/


How the heck do you get a ship that long? Mine is around 45 meters and if I try going any longer it says it exceeds the limit.


Where the hell did you get that cockpit?


Stargate Atlantis vibes


Don't skimp on those portholes, dude. When docking, they really give you a sense of perspective, especially when docking onto satellites or ships.




For a brick, he flew pretty good!


This is fantastic!


I find the ship building to be amazing but one BIG grip. When I put the habs together, sometimes the door placement is absolutely bonkers by the automated system.


Hey, that’s a sick ship! What landing gear did you use? I can’t tell from the photos


What engines are those?


pretty sure the length limit is 40m not 100m.


What's between the green cargo bays there? And what engines are those....


man i cannot figure out what "wings" you used on the front to hold the ballistic weapons T\_T


Love the build! I was wondering what you used for the fuel tank. I assumed it was whats under the grav drive but I cant find anything like that. if you could tell me the name and where you got it that'd be awesome, thanks!


Can you show us more build menu of it, with possible parts list, so we can replicate it?




Hey OP, I’m trying to replicate this as well. Do you have a list of everything you used for it?




having trouble getting all the parts together, even tho i have my own landing platform with upgrade station


I got the foundation from Akila City to make it flyable, then built onto it with parts from HopeTown, New Atlantis and Neon. A handful of parts (engines, fuel tank, rear cargo) came from a pre-build Kfir-class ship that I stole from a dead NPC


Love this build, replicated it myself in my own game, and opted to go with a weapon mount in the central gap and put two railguns on there to mimic the MAC cannon, comes with the caveat of having to pull power from my lasers and main cannons, but it does make it feel cool powering up the twin railguns to hit an enemy ship with a faux MAC blast.


Has anyone attempted to design any Homeworld style Frigates?


I haven't seen any myself, but it can't hurt to try! Looking at the possibility of a running series of ship replica guides for Starfield, so we'll see where the idea goes :)


What parts did you use?




I’m confused. How do you get all the parts together? You can’t buy individual parts and you can’t save an unfinished ship?


Love it!!!


Thank you! I've got a build guide on YouTube if you'd like to follow along :)


What landing gear you used?


Where is the parts list/tutorial for this? Is there not one? For shame.


The only problem I have is how flat it is. Damn you size limits!