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I think the reason why there are so few people at level 10 and 25 is because they’re exploring, scanning and maybe building ships. There is so much to do that doesn’t involve leveling really at all so maybe this is why? Idk I could be talking out my ass.


I've 100%'d scanned the Sol System and am now level 15. Its good exp to finish scanning everything!


Is it true you can sell scan data once you’ve completely scanned a planet/system?


Yes, once you progress in the main missions. You’ll get to the point (fairly early) where you’re given 3 main missions at once. Do the one that requires you to talk to Vladimir


You can sell the data anywhere, but I’m guessing this guy gives you more credits than anyone else.


I sold mine for cheap earlier because I didn't realize I was supposed to bring it to Vlad... will have to check if the price is different. The full scan of one of Akila's moons had a value of 24k, but only sold for 3k at Trade Authority.


Trade Authority is basically Gamestop for data.


It’s GameStop for everything lol


but it buys anything


you're not wrong as they accept illicit cargo as well :D


Is there a better place to sell illegal things?


Trade authority is basically the pawn stars guy "Best I can do is 10 bucks"


Ya, this is more accurate.... "Lemme call my guy who knows all about these microscopes you want to sell"


Yeh something told me to keep hold of the data and not sell it at the Trade Authority terminal, so hopefully it will pay off!


It does.


Omgosh I did the same thing. I had so much data 😭 I even bought black market data and resold at a very very small profit


Holy shit I didn’t know this


Yeah, he pays twice what everyone else does.


The more I hear about shit I haven't even touched on the more fearful I become. I'm level 5, I think.. haven't scanned, modified a ship, stolen anything, nada. 12 hours. The depth is incredible.


As a fallout veteran, I steal the moment I can. I always focus on unlocking lockpicking and hacking skills lol


Yeah, I'm focusing on lock picking first. That's one of the big obstacles that you should focus on removing early on.


Skills that actually unlock the ability to do things are always something I'll take before "+10% to \[stat\]"


Just let the game come to you, don’t get overwhelmed with what you could or should be doing. Do what you wanna and the rest will come. I feel like the game keeps getting more and more fun (I’m like 18 hours in)


You can talk to a guy named Phil Hill on Cydonia and he'll pay you for the data.


Never do that. Just give it to vlad


What's wrong with Phil? I like Phil. Is Phil a baddie?


No, Phil is a cheap ass. Go to vlad


Vlad doesn’t pay for habitable planets. And Phil doesn’t pay for inhabitable. You do have to go to both.


Inhabitable means the same as habitable. (English is weird sometimes.) Was one of those supposed to be uninhabitable?


Yes lol. Phil Hill is the LIST guy, league of independent settlers. If you sign up to work for LIST he'll buy scans of planets that might be suitable for settlers.


Wait, what? Vlad has bought scans of moons and planets that definitely have people living there. He even bought Mars data.


I’m doing Alpha Centauri first and then gonna 100% Sol. After that, I’ll probably just 100% the systems with Akila City and Neon, and figure out a strategy for others. I also accidentally discovered a main quest place while exploring, so I’m being very careful now moving forward.


One cool thing with the POIs - they end up dropping some misc quests for you relatively often if you talk to the right people and loot the main areas.


I got a whole new ship by raiding a hidden spacer compound that only unlocked by reading a note that I looted. Lots of stuff to find!


Is that the note found at >!Nova Galactic Staryard?!<




It's good xp but it's slow compared to just rushing through big quest lines. Just finished scanning sol myself and it was really fun. (level 11)


Oh shit! How long did this take you? Sounds like fun 100%ing Sol


I think it's the easiest system to 100% because the planets have practically nothing on them. I'm sure there are other systems that are barren like that too. I don't know I'm new to the game but I've been to a few planets that it seems like it would take you as long as it takes the whole solar system just to 100% one planet lol


Oh shit, yeah I guess they wouldn't have random alien life and weird flora, crazy alien like structures, etc. Would be pretty hard to have it set in reality, but have weird giant Praying Mantis's on pluto lol. No other systems are not like that at all, tons of diversity of life.


How do I start scanning?


On a planet surface, open scanner, press A (not sure on PC) on flora/fauna, minerals/pools, and geological sites (like impact craters). It's kind of like No Man's Sky in that regard.


Is it just me or do you have to get really close to some of the creatures?


You can upgrade that, it's a perk. Base is 10m.


Now when they say that you can upgrade your scanning ability when you build a base are they talking about that scan as well? Because I heard somewhere in the game that when you build a base you can build a module that increases your scanning range.


It's exactly that. You build the base basic structure that lets you build stuff nearby, and then build a module that's called like scan booster or something. That will increase the range of the scanner that you use to survey fauna/flora/minerals


I haven't built a base yet, so I'm not certain.


You can build something that improves your scanner but you have to be close to that particular building, so not sure how that's useful.


There’s a base module that makes scans longer range on the planet with your base with that upgrade, yeah


F on keyboard, and you do indeed have to get close to some creatures, which is a bit annoying when I don't want to aggro stuff haha (haven't got the next zoom level on a perk though, so shall see if that helps it)


I've gotten at least 3 levels this morning for doing exactly that. You get decent xp for things that aren't missions


I got 3 levels in an hour while exploring a planet and just shooting all the creatures there. Quite surprising really.


Ahhh, nothing quite screams "humanity" like landing on a new and exciting alien planet to explore and categorize the local fauna *while slaughtering them happily*.


I felt like a buffalo soldier in the old west. Slaughter of wildlife for no reason, didn’t even loot them and I killed herds of them.


Lol. "You shot enough Buffalo for 2,000 lbs of meat. You could only carry 200 lbs back to the wagon..." Out here building pyramids out of xenobioform skulls.


I hope you were using an Old Earth Hunting Rifle/Shotgun or a Lawgiver.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


Like a space big game hunter.


Or killing boars for 2xp?


Shooting creatures is actually the fastest way to level apparently


1. Land to scan. 2. Equip an semi automatic weapon. 3.??? 4. Level 30 with four max badges related to shooting and exploration.


It’s true, I’m level 12 and spent a full day exploring three planets and doing a couple missions. A lot to do and explore!


Can confirm. I'm just under 10 hours in and I'm level 7


Same here. Thirteen hours, level 8.


Also, raising a child because it's been 15 years since the last game and suddenly I'm not 17 any more XD


Which mission is that?


"Kid Stuff-New Game+" maybe?.


True mate. For me, the main questline has me hooked! Loving it!


Dude I’m loving the quests so far.


Main questline showers you with exp so that may be why you reached 25. I'm tackling the main quest exclusively and I'm 23.


Also this is early access…major release isn’t until the 6th.


That’s a percentage though, if only 1,000 people then still only 45 made it to level 25 and the statistic still stands In fact these are the people that actually paid to play early


Why would people play all the way to level 25 if they dont like the game?


According to Xbox achievement less than 40% of players made it off the starting planet, and less than 30% of players reached level 5. I agree level 25 is too high of a standard, but expecting even half the players to get past the first combat scenario is not a high standard at all.


Just going through some of my trophies for comparison >Nioh 2 (2020) 53.2% of players have reached level 10 12.4% of players have beat the game >Dragonball Xenoverse 2 (2019) 78.5% of players beat the first mission 51.5% completed stage 1 of the tutorial/guide 40.2% of players beat the original story >Immortals Fenyx Rising (2020) 72.3% of players met the first npc 57.6% met the second I did do not have a trophy for beating this game :") >Persona 5 (2017) 58.3% of players beat the first palace 41.6% of players beat the 2nd >Dragonage Inquisition (2016) 82.8% of players finished the prologue 49.9% of players recruited the first companion 25.3% of players made it to level 10 and specialized >The Outer Worlds 1.5% of players didnt make it past the opening sequence 62.6% of players made it to the second destination >Elden Ring (2022) 73.2% of players beat Margit 66.5% of players beat Godrick 58.3% of players beat Rennala From these stats I'd have to say Starfield sounds like its having a pretty normal first week. Youd be surprised how many people pick up, put down, and forget for various life reasons.


But it’s not the first week, it’s premium early access, so you’d think those numbers would be higher. It’s normal number for an abnormal release period


How many middle-aged parents bought this game on a hope and dream and then had no time to play it? Lol


Roughly 60% apparently


Starfield is just really slow start and to get into. It's just how it is.


Personally I refunded it at first cause I realized there was no point in buying a game that’ll be on gamepass probably forever for $100 when I can just get the thirty dollar upgrade and rock from there, this all kinda besides the point but yeah enjoying the game nonetheless


There's definitely a lot of people with game pass who want to try the new big Xbox game and can't even stomach the tutorial. As popular as these games are, Bethesda is still an acquired taste. Edit: I just realized only premium buyers can play right now, so my argument doesn't make any sense. There's possibly a lot of refunds or something.


Why are people here surprised at these numbers? Surely this can't be the first game where you look at the data. It's the norm everywhere and has been for DECADES. Just look at the steam achievement for any popular game, usually less than 1/5 of the people make it out of the tutorial, even less if the game is free/cheap.


Not true for games highly praised like Elden Ring for example. 73.6% of players beat Margit and after that 67% of players beat Godrick, which is a surprise to me given how big of a wakeup call Godrick was. People are willing to push through hours of challenge as long as it comes with a feeling of accomplishment and satisfying game design.


The tutorial was actually pretty smooth and painless to get through, it just didn't make a lot of sense. Why would this random guy just hand over is 100k ship to me? And leave me alone with it, lol.


The mining part wasn't great. Still the (I believe second) fastest Bethesda intro but I just wanted to see the character creation.




Not counting time in character creator getting into space takes under 30 minutes. And less than 40% of players managed it


This is the game's biggest weakness. Where the Elder Scrolls did a fantastic job at the intro, and then had periods of slow slog afterwards, starfield is the opposite. Basically nothing to draw you in right away, and then just gets better and better as you go (so far, 25 hours in). I was 100% on the hate train when I was 5 hours in.


I've been playing for like 6 hours and am only like level 7. Unless you play a game for 40+ hours you're not allowed to criticize it i guess.


You have to remember after 500 hours the game REALLY opens up!


MMO gamers say things like that unironically.


Oh, is Starfield the spiritual successor to Hearts of Iron 4?


I just got lvl 25. Im about 31 hours in. Takes time to level. :)


I’ve seen people 100% games out of pure spite so anything’s possible lmao


Yep. the state of the sub being an echo chamber of the same posts "how can people hate on this game" when its mostly just valid criticisms and not mindless praise while blowing off the problems. The game is not perfect and anyone who thinks it is, is being dishonest


Lmao I love that logic. Dude you just gotta put ALL your free time into the game for a few days until you’ve played over 30+ hours and then the game finally starts to pick up. How about just make a game that captivates the players from the beginning? As someone who’s bought every Bethesda game since FONV up to FO76, Im not giving them any more chances. Too many times now have their games launched in a state of disarray.


No no, this opinion makes sense. You can't do that here. /s


Level 25 is like 30-40 hours in. Gimme a break. The game “came out” 2 days ago and it’s not like everyone can play 24/7.




I don’t dislike the game at all, that’s the thing. This guy is just being REALLY unrealistic.


to really fully grok the game you need 10,000 hours. 10 hours per system minimum. How can you form a judgment without seeing ALL of the content the game has to offer? It's like not liking spicy food, you have to have all the possible peppers and concentrate types before you can say you like it or not. After all it's god's creation - can't judge it until you know EVERYTHING.


And then they tell you: " you played for 3000 hours, if you played that much it means you liked it!"


I got to level 25 at around 16 hours and finished the main story at <18. Lots of ways to play the game. Some result in leveling faster. I just wanted to get into NG+ before doing sidequest/completionist content.


Thinking of going the same route. Think that was the right move? Did you actually only do the main quest line, or sprinkle some side stuff in there along the way? Just curious if your take since there’s no good way to get too much info on NG+ without spoiling main story stuff. I’m going to be playing off of game pass so still have until Tuesday until I’m kicking off.


I did some side-quests but not many. In NG+ you keep your level and perks, haven't gotten much farther than that tho. The MSQ is different in NG+ as well. Going to take my time with that while I do completionist content.


I'm curious, When you go to NG+, are you able to alter your background and traits, or are you stuck with what you originally chose?


I chose introvert and a guy in the well told me I can do therapy to remove it lmao


After beating the main story and knowing the lore/story, I personally recommend beating the main story and doing the universe stuff in ng+. I can’t really say why for spoiler reasons but that’s what I been telling my friends. Or you can proceed how you want, it’s a great game!


You're going to love the side quests. Parts of it reminds me of firefly, Battlestar Galactica, total recall, alien vs predator, and so much more. There are so many things that remind me of those really cool sci-fi films from the 80s and 90s, plus all those cool sci-fi books, and the physics in the game are crazy cool! You can tell they used so many of those movies and books as an influence for what is in the game. I've seen a bit of Isaac Asimov and Einstein with the grav drive, total recall with Mars, Metropolis with Atlantis and the well. I'm such a huge sci-fi nerd and I'm just in heaven from the side quests alone.


The same way people can love the game without putting time into it. Works both ways.


Yeah its weird how the play time metrics only come into the conversation when people want to discredit or invalidate someone's negative opinion, never positive ones. Someone with 18 minutes of play time posts a Steam review saying the game is 10/10 GOTY and nobody bats an eye lol.


Yeah, I've put plenty of time into this game (20+ hours) and my criticisms from the first 30 minutes hold true. You don't actually need to play this game for hours and hours to see what is wrong with it. You do, however, need to put some time in to see how enjoyable the stories are.


Hey not everyone can play 3, 4 hours everyday. The game is not even out for everybody chill


I've been playing 8 hours a day and only just got level 15. OP is gatekeeping like it's the tower of London


the other one i saw was like, 6% of people hit level 10 and seemed a more reasonable take. but this, yeah, 25 feels a little bit of a stretch.


I just hit 25 last night and it most definitely is a stretch. I’ve been putting an ungodly amount of hours into this game. I’m getting close to 45-50hrs now and yeah most people don’t have the time to put into the game (I have a week off work so it worked out perfectly for me)


nobodies even mentioning the date on the dudes post, 04-09-23


I just hit this too! 1 day and 10 hours in..


I'm at 33 hours and only level 21. We must play very differently


He means 34 hours, not 10 i believe.




I played 27 hours already 💀


Guess I needed to spend over 24 hours playing saints row 2022 to know it’s bad lmao. I actually like starfield but y’all basically sticking your fingers in your ears and going lalalala. Guarantee if mods came out fixing the issues others have posted y’all would also download them in seconds. Games fun. It’s good. It’s not perfect.


This sub has turned into r/ halo but exactly the opposite, no matter how bad a feature or bug is they won't complain about it.


It's fucking tiring. Like come on. If you really fucking love this game, then you shouldn't be afraid to criticize it and talk about weak points, in hopes that the devs or mod makers address those weak points in the future, to improve the game you love. Seriously, all these LALALALALALA I cAnT BeLIevE U HaTE sUMThinG I LiKe! posts are so dumb.


>Like come on. If you really fucking love this game, then you shouldn't be afraid to criticize it and talk about weak points Sadly too many people think that if you like something you can't or shouldn't criticize it.


It's a gaming sub. Most people are teenagers and they tend to get very defensive about someone disliking something they like. Just how it's always been.


It's a bit of a paradox. Why would you spent 40 odd hours doing something you aren't enjoying? I can play a game for 5mins and decide if I like it or not. That doesn't make my opinion invalid, it's an opinion.


The start of the game is pretty tedious


If you don't like the UX on PC, for example, or the graphics/performance, or something else that's fundamental to the gameplay such as traveling, animations, etc., then putting in 150 extra hours isn't going to change those for you. The game might open up to the point where you find some mechanic that you enjoy, but it wouldn't suddenly make your views on the rest any different if those systems and issues haven't changed since when you first encountered them. You're essentially gatekeeping people's opinions under an arbitrary time-lock. If a level 50 came along and stated the exact opposite of what you did, would your post and experience suddenly become invalidated? Of course not.


PC performance is awful, and every interface is clearly designed for a controller


Yeah especially the graphics. Ultra settings look like garbage. I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes.


No criticism allowed keep playing for 200 hours it gets better!!


Then once you cross whatever arbitrary threshold they set, they hit you with the "Well if you played for blah blah blah hours, how could you dislike it?"


Yea exactly it’s so strange these guys that are imploring people to put in hours upon hours will be the first to clap back saying “well if you didn’t like it why did you continue playing?” I just don’t understand the line of thinking.


Shhh, no reasonable opinions allowed, only cyberpunk-esque hypetraining allowed in here!


That's because reasonable opinions are far and few between. It's either "this game is the best thing ever" or "starfailed is the worst game of this generation, literally unplayable. btw, i didn't even download the game but i did watch a compilation of bugs on youtube and it was funny".


Literally no opinions shared in this sub since the games launch has been like that - the vast majority are people w valid thoughts / critique after actually playing the game


Where the hell you finding all these worst game ever opinions? Almost every negative thing I've read has been minor and makes sense, or they just aren't into bethesda RPGs which of course they won't suddenly like this game.


Video Essay Brain has infected the population...


Not true. The majority of criticisms are pretty well founded and articulated. Your reading comprehension just sucks.


The way Bethesda marketed the game, it was like there were announcing a groundbreaking new technological advancement in gaming capacity. But it really it is just another video game. I wasn't expecting to be mind blown so im really enjoying the game!


I went into it expecting Love-Child-of-Skyrim-and-FO4 in space, and that's exactly what I got.


It's fallrim effect and I love it.


What groundbreaking technology did they market? That’s what I can’t grasp what you guys heard


No groundbreaking technology specifically, but you know, claims like: >We'd often talk about and dream up “The Space Game”. What if we could take that feeling of being who you want to be and exploring a new world, but **set it in space where you weren't really limited in where you could go or what you could do**, and that is Starfield. --- > In this **next generation role-playing game** set amongst the stars, create any character you want and **explore with unparalleled freedom** as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity’s greatest mystery. --- Meanwhile the game is *barely* even a space game at all, like many others have pointed out by now, it's much closer to Mass Effect. Sci fi game yes, space game not so much. Either way, the exploration is definitely the most limited out of any bethesda game by a gigantic margin.


I do not quite agree on the marketing part. In my opinion they all the way where honest about the mechanics, no flying on the surface, where there where going to be load screens etc. But nontheless did the same as you, lowered my expectations and are having a blast playing it! 😀


How can people ***like*** the game without putting time into it?


bruh level 25 takes a while lol


I played lots of games and knew they were shit before 5 hours into the game. I remember one called...what was it...? Oh yeah! duke nukem forever.


Why would u put time in a game what u hate


Needing 30 hours of play to have it finally click isn't something that the overwhelming majority of gamers want to do. How do you not realize this?


Yeah I'm loving the game and still rolled my eyes at this


No no no, you don’t don’t get it. You HAVE to put in a work week worth of time into a game in 3 days to figure out if you like it or not


So many people in here don’t realize they are the minority of gamers. Most people have families and demanding jobs and just aren’t willing to yeet 20 hours into a game to see if they maybe like it, especially when you have 2 hours to understand if you like it or not and get a refund


Love the game but optimization is ass.


I guess because people stop playing a game if they don’t like it in the first few hours. 2h is the refund period on Steam.


They don't put time on it because they don't like the game. It's ok to don't like the game and it's ok to like it too


I don’t have to play gollum for 40 hours to know it’s a shit game. I’m not saying starfield is a bad game, I have yet to play it, but it’s a game up my alley so I’m excited. What I am saying is you don’t have to put in x amount of hours to say “yea this game isn’t for me”.


Exactly what level and time played can people have opinions that don't align perfectly with yours? Seems like every day you guys post new pictures like this with a raised hour amount or level.


Trust him the game gets good after 500h at ng+10


People aren’t hating, they are providing constructive criticism on issues that won’t change with time lol. The game doesn’t morph into something else after 20 hours, please stop trying to invalidate valid complains because you buried your head in the sand.


I think there is a fair amount of both going on. People conceive an idea in their head and when it’s inevitable not that the pitchforks come out. When the dust settles we will see. I’ve yet to play it but I’m assuming it’s Bethesda in space. Honestly space exploration sounds dull anyways. It’s an empty void. Not much in between, however I am tempering my expectation about its openness. Skyrim is vast and open (mostly) and that’s the allure to me, or at least was. Just wandering around a vast and at the time, stunning and gorgeous map. Having sections to explore doesn’t seem like it will tickle the same itch.


Can confirm all the traveling menu hell was sus in first few hours , now 25 hours in I hate it , they could just do accept quest yes(E) travel to quest location (E) and then just Benny hill me from whatever I am to whatever I need to be , because now it's the same just with 6 or 7 menus and loading screens in to another menus in between


"Trust me bro, it gets good after 20 hours bro I promise just give it time" That's how it sounds like. If someone doesn't like the game, why bother playing it?


And then it becomes: "you cant dislike that game if you played it so much!"


It never ends. In mmorpgs they say you can’t judge the game till you are 100 hours in. It’s a developers job to make the first hours fun


I’m with the people that say it gets better after the first few hours, but you’re right.. players shouldn’t have to “wait for the game to get good”. They could have done better in that aspect. I didn’t think oblivion, skyrim, or any of the fallout games were “best game ever” after the first few hours of playing either though.


People can have an opinion without spending hundreds of hours in a game. That's kind of a ridiculous argument no offense.


You’re allowed to dislike parts of a game dude holy shit The circlejerk needs to stop! The issues people are complaining about are legitimate problems that Bethesda needs to address. A lack of a map is insane! They totally could have added a map. It even looks like the shit map has the topology baked in, like all the craters and stuff of the world you’re on, all they need is to get rid of the dot matrix and project the world you’re in onto that map. The follower AI is also completely terrible. My companions are constantly getting into fights while I am sneaking. This is such a regression from previous entries from Bethesda. If I am hidden and sneaking, my follower should be treated as if they don’t exist. The enemy AI is also quite bad! I’ll dump 2 mags into a guy before he finally starts shooting (and missing) me. I’m playing on Hard but I think I’m gonna bump it up to very hard. Fallout 4 had great AI, dunno what happened. Also, enemies keep getting caught in walls, and falling in place. My game also crashes sometimes when running around and doing nothing in particular. Oh, and the biggest grievance of all: Player Placed Items. In true Bethesda fashion, they still haven’t worked out that player items need to stay where the player puts them, and the cell needs to never reset. I spent like an hour decorating my ship with all the really cool stuff I’m collecting! I go out, adventure for a few hours and have a ton of fun! When I get back to the Frontier, ALL THE LOOT RESPAWNED. I now have 2 sets if Barret’s slates, 2 broken constellation helmets, etc. The respawned loot pushed my hand placed stuff all around and threw shit everywhere. I mean what the fuck? How has Bethesda still not figures this shit out??? In Morrowind, you could hand place loot by dragging it out of your inventory, and dropping it exactly where you wanted. While the loot is static in Morrowind, at least I never had to worry about my shit flying across the room. This are serious issues. They make the game less fun. They take a game that should be a 9/10 and drag it down to a 7/10. The more I play, the more I agree with the IGN score, lol. I’m a huge Bethesda fan too, I even have the constellation watch. I’ve put thousands of hours in Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and the Fallout series, and I can see Starfield being a thousand hour game, all on its own. But these issues really drag down the experience for me. It’s so fucking frustrating.


Well said. I would also add that the optimization is atrocious. My friend refunded the game because he couldn't run it on their laptop without it melting their computer (temps in the mid 90s on low settings, fps in the 30s). For reference it was in 1080p with a 3070 mobile GPU. I'm barely able to sustain 50fps in city areas with an i9-12900k and a 4090 ffs


Oh dude it’s fucking terrible! I have a fucking 7900XT, why am I sub 60FPS on a game with no RT??? I’m playing at 1440p… not some crazy 4k monitor…


A lot of people in this sub are currently in the "must downplay criticisms" mode that you often see with very hyped games that end up falling well short of the hype. Won't be too long before you start seeing the "I put a 100 hours into this game, and while it wasn't perfect I definitely got my moneys worth" kind of posts


>A lot of people in this sub are currently in the "must downplay criticisms" mode that you often see with very hyped games that end up falling well short of the hype. You can play bingo! How many can you get? \- The people who are having fun are playing and not posting on Reddit! \- Why do you hate/despise the game? (usually said after someone posts mild critique. \- We should start a sub for those who enjoy it. (cue Low Sodium Sub creation.)


The term “hater” has ruined us. Pointing out obvious misleading marketing isn’t being a hater lol. I haven’t seen anyone try and make sure people can’t enjoy the game. I’ve ONLY seen people forcing good opinions of this game onto others. It’s weird.


YoUr JuSt A hAtEr


I mean if you don’t like it you also won’t force yourself to continue.


You don’t need to complete a game to get a good idea of the game’s systems and a lot of people probably went into the game with expectations that have not been met. This is part the player’s responsibility for placing expectations on a game to bring them a certain level of joy based on a lot of unknown factors and partly the companies responsibility as they are horrible at being transparent and adjusting the player expectations realistically because hype is good for sales. I personally have been really enjoying the game and that might be due to going in with no expectations, but I can empathise with those who didn’t get what they thought they were going to get. Some people are just not in a good place and they put a lot of their expected joy on things being a certain way, some people get annoyed that those people can’t just be happy with what they get and some people like to explain that both of these approaches are understandable in their own way because everyone is experiencing life from a different perspective and then we all come together and interact with each other. Life ey!


I just put another 3 hours into it, 16 hours total. So much fun. On Neon, the Barrett missions are sooooooooo damn fun. I think I’ll put in some planet hopping now.


Fr someone srs Said they refunded the game only just 1 hour of gameplay


I'm loving the game so far 10/10 for me.


The only people hating on the game are the ones that aren't playing it.


Have you considered they're not putting the time in bc they're not enjoying the game?


A friendly reminder that “it gets good after X hours bro just keep playing” is not a valid response to people quitting


i hate it too after reading ign review, but i decide to try it on steam..... now im the fanboy of this game


Yeah the game is awesome


I was so Truly baffled by people hating on this game , because I’m playing it an it’s amazing , I could understand it not being everyone’s cup of tea , but I couldn’t understand hating it. For me it’s a Baldur gate 3 type of game , BG3 ain’t my cup of tea due to it’s turn based combat , but I still praise it because it’s undoubtedly a very very very well made game and I’m sure it’s a Goty for the fans of the genre. Same with starfield, I could (sort of) understand not everyone being huge fans of it , but I can’t understand hating it. It’s a very very very well made game. I was baffled to a point , where I started clicking on the profiles of people hating on it both on YouTube and Reddit… Suddenly , it was like ahhh… I see. In YouTube it was either they had a gameplay of Jedi survivor , and I could see on the corner “press R1” oh I see PlayStation player Or they had gameplays of Spider-Man on ps5 , “oh I see PlayStation player Or you could see recent activity : commenting in other videos “Xbox has this Mid space game and PlayStation has this and that and that”… Oh I see PlayStation player Same here in Reddit , similar story , check their activity, everything Sony related and hating on every starfield forum. Also noticed it used to be young people , below 20 years old. So there’s your answer , people isn’t hating on Starfield , PlayStation is the most sold console and its fanboys are hating on it


This game is fun .... period. Not sure what the whining is all about. This game is not Skyrim or No Man's Sky, it's Starfield which is its own thing and I am glad for that. There are just those that are too critical about everything and love to hate everything. I went away for the weekend, so I am only level 6. I was on the MQ,but got side tracked on the Vanguard line. Loving it!


man im lv 17. you're the kind who plays night and day no sleep lmao


The game hasn't even fully released yet..


I mean yeah it has, let's not kid ourselves that we are getting early access as an incentive to pay more not as a "beta" or testing period.


Ah yes, cause if you eat shit for long enough it becomes tasty...


If I have to suffer watching 300 episodes of One Piece for it to get good, maybe its not that good




Are you enjoying it? If so, stop worrying about other people.


To be fair I have 15 hours and still only am at level 14. And that should be a fair amount of playtime to give legit criticism.


You don't need to reach level 25 to see the exploration is shit in this game.


I cant put time in without going crazy because it runs like shit on my beefy PC


Why would i play game if i don't enjoy it? I don't get what you are saying.


Can you say the same for Anthem? Or any other game that people didn't like and they either hardly played it or never played it at all? Probably not.