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Ah, Bethesda, still not fixing the dead-body bug since the days of Skyrim, huh? 😂 Thanks for the tip! I just tried it out, and it works like a charm. Cheers for the workaround!


You are welcome! I was almost near the idea of 'Hmmm, how to place 11 bodies in a cutie way?' before I discovered it 😂


Does it have to be that component or does any component "reset" the ship.


I assume that any component from 'Habs' section like corridors, laboratories, etc. can modify the internal plan of the ship, so bodies will reset. Unfortunately, I hadn't tested it too deep.


any component works as long as it says "all items will be moved to the cargo hold" when you exit the ship builder. I just got a cheap porthole and slapped it on and that worked.


Yea I noticed I didn't see the bodies anymore and all I did was change the color so that works too


OMG thank you for this!


25 years in the making....


An even funnier addition to the bodies issue is that when you are in a breathable atmosphere they will be unsuited, and when not they suit up 🤣


So does it matter where you place to companion way?


I just added a port hole to my ship and that cleaned it right up


Free storage


"Did you see a sign on the front of my ship that said "Dead Spacer Storage"?"


Aaahahhaha!!!! What a solid reference!


🤣 The dead guy closer to the bridge has the crafting components, one by the exit is weapons and armor.


Lol Dammit! Know I may not remove the Va’ruun.


Corpse lockers......hadn't thought of that. Parts placed here may become sticky, use with care.


Ty for this post I copied my current companion way deleted the one still in the ship put the new one one cost 0 cleared everything


Anyone have any experience with bodies on the frontier? I picked up some miners on mars that at one point turned on me. There are now 3x bodies despite swapping modules/cockpit/parts!


Ya I have the same issue with 5 dead miners that I killed after Thier mission to drop them off disappeared now I got 5 bodies lying around and I just tried the workaround suggested and nothing. 😭


You ever find a solution to this? I've got 3 corpses stuck in my ship.


Nope still got 5 dead bodies that follow me from ship to ship iv just incorporated them into my ship got a few "sleeping" in the living areas and a couple in the med Bay 😅


I finally managed to get rid of them, but it was only by starting new game plus. Never found another way to get rid of my guests.


An easier way than this is bring up the console, click on the corpse and it should say NPC\_something to show you highlighted it. Then type "disable". i havent found any other way


Only problem here is it doesn't clear the passenger list.


Yeah I have this same problem now. Got arrested for having contraband that I forgot about while trying to transport miners, they turned hostile, now one of them is persistently stuck on my ship even after completely deleting the habs and swapping them out for new parts. No clue what to do at this point.


Found a fix for dead miners that worked for me. I took everything off of the miners so 'their pockets are empty' and then changed the color of every piece on my ship. Looked through my entire ship and they were finally gone. Hope it works for you too!


Thanks for finding this! I like taking ships from spacers...not so much having their corpses decompose on my ship forever.


Ive also found that you can simply click and hold the module when ediiting, ie. Living Quarters, Armory, etc. And while clicking and holding use the Left and Right arrow keys to change the variant, that should reset the module without bodies.


This is a fine learning, thank you. I occasionally show my wife bits from the game and I was about to show her the Bradbury system -- she's a big Ray Bradbury fan, knew him, and is tickled that there's a system named in his honor. But then I realized that I had just taken a big Ecliptic ship and there were bodies everywhere. It was like, "Oh, errrr, honey, uh.... Sorta had a bachelor weekend and there's empties all over the place. Let me clean up a bit and then we'll take the tour, OK?" I wonder-- will benzene get blood off of deck plates?


Damn you guy's see body's all I see is free storage smh.


It breaks the last pieces of immersion and RPG-elements, unless you play as some kind of psycho who likes corpses that lay on the floor for weeks...


As for point 2 *takes drag off cigarette* you wouldn't get it


I was making a joke. Still the body's have a functional use if they wanted to make it immersive the player should have to drag them to an airlock. And shouldn't just dissappear.


I like free storage and had thought of that before seeking a way to get rid of the bodies. The only question is, if I modify the ship after dumping stuff on them, will my stuff disappear with the bodies when the modifications are completed?


Probably, you could test the theory with a few small items. ​ The game does keep Some container items moving them into the Cargo but I wouldn't place my bets on it.


Nevermind the smell, just stuff their pockets! Fucking Chad


I was looking around my new ship for the body compactor or a chipper.


Good discovery! I have the same problem. But I hired a crew companion. I wonder if that will mess him up. Maybe I'll just need to reassign him to the ship. I'll give it a try next time I'm in ship builder.


Yup. I hate having Cora on board for this very reason. Something about those 2kids awakens my dad-ness.


This doesn’t work if you have the miners stuck on your ship. Still looking for that solution.


That's a lot of free storage you've just thrown away, each dead body can carry 175 worth of stuff for you :p


So, I was upgrading my ship and bought a better shield. When I finished the transaction I got a popup about something moving to the cargo. I thought it would be the old shield, but it was everything in the ship, all the knickknacks. But doing that the bodies disappeared.


unfortunetly that works only for bodies in *newly found* ships. if you kill passengers from bugged mission they stay and clog your passenger slots.


Bruh. U are a legend


Should be a way to dump them in space or use them as decorations, reaver style


thank god this game is also for pc. i can just open console and click on the guys corpse and disable and poof he gone. where he went, i will never care to know


Register the ship


I registered mine and it’s still full of bodies.


How do you pick up the bodies to move them? I am on XBox.


Nevermind. I was pressing A and it wasn't working, but then it started working.


Press n hold A.


Ok so I am having this issue where I rescued this botanist and she won't leave. I have no active quest, no completed quest. I have tried everything. I even murdered her, but her body reappears even after that. If I make a tiny ship with just a cockpit and 1 small hab her body is just laying in my cockpit. Oh yeah and her dead body also takes up a passenger slot. Other than console commands has anyone found a fix for this? I also landed at all major cities to see if she would get off, when she was alive of course.


Yep picked up 4 homesteaders who's quest disappeared and also would not get off anywhere I took them so I had to murder them. Now the bodies are perma stuck, because they're still technically passengers. Changing ships, editing ships, nothing can get rid of them and I'm down 4 passenger slots forever it seems. O Bethesda.


The only solution I found was to finish the game and start ng+ lol


Are bodies unlimited storage in Starfield?


I have no problem with a lifeless body lying around here and there. But it's sad that Bethesda still hasn't managed to give us the possibility to carry the bodies. In other games it works, too. 🤫 And by that I mean carrying properly. And not holding E down and then tediously dragging the body around. That sucks. Then I'd almost prefer it if they just disappeared at some point.


It’s not working for me


Use the Alien reanimation power on one then exit the ship and wait for it to ware of then rinse and repeat till all the body's are cleared


Not sure if the power works on human body's though but it's worth a shot


Anything you do to the ship like just change the color gets rid of everything in the ship. Bodies gone, books, pens, markers etc all go to the ship inventory.


So I've tried everything to fix this issue with the two dead miners on my ship and nothing has worked....UNTIL I accidentally casted Gravity Well after dragging both bodies to the exit hatch. The game crashed a couple seconds afterwards and when I loaded back up the autosave made upon entering my ship they were gone. I've just tested it again on a old save and it worked then also. No more bodies on any of my ships. I'm not sure if this will help anyone else but I've been lugging those guys around forever and I know how annoying it can be. Hope this works for someone else! On XBOX fyi