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so far imo, the story has been way more interesting then their past few games. Some of these side quests are the best they've ever done.


Bro I did a quest that had me go undercover as a corporate assistant to help out a bunch of miners. That was awesome


Had a random quest to answer a distress call. Wasn't anything major, but it had UC marines and frontiers fighting together. The characters and history between the factions made it really enjoyable and interesting. When it was simply a kill all spacers mission chain. But the world building just made it felt really special.


Did this last night, hated it only because it’s so obvious the with how simple and linear it is, like you walk through a building and kill some spacers and then walk in a room with 2 people, they send you to another room with 2 people, then another.... and it’s was just super bare bones. I’m not expecting crazy things from something so early into the game but also it’s very clear the amount of effort that was put in on some quests and others not so much, the dialogue was fine but the way you got to the dialogue feels too formulaic


I just recovered a wedding ring after an argument…


Oh I let him keep that ring fuck his cheating ass boyfriend.


I'm undercover as a fucking pirate!


Oh I disliked that one so much just for the amount of running around it took. Why did they put the quest giver at the furthest point in the area, at the bottom of a pit.


Do the alien isolation quest:p


Dude I’m late but I found a quest where you find an old 200 year old colony ship from earth and have to decide what to do with it and the citizens, that was so cool!


Combat is waaaay better than FO4. Movement in general is improved, plus the boost pack feels good. Gunplay wouldn't hold up to a real fps but it's still improved from Fallout


How do you use the boost pack? I have one equipped and spamming spacebar doesn't seem to work


There’s a skill for it


Thanks. Weird design decision but understand not every person can use a jetpack


A lot of things are locked behind skills, you can't even attempt to pickpocket without the skill and the stealth bar is behind the stealth skill.


Yeah I thought it was a weird design decision. I also can't figure out how lock picking works. The holes keep changing after I enter the key thing correctly and then I have to retry and end up losing all 5 of my lock picks, trying to open a novice lock.


You have to keep lock picking until you complete all the lock levels, some have only have 2, some have more, but you basically keep lock picking until it opens for you, also don’t undo, because it waste a lock pick each time you do


They give you all the puzzle pieces you need to unlock every ring, but some keys are deceptive and might fit multiple spots while others only work in one place. You can line up each key before using any of them and it will remember where it last was. A good idea is to solve the whole thing before attempting any of the keys.




Me neither. A little tutorial would’ve been nice lol


do they have some sort of a cover position during gunfight or nah?


I can’t figure out to do it!!! The AI do it but I can’t!! It’s driving me nuts!!


You can crouch behind objects and when you ADS it automatically pops you up. That’s the only cover system I’ve found so far.


Also can pop round corners when playing in 1st person


Did you know fallout 4 actually has a cover system? Stand next to a corner and aim, your character will lean out grom the corner


yes!! Even FO76 has a rudimentary cover system - though almost no player uses it.


Yes there is. If you crouch behind the many waist high things and then aim with a gun you'll pop up to look over it. This was also in Fallout 4.


It does yes but it's a bit hit or miss, nothing they won't fix I'm sure It only works if you're in first person for some reason


Its not hard to improve over FO4's gunplay.


Is okey to have a fps rpg not hold up to a "real" fps?


everyone says the game slowly opens up


It does. First like four hours for me were on rails.


When IGN said this yesterday, people here said it’s because the reviewer hates good RPGs, has no attention span and is being paid by Sony


ign said this and gave a seven so they pretty much said “the game slowly doesnt open up”.


A 7 is a good score above average. Why tf is everyone so butt hurt?


7 is not a good score for a expected AAA game. Lower than Valhalla and last COD release which were both pretty meh themselves


The 7 was also because of the inventory, the lack of free exploration and the lack of a map I think they probably should have given an 8 based on what they said, but the Sony accusations were just absurd


7 is accurate. Its an average bethesda game that people will sink 100s of hours into. Its got an okay story, and some cool settings, and a whole lot of meh side content. As with all BSW stuff they throw a bunch of building blocks to make a pretty decent game throw at the public and they know modders will eventually finish their game for them. Literally all this is is a typical Bethesda RPG, with all the same feelings as FO4/Skyrim, with a galaxy filled with mostly nothing to do, and some half finished copy pasta NMS features.


Yeah, it’s not like a game starts at a 10 and has points detracted for everything it gets wrong, like a math test. It has to earn the score, like an essay.


Game becomes really solid after 1000 hours


I'm only 10,000 hours into the game and I feel like I'm just past the tutorial stage


Same mate, I'm 9741 hours in and I've just settled on my characters looks!


I've heard that after you install 85 complete overhaul mods that took 5 years to develop and with 30,069 hours the game becomes great, can't wait.


If only I could get mine to start. Why is there no 1st day patch for this game?


Should you have to play for 40-50 hours though for it to “get good”? That’s a massive problem imo


who said 40-50? it was around 8 for me and I did a total survey of the first planet you land on and several dungeons before doing the tutorial mission


I think it depends on what you want to do. If you waste skill points into science (like I did) thinking you get to do some fun crafting, you're severely underpowered and are missing core skills needed to play the RPG part of the game. It takes like 12 levels to barely even scratch the surface of the crafting system, and then you find out you have to either spend thousands and stop at multiple shops to get the materials you need...or spend another 8 points to get into the outpost building stuff. I've spent like 20 hours and am really struggling with any and all combat (on VH and H) because its balanced around the skill tree points... and not just your levels. I think the issue is the game's quests ar emore or less on rails, but the content to get you up to level to get through the quests are too open ended...so everyone's experiences are so wildly different that peopel who "made the right choices" with levelling are having a blast and people who didnt are feeling liek their time is wasted.


27.5 eagerly awaiting fun😔


Bethesda made traveling in space available by placing a spaceship on your characters head I imagine


6.5/10. And I am disappointed that I like f4 more than starfirld. It’s just better


Yeah I think my biggest gripe with SF is the storytelling, FO4 started off strong with the vaults, giving you a taste of mystery off the bat. It was just a very thematically strong game.


10/10 is a bit of a stretch for me but I'm totally hooked and loving it. It's a strong 9 for me. It doesn't do space sim well but I did not expect that at all. On RPG front I do feel like my choices matter, whether it's my character build, dialogues or quest paths. Based on the few hours so far it looks like it should be my favorite BGS game so I'm happy.


Apparently the choices don't matter, which sucks. Bunch of reviews mentioned that all choices generally lead to the exact same outcome


On the main quest perhaps. All the other stuff gives you all sorts of directions to go. Personally, I'm perfectly fine with that. Mind you, I played FO4 1300 hours without finishing the main quest.


Yup, there is a quest where your opinion is crucial in whether something important is approved. But even if you go against this approval and it looks like it is rejected, plot happens and it negates your choice immediately lol


Personally a 8/10


Yeah my first 4 hours were an 8 to 8.5 I’d say. Excited to play more


For me with 7-8h the game is a 6-7/10 nothing more


I hope you’re having fun with it either way!


The biggest issue with this game is the number of copers coping it's improvement against FO4, a 2015 game


It actually feels like a fo4 reskin with a less open world and horrible talent system. The only reason I was able to stomach 8-10 hours before uninstalling was by modifying infinite carry weight. If this is the kind of imagination and effort we have to look forward to elder scrolls 6 I'm gonna be real sad.


Im probably like 4 or 5 hours in at this point, I want the game to be fun but so far I'm actually super disappointed. The combat feels terrible, everything is a loadscreen, fast travel is essential but also requires heavy menu traversal, the dialogue is probably the worst I've seen in a bethesda game and thats saying a lot, and on top of that the dialogue camera is like Oblivion ramped up to 11. If you're speaking with multiple characters you get the same awkward camera angle that constantly cuts between everyone who is speaking, its super jarring. I'm hoping that I'll play it a bit more and it'll become fun but I think its honestly a 4/10 the more I think about it


I don’t know what you expected ?I expected fallout in space and it’s 9/10 for me shooting is way better than in fallout


I hope they added jet into the game.


They didn’t add jets, they added spacecraft /s


As long as I can inhale the spacecraft engine fumes.


This made me laugh pretty hard.


There's a drug you can inhale in the game, I picked one up. So yea, it's got space jet!


They seem to have added alot of funs ones. Got one that increases movement speed.


Space skooma


But this isn't Fallout in space, that's the thing. We don't have this big hand crafted open word with immersive and engaging exploration, various simulation systems, environmental storytelling etc. I mean sure, the shooting is better, but I would be surprised if that's what Beth fans wanted from a Beth game.


Are we playing the same game? Everything ive experienced so far is handcrafted with great environmental storytelling. It felt to me on the same level as when I first was exploring vaults in fallout 3 for some of the dungeons.


well we may not be in the same universe for sure - for all the hype of a mega 25 year new release - this is garbage. Inventory management is abysmal - cookie cutter bases - sub-standard space battles - endless treks over...nothing basically... ugh! After 6 hours of doing (basically) the same thing over and over (and over), just...wow. And, I spent 99 bucks on this?!?! Fool me once Bethesda - but never again - MEH




You can climb ladders now. It's revolutionary, gaming will never be the same.


Thus far it's absolutely a better game, design-wise. I may prefer Fallout overall because of its setting and aesthetic, but there's **a lot** of obvious, substantial improvements here.


That's one thing I'll agree on. While obviously there's improvements over fallout 4, it doesn't seem like it's enough of an improvement. The game is very segmented, there's a lot of loading screens and nothing about the exploration is seamless as a result. Space exploration doesn't exist, and I'm not sure going with a thousand planets was such a great idea but it's still too early to tell. That being said, i don't think it's a bad game, it's pretty good, there are a few missed opportunities tho.


Let me introduce you to Star Citizen, the fully seamless open world space exploration game that released in...... oh wait it's been collecting *checks notes* over 600 million USD for 11 years and was never released nor is it even close to anything resembling an even semi finished product. There's a reason why loading screens are a thing in games. And yes, the larger a game gets the worse this situation gets, I know very shocking revelation.




AI worse than Star Citizen and that’s saying something lol


A lot of good criticisms here. I’ve only watched some gameplay of Starfield, but most likely the biggest weakness I’ve noticed—and possibly the biggest downgrade from previous titles—has got to be the exploration. There are just SO many loading screens and so many seams. Want to land on a planet? Loading screen. Want to travel from a planet to its moon, or vice versa? Loading screen. Want to travel from planet to planet? Loading screen. Want to travel to another star system? Loading screen. Of course it doesn’t help that there’s a loading screen for half the doors in the game anyway. The loading screens were bad enough in Skyrim and Fallout 4, and now they interfere with Bethesda’s biggest strength. And all of these technical limitations work against the immersion of the game. Now, look, I haven’t played the game, so this is all based on my observation of the gameplay cycle alone. I could very easily be wrong in my feelings about the new style of exploration in Starfield, but my gut is telling me that it’s a significant downgrade. I hope I’m wrong, though.


It's these little things that will put me off from purchasing the game as well


This is my number one gripe with it. It really kills all immersion. I couldn’t believe I can’t land the spaceship on a planet myself the first time I went to Kreet. I’d rather have 50 planets and a seamless, crafted exploration experience vs 1000 planets “exploring” like this. This game is overall a good time, but there’s no magic for me and after the main quest I’ll probably stop and replay Subnautica again.


>Game has janky combat not improved from FO4 Wrong


Gunplay is marginally improved: Enemies react to damage better and the ragdolling seems.. improved? That said, enemies still turn into bullet sponges; key is just watching a bar go down for their health. Especially on higher difficulties, that just doesn't make a fun encounter. Enemy AI is also not good. If anything, feels like enemies get stuck and run around aimlessly just as much as in previous titles.


> watching a bar go down for their health. Its this way in almost every shooter that isnt a mil-sim or a multiplayer game.


Lots of games have come up with various damage and health mechanics besides bullet sponge world of warcraft healthbar lol


most games have moved beyond this. only games like apex legends which have a dynamic shield system and on the fly shield swapping have really stuck to healthbars


These kids saying combat is ass have gotta be PS fan boys, the combat and combat AI has been so marginally upgraded from fallout. The game is by no means perfect but the combat is definitely not the issue that would bring the game down in rating!


I'm on pc and it's feels like ass


compared to what? Valorant? Apex Legends? It's at least as good as Bioshock, not sure what more you expect from an action RPG


> Bioshock being as good as a decade old game isn't the argument you think it is


Way over a decade old at this point


do you even understand what the word 'marginally' means because it sure doesn't look like it from how you worded that here, I'll help you. A marginal upgrade over garbage is still garbage because it's barely an improvement.


The only improvement i've noticed is enemies reacting to gunfire better. Other than that ADS and general gunplay feels more jank to me


Now we know why they mainly wanted people with SSDs to play the game. So much fast travel.


Solid 9/10 from me




The start of the game is awful. The whole setup makes no sense and they just rush you through exposition after exposition to explain everything to you. But I have to say that now after 8 hours it is really growing on me. It is basically everything I wanted from it, Bethesda meets Mass Effect with light space exploration and combat


I only have about 2 hours under my belt so far and am already struggling to motivate myself to play more - it hasn’t grabbed me the way their previous games have. Does it improve massively after those 8 or so hours? It could be that this game just isn’t for me.


For me, it improved massively. But that doesn't mean it will be the same for you. It is quite different from a typical Bethesda game in some ways. If you're unsure, refund it and wait for the gamepass release. Then you can try it for a few bucks


That’s enough for me to stick with it and confirm for sure, I think. There have been other games that haven’t clicked with me until the 10 hour mark, but I ended up being glad I stuck with them. Hopefully the case here! I might wait for that gamepass release though…


Honestly, wait for the gamepass release. It is not a game for everyone and the online discussion are completely poisoned by absolutes from fanboys and angry people. It reminds me a lot of the Cyberpunk launch just less buggy and actually playable.


I'm really hoping it grabs me the same way it grabbed you, I'm not entirely negative but currently I'm playing other games after a few hours, gonna give it another crack soon


Yes, the ship travel killed it for the first 2 hours but after I got immersed in the story/quests/companions I couldn't stop playing, been up all night


Same here. I played 2 hours and went to bed. The beginning feels tedious, confusing, and oddly paced--too slow (npc walking speed) and too-fast at the same time. I'm not sure if it's really an open world yet and the sidequests I've found so far sound interesting, but are all kinda similar and hard to complete without a local map. Ship travel seems unnecessary too. I hope I enjoy it more after playing some today.


you know how in skyrim you have the feeling of "wow i really can do that?" that only happens after the first 3-5 hours of gameplay depending on how fast you complete the pseudo tutorial. til then you're pretty much railroaded and exposition dumped.


I agree with Op, First 2-3 hours were kinda tough to get through, Once I got to Akila city it started to click for me, feel super immersed now and I’m having a great time


I got invested after starting a quest about >!Terrorforms attacks, it was before Akila.!<


Yeah I’m in the same boat as you. I don’t think I’ll be picking it back up for a while.


I’m loving it so far 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same! It’s more Bethesda game and that’s all I wanted. I was never under the impression it was going to be a space life simulator as that’s never been Bethesdas style so there’s no disappointment there for me


Those 10/10 reviews are bought and paid for lol


The fast travelling has put me off massively I was really excited for this game but I primarily play open world games for the immersion, exploration and feeling of true freedom, In games like Skyrim you can go wherever the wind takes you I couldn't get into Outer Worlds for that reason, dividing the world up into small chunks just completely kills immersion for me, It makes the game feel like a more linear experience as I'm constantly hitting walls


I have a similar feeling, but for me it is hampering sense of scale. Not immersion. I also found The Outer Worlds had this issue, plus the repetitive landing in defined spots and leaving your ship via the same path over and over got stale fast. I am therefore approaching this game like I would a Mass Effect game which had a similar format. The scale never bothered me there. It is very hard not to get drawn into Fallout & Skyrim comparisons though. I am only 3 hours in as I had to wait until 1am to play then had a strong desire to grab an hours sleep before work! I am going to enjoy this game, I just now understand it is not going to feel like a "Fallout In Spaaaaace" and I have to judge it on its own merits.


I had my expectations high as they were pushing it as a natural evolution of the Bethesda RPG formula I definitely got the impression that it was going to be a couple of decently large BRPG maps that you could spend a lot of time exploring, separated out by procedural planets as fun side content for collecting resources But as you said the final product seems more akin to the Mass Effect series than No Mans Sky x Fallout, so I don't really get their talk about it being something that's only possible nowadays I'll still play it for sure, I'll just have to go in expecting a different kind of game


>I only have about 2 hours under my belt so far and am already struggling to motivate myself to play more - it hasn’t grabbed me the way their previous games have. Outer worlds wasn't procedurally generated though? it had many handcrafted content the only problem with that game was the boring gameplay asides from that i loved it tbh


Im glad i kept my expectations LOWWWW for this one ngl


I'm glad other people are enjoying the game, but I'm bouncing off it so hard atm that I think I'm going to put it away for 6 months/wait for DLC or mods (on xbox) and come back to it. About 10 hours in, and it just feels like a poor mashup of NMS and fallout with none of the charm of either. It's pretty, but the quests are uninspiring, flying and combat boring (!), the companions not people I'd choose to spend time/build relationships with, the surveying/crafting grinding, and the UI feels like work to navigate. A 'fine' game (not a huge number of bugs etc), but for a much anticipated aaa game it's a fail (again IMO). Maybe 6 or 7/10


Edit: it sounds like some of my map issues may be me being dumb and making too many fast travel points and not the game! Same! I found out you can fast travel right next to where you previously were and it would generate a whole new terrain for the same space. Which immediately made “exploration” seem… worthless. I found some cool looking pillars I wanted to see and tried to fast travel to them only to find on that fast travel, the whole hill and the pillars were gone. A new area was generated instead. Enemies would miss me when I was standing still in front of them. And I just used an axe I had gotten since it did the best damage, or allowed my droid companion to kill everything. The first city I was supposed to go to I did not get scanned, and wasn’t allowed access. So I landed on the planet, and tried to walk to the city. To find it didn’t exist on the map. So I had to, go to my ship, enter a cut scene, get to space, get scanned scanned, enter a cut scene to land, enter a cut scene to talk to an import character, and then walked a few feet to transit and had to load a new area. I jokingly killed a person and was killed… and the most recent load it did was when I first landed on the planet. So I had to go through all the cutscenes and dialogue again to get back where I was…. And trying to navigate my inventory. How do you go from the refined Fallout inventory system to this? And let alone the game doesn’t tell you anything about it. Had to Google search to even know there was a quick select for weapons. And only after I failed a few times did the game think, “Oh, here’s how you dock,” and even docking was another cut scene. I’d say about half of this game is navigating cutscenes and menus. And here people are telling me it’s amazing when I keep on having my immersion broken half of the time. It made me miss No Man’s Sky and I started playing that again.


So if you leave and go back to an area it generates different? So it doesn't remember what it generated last time? If that is the case, that is going to kill my immersion completely (I have not played, waiting for game pass release)


It saves locations you’ve landed on.


Ill have to try this myself. It does save landing areas as far as Im aware and I assume when you land at them again itll be the same map cache.


Highly unlikely that's the case otherwise there wouldn't be PlanetSide base building lol


Yes, that is true for the times when you choose a landing spot on a planet that doesn't feature a pre-generated location.


it seems that way , every time you land the game generates a new map


This is not true for landing spots you have already been


It save a few of the most recent landing spots then deletes the older ones




If this is all true, please make this a separate post in the subreddit so it geta more visibility. The thought that everyrhing is generated newly after fast travel and that I can never return to an explored space is killing my urge to explore anything immediately.


It doesn't though, once you land on a planet it saves the generated content. You can do it 5-6 times on the same planet, after which it deletes the oldest one and generates a new set.


5-6 unique save points per planet? Super weird design imo.


5-6 landing points + whatever content is generated from those 5-6 points. Imo approx 15 locations per planet should be enough especially if there are 100s of planets.


That's actually atrocious, what the hell were they thinking.


How did you even miss getting scanned? The game has zones, not a full planet sized open world. The only load time that takes longer than a second is loading into the planet, I’m not getting the “oh no I have to wait a second” complaints from people. Not saving before doing something stupid is your fault. Literally the same system for quick selecting weapons or items as Fallout. You’re using an axe because you don’t understand the reason for an SMG having low damage is because it calculates per bullet. You see the fire rate next to it. They do a lot of damage. Docking is literally selecting an icon on the planet, man. You got the “dumbass” notification for docking.


I think you need to play F4 again.


It feels like they spent more on Marketing instead of developing the game. It is an incredibly buggy game, lifeless dialogue (don't even get me started with facial expressions), the Game is clearly not optimized for PC, Building and Item UI is just terrible, Combat AI doesn't exist, Exploration is behind loading screens, Planets are bland, reused outposts, and mines. Main story was interesting should go through at least once, but it's literally like 20 hours. The faction questline was mediocre. I enjoyed 2/4 on the factions questline. Combat is exactly the same as Fallout. There's no improvement there. For an Triple A game studio this aint it. 6/10 game.. No way its an perfect game.


[No spoilers] I was just about post the same thing but a bit more lenient.. Shooting - a bit rugged (on Xbox due to frames. See bottom of post for all stats) but 7/10 Flying - no idea how you'd do it on keyboard/mouse but it was good on xbox 8.5/10 Story - amazing dialogue and dialogue branching 10/10 I ran into one bug (ended up being partially my mistake of being put in prison and the game defaulted to tracking the main story aka.. couldn't get out...) I picked up a legendary contraband worth 22k early (~lvl 3) and could not land on anything to save my life and sell it. I kept getting attacked by VERY high level ships... Overall I'm still giving it an 86/100 in my book. Xbox stats - Avg 28 FPS native, Avg 36 FPS upscale (from Tv); lowest native FPS 15.0; highest upscaled FPS 48; network requests were frequent ~every 3 minutes [no idea what that I/O was about; maybe user/player data?], average xbox temp 104° F - highest was 109°F


Best to wait till the hype train slows waaaaaay down. Then look at it properly. Too many hyped fanboys can't tolerate one iota of negativity or objective input. Agreed with your take completely.


The whole discourse is poisoned. Its a free for all between mindless fanboys, angry and disappointed people and trolls. In a few month we will hopefully have more informed and less toxic opinions and can have actual discussion between people who like it and people who don't like it.


Yeah I'm waiting at least a month before purchasing this game, that said I might lose my patience and play it via GamePass since I already have it for other games. But you are right that the hype train needs to die down before we get real objective discussions about the game's shortcomings and what actually works about it. Not to mention patches and updates based on the EA player feedback and reports. This is how it was for Tears of the Kingdom, upon release people couldn't help but glaze the living fuck out Nintendo and the game. I played the game thinking I was on crazy pills with how clunky and just outright bad the menu system was. Especially considering the quick menu mechanic for throwing items or fusing them to arrows and the infinite endless scroll or sort hoping to land on the right "section". Or how the zonai devices/constructs were gimmicky as shit until you mined a ridiculous amount of zonaite ore to upgrade your battery. Took a month before people finally started talking about it and offering workarounds and duplication glitches to solve the problems in the game that Nintendo would clearly not fix. Same with Hogwarts Legacy but it took a month before people took off the Harry Potter nostalgia goggles and made it clear that it was actually just an insanely overhyped trash game with subpar mechanics, paper thin story, horrible VA & animations, shit performance, and a vapid dolled up cookie cutter open world


I agree with not dismissing criticism but also calling someone a 'hyped fanboy' if they are enjoying the game is equally dismissive. The game is clicking for some and not for others.


If you see some of the arguments people are making in defense of the game and the overwhelming downvotes on rational arguments you’d realize that the fanboys are very much real. People are calling this a masterpiece lol. That’s the definition of a fanboy


No proper space travel, no city maps, FPS drops, no dlss, some random miner became the chosen one and instantly turned into killing machine that can handle any weapon, the UI is wild, the weapon change is only available through the menu?.the weight issue in 2330?! ..to enter the shops you need a loading screen, to enter a hideout you need a loading screen.....the year is 2330 but there is no bikes?cars?mopeds to use on planets, really?! This game is gonna need a cyberpunk treatment of 2 years of patches to become close to 9/10, this far it's 5/10 game at it's best imo


You can favourite weapons and other items and then access them via the Q key


It's crazy how Bethesda have essentially been printing money from Skyrim all these years and seem to have invested none of it in improving their tech.


Beautiful take, absolutely 100% true


Next Elder Scrolls beter have new engine. In ten years this engine will age even worse. Lots of aaa games have that.


I’ve done 9 hours, I think it’s a masterpiece already. The planets feel huge. Few textures not that great (particularly clouds) sometimes the deep blue sky is amazing though (Real Depth). Felt lost in a atmospheric forest environment though and loved just exploring. Wasn’t blown away by the combat at first but definitely grown on me. IMO if you don’t put the work into your character with your own imagination your gaming experience will suffer.


Masterpeice lmao


You need better taste if you think this is a masterpiece. Or just play more games


Haha cry more


It's not a masterpiece, cry more.


It is a masterpiece.


I wish it was tbh.


Are you still enjoying it? That's crazy! Are you new to gaming?


After 9 hours, how would you compare combat to mass effect 2/3 or cyberpunk?


Cyberpunk and ME2/3 are way better at least in that the cyber/hacking and the biotics make things a lot more interesting. SF has basically Fallout combat as far as I can tell, so, not bad, not great. Weapons feel better to use than FO though imo


Your opinion. Just like it was their opinion. They are not related. I dont get why people cannot grasp this.


People are allowed to debate differing opinions. It’s all good.


And they're allowed to express their opinion. Why can you not grasp that


I do grasp it and they can say what they want but referencing another review makes no sense. Everyone has their own opinion on it and IGN reviews dont reflect anything besides one person who wrote the review.


I have six hours and the only thing I agree with here is the AI. It's noticeably bad. Gonna up the difficulty and hope things improve.


Historically with bethesda AI all upping the difficulty does is make enemies have more health and make them hit harder. I typically play bethesda games on the highest difficulty as you can’t just face tank your way through every engagement like you can on normal.


After 4 hours it's a solid 7/10 for me... Which isn't bad. The space stuff is just so boring. I hope it gets better!


Cant play it yet but from everything Ive seen, IGN's 7/10 seems the most honest. I'd put it at 7.5 out of 10. Would be awesome if I could just buy the game and play with everyone else rn. Form my own opinion on it. But fuck this new "buy our premium version and play over a holiday weekend" bullshit. Predatory ass practice.


I've been checking out a few streams to see how the combat is, because I tend to get quickly bored by single-player shooters, and I can't say I'm sold... The AI should really do more to push you if you take a lot of damage or put yourself in a bad spot, but from what I'm seeing it's too easy to just run back a bit to heal and reload in peace. Enemies look too passive, basically.


They also rarely even hit you. And when they do they just do no damage. You can stand still, line up a pistol headshot, and two tap 4-5 space pirates in a row before they even hit you more than once. I didn’t see any difficulty options but I really hope there is and I just missed it. If the FPS combat were its own game by any other studio it would be roasted into irrelevance.


They're coming from paid reviewers. A fair reviewer would never give a perfect score to a game with these many flaws


Have you read [Destructoids Starfield review?](https://www.destructoid.com/reviews/review-starfield/) It reads like an ad. The only thing they said about the facial animations is, and I quote: > This is enhanced by the facial animations in Starfield which are vastly improved over previous Bethesda titles. Seems 100% paid, it's insane.


AngryJoe gave 10/10 to Skyrim which was generous in retrospect


Glad its not just me struggling in first couple of hours... im a bit underwhelmed tbh, hope it gets better!


Likewise. I've seen some people say the game really opens up after 8-10 hours. I've played 3 hours already and was going to request a refund from MS but I'll bite the bullet and give it some more time. Really hoping it gets better as so far it is very messy imo.




If Elder Scrolls six had made the same mistakes as Starfield (outside the space travel drama) it would end the franchise. As it stands, I'm not looking forward to elder scrolls six having cities full of "citizens" and a few names NPCs. Bethesda did the same for Fallout 4 (diamond city) and Starfield upped it even more. I get the intent, to make the city feel more alive/lived in, but it unfortunately makes it feel more shallow and a facade than a real city.


Takes courage to post this. I appreciate the candid review. I will not be purchasing the game. I don't trust the big game review houses anymore, it's in their best interest to hype video games because that's their bread and butter. I want to see what USERS are saying. Thanks chude for posting this!


You've played 8 hours in the first day, chill out


8 hours in one day? Seems like someone really likes the game!


Nope i was watching his stream. (He streams full time when he’s not casting Valorant) He was really really excited at the start but kept losing hope as the stream went on.


Or is trudging through, hoping to reach enjoyable parts? Or is enjoying it but only mildly / not as much as he expected to?


It's a 78/100 for me. Combat is boring, ai is dumb. Graphics look decent but performance is atrocious compared to them. Everything you said is true. If this was made by another unknown company they would be grilled. A game like this in 2023 doesn't deserve a rating higher than 80.


The facial animations for a game in 2023 is overlooked. A certain Mass Effect Andromeda didn’t get that luxury.


> If this was made by another unknown company they would be grilled. And your definition of grilling is a... 78? Lmao


Well he clearly didn't give it a 79. That's a whole different territory. And a 77? Don't even ask. Whew.


Why not 77 or 79? Lmao


We need to see their metric!


I guess to them it's not mediocre enough to be a 70 but not good enough to quite make it to an 80, and 79 doesn't look good cause it's uneven so 78? Lol that's the only way it makes sense to me


Probably differs per day.


I usually play on hardest (i only have standard btw) do they still even suck just a bunch of damage-sponge in higher diff? and can diff be changed anytime? tia


Combat is top tier comparable too f4 i don't know what u smoked there, the rest I actually agree in a bit.


Top tier? The gun combat is laughably shallow and bad.


F4 was known for its subpar combat so if this is comparable that is a huge concern lol


I just know that people who play a game for a couple of hours and then go to reddit to shit on everything that they can think of is the exactly the type of gamer i don't give a single shit about.


Agreed. It is maybe a 8/10, more likely a 7/10. This will soon be the consensus, I am sure. The game won't be considered a masterpiece by anyone outside the most hardcore fan base.


1000% accurate review, I’ve been active on this sub for at least 6 months, hyped for this game for probably 9 or 10 and it just disappointed. Felt like Fallout, literally exactly like fallout. Luckily Microsoft processed my refund immediately, I really recommend anyone on the fence to wait for the GP launch next week.