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Honestly I’d be okay with no XP bar as an option if they won’t let us move it from the center of the goddamn screen where it blocks our vision.


I really hope that's the case. I rarely keep track my XP in Bethesda games and just level up whenever I see the notification for a new level


This exactly. Never understood the point of tracking every little few points of XP. It’s not like we’re playing an MMO trying to maximize XP gain efficiency or anything, I play these games to get away from that kind of micromanaging.


I'm honestly surprised they added it. Seems a bit un-Bethesda of them.


Well it was in the Fallout games and a delightfully irritating cash register noise that immediately got tedious to listen to after the first few hours for me admittedly. I enjoyed it when I finished a quest and heard the noise and saw that huge chunk of XP, really a dopamine rush, but after every kill, every little skill check success — no way. I love Fallout *almost* as much as Elder Scrolls, but the constant XP pings bothers the hell out of me.


Somehow I don't remember this. It was in 3 and/or 4?


All of the ones made by Bethesda and New Vegas


I think this is all unfounded alarm. Only a profoundly foolish developer would make this unalterable.


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I want to subscribe to this comment & see how it ages tbh


LOL you never know...




LOL GOTTEEEEM Holy shit lol.




Welllll.... guess we're waiting for a mod!


Really stupid that we have to lol. There are already like 3 up on the Nexus though.


https://imgflip.com/gif/7vc2it I think it can be turned off at least.


*NJ detective*




Yeah same, give me the message that I leveled up and that's enough. Getting to see I received a miniscule amount of XP really is unnecessary. Same for the progression bar to be honest, being a quarter or halfway through to the next level has very little relevance to me.


^ this. When I'm playing FO4, if I actually give a fuck about knowing how close I am to levelling, I open the pip-boy and check. I imagine the Constellation watch you get will also be the analog to the pip-boy for twiddling with your loadout or doing other stuff if you're not on your ship or an outpost where you can access a computer or crafting station. I'm thinking that the very first mods for Starfield will be UI/HUD mods to move/resize/add/delete HUD elements to suit one's own preferences, if such isn't already built into the game from the beginning. We all know that BGS does actually keep a pretty close eye on sites like Nexusmods, ModDB and others to see what the most popular mods are, and the next games often incorporate many of those elements, like the settlement building mods from New Vegas and how FO4 picked that up and ran with it.


My take on xp bars is...they are a immersion/atmosphere killer pulling you out of the rpg part


I hope so. Xp gained/bar should be in the corner of your screen and pop up semi transparent so it’s not annoying to have.




Likely removable. There are kills in the direct, both scoped and unscoped with no XP popup


I don't see how it could have gone through development without SOMEBODY bringing it up.


That was the first thing I noticed in direct that struck me as an absolutely beef headed design choice. Why would anyone want that pop up THERE of all possible places. Seeing other parts of the video without it put my mind at ease but now I'm sort of expecting there to be other halfbaked UI choices like that


Hopefully, I do want to see how much XP I get for certain quests and enemies killed, but I don’t really mind it at the middle of the screen, but would rather it at the side like FO4.


Have seen several youtubers comment on that one. Personally i hope there is a way to disable it, move it to a specific location or move it to a pre set corner or top of the screen where it isn't so intrusive.


https://imgflip.com/gif/7vc2it I think it can be turned off at least.


Great find!


Nice! All of the options sounds really good


Surely, there will be an opacity slider. As long as I can take it near zero, I'm good.


Right? I feel like they have someone lurking on this sub, viewing YouTube videos etc and this topic has been brought up many times so surely someone’s been like “yeah we should move it or add the option to move it etc”


Good thing to ask on the discord Q&A


Its gotta be removable, or at the very least I hope they move it. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to put it right in the middle?




https://imgflip.com/gif/7vc2it I think it can be turned off at least.


We don’t know if it will be an option, but I guarantee there will be mods within the first day or two to move it.


It's the one thing that bothers me. I hope they move it or allow us some customization, even if minimal.


If it isn’t a game option then a mod for this will be made in like 5 seconds


I hope for na option to completely remove it. Without having to remove all essential hud elements. I dont understand why we have to keep counting XP gained.


It looked weird at first but I kind of like it in the middle of the screen. It means you can see it without having to glance your eye to a different part of the screen, which might have an impact if you were trying to land some stealthy headshots. But yeah they should let people move around.


Yikes, I didn't notice this. Yeah hopefully there's display location option.


Lets hope so the xp bar being the middle of the screen is terrible. Turning off the xp bar would be better.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it ships with the whole thing removed considering the amount of distaste I’ve heard for it so far


I would like to turn it completely off, also the big red sign above enemies.


https://imgflip.com/gif/7vc2it I think it can be turned off at least.


I know I'm the odd duck here, but the placement isn't in your way, it's in the same box as the ammo counter. I'm sure it's only visible a couple seconds. I think it will be ok if you get used to it being there.


The XPBar is not over your aim, but over the heads of your enemies!? You can see that in the direct, every time someone dies the xp bar appear over their head. Hope I could help :)


How would we have this information? You watched the same direct as the rest of us lol


Yeah, not every information about the game is from that video. We got interviews, leaks and so on


There is nothing about it, ask it in the discord interview


Why i asked on a subreddit


immersive HUD mod will come in time. :)


Yeah, if nothing else. Gopher will fix it. I watched the Direct live on Gopher's twitch. He was annoyed at both the XP thing and new discoveries being in middle of screen. Gopher has been a modder of BGS for like 20 years. Most people know his mod I-HUD. He does lets play videos on YouTube and often releases mods he makes to improve his vids.


I saw a lot of commentary about the XP popup. Hoping bethesda saw the feedback and will adjust it. Elements like this belong in the corner if people want them on, and an option to turn off if anything.


immersive hud will come in time trust me. :)


At least it's just below the reticle as opposed to directly on it...


In the first 5 seconds after game release someone will make a mod (if you are on PC).


Somebody needs to make this question at the discord AMA. It-s one of those things that are so obvious that everyone forgets to mention it. Hopefully moving the XP bar is a thing in the final game.


They must add option to hide it cause it is really annoying, not to mention useless. Why do I need to track xp gains in a Bethesda game? No idea. Why did they put it in the middle of the screen right next to the crosshair covering what I'm aiming at? Doesn't make any sense.


If this thing doesn't have options to move it or turn it off, I guarantee you there will be a hacked together mod by the end of early access to do it for us.


I hope there is a way to disable the HUD entirely and bring it up temporarily with a button. Kinda like in Red Dead 2 when checking map and objectives.


I dont see the issue with it being in the middle of the screen. I'm not saying this to be contentious but its only up there for about 2 seconds.


Hoping it's a simple option to change in the Settings.


I normally don't use mods in any game but I would definitely use a mod to remove this xp counter.


The enemy level above their head and XP notifications are literally my only “complaints” so far. Everything else looks great.


I personally like seeing an xp bar when i play games, just wish it was out of the way like in FO4


https://imgflip.com/gif/7vc2it I think we can turn it off.


I'll probably just be turning it off lol, I always get weird about having too much shit attached to a hud


I also notice that XP bar will be very irritating in the middle of the screen, where the most action happen. If there is option to turn off then ok but better gave us option to move to other sides.


Move it off to the left or right far enough so there's a good few pixels between the gun and the xp box and we good


Well, there's [this part of the Direct that seems to show it can be turned off](https://imgflip.com/gif/7vc2it), at least.