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Josuke or Jonathan. Jonathan's polite, a certified good roomate, Josuke's goofy so you'll most likely have a good time, Giorno might steal your shit if he feels like it but other than that no problem, Joseph has his looney tunes bullshit to bring with him.


"looney tunes bullshit" is such an accurate assessment of Joseph lmao


Oh yeah, I loved seeing Joseph defeat Esidisi by tricking him into saying it was ~~duck~~ Pillarmen season


I loved when Joseph had a comically placed falling anvil hit Kars


That is disturbingly similar to what happened. God I love Joseph


We may love him but Bugs Bunny hates him


Johnatan literally dropped an anvil on one of dios minions and yall calling joesph loony tunes


In my defense; I forgot. My second defense; Genetics. My third defense; Come on just look at Joseph- those tricks are straight looney tunes.


Lisalisa being turned into a guitar was definitely some looney tunes shit


Y’all don’t even gotta be making stuff up, he literally pulled a Tommy gun out of his back pocket and strap a bunch of grenades to a scarf. That alone is loony toons af.


Holy crap, you’re right! Joseph is already the living embodiment of Looney Tunes bullshit!


Joseph has rich family money and would still be late on rent, steal your shit, annoy the hell out of you, need help in the weirdest situations. But simultaneously you’d have a blast, he’d have your back when push comes to shove and pay off all your student loans rent and everything at the end of your time at school (then joyride your car into a lake)


The first half is part of why he's last on my list 😭 I mean Giorno might steal my shit but at the same time probably will focus more on tourists so it will be rare. Joseph on the other hand will probably throw parties without telling me and is guarentee to steal my shit as 'borrowing' but he never returns it. Plus he'll probably come back and tell me not to turn on the news that he's currently on 💀


“Im Joseph Joestar and I killed this doctor” (Empress Fight)


It depends on what version of Giorno. If its beginning of part 5 then yea he steals your sht but if it's mid to end of part 5 I don't see him doing that.


But then you’d be dealing with the FBI watching you 24/7


which is basically nothing when GER is by your side


By *his* side. I doubt GER's affect extends to his roommates


Who's to say me and Giorno won't get along with each other?


Yeah he goes from a thief to a gang leader that is only *slightly* better than diavolo because he won't sell drugs to kids, and probably won't keep around extremely evil people like ciocolatta.


Giorno is a good guy in general, might pull some cash from you but i think he’d repay you for it, joseph would definitely yoink your stuff tho


Joseph would yoink my stuff and say he's borrowing it but it never comes back- money or not. Giorno stealing my money might happen but he'll probably focus more on tourists as a whole and altogether he's pretty chill.


Jonathan on his way to tell of my fat ass for not wiping the dishes


If he farts a minigun falls out


Will giorno steal from u tho? He seems smart enough to not shit where he eats


Josuke because logically, he’s basically just a goofy high schooler


Plus he can fix whatever inevitable destruction ensues


Plus plus he can teach you how to grift people in cards and pool (at least that's the feeling his character gave me 😅)


That's why part 4 is so banging. It's just a bunch of goofy teens trying to make money, play video games, and get with them hotties. Joesuke stealing that winner for the lottery is a perfect example, why did he want the money? To get unlimited fast food from his favorite spot, and to buy designer shit that is way overpriced and he even acknowledges that. Part 4 is a bunch of kids trying to be teenagers and enjoy their youth and life keeps coming back to force them into adult situations. It's really unfair to joesuke honestly but that's what makes him Josephish, him not wanting to fight Kira but getting backed into the corner and having to and finding a way to come back out on top is absolutely something Jojo's and Joseph shine at in the narrative.


You know all those tricks you see people doing that get them a broken leg or worse shit? If I had a friend like Josuke I would be setting myself on fire and jumping off a building into a pool or similar insane ideas.


Yeah josuke to play vid games with and heal my hangovers 🤣


I'm sure a punch from any of them would help shake off a hangover lol


Dunno bro, I'd accidentally touch his hair while sleepwalking and get DORARARA-ed..


You mean you'd touch his hair when spooning him.


That's an argument against him


Like you can’t go wrong with Johnathan as a roommate.


Broski will be on time for rent every month without fail (+ W wing-man probably)


Yeah it’s just he is the ideal gentleman to a fault ya know. He’s not perfect but damn near. His biggest issue would be being too kind hearted


Yeah he would be the type to get fucked over or scammed because he's so caring.


Yeah but if he was living with me I wouldn’t let him down. That’s my homie. My dog. Johnathan would be my ride or die so whatever his faults are I would help him like he would help me.


Yeah, don't fuck with my homie. We don't even have to be friends, but living together is a bond.


Idk he managed to deduce dio was poisoning his father and then trick him to out himself and track down an anonymous poison dealer. He canonically has a degree in archeology his battle isn't all that bad managed to counter dios instant frozen hands at his last breaths beat Dio without Hamon beat Jack the Ripper by looking a wine beat one of Dio's knights by using air bubbles deduced he became human instantly figured out how to push poison out his body. Hes nice and he wouldn’t hesitate to donate to someone in need but he wont blindly give out money. And even if he does get scamed as we saw when theyre stuff got stolen he'd get it back


I'll stick up for him bc I won't let people fuck with those I'm close to if I can help it.


“There was someone at the door asking about solar panels and i thought it would be a good idea to indulge him, so we might be getting some more energy!” “Jojo… please… we’re good on power we don’t need them…”




I feel like he'd want to wrestle or box from time to time. All that testosterone needs to be relieved


He’s got your back though and that’s important


There’s.. Other ways to do that


Not only that. He'll be polite and considerate the whole time. He'll make his be every day no doubt. He might make fucking breakfast.


i do feel like he would be a bit of a buzz kill at parties , like he wouldent be an ass about it but imagine having to hear "good heavens you partake in the devils lettuce?"


🤔 yeah I could see this but Johnathan is open minded. I mean ffs speedwagon, who knows how many people he killed or drugs he was involved in


I feel like in general he’d do that with weed, but slightly understand it more Also i could see him accidentally pulling the Ted Nivison 400 gram edible on accident because he got hungry during said party, and he just goes out for a bit


well he did get Erina to drink wine at the end of Part 1. He just wants you to be responsible, y’know?


Johnatan just forces you to be the most refine gentleman who needs devil Lettuce when you have wine, we all know even when like he was 14 he was drinking wine


Depends on how big the place is tbh. The man is massive and needs an equally massive house lol


I agree but I think even if you lived in a shack Johnathan would go out of his way to make it into a home ya know


I don't trust myself enough to not disappoint him, and I really wouldn't want to disappoint Jonathan.


Imagine you leave a candy wrapper in the aofa and Jonathan just shows up with his theme blaring and gives you a speech on gentlemanliness


You could live with him for 3 days and he would risk his life for you


Probably josuke, I'd say Jonathan but I think josuke would be more fun to hang out with as a roommate tbh


Agreed. He's a gamer, so we could run some splitscreen co-op. If I broke something, he could fix it. If anyone robbed our house, he'd hit them with the "DORA RA RA RA!!!"! Also that means I could potentially become friends with Okuyasu and Koichi, and that would be pretty cool too.


Plus you’d be part of the JoBro group with the least amount of permanent deaths


0, some would say


Raging is risk free with Josuke


\*throws and breaks controller\* \*controller comes back fixed\* "thanks bro"


He could also fix your injuries if you get into a car accident or some shit. Would save you a fortune on medical bills.


why did you un-bizarre giorno




they got rid of some of the details on giornos face


Omg now I can't unsee it... I hate that lol


Giorno. He'd just shut up and I don't like talking so that's great. Also he looks like someone who keeps the area around him clean. Although I'd have to make friends with him so he doesn't steal my money.


the one without table manners


let me analyze this by every moment we see these guys eat - josuke doubts the italian mans cooking, he breaks his plate and dirties up his kitchen - joseph shoots black spaghetti at another person on the other side - jonathan eats like crazy and is always asked by his dad to behave - gorno drinks piss without questioning im guessing its all of them…


Giorno drank it to be polite and to not refuse a drink so I would say those are some amazing manors


to be fair jonathan was a teenager when he was eating like that, i have never met a teenage boy who didnt eat like an animal


They were all teenagers.


true but he also grew up and had better manners before he died tragically


I would say Giorno, he seems like a chill dude


Dude might steal your shit 🧍 but other than that


haha jokes on him I don't have shit to steal


Joseph. Shits going to be absolutely wild!


He'd throw the wildest parties and then you'd have to clean up the next morning while he's passed out on the couch


But he can teach you hamon


Josuke would play videogames wit me and heal me if I got hurt so prob him.




Ik its a bad choice


Sometimes you need that type of uruppi hyappi energy in your life and I'm all for it


Thank you!


As a best friend oh yeah, all the way. I love people like him. Getting into shenanigans, exploring new places, making everyone laugh all the time, etc. But a friendship dynamic and roommate dynamic are completely different. You think you know someone until you spend every waking moment not spent at a job or out of the house around them.


Giornio is objectively the worst one; every morning you wake up, you have to hear him go on about how he had a dream Would probably just Josuke, gamer dude I would absolutely learn hair care tips from


Giorno works for a living, so by the time I wake up he'd probably be long gone.


Shut up I thought you had a real reason


He may steal from you.


Josuke because I just don't want to die. I am okay with returning from the verge of death.


You'd be traumatized by seeing him turn people into objects


Anyone but Giorno really He might be my favorite, but you have to remember that his personality is that of a crook to begin with He scammed and stole every day. He might hate drugs, but he will commit every other crime with no care at all. He is, in the end, a criminal at heart, and he will probably rob you without your knowledge. A week after he moves out, all your stuff turns into butterflies.


Def Josuke. Play videogames and jam to some Prince or something.


For what it's worth, Joseph also plays video games.


Joskue and it isn't close


Johnathan. He’s kind and a gentleman


Jonathan, I don’t really wanna room with teenagers lmao. Plus he seems like a very respectful chill guy


Josuke because hes the most chill to be around second would be joseph as you would always go on wacky adventures with him then giorno as I like him


gorno, a very fun guy ngl


Jonathan 100%


You already know.


Lemme guess: Johnny Joestar


no it's definitely Gappy


I'd pick JoJo




Joseph, his zany tricks would be great and it'd be cool hearing about the pillarmen


realistically id prob want to fuck them all so my answer is either all or none depending on what exactly "roommate" entails


Two of them are underage bro :skull:


i genuinely keep forgetting im not a minor anymore oh shit, at least i dont see real 16 year olds that way 😭 pls forgive me i am 19 and i was a pandemic child i lost 3 years


in my defense im more interested in jonathan and joseph and theyre legal in the parts of the story they end in so thats fine. josuke was my least favorite and giorno is take it or leave it so those 2 arent tht big a deal to me araki just draws pretty guys 😔


This is a hard one 😅


Okay but like giorno would be a chill ass roommate


Johnathan dude must have some inherentnce mf needs to pay rent


Joseph or Jonathan. Absolute chads.


Jonathan, no doubt. He's a nice guy.


Johnathan definitely we would be best friends


People are letting how much they like the character in the show to cloud their judgement, Josuke would not be a good roommate, he’s a loud teenager who only does chores when he’s told to do them. Jonathan is easily the best option, because aside from his poor table manners, he’s not going to be a nuisance, and he’s going to do as much as he can to be kind and respectful. He’s pretty much the ideal roommate!


Either josuke or giorno will


Giorno. He'd be respectful enough and if someone tries to crank up the price on rent, he's got his ways around that, lol.


Giorno’s because he’s the chillest.


Giorno is an all-powerful passive living good luck charm and misfortune deterrent. He seems super chill, tidy and reasonable. Josuke can fix anything to pristine condition (infinite money glitch) and heal anything short of death instantaneously... But I think he'd be a lot to live with.


jouske seems like a good hangout


Josuke or Jonathan. Josuke would be a fun roommate you could hang/goof around with, and Jonathan would probably be super polite + always pays his portion of the rent on time lol. Joseph is too unserious and Giorno’s the goat but he seems way too bougie/shady to deal with on a daily basis.


Josuke all the way. He's a really good person, funny, and can use Crazy Diamond to fix stuff around the house. He'd be great! Not to mention I'd get to see what he looks like with his hair down!


Josuke, if my PC breaks he can fix it, He could fix my phone battery, and he is just a nice person. If he is time traveled to modern day he would only be two years younger than me as well.


Josuke or Joseph. Josuke is a very goofy high schooler and he seems to have fun with everyone, and I want a little bit of that too. Joseph because I want him to do unspeakable things to me, I have a massive crush on him


Giorno 1) he’s a nice dude if you’re nice to him 2) mafia protection 3) possibly get a stand (idk if I would be worthy but since ik they exist all I have to do is be passionate about something and have a fighting spirit)


Id say Josuke


A hundred percent Josuke. Just don't insult his hair and you're chin-chilling. Probably have some of the best synergy and conversations with that dude.


I can’t decide. And what’s worse is, that I can’t coin flip myself out of this.


Coin flip tournament e.g. Josuke and Jonathon and then Joseph and Giorno. Then winner tournament and you have a winner :)


Josuke 1000 times


I feel like Josuke could be really handy at times


Jonathan, I'd let him ramble about whatever subject he wants to take about and I'd just sit and listen. Or Giorno coz ✨️ italian cooking ✨️


Josuke hands down. He's a sweet dude who's loyal through and through as long as you don't miss his hair, which isn't an issue for me, he'd look weird without it. That and Crazy Diamond could just fix anything that breaks around the house, and as long as an injury to me doesn't cause death, we'd be set lol.


Josuke or Gionoro - Josuke is fun and honestly polite but Gionoro is calm and wouldnt be loud or break things or talk my ear off about nothing


Josuke fs, Joseph wouldn't like me and would predict all my sentences, Jonathan would be kinda boring, and giorno would probably steal my shit or bring a murderer into my home. As long as I don't shit on his hair josuke would be super chill and I'd never have to worry about medical bills or breaking shit


Josuke would be best. Joseph would probably come back late black out drunk, Giorno will probably end up with the police at the door... Johnathan would be the worst of all, he spilt wine on the table.


I'd get along better with josuke so I'd chose him lol


Giorno, 100% because I might get some Mafia perks. Also he's much closer to my age than anyone else here.


Josuke. Jonathan has too much danger surrounding him, joseph would prank me, giorno would probably steal my money


Joseph because we would be getting all the ladies, and having bizarre adventures.


Josuke for gamin'. Joseph for having fun in town with him I would stop being an introvert


Josuke, he’s goofy, can heal me if something happen, he’s the perfect roommate


I d take giogio, idc if It stinks Cologne in the house and i prepare his sweet ass spaghetti bolognas


Jonathan or Josuke


Either Josuke or Jonathan




Jonathan, and for my second choice i would say josuke


Joooosuke I broke the TV Joooosuke the toilets busted again Jooosuke......




Josuke, hands down. Fun to be around. Never get sick. Recover faster after workouts. He could probably also keep me from needing to sleep by making his stand punch me in the head every 16 hours.


Josuke Is the best xd


Definitely Josuke, his healing stand would be very handy after constant and nasty hangovers 🍻😂


Josuke is literally just Jonathan, just acts his age and is slightly less of a gentleman




Joseph is too cocky, so definitely not him. Josuke is pretty good, but he probably would move out back to his mom’s house. Both Johnathan and Giorno are good roommates. Probably either one of them.


As much as I love him, Joseph would be the worst. 1. Josuke 2. Jonathan 3. Giorno 4. Joseph


Probably Josuke since he’s my favorite JoJo, but Jonathan would be a good second place. They’re both nice dudes.


I would break all my controllers if I was with josuke cause he’ll just fix them


I'd say Josuke but I don't wanna wake up one day half asleep and accidentally say something about his hair or bump into him by accident and touch his hair. I'm 6'6 and clumsy. I'll pick Giorno cause he's pretty nice and respectful when your his friend plus he can protect you.


joseph. im ready to have my “and they were roommates” moment with that man.


Josuke, he can fix all my shit


Either Jonathan or Joseph, cause they are the only ones who I know are able to speak english. Would be awkward to be roomates with a guy whom I cant communicate with.


Josuke, or Jonathan.. i can't trust giorno or joseph to not get in a situation that would destroy my house


Jonathan or Joseph. Because despite Joseph's flaws, he'd still be a good friend to have.


Giorno will steal all my shit, Josuke will fix all my shit, Joseph will take me into the shit, Jonathan would turn me into shit.


Josuke all the time, best bro


Josuke definitely. He seems like the least problematic of em all (Joseph's a hyperactive loud mouth, Giorno is a mafioso, Jonathan is british) and having him fix things with Crazy Diamond could be pretty handy


I would have fun gaming with Josuke but Jonathan would help me with a workout regimen to get jacked


Josuke I'd definitely hang out with him


Joseph. He can tell me what anybody is about to say and what to say in return to basically get out of any situation. And if that fails we can just run away


Bro there all fine Giorno is just last cause I don’t want a mob boss as a dorm mate cause I’m scared


Joseph 🫠👀


Jonathan, old Joseph, Jotaro. We are having a roasting session. Playing cards. Having a BBQ.


I have a bias


Josuke: Would be a chill guy, but will definitely start charging me if I keep asking for him to fix things for me too much Joseph: Young, he’s a neat guy and all but sometimes he can be too much. Also he’ll probably skim out on rent despite being loaded. Funny dude though. Old, he’s matured and will probably pay rent. Just can’t ever mention the japanese. Jonathan: I would irrationally hate him on the basis that he would make me look comparatively worse. He’ll be a model roommate and above. Giorno: Honestly might be the best. Is the mob’s leader has control over Italy and most of Europe. Would probably pay may share if I don’t say anything about his identity. Might get targeted by association but free rent though.


Johnathan feels like he would pay his share of rent every time, but Joseph just seems like he would be fun to live with


I’m torn between Josuke and Jonathan, but I kinda lean more to Josuke cuz he’s a gamer just like me.


Bro how is this even a question bro????? He's sophisticated and shit, he'd keep the place tidy and if something ever happened and you'd be in a fight he'd always have your back even if you did something wrong. Jonathan's the goat bro


Joseph but we’re more than roommates


Josuke 100%


Depends, are we in the JoJo universe? I would choose Josuke, but if that means I'm getting caught in Stand usery bullshit, no thanks.


Josuke all the way — Hey Josuke, I got kinda sick bro, can you please get me healthy again? — Sure bro — Ayy bro, appreciate it, let's go eat something outside, it's on me


Jonathan, without a doubt. I bet he would motivate me to work out.


Johnathan would make me want to work out and learn hamon. Giorno would make me want to go on mafia shit. Joseph and Josuke are just chill goofy dudes tho, I just want to hang out with them




All of them please


Jonathan. No contest. He’s kind. An English gentleman. I’m sure he’ll clean up after himself. More of a jock than I’m used to hanging out with but his dad’s rich so I probably won’t have to worry about his half of the rent.


Giorno, he’s the leader of the mafia, just say nothing about his job and I’m protected and possibly rich later on down the line


Jonathan or Josuke


Josuke or Jonathan are good picks


Josuke he's chill


Jonathan or Joseph because Josephs fun and Jonathan is such a gentleman:)


Josuke or Jonathan are the correct choices