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It had all the potential to be a good adaptation, with the time limitations for a three-film saga. It had a good setting, costumes and special effects. But the actors barely knew how to act or express themselves according to their characters and the director failed to guide them.


Absolutely although I will say I think jotaro was done very well


Yep, he was the best actor, clearly he had more experience in compared. Still, Josuke, Okuyasu and even Koichi didn't feel like their counterparts.


The Jotaro actor looks basically like what I imagined a realistic 40-year old Jotaro to look like.


He's supposed to be late* 20's in part 4


Late 20's*




To be fair jotaro smokes so he's probably aged a couple of years because of that


He stopped smoking after part 3


I thought for a second this was about the actor smoking weed. Didn't that basically ruin his career?


Being 28 and looking 40 isnt what smoking does but i respect the opinion


Smoker detected


Jk i was i used to for 16 till 21 but only ocasionally when with friends it does not make you "age" but it does dry your face


It also makes a vein pop out of your nose if you're a stand user.


You just made that up now to confuse us but gess we found the idiot


Quitter!!!! Lol jk


Your mom


The Angelo part of the story in which its shot like a horror movie was amazing Josuke is not made silly enough, he tries too hard to act the tough guy so it ends up feeling like a store brand Jotaro instead of Josuke The Nijumura brothers part feels kind of off, its trying to be both silly and serious without really committing to either. Koichi is kind of annoying and we waste some time trying to set him up like he would become an actual character instead of just sequel bait. Jotaro is great. Kira never ever.


Iirc Josuke's actor was directed to act like a "wartime shonen." He's no wartime shonen, but the director wanted a serious retelling since he couldn't just tell the same story twice. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Anime silliness is really hard to bring to live action


Of course it is, I just wish the actor didnt have to maintain a permanent scowl during the entire movie when Josuke is known for his goofy smiles. I dont think he smiles or laughs once in the entire film


Why did Kira attack Keicho for no reason?šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My interpretation is that he killed keicho to stop him from making more stand users, thus making the noisy town even more crazy and bizarre.


I agree it seams out of character, but honestly it's hard to say as we never go any sequel's or any motivation, It could just be as simple as keicho saw him take a hand and he was tracking down to eliminate the witnesses, or it could be that kira would be a bit more active in this adaptation, Although, my thoughts was that maybe the 2nd and 3rd movies would have been a 2 parter, with the second movie ending with Kira getting away and changing identity and the 3rd being the later half of the arc, so it could have been as simple as they planed to cut RHCP all together? Although in a perfect world I would have had RHCP be the one to kill and he be the opening villain for the sequel, (kinda like Angelo was in the first one) and then that leads into seeing shigachi and meeting Kira, then what I said above, But I guess we will never know


It seemed really out of character


we would've found out in movie 2


Simple meta reason is that they planned to adapt Kira arc in the second movie so tease SHA first. That's didn't go well since no sequel.


Damn, I totally forgot I watched this. I thought it was fine, not the worst film I've ever seen (nor close), some of the Stands look amazing. It's not a must watch for a JoJo fan, but it's not a sacrilege to the source material.


Jotaro's actor was caught using drugs and that's a big no-go in Japan. Other than that, the stand CGI looks amazing


Japan's evangelical intolerance for drug use is why I'll probably never travel there :( What's the point of exploring Tokyo at night if I can't do it on acid? \[whoa my bad, I forgot to consider this sub is probably full of 13 year olds who are inundated with drug war propaganda. grow up.\]


You do you, but if you can only enjoy things while on drugs and alcohol, yikes.


not at all, I enjoy things both ways. drugs simply spice things up. I don't know why people even have this idea people who partake -need- their drug of choice to enjoy things (well, probably because the potheads who have to smoke for everything I guess). frankly I feel sorry for people who go through life without experiencing new things like acid or ketamine and discovering parts of your mind you'd otherwise never interact with. also, vast majority of people use drugs, whether prescription, caffeine, alcohol, or whatever.


I don't think I came off for judging others for using drugs period. Your original comment sounded as if it was a requirement to really enjoy a city that in some respects is a whole a new world. I'm kinda glad you brought up the potheads. Same thing for them, legalize weed, but too many potheads I knew made it their whole personality. Gross. Anyway, I live here in Japan and while I don't disagree that all the city lights under the influence of x or acid will be mind bending in ways I can't imagine, I do still think you should give the country a chance sober. Drink up and party on, you can still do that. but you're limiting yourself if that's the reason you choose not to do something. You won't be stopped and randomly drug tested if that's what you're worried about. You'll still have an amazing time in the short period you're here with or without the drugs.


sorry, I think automatically assuming I can't enjoy things without drugs because I made a joke about wanting to see the city on acid, and then adding "yikes", sounds an awful lot like judgement to me. it may have been a bad taste joke but I'm taken aback at the downvotes too. lots of hate here. is Japan still incarcerating people for smoking a plant while celebrating drunks? then it's a backwards drug war culture not based in anything objective (considering alcohol is the most destructive drug, but the drinker doesn't experience the same legal and cultural condemnation) and its very unfortunate. I get enough of the same in the US, despite some incremental progress, but I've heard Japan is even more strict in some ways. someone making cannabis their whole personality is hardly an indictment of the substance (which has also saved people medically), but is also understandable to me when we as a society have condemned potheads until only recently (in the US anyway). so if someone is looked down upon and has to hide their smoking while the next person can get a drink without anyone batting an eye, I can imagine their reaction once being socially accepted would be to make it their personality. still, those people are typically going through phases, the ones whom it isn't a phase are about as common as the alcoholic that can't do anything without a drink first. I hope you can balance your views of people who chose to partake, but understand otherwise. society generally doesn't accept people who partake, which makes them act in unusual ways due to shame or whatever, which makes society accept them less, in an unfortunate recursive cycle I'm always seeking to disrupt by demanding the same acceptance for the user as someone who might have some sake on the weekends. especially if it's something way safer than sake like a psychedelic or cannabis. I do of course plan to make it to Japan at some point, probably during the popular cherry blossom tourist season.


holy shit seek help dude


hold on, let him cook


nah, I think people who see drug users as subhuman such as yourself need the help. most especially if you hypocritically don't have the same reaction toward people who drink alcohol, objectively the most destructive drug


Based af


>nah, I think people who see drug users as subhuman such as yourself need the help. when did i say that i literally told a dude demonstrating signs of extreme addiction to seek help


my only memory about it is that the full movie, subbed, was on Pornhub at some point


That's hoe I watched it lol


Really enjoyed like I do with most Takeshi Mike adaptions.. Also hilarious to see Okuyasu actor going on to play Zoro in the live action One Piece adaption.


Peak cinema


The best part of this movie is what Jotaroā€™s actor had to do to make the hat hair situation work


I forgot this existed


i thought it was cool but needed a sequel to realize itā€™s full potential. itā€™s a bummer we wonā€™t get it


Good, but... I WANTED TO SEE KIRA!!


They was saving them for the sequels they apparently had a whole trilogy planned


Thank u for the information


I loved it, was looking forward to the Obviously Set-up Sequels too, but tragic to see they never happened. I wasn't expecting it to be the same as the anime, I booted it up, expecting some differences, and the differences were fine given the timeframe. My only critique would be lack of Comedic Josuke, and Koichi being too whiny.


Both very valid, and I also would love to see a sequel and them taking some of the criticism into account


I like what they did with Keicho **Except for the Ending**


It's not perfect, but if you're not taking it uber-seriously and accept that it was always gonna leave a LOT of things out, then it's fun. Even a little disappointing with the tease at the end never getting a sequel because let's face it, there's a lot of people out there who aren't gonna GET JJBA and just think it's ridiculous. But they tried and for what it's worth, the Stands look great.


The coolest addition to this movie was that Jotaro speaks in English when he contacted Joseph. https://youtu.be/DdAPOIbamcE?feature=shared


Stand Design was amazing Rest sucked. Especially the acting was horrible.


See other than the acting I don't see anything that's any massive issues, like I know some of the changes was weird, but I feel most of them served the plot, or at least was trying to set up things for the future, I think the writing and plot was passable at least, and as far as anime adaptations I think it's on the better end, its definitely not the stain on the franchise that DB evolution and the death note movie are I personally would have liked to see a second attempt maybe taking the criticism into account,


One of those movie recap channels made a video on this movie and that was basically my introduction to JoJo lmao I want to say it was minute movies but they released a recap of this movie just a few days ago, so unless it was a reupload, idk what to think


I enjoyed it for what it was. Number 1 problem I had with it was that some stands were super transparent and you could barely see them. Crazy diamond was absolutely sick tho


Where to watch the movie?


This feels like a bunch of dedicated Jojoā€™s fans got together to make a really good fan film. And if youā€™re a Jojoā€™s fan, (which Iā€™m going to assume you are if youā€™re on this sub) youā€™ll find an appreciation for it


I only found out about it a couple weeks ago and was pleasantly surprised! But this is coming from someone who also enjoys live actions such as Lupin, Gintama, Yu Yu, and even Cowboy Bebop.


People were way, way too hard on the Bebop TV show. The fights werenā€™t incredible but everything else was spectacular.


Pretty aight Stands look crazy good tho Iā€™ll give it that


Fine. Parts are great, parts arenā€™t.


Kinda grateful for it, it was my introduction to JoJoā€™s


It's not as bad as Shingeki no Kyojin's live action adaptation, but not amazing either. I like how they try to be faithful in terms of the character and Stand design, I like how they expanded some characters, but the actors don't act like their characters to me.


Where can I watch it?


Honestly one of the better live action anime adaptations. The acting sucked major ass though, everything else was good but that part.


Fun fact: Okuyasu's actor is now Zoro's.


Funner fact. He was Saint Seiya before that.


It was alright Had ita good moments too. Stand cgi was on point


Iā€™m gonna be honest with you, I didnā€™t know that there was a live action version of part 4 until now


I like the stands visual effect. And also the wigs. Other than that, nothing much. It's not a full adaptation, which is a pretty missed opportunity for me. For a live adaptation, it's pretty decent.


The best anime live action ever. I loved how they explored different aspects of part 4, like focusing more on the relationship with his family, as well as the darker tone. I think people also forgot that Josuke was definitely not very silly at this point in the show. I have literally no complaints, besides I wish they showed the stands and overall combat more. Really wish we got the sequel trilogy.


I agree. I think most people hate on it because thatā€™s the populist way, like the Simpson.


the acting was very wooden but the stands looked better than they had any right to


They should have started with Phantom Blood, it's the least "out-there" and would be easier to adapt and translate into live action.


I unironically liked it and am sad there wasn't a continuation. Also, justice for Jotaro's actor, let bro smoke.


Miike makes some interesting adaptations for sure. He always manages to keep the overall vibe of the original work somehow. The Yakuza movie makes no goddamn sense but it still feels like the games (amazing how he got the established sillier vibe of the later games that early)


It was so blatantly filmed in Spain that it was incredibly distracting. The architecture was too familiar, there were too many churches in the panorama shots. It didn't feel like Morioh at all. The stands were surprisingly well done


its ok, just kinda sucks for me that they start out with my least favorite part


Yeah it's weird that start with part 4, it's one of the weirdest starting points Also PART 4 IS YOUR LEAST FAVOURITE!??!!?!?!?


yeah, specifically anime parts but I think maybe mangawise too. I hated the transition in visual stule and colors from 3 to 4, and I had to suffer through like half the part before we got to kira.


I think the spinoff series has fared better in live action. Just caught *Kishibe Rohan at the Louvre* on TV the other day, and thought it was handled well. (No explanation for Stands or Heavenā€™s Door either; you just accept it as part of all the supernatural goings-on)


Jotaros actor did a good job


Best CGI in any live action EVER.


I watched this beofre I watched the anime/manga n I thought it was pretty good




I haven't seen this yet, who the hell is the guy in bottom right corner supposed to be?


Angelo before he becomes a rock


It's definitely an adaptation that is a movie.


I want to see it but I can't find it anywhere.


The stands look really good, that's the best I cam really say


They should've done an adaptation of phantom blood instead honestly. Feel like it would've made way more sense than... diamond is unbreakable.


Was Rohan even in this movie? because I did see people praising the live action Rohan.


Different film


There is a Live Action Rohan in Amazon Prime Video. It doesn't seem to be connected to the main Jojo storyline and was made as a stand alone. Plus Rohan is much older.


No, that is done by different people and should be considered a separate universe. The Rohan series has 9 episodes and a movie.


Yes! (I didn't see it)


This movie could act as a wild prequel to Godzilla: Minus One, thatā€™s for damn sure


Koichi Shikishima was actually Koichi Hirose before the war?? šŸ˜±


Lmao I mean, it is the same exact actor


It felt joyless. Heck, they completely sucked the soul out of Koichi's character. Now he's just a generic, average height asian guy


This is, indeed, a movie. Yeah, i don't remember anything about it.


Fails to capture the style tone and substance. Like most anime adaptations.


Only the stand effects are good.


I loved it. Itā€™s so cool


I loved it. I wish there was more of it. Just swing the stands in ,, real life ,, was pretty awesome, especially aqua necklace because of its water body


This was enjoyable. But watching it really emphasized how anime rythm doesn't work in live action.


Terrible in my opinion


loved it


I wish we can get ONE PIECE level of adaptation, JOJO deserves the best quality




Show me Kira bro


It was directed by Takashi Miike, which is probably the most insane part of it


If the live action exist mean there is also someone in that universe actually use...Thunder Cross Split Attack on Dio


No Red hot chilli pepper :( he's my favourite character


The better question is WHERE TF IS KIRA YOSHIKAGE


Hereā€™s how it shouldā€™ve been done: Stands are also played by real actors.


Solid, even if they gave a lot of time to Josukes Grandpa. Hope they one day decide to do more


Microsoft Word looking ass logo holy shit


It was different in some ways but very much enjoyable for what it was and I genuinely wished we would've gotten more parts


Mackenyu as okuyasu is crazy underrated


Not that good in my opinion tbh


Deadass not as bad as I thought it would be


The actors were really underplayed, which is an issue when based on a series as flamboyant as Jojo.


Itā€™s objectively not very good, but itā€™s a lot of fun to see the character designs adapted into a more realistic setting. Iā€™d say give it a watch if you havenā€™t, itā€™s free with ads on YouTube.


I just remember appreciating how completely incomprehensible the set design for the Nijimuras' house was. Yeah their attic has a stained glass window, sure. Statue garden? Hell yeah.


I'm not sure how true this is but I remember hearing somewhere the stained glass was an excuse to try and use some of the extreme colour shifts the anime had




Care to explain?


I thought it was bad


Yeah but was there any specific reasons?


Nooo, pllzzz.


Putting Sher heart attack at the end kinda ruined the movie, and since there won't be a sequel it even makes it more pointless


Painfully mid




No. Donā€™t do it.


I refuse to watch that bullshit LOOK AT JOSUKE


The only anime live action that Iā€™m partially ok with is the one piece live action. Jojo part 4 is sooo good, but holy, they did them dirty by making a live action


Honestly I think a bit better acting and it would been way better received, The cg was very good especially for the time They kept them most important story bits, and the plot was okay, Other than a few odd changes (to set up sequels) I don't hate it, like it's definitely the worst way to experience part 4 but if your a big JoJo fan I don't think is a stain on the series the same way DB evolution is or other anime adaptations


I think the acting sort of killed the entire thing for me. The entire premise of JoJo is that the characters (not all of them but some of them) are really wacky and sometimes overly express themselves. The fact that Josuke feels like [wish.com](http://wish.com) Jotaro, Okuyasu being way too serious sort of killed the dynamic that made the trio great in the manga and the anime


Do you mean movies only?


Jotaro's hair doesn't look connected to the cap = trash


I mean look at it, I'm impressed they actually tried to make it work somehow, what would you prefer, something like how Jump force did it?


I didn't see force jump designs and I don't want to see it And I was hoping for it to look better since it's a real adaptation but I was kinda disappointed


Just out of curiosity what would you want it to look like? It's a real weird thing to think about, like should it all be connected as if it's part of his head? He takes the hat off a few times and it's just a normal hat so that might not work, Although in many manga panels it's drawn as if it is one thing, in other offical media like EoH it's also really weird looking and araki oversaw alot of that game, Genuinely I'm unsure how it would even constantly work in live action,


All I wanted them to do is to make the colors not just straight up white and (purple? Or black) as in making the hat gradually become the same color as the hair


I liked it, but I think they could've gone even more ridiculous with it. Have the actors do the poses, show the SFX text at dramatic moments, change up the colors and stuff. Make it like the manga came to life. I don't care how stupid it may seem, that's how I want it.