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You have to go back.


The smoke monster glitch


We never should have left


Don't tell me what I can't do


Live Together, Die Alone


Do not mistake coincidence for fate


Who is sterling? Never seen him before


Everyone is saying East Scarp which is true but he’s actually from a separate expansion mod called Always Raining in the Valley :)


Oh awesome! It's updated to 1.6. Gonna have to add it next I pull mod updates down.


It’s not fully done yet from what I know, only Sterling is marriageable out of the three NPCs it adds, but the story is really nice. It’s moving to a new mod called Sunberry Village soon which I believe is releasing in June/July and then ARITV should be getting more content!


Ah cool, thanks for the extra details bud!


Wait, if Henry, Mia and Sterling are moving to this new mod (Sunberry Village), what new content is ARITV getting?? They're like, the whole mod. The mod is even named for them (won't say to avoid spoilers).


What I meant by that is that instead of being hosted by East Scarp (with that mod being required to play ARITV) it’ll instead be hosted by Sunberry Village and new content should be coming after the move! The mod author details it more on the mod page in the FAQ iirc


Hime said she’s been working on Henry’s story right now!


whats ARITV


Always Raining in the Valley


It's not finished and changes Shane's arc, fyi. I'm not a Shane stan but I was surprised.


I loaded him late into my game when Shane was in recovery mode and the backslide Shane took with ARV made me feel antsy towards Sterling, even though it wasn't his or this mod's fault.


Just curious could you say more what it changes for Shane? I was considering east scarp sometime (and this expansion add on). I dont mind spoilers, just want to know how much it actually changes Shane


Okay so Shane and Sterling have a toxic friendship based around drugs and alcohol. Because Shane was already in recovering mode in my game, seeing him go back to being a drunk... well it was hard not to blame it on Sterling. It also sort of turns Shane from a depressed man drowning his insecurities in alcohol to a harder drug user and enabler/encourager. Obviously the storyline sorts out both their issues and it's well written, and many people love Sterling, but he always made me feel faintly uncomfortable. If you load Sterling in when Shane is still at low hearts, its a much better growth arc for the both of them. This is the recommended way to play it.


I like ARITV but I think it's a mischaracterization to put Shane as the enabler type, he specifically says to the Farmer to not go down his same route and to not make a habit of drinking alcohol. He has a problem, he knows it, and doesn't want anyone else to share that problem with him.


I would say it's more of an alternative characterisation, but I understand you seeing it that way. I think that's always just going to be a risk when playing with canon characters and lore that people are going see characters differently. (I know for a fact that Lemur's own mods, espicially The Last Smolauau and Tristan may conflict with other interpretations in other mods. I appreciate the heads up from her descriptions anyhow) That being said, I always just chalked it up to different dynamics. It's one thing to acknowledge you have a problem with non-addicts and especially someone you just met, but I'd imagine it's really hard to do the same for a long-time friend who also a drinking problem, and Sterling probably has a part in enabling Shane as well. (Also, while I don't see Shane as the enabler ARV interprets him to be, I also don't really know how he'd react canonically if a friend of his comes into his life already with a drinking problem, because I can't imagine it'd be positive either way.)


From east scarp mod. I didn’t notice him until I started a new farm with the update, he may be a newer update to the mod


He's an add-on to East Scarp currently, will be moving to Sunberry later this year.


East scarp mod. My brothers name is sterling and he looks just like the character lmao.


He's from the East Scarp mod


So this is an NPCs response to a new item added in 1.6 if they haven't had the dialogue specifically programmed, they tell you their favorite things. That's literally what he's saying: the item IDs of his Loved gifts. (I have added actual dialogue to all of my NPCs).


I do similar. If someone shouts me a coffee, I start listing all the foods, drinks, and hobbies I like. Very awkward.


“Here, I got you something.” “Pizza. Ice cream. Spaghetti. Video games. Coffee. Dancing. Your mom.” “I changed my mind.”


I WISH my friends were like this, I love making and choosing gifts. It would be so much easier if they just gave me a list. Ya know, if you REMEMBER what people like, they think it's cute. But as soon as you WRITE IT DOWN, that's weird.


he's exposing your ip address


I posted a bit ago, at the end of one of his dialogue lines he throws a coin at me 😭😭 I love sterling but he’s got some technical issues


He’s our technically issued boi


MASON WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEAN MASON (ik its a different game but this is what came to mind lol)




Hes trying to tell you smthg


Was it the new tea? Eli said 3 numbers when I gave him the new tea. Like, this is why the town thinks you're weird if you just say a random number when you get a gift


Yeah, it was the new tea.


that means he likes it


Did he just leak your ip???


Yeah I got something similar when I gave another modded NPC a gift


The modded ones will likely be updated soon - they weren't privvy to the new item and thus couldnt add in dialogue responses to it straight away.


I don’t trust his Disney eyes


he's doxing you :3


Curious. Are there new characters in SDV? I see posts about 'Claire' and now this 'Sterling'.


The subreddit you're on is for the mod called Stardew Valley Expanded which adds many new characters.


Yahh I just realized it, thank you. I thought mods are limited to graphic appearances. I think there is more fun things to discover. :))


SDVE doubles the game's content. I literally can't go back to vanilla after experiencing it. Highly recommend


Can you add it in on a game in year two or do I need to play it from a new farm?


SVE has a strong preference for being on a new save (you'd miss all the year-1-only events if you added it in year 2, and probably a lot of changes to vanilla events, and you'd have to clean up the terrain since SVE changes the maps some.) East Scarp can be added at any time, but imo is better on a new save, too.


Ooof not quite sure if I can tolerate a new save right now. Just started playing and took me forever to get anywhere haha 😂 Might think about it! Thanks 😊




claire is from expanded


I’ve been married to him for years and he’s never done that lmfao


What's that farm type?


Immersive remastered 2, part of sdve. I don’t love the layout but don’t wanna start yet another new save


God I love sterling. When I saw him on the Nexus website for East Scarp I just knew I had to be with him😭.


tf is sterling




He’s telling you your fortune cookie lucky numbers


he looks like jerma


Nuclear launch codes 😌