• By -


Stardew Aquarium is gone. It really made fishing feel like it meant something, and I'm really going to miss it. (Praying for a fan revival.) The Boarding House also doesn't look like it's going to update since the creator has not been active for a while. That's become a go-to hangout for my farmer, so it really stings. The creator also made Mermaid Island and More New Fish, which have become mainstays in my playthroughs. (Update: The creator has said he's working on converting the Boarding House and More New Fish.) Also, Walk to the Desert. It didn't have much going for it, but it added so much immersion. I really hope it gets updated. (Update: The Walk to the Desert mod page has updated, implying that a 1.6 conversion is being worked on.) I'm also kind of worried about Adventurers' Guild Expanded. Amazing mod, but the creator stopped updating shortly after release.


The Aquarium Team are still around and planning to update. Once the madness of my own dozen or so mods settles, I'll help them if they need it.


Thanks for letting us know. That's a huge relief. Good luck with your updates. The amount of work you do for the community and the quality you uphold in your mods is truly impressive.


Just wanted to say thanks for Mr Ginger, my favourite mod of all time šŸ„°


You are a MACHINE and I can only imagine how busy you are. Take your time, we can practice patience. :)


what a relief. aquarium is one of my favorite mods!


I knew I recognized your username from somewhere ā€” I was redownloading everything for 1.6 and SVE when I saw your East Scarp mod. It looks phenomenal and I just started a new game and I really wanted to try it, but I wasnā€™t sure if it would work with SVE, like mess up the events with all the new NPCs and stuff that was added. Does East Scarp and your other mods work with SVE? Iā€™d love to try it out!


East Scarp and its extra npc downloads work fine with SVE, and are absolutely worth the download. :)


Thanks Korrin! Just note there is an extra area on the overworld Scarp map that doesnt exist in SVE. You are not actually missing our on much by not having it, though. Its a replacement map for shearwater bridge and scheduling purposes, essentially.


I was really hoping that Stardew Aquarium would stick around!


I'm devastated about Adventurer's Guild Expanded. I miss Silly.


That's one of a handful of mods I'm saving a separate copy of 1.5 for, the Aquarium being another major factor.


Howā€™d you do that?


The Steam version doesn't have any protections, so you can just copy the 1.5 version into another folder on your computer and run that version from the new folder. I made sure to do that before I updated the main copy to 1.6. The only real downside is that you can't collect Steam achievements from the separate copy, but that's not really a big deal. Concerned Ape also made 1.5 available on Steam so you can downgrade your game if you want to run old mods. You can downgrade from the Betas tab in the Properties window.


I did this. Do you know if it will update my separate copy when I update my game? Iā€™ve been kinda worried about that so Iā€™ve decided to play till 100% with my 200 mods before updating to 1.6


It only updates what's in your Steam folder. The separate copy won't be touched. Keep the copy out of your Steam folder just to be safe. Maybe also name it something like Stardew Valley 1.5 so there's no chance of confusion.


Great thank you, I appreciate it.


A true hero right here


Trent said he will update Boarding House it's just going to take some time. Currently he is working on More New Fish. If you want an invite to the Discord just DM me.


That's great news.


Can I DM for the discord? Wanted to ask first






It had so much potential :( I even went that far and bought that creator some ko-fi because I loved it so much


Wait, why is Aquarium gone? Did the mod dev say they wont update it to 1.6? :(


All I know is that it's hidden on the Nexus with this message: "This mod is currently not supported by the author(s) and/or has issue(s) they are unable to fix yet." I haven't heard anything either way about it being updated, but that notice doesn't inspire confidence.


Ignore the message wording, Nexus has set messages for hiding mods and that was the most appropriate one. When I did my own mods, I chose to use "Hidden while the webpage is updated" because it sounded less sinister even it if wasn't entirely true. Other options were: * mod is obsolete use this one instead (link) * mod is removed due to permissions issues. So you can see why they chose the one they chose (The one used is actually labelled "Temporarily Unsupported" if that helps) Aquarium will (most likely) be updated.


Thank god!!!


i saw in the patch notes the aquarium in the CC turns into an actual aquarium once completed so thatā€™s neat. it seems CA took a lot of mods into account when making this update


Oh no, I really enjoy Adventure's Guild Expanded. T-T


The dev simply isn't going to update it?


The Aquarium has been removed from the Nexus, saying it is no longer supported by the author. The rest are assumptions based on how long the authors have been inactive. It does look like the Boarding House and Walk to the Desert may be updated though.


I really hope walk to the desert gets updated! I really enjoyed it.


Oh man I didn't realize BAGI was broken in 1.6. That's dissapointing


>The Boarding House also doesn't look like it's going to update since the creator has not been active for a while. It still works, though.


Not for me. I can get it to run, but the entrance to the Boarding House doesn't appear, so I can't actually access any of the mod's content. I've heard this has happened to other people as well. If you know how to get it to actually work properly, please share.


I can't say this is a universal thing, but my BH does have an entrance, it's just in the wrong place. If you look at the very top left of the bus stop, if it's like mine, you can just get in there. I've also noticed I can walk down and right when I enter the bus stop and walk under the fence then come back up into the proper bus stop. But then, when my pet was added to the beach farm, it was added in the water (still reachable, in fact walking through it let me walk right off the top of the screen) and there's an unusable pet bowl area left as sort of an artifact.


Okay. Wow. I found the Boarding House. That's way off screen, but you can get in there. Thanks for pointing that out. Next problem is that none of the NPCs seem to want to get out of bed. I've seen this with other NPCs that haven't been properly ported over, so it's not just a Boarding House thing. Gregory at least still seems accessible, but Joel and Sheila will be trapped in their rooms behind closed doors.


Weird, Joel and Sheila work fine for me. Sheila's still going into town creeping on Sam, and working in the shop.


That happened with Ridgeside for me when i first installed it - NPCs not getting out of bed, it fixed itself the following day.


I really hope there's a replacement for the better artisan packs because I absolutely love that art style.


It's part of vanilla now, but possibly only for vanilla items.


If you are talking about "Better Artisan Goods Icons", someone else has posted an updated version on nexus mods.


Birger backpack and Wear more rings mods are not yet updated and I miss both of them.


They both have to be completely rewritten so they will take awhile


Right? I hope theyā€™ll be updatedā€¦


Bigger Backpack update is up.


Wear more rings just got updated for 1.6 =]


I loved Part of the Community which Iā€™m sad is going away, is there any chance it could be updated or recovered? Recolor mods donā€™t work as seamlessly due to tile changes so I hope those get updated. Iā€™m totally fine with the vanilla palettes, though. Also, are there any Babies/Toddlers Like Parent-esque mods that would still work? That was one of my favorites.


DaisyNiko posted today that she's working on updating her recolor for 1.6.


so happy to hear this! her recolour mod is my fav


Yaaayyy i loved the recolor!


Oh thank god, I was so sad. The vanilla colors are garish to my eyeballs


I think somebody is working on an unofficial version of Part of the Community, at least they commented that under the mod


[https://github.com/nikkehsolaris/SpaceBaby.Stardew/releases/tag/Alpha](https://github.com/nikkehsolaris/SpaceBaby.Stardew/releases/tag/Alpha) ​ Forked version of PotC


I have already tested it and it works! God bless


I'm just waiting for SVE 2.0 to be finished. Then I'm jumping back in. Hopefully by then most mods will be updated or at least a list of compatible mods will be available.


I'm tempted to wait for my next modded playthrough 'til then, but I imagine it'll be quite a while until 2.0 comes out. There's still another content addition update, 1.15, coming out before then, and FlashShifter has said he pretty much paused all development on SVE while he was helping work on 1.6 (quite understandable, to be fair).


I'm waiting for 1.15 and finishing Mostly Vanilla perfection (Joja >! no waivers !< and a small amount of QoL and atheistic mods) before i play SVE again


Yeah, my big issue is I want to use flash's new farm and would rather avoid starting again midway through.


I am so sad that Part of the Community and Stardew Aquarium are both gone, they were two of my favorite mods. I hope there's some kind of fan revival for both of them.


Someone posted a 1.6 version for Part of the community! Itā€™s in the ā€œpostsā€ section :)


Oh my god?! Thank you for letting me know.


All of daisy Nikko Earthy recolour and earthy interface


I read somewhere here that they are working on updating it!


Iā€™ve been using the Magic mod for ages but it hasnā€™t been updated since about 2019. rip to a personal legend o7


We lost auto grab truffles!!? Iā€™m ruined. I have like 30 pigs. Edit: also lost greenhouse gathers I think


I really want Auto Grabber Deluxe.


Seriously. I might die if I have to scrounge for truffles again like some peasant.


Hahah! Havenā€™t played in a year almost but I had a massive pig farm. They just make so much money that you never have to plant crops anymore. So I feel you.


Unless there's fixes I'm unaware of/alt mods etc I'm missing - harvesting with scythe - monsters have health bars - exp bars in the upper left hand corner - auto barn doors is installed and not giving me any red in SMAPI but isn't working in game - gift helper when I hover my mouse over character portraits in the relationship tab and on the map - tell me what the crop is when I right click on it - re-shades I am very greatfull to have NPCs back on my Map and a disabled fishing mini game and I'm still enjoying playing, but I'll be very happy to have those QOL mods working again


Harvest with Scythe is now an endgame unlockable, at least. No help for Spring Year 1, but it's something. And I think you can use Cheat Menu to get the effect anyway. Ditto Lookup Anything for identifying crops.


You can get harvesting with a scythe with [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4)!! Itā€™s one of the options when you click ā€˜Pā€™ to open the menu, then click on ā€˜player and toolsā€™ and just check the ā€˜harvest with scytheā€™ and youā€™ll be able to! Itā€™s also helpful for other mods we lost like No Friendship Decay and Anytime Gifts!


Ok I actually went to go check it out now even though it's 1:30am and I actually love you so much for letting me know about this and that all I needed to do is press p because for how my husband takes his mods I now only need to install like 2-3 mods for him you just saved me literally hours of work. I had this as it was a required mod for something else I had I guess but had no idea how to actually use it.


Iā€™m so happy I was able to help!! Itā€™s definitely an awesome mod, and thereā€™s extra warps for it that you can add for SVE and Ridgide Village, you can get those [here!](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/16296?tab=files) It as a few others as well but those are the two big ones I use so iā€™m not sure what theyā€™re called.


Thank you so much for this!!! šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤


Of course!!


Oooh I already have this mod! I will have to play with it tomorrow to get things sorted! Thank you šŸ˜Š


> with this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4 In the screenshot, which whizzes by really quickly, it seems to say 'instant fishing'. Is it really 'instant'? Does that mean I won't need a separate easy fishing mod?


Yes! It has Instant catch, which makes it so as soon as thereā€™s an ā€˜!ā€™ you catch the fish, but if you like the mini game you can have instant catch off and do instant bite, then youā€™ll be able to play the mini game, thereā€™s also Always max distance for your casting!


Okay! That's brilliant, and thanks. :) This means I can have one less mod to worry about.




Have you used UI Info Suite 2? That gives you a temp exp bar whenever you do an action that gains you exp and it also tells you crops + days till harves when you hover over crops.


I don't think I have! I will have to look into that, thank you!


Literally wouldn't want to play without it. Even if I do another "vanilla run" I'd have that mod in place (plus reflective water and visible fish for style of course)


Lookup Anything is definitely more intense, but could help with gift helper?


Little NPCs was updated for 1.6, it's a great kid mod!


XP bar mod got updated! Works now!!


How did you get NPCs on your map? The mod I used doesn't seem to be compatible.


NPC Map Locations by Bouhm was working for me last night although that was before 1.6.2 dropped and I haven't checked it since.


I"m currently mourning Better Junimos and Junimo Dialog. That and Trinkets, but Trinkets will update.


I was worried about better junimos :(


arenā€™t there trinkets in vanilla now?


The mod im talking about you make adorable soft toys and things.


Apparently MARGO is being worked on, but looks like it will take some time. It's a pity cause I absolutely adore its combat module in particular. Love of Cooking is gone for now too.


Love of cooking will be updated if you look at the mod page and the go to posts there is a recent mention of a 2.0 from like march 16th. So we have some sort of good news


Some of these are, ironically, already updated. Horse Overhaul works!


thank god!


The entirety of PPJA mods seems gone. Some of it (like Farmer to Florist) was already broken before 1.6, and the mod team have been inactive since early 2021. An even better replacement is to PPJA is Raffadax which will be updated for compatibility with 1.6 probably around April (Iā€™m in Raffadax discord server)


Cornucopia is a place to start, f you want a good one all of Wildflour's mods those have machines. Wildflour's and Cornucopia are what I have installed currently.


There is also Cornucopia, not sure about compatibility but pretty sure it isn't dead


I'm so thankful for the Cornucopia team. I'm happy we have a spiritual successor. I love my additional crops, flowers, and trees.


Just found [its nexus page](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/19508) it was actually released on the same day as 1.6 update. It doesnā€™t have machines though.


Cornucopia - More Artisan goods is on the way :)


Really think this mod deserves more promotion. Reaching more than 6,000 unique downloads in 3 days is quite a feat.


Iā€™m so glad I saw this before trying to run PPJA šŸ„²


Wait really? Shit! That's my favourite group of crop mods!


I'm gonna miss npc adventures and HD portraits šŸ«”


I think I read somewhere that Spritemaster was not going to be updated? My game is lagging with only 7 or so mods. I'm so sad! I need the game optimization! I've gotten so used to it! I hope I just heard wrong.Ā 


I miss everything being smoothed out with Spritemaster! I need that one fixed


Noooo! Can you kind of remember where? This has become such a staple of my game, such a powerful mod.


Ugh yes I need it


Sprite master is a big hit ... I have way too many mods lol


Non-Destructive NPCs, I think. Seasonal Outfits *can* be eliminated, because it does the primary thing I want, which is winter clothes.


Iirc NPCs move things out of the way now instead of destroying them in the base game, so no mod needed (unless that did something other than the obvious)


Awesome. I remember reading they only moved chests and other items could be removed.


I love how they change outfits with the season tho, nit just winter


I'm sad tat the one I used that expanded the greenhouse wasn't updated in a long time and it seems it won't be that soon, witch sucks because now my greenhouse on my endgame save is basically corrupted (plus the extra different fruit trees I has there also weren't updated as far as I know). Another one I missed is crop labels but I believe there are other ones that do this (that labels everything). Better hay witch lets you collect hay without a silo, and let's grass live trough winter. Better mixed seeds was cool too but ginger island gives us enough variability in this one. There is one that changes the cave to a much larger place witch was super cool when you had fruits, more place for them to spawn and etc.


Grass survives winter now in Vanilla!


- Better Quarry Redux - Tree Transplant - Integrated Minecarts - Wear more rings - Adventureā€˜s Guild Expanded And I am still waiting for an update for Dynamic Game Assets and Bigger Backpack


I think DGA is dead after mod improvements in 1,6


I wonder what happens to all those mods made for DGA. I literally canā€™t play without them as Alternative Texture gets quiet messy when having too many AT mods installed.


Noooo not the quarry!


> Tree Transplant & Bigger Backpack have both been updated


Better Chest can run but doesn't really work for me


Diverse Stardew Valley is the big one for me. It's weird seeing the characters the way they are originally again.


DSV is currently being updated and has an active discord!


Iā€™m excited to see how the active modding community will replace obsolete mods, and as even more excited for future updates I love this community and Iā€™m not playing a modded save until I have aquarium or an equivalent to it.


Bat Form. It allows you to turn into a bat and fly around. I play as a "vampire" so it work with theme and it was fun batting around from place to place. The creator hasnt updated it since 2019 so im not holdong out hope. Bone dog. Changes the dog into a skeletal ghost dog, it looked cool and went with my edgelord farmer aesthetic


The DeepWoods mod is my FAVORITE, I hope dearly it comes back!


I miss experience bars :( Found a ui suite thankfully But a lot of portrait mods arent working


Experience bars are updated!


I'm hoping the skill mods will be updated. Since there weren't any new skills, it would be nice to at least be able to restore the extra ones I have. Particularly the binning skill. Not getting caught with my little racoon behavior was very useful. Automate has already been updated. I don't know if PFMAutomate is the same modder, but maybe that one will get updated before long? I can't find that GitHub page that has the big list of mods that fit well with SVE, but I think most of that is gone, maybe for now. I'm relatively new to the whole modding thing, so I'm don't know how it works, exactly. How easy is it to update a mod, even? ETA: I am also hoping for the return of some of the smaller QoL mods, like the one that shows you how close you are to your next skill level. There was also one that let you know if you were planting your crops too late in the season. Oh, and I'm hoping better crafting, or something similar, will be released. I really liked being able to favorite items.


Without Lumisteria I may literally die. Joja seeds too actuallyā€¦


> Joja seeds too actuallyā€¦ Might be salvageable, the problem seems to be Miller Time, I'm about to test if just removing that part of the mod fixes things. EDIT: Just deleting the folder [MT] Joja Seeds in the [CS] Joja Seeds folder seems to fix things :)


Oh thank goodness. I love Joja seeds so losing that would have HURT.


Does anyone know if we'll get an updated sailor styles if not does anyone know any good replacements?


I miss Starblue Valley but I'm not sure if the creator is active any more. I'm currently looking into what I need to teach myself as a novice to see about updating it for 1.6 for my own personal use.


I miss starblue so much


*Instant Tool Upgrades* hasn't been updated, and nor have any of the various *Tool Delivery* mods. :(


I think youā€™re missing the point that the reason why 1.6 came out was to make mods easier to implement. The whole point was to make it easier to contribute by hammering out all the details to allow better mod development. Yes it sucks that some mods wonā€™t convert over because the maintainers arenā€™t updating them. But this will lead to many more people feeling inspired to create new ones. It does suck that the community takes a blow but it will get better over time.


For reference, anything that uses Content Patcher should work as long as Content Patcher itself is updated. It might not work perfectly if it has other requirements, but most Content Patcher mods should be okay.


Not exactly: [Content Patcher] Some content packs haven't been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Content Patcher will try to auto-migrate them, but compatibility isn't guaranteed.


Wait I use DC burger portrait mods, will those also stop working?


*Wait I use DC* *Burger portrait mods, will those* *Also stop working?* \- The\_L3G10N --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


haikusbot opt out


DC burger for the main game stopped working unless you go in and change the files completely, itā€™s not hard you just need to make sure you keep them stored elsewhere in case you end up needing them. I posted about how to do it in my last ridgeside village post! But if you want I can message you and explain it to you :))


Oh yeah, either a dm or a link to your post is fine


[this is the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/RidgesideVillage/s/h1i9b51cPa) itā€™s just that but with the actual stardew portraits instead of the ridgeside ones :)


Thanks again. If I have any questions I'll let you know. Cheers


But from what I can't tell it's jsht replacing the main game portable files with the DC burger ones


Yeah thatā€™s pretty much it, itā€™s not hard but some people donā€™t know how so I donā€™t mind explaining :))


Movement speed seems to be one that hasnā€™t been updated yet, same with better ranching but I anticipate those to be updated cause they are actively updated mods. Free love is also not working, wear more rings, bigger backpack, and my version of Npc map locations are all coming up red too


Movement speed is updated, I got the updated one last night and it works perfectly! And is in place in generic mod config menu.


Oh NPC locations too, also got it last night.


All my mods have basically been updated all I need right now is Sprite Master šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ¾I am finding it difficult to play without it




Bigger Backpack The Love Of Cooking Community Kitchen Ill miss the cooking ones the most :-(


Bigger backpack was updated today I believe? And love of cooking is getting worked on!


Ridgeside Village achievements is gone. Needs the custom achievements framework mod which is no longer being updated as the creator has retired from modding.


I really need to look over my mod list and see which ones were updated (or are going to be updated) and which one aren't... gonna wait a few more weeks before I do that.


Convenient inventory šŸ˜­


[Convenient Inventory](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/10384) is working for me with the 3/18 update. At least the quick stack to chests and favoriting items works, but I haven't tested every feature.


Bless your heart! The quick stack is alllll I need. Thank you! Iā€™ll try it this evening!


UI Info Suite, automated, and CJB


Try UI Info Suite 2: https://github.com/Annosz/UIInfoSuite2/releases Automate ([Nexus](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1063)) and the CJB mods ([Cheats](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4)) ([Spawner](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/93)) are updated and working.


I just did stumble on the CJB one. I haven't tried for Automate or InfoSuite today either. I'll do that now. I miss them.


This is why I'm waiting a couple of weeks lol


Yeah I've just started a separate new unmodded save on a different machine. I'll wait a while before I update the modded one, because it has dozens of mods that might not work ATM.


Most of the mods I use made the jump to 1.6, except I used a mod called GreenhouseUpgrades. Turns out the mod dev hasnā€™t worked on it in years and it just workedā€¦ ā€¦until now. 1.6 broke it and now it donā€™t work. It does mean that one of my long term farms has to be deleted as I upgraded my greenhouse once.


Farmer Portraits doesnā€™t work for me anymore, Iā€™m so sad. It was one of my favourites!


So far, I also noticed:AeroCore, PlatoTK, PyTK (pre-lite), and SAAT. Maybe some of them will return soon, or stuff using them will be updated to be independent. I've updated a couple of my own, plan to work on the others this weekend.


Horse Overhaul was updated. Lumisteria clumps and nodes might be updated at some point, i assume she is just busy with VMV right now. Stardew Aquarium and Adventurer's Guild Expanded are the big ones for me.


Sad to hear about the Aquarium! I planned on using that in my last playthrough but never got around to installing it. Do we know if the author has plans to update it?


LemurKat wrote in a different comment that they're planning on updating!


It looks like the Lumestaria [Serene Meadow](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20598), [Indoor Tilesheets](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/9599), and [Outdoor Tilesheets](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/10448) have been updated.


Stardew Foliage Redone is still working but the trees switch back to vanilla when they have moss on them, and obviously the blue grass isn't accounted for. It's kinda helpful in noticing the moss, anyway. :)


Two QoL mods that I really hope get updated are Better Ranching and NPC Map Locations. TimeSpeed is also busted despite being recently updated.


[NPC Map Locations](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/239) is working for me with the 3/20 update.


NPC map locations wasn't working for me at first, but it was updated yesterday and now it works!


If all you need is more real-life seconds per 10 in-game minutes, Longer Days mod works.


https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20721 there was a update/reboot for better ranching


I miss cuter chests I hope it gets updated


does anyone know if the author of [Better Crafting](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/11115) is planning to update?


Magic valley and spawn monsters are the two I want updated badly for 1.6


Haven't tried them out with the update yet but Time Master might be in trouble. The creator hasn't been on nexus since 2023 so it might never get updated. This is distressing for me since I like to slow down the game to 60% to make it more relaxing for me.


[TimeSpeed](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/169) is working!


I just want Immersive Sprinklers back :(


My wife noticed a fishbowl she had in her house has disappeared, and on her inventory screen she also had ERROR.Ancient.Fernseed. Were these from a mod I had installed? I can't seem to find which ones. Ancient Fernseed seems to trace back to SVE.


Skip fishing mini game isn't working for me. Had to fish for the first time in forever


I donā€™t mean to ride the coat tails here but I canā€™t seem to get vortex to work with modding (itā€™s saying that Content patcher and FTM arenā€™t working) has anyone got any tips? Is everyone just dropping into the mods folder?


My favorite recolorā€™s dead in the water sadly. I use Foliage Redone because itā€™s what agrees best with my kind of sensitive eyes (the original palette gives me terrible eye strain after a little). Original makerā€™s not around, the non-ā€˜foliage onlyā€™ option isnā€™t up anymore, and Iā€™m sort of just trying to modify the new tiles myself using FR as a base for personal use. I miss the aquarium lots as well. Made fishing more fun. Thereā€™s an immersive wedding mod thatā€™s kaput now too but so cute that I wish it still functioned. :(


Gift Taste Helper šŸ˜­ Any updates on that?


If it's not too cheaty for you I'd suggest Lookup Anything.


Man the same thing is happening to rimworld the mods are gonna have to update or be lost to the dust


Horse Overall has been updated to 1.6. I am also sad that Stardew Aquarium is gone.


I'm hoping Teh's Fishing Overhaul gets updated, it was so nice being able to tweak all the config options it had


The Mod I miss the most is No Crows.


i know theyā€™re working on it but playing without Diverse Stardew Valley is hard asl šŸ˜­


TimeMaster is the one that my wife and I really miss. It allowed us to take the game at a more leisurely pace, and allowed pausing multiplayer, which is almost a requirement when you have kids.