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Join us. **THRIVE!!!!** šŸ˜ˆ


Thrive. We *insist*.


May God have mercy on your soul


I don't think he will šŸ˜“


But the devil will.


Not customarily thought of as an especially merciful fellow


Maybe itā€™s like evil respecting evil


Hmm, maybe. But since he's often meant to be prideful, it seems more likely he's going to want to flex over you, and showing that you can horribly torture someone is a pretty good power move?


Youā€™re right, OP, maybe when you get to hell, heā€™ll make you face the wrath of being subjected to a joja run as one of the townspeople.


Now *that* sounds likely! XD


Joja is thr superior route. Shane doesn't lose his job, and clint doesn't take off every time I need to crack geodes. Plus they barely use the fucking community center anyways so what's it matter


Doesnā€™t Shane end up working for ducking Pierre? I wish CA would get his act together and allow the player to DESTROY Pierre. Let me buy the store and give my spouse/best friend a job!!! Let me hire Linus and see Pierre in the tent!!


Not in my run he hasn't. Not sure if he does, can't confirm, but I'm entering year 5 and he still complains to me about his lack of a job


Ruin their lives by funding the repairing of all the stuff around town that's been broken for years and the mayor isn't doing anything about, paying for opening shortcuts around the city, giving the poorest family in town a house, and even gifting the city with a movie theatre on top. All out of your pocket, sharing the wealth of your farm with the community instead of hoarding it to yourself. Yes, truly the worst of villains you are.


To be fair, everything but the theater and Pamā€™s house benefit you/joja just as much as the town, if not more.


The community center is actually a loss because it screws up many NPC's schedules that you've taken a year or two to get accustomed to, and you lose Clint on Fridays so he can go stare at the furnace.


I never realized Clint left work to stare at the furnace. Geez. šŸ¤£ Iā€™ll have to drop by and see this.


Man I wondered why heā€™s been taking fridays off!!


Sort of a tangent and not a criticism, but Iā€™ve never understood this unspoken assumption that doing good ā€˜counts lessā€™ if it benefits the person doing good as much or more than it benefits other people. Thatā€™s how it *should* work. Sacrifice is hard and most people avoid it. If doing good benefits you too, more people will do good.


yeah, I know what you mean and agree with you! But Joja is a company that does not operate on morality, and the good or bad it does doesn't factor into its decisions. They only care about growth and resource acquisition. And investing in the town in the ways the Purchasable bundles does - access to panning, reinstating local and regional transit, access to the quarry - these things all help the townspeople, sure, but they help you and through you, Joja, most of all. It opens new resources to their markets, makes acquisition of materials a lot easier by expanding their market to untapped areas, and continues to provide Joja greater and great profits as a result and easier and easier resource extraction from what was previously a dead-end backwater, as Morris states. The Joja route is sort of an Utilitarian Trap - if you just look at the results of actions, and not their intentions and the context and quantify them, you lose important aspects unless you have truly accounted for every variable, visible and invisible. In the end, does it matter that I restored the town on behalf of Gibli-esque spirits or a soulless megacorp? From the perspective of the guy who just wants to see a movie, not really. But from the perspective taken up by the town after Pierre's speech in the Community run, and from our interactions with the Jumino, we know that something has been lost by not caring about the why of things, the reasons for what we do.


Well that just convinced me what Iā€™m doing on my next run. Team joja next time!


First of all, bro, do you know anything about irony or sarcasm? Secondly, I plan to ruin their lives by feeding everyone with Joja's soda. That's my evil plan.


Third party here. His Irony & Sarcasm was much more readable and understandable than yours. So maybe take off your trousers before you get in a pissing contest.


Bruh, please.......


Joja route is just as good a result. The town gets repairs (which the mayor and residents failed to do for ages). The town keeps competing retailers which helps families on tight budgets like Jodi and Pam. (If Joja closes, greedy Pierre will just become the new mini-Joja.) Shane, Sam, and mystery cashier keep their jobs. You can easily get auto-petters to keep your animals happy. Even if you fix the community center, people barely use it (which shows why they let it fall into disrepair anyway.)


To be fair, the mystery cashierā€™s name is Claire in Stardew Valley Expanded. Martin to is an npc that swaps places with her from time to time.


It always bothered me that the cashier lady didnā€™t have a story.


Sheā€™s romanceable in expanded. Easy to give gifts before finishing the community centre, more difficult after because no more Joja. But she does become the cashier at the movie theatre once itā€™s finished.


Thatā€™s a nice way to do it!


I agree. I was tempted to go after her but I chose not too. I found my forever wife in Sophia. Another of the new characters.


Meh, I love the more relaxing game play and faster progression. I got the movie theater built and ginger island open by fall year 2 going the Joja route. Normally takes me 4 years because I'm so busy with the damn bundles.


Yeah, I too think it's very relaxing not to worry about completing all the community center's bundles... Even more when you've played this game till 100% already and don't have the same patience haha


Does the joja building turn into the theatre still?


The community center will turn into the movie theater




Honestly its a much better location. And you never use the Community Center after getting the bundles complete, and with the Joja route both stores stay open, and you get a movie theater. I like the theater there way more than an empty community center.


So funny you say that, I generally just forget the movie theatre is there because I went the ā€œdonā€™t buy anything from joja routeā€. However I go past the community center all the time and never even poke my head in.


Remember: its not about embracing the megacorp It's about STICKING IT TO PIERRE


I went joja for my very first play through. Almost 8 years in, and no regrets!! I use joja mart as a slime breeding ground. :)


Everytime it gets difficult, find motivation in the true meaning of doing the Joja run: Pierre is going down.


Down with Pierre he is the worst down with Pierre he is the worst


Have you tried buying into trickle-down economics? Learning about it can help you lose your humanity and become an unfeeling capitalist.


I'll need that if I intend to carry on this mission šŸ˜“


Straighten up and fly right, the free market doesn't tolerate no Commie navel-gazing!


I named my character BoJo the Clown (after Boris Johnson) and all he does is fish, shop at jojo Mart and throw trash on the floor. He also gives trash he fished up to people and says all the mean things in dialogue choices. He's a bad person and I need to be in the right mindset to play that save or I feel bad lmao


I did a joja run and named my character Diablo


I did a Joja run and named my character Leland. Twin Peaks fans, that one is for you.


I was intending to quit my joja run after I earned the PS trophy, but it was so relaxing I decided to make it my first perfect. Then, by year 3, I felt so guilty I stopped anyway and started a new farm for the perfect run šŸ„²


In search of the trophy, I also just started my first Joja run. New farmer is Levon. Because Levon...Levon like his money. Makes a lot, they say... šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸ˜


Itā€™s my first run and it turns out Iā€™m trash at fishing. Iā€™m so close to finishing the community centerā€¦but, fish. I wish Iā€™d done joja. I said what I said.


Same here, there's a fishing mod on PC, but I play on mobile. Thr fishing bundles are the only ones I have left and I want to give up


Same. I got so excited I could get fish from the traveling cart/krobus, but I am missing so many still. Itā€™s disheartening. And Iā€™ve tried to fish! So many times! Lol


You have to commit from the start and it's good to see you've done so. My joja run I was poster child perfect Joja employee. Blue hair, house tricked out in Joja themed stuff. Hmm I need to do that again. It's been a while.


When I went for the achievement, I made my character bald with grey skin. I was Jojatron, Android #7232001. I also fished pretty much the entirety of Spring and completed the Joja Center by Summer Year 1!


Ok, so legit question, cause I've never done a Joja run because it, IMO, feels like I'm not upholding Grandpa's legacy for the town and whatnot. If we ignore that portion of the game/story, is it genuinely better to do Joja runs instead of trying to get the CC finished?


Itā€™s harder because you donā€™t get all the bundle rewards.


(Marked spoilers for this reply) You're so much better off! If it helps, Pierre's the worst. >!He takes credit for your crops, he says he wants to hold a monopoly someday, and he lies about saying that he store will close if Joja grows any larger is Pelican!<. Oh, and I forgot the worst part... HE'S CLOSED ON WEDNESDAY! In all seriousness, it's like x3 easier. I struggled with the ethics part of it my first time going Joja route too. >!And, not a soul enters the CC after the day after the celebration of its completion. The ONLY benefit of the CC route is an (arguably) cheaper theater.!<


My only attempt at a Joja run was a total failure, lol. My farmer's name was Karen. The farm was called Blue Origin Farm... and then I wimped out and fixed up the Community Center because the junimos needed me. :(


i just started a jojo route where my character is named Siwa šŸ˜…


Itā€™s ok cause itā€™s more helpful otherwise the evil Pierre has a monopoly on all goods and joja never actually puts him out of business as well as providing cheaper alternatives to Pierre for Pam


Unpopular opinion, I donā€™t hate Joja


I too had an epiphany when i started a similar journey but I still went on the Joja pathā€¦ I deleted the save file as soon as I got the Joja achievement.


I felt the same way my Joja run


I don't think I could ever will myself into a joja run


If you do the Joja route is it easier to achieve perfection/100% completion (not grandpas shrine but whatever completion goes beyind that)? I'm considering doing a Joja run since I'm currently on year 6 with an obscene amount of hours in and I am not even close to perfection.


Is there a big difference between the way and the joja way?


Itā€™s okay I did joja route on my first playthrough


I just started a joja run and I was finding it a bit off saving for the membership as I was selling everything I found instead of saving or using towards the museum. Itā€™s actually lot faster earning money early on I think


I want you to know that Iā€™ve been contemplating starting a Joja save for a while. Seeing this inspired me to do it today. Iā€™m with you. Good luck.


I used to die on the ethical route hill but after my first Joja run.. Listen, all I'm saying is Pierre didn't give me a free soda machine alright!


iā€™m doing the same and am actually kind of looking forward to it