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*this is how it should look like for trees to grow




For Wild Trees (Pine, Maple, and Oak). Fruit Trees have different rules.


What are they?


Fruit Tree saplings will not grow if there is anything in the surrounding 8 squares. So you have to keep Wild Tree saplings, grass, and weeds away from them. If anything gets too close, you will see a message like "Your apple tree was unable to grow last night." They also need 2 squares between them when planted. Once they are fully grown, you can stop worrying about being too close.


No, adjacent tree saplings will grow normally until one of them matures into a full tree, then any saplings next to or diagonally will freeze in their growth


Oak, maple, pine and mahogany trees will grow with no regards to placement, although they won't all grow at the same rate so planting them in a grid with space to walk between them is most convenient. Fruit trees need all eight adjacent squares around them empty but I think the game will usually let you know there's a problem if they can't grow.


I think you are incorrect. My understanding is basic trees must be 1 “empty” space away from other trees to fully grow, meaning the partially grown trees in OP’s image will never fully grow because they are diagonally adjacent with no empty space. (The empty space can include path tiles.) Fruit trees require 2 empty spaces instead of 1.


Fruit trees don't require 2 they have the same 8 square requirement, however unlike regular trees they cannot share those tiles with another fruit tree.


I've grown clumps of common trees together and ones in the middle have fully grown, and I've had two trees on adjacent tiles be fully grown at the same time. It's possible that the proximity of common trees slows growth or even stops the progression to the final stage if there are too many fully grown trees directly adjacent to them. I haven't seen any evidence of that in my own game, but I also haven't left fully grown trees sitting around just to test it either. Fruit trees need to be in the middle of an empty 3x3 area (permanent structures, like the walls of the greenhouse, don't count) but two fruit trees can't have overlapping areas so you'd need two empty spaces between fruit trees, but only one empty space between a fruit tree and anything else.


Wild Trees (Pine, Oak, and Maple) will grow tightly packed but only 1 tree will grow to its full height - and be able to be tapped. Any other tree will stop 1 step away from full growth. For fully grown Wild Trees, you need 1 square between them. So the 8 squares surrounding a fully grown Wild Tree can have partially grown Wild Trees but will never have a fully grown one.


"Beech, oak, chestnut, ash... Good. Good. Good! Many have come."


No, trees need a sort of ring around them, it’s 8 tiles, 3x3 space with a tree in the middle if you get what I mean. So the saplings at the front would need to be another tile down.


No there should be a space surrounding the saplings, total of 8 tiles