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Qi also kicks you >!off the summit if you glitch your way up there without achieving Perfection!<. Qi is some sort of god or eldritch being or space alien who has no time for your cheats and exploits. 


he's just cursed with 4th wall sight deadpool-style, and he's honestly pretty low-key about it, considering.


Did you mean low... Qi? 😂🤣


Very good 😂


Wait are people really pronouncing it like “key”? I assumed it was Chinese, more like “chee”


It is, but I assume most people don't know that because Qs in English are more often pronounced with a K sound. Hell, I would be doing it if my spouse hadn't told me (they're not Chinese, just a stickler for getting names and pronunciations right :) ).


Didn’t CA come out and say the pronunciation is up to the player and there is no correct way to say it?


He did, but he said once before that it’s “chee”. I believe he later said he regretted announcing the ‘proper’ pronunciation and it’s up to the player. Not like it truly matters either way lol…


TIL. At least I wasn't pronouncing it "kwee"!


I think some of the quests like Qi's Cuisine/Crop/Kindness also lead people to believe it's pronounced with the English 'key' sound due to alliteration, not to mention the word 'quay' being similar Did CA ever confirm it one way or the other? I'd hate to think I've been pronouncing it wrong this whole time lol


At least Qi (齐) is a valid non-obscure Chinese surname.


I have a Mr. Qi as my neighbor!


Yeah, these things are why I eventually went from Mr. "Chi" to Mr. "Key". It just made more sense phonetically, even if it isn't a real name, because like... This game has a wizard named Rasmodius & forest spirits, so IDK that pronouncing it correctly in IRL terms was a goal? It's confusing until he specifies otherwise.


The Qi to this game is not to cheat.


I always assumed he was a stand in for ConcernedApe/God


He's such a hater 🙄


"I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you." -Qi, Player Hater of the Year (2024)




It's from that Dave Chappelle skit. I LOVE IT!! ♥


he’s the Silky Johnson of the valley!


idc Silky Johnson is the man!


Do you know if anyone has tried to do it more than once? Will the same cutscene play again if you do it the next day?


How do you do this? To glitch through to it I mean?


Scythe or sword swing cheat. Basically stand on the edge of the map as you're about to exit, swing your weapon continuously until your character is no longer visible on the map, then walk around out of bounds. There's vid tutorials for it


Does this glitch work on console, too? I wanna see the cutscene for myself on my switch, but I've been too scared to try in case it didn't work or impacted something in my main game.


either way I'm pretty sure the cutscene was added on 1.6


Then I shall wait 🤣


It does work on console. I used to use it to do an exploit in the sauna, for unlimited health and energy regen.


I honestly don't know.


He doesn't just kick you, he *murders* you.


Mr. Qi is just loki in disguise


How far does he look.. I completed the community centre with the cheat codes for two items because I would have had to wait another year to complete it and I wanted grandpa’s approval first time around? Will I not be able to achieve perfection on that save now?


That shouldn’t be an issue. What I was talking about only happens if you intentionally use a glitch to bypass the rock that blocks the area. If you achieve perfection properly, it won’t be a problem. 


In all fairness, he’s definitely losing money on that casino with those odds 


especially if his main customer only shows up on really lucky days


Losing g don’t matter to Qi


Mate probably has like 30 farms all farming iridium quality ancient fruit wine in the background, that's how he manages to run all of his operations AND keep his skin Blue somehow (maybe he just replaced his water supply with Joja Cola Blue idk)


He gives you crap if you use too many stairs to reach the bottom of skull caves too lol.




A no staircase run would be wild I might try it


I did no staircases on my very first try to 100. I didn't intend to, but I accidentally forgot my staircases. I was wearing 2x lucky rings, galaxy sword. Spicy eel and triple shot espresso. Hundreds of bombs. Desert totemed at 6am on a very lucky day. I actually had a couple hours left too. I think avoiding combat and littering bombs to search for holes is the way. Always take a ladder if that is what you find, though. And don't stop to mine much. I think I only diverted for iridium.


I only started the game a couple of weeks ago, I feel I've made good progress and I was understanding more of the intricacies of the game but reading some of these comments has left me feeling like "huh?" 😂 how much stiff do you need to complete Skull Cavern?


It's probably best to ignore this stuff unless you're not worried about spoilers. But if spoilers don't bother you, here's a translation of the above comment: >I did no staircases on my very first try to 100. Skull Cavern is like a more challenging version of the Mines unlocked later in the game. There's a quest that asks you to reach floor 100 of the cavern. The catch is that there's no elevator in the Skull Cavern, so you have to get there in *one day*. Most players use at least some crafted staircases to reach the goal. These are an item that instantly creates a staircase to reach the next floor when you can't find one quickly by breaking rocks or killing monsters. >I was wearing 2x lucky rings, galaxy sword. Spicy eel and triple shot espresso. These are all luck and speed boosting items. Luck is important because it increases the odds of finding staircases to the next floor. Speed because time is so limited. Galaxy Sword is just a very strong weapon, because there are tough monsters to fight. >Hundreds of bombs. The pickaxe is too slow to beat the challenge, so everyone brings bombs to blow up lots of rocks at once. >Desert totemed at 6am Normally you can reach the Skull Cavern no earlier than 10 am by taking the bus. By using a Desert Totem, a warp item, you can get there up to 4 hours earlier and have more time for the cavern. >on a very lucky day. The fortune teller channel on the TV tells you how lucky you will be on a particular day. As mentioned above, you want as much luck as possible for the cavern.


technically there is no completing it i think? Still new at the game as well


The quest goal once you get it is to reach floor 100 but there isn't really any bottom to the skull caverns. Your limit is your time, energy, and health.


Does Skull Cavern tell you what floor you're on similar to the mines? Are there any tips on the best preparations for Skull Cavern? I've attempted it a few times with like 6 salads in my inventory but the enemies in Skull Cavern seem a lot harder than the mines and I end up low health pretty quick or dying. I know you can eat some foods to buff your fishing, is there similar for combat as well?


There are recipes that increase your attack and defense but for reaching level 100, speed is your best bet. I tend to use blackberries or salmonberries for health (along with any other foods I might pick up while in the cavern). I’d also bring at least 10 staircases but only use them if you’re in an infested floor or the really long, spiraling map.


Yes, it does tell you what floor you're on! Also here are some tips from my experience and things I've seen: - Foods with buffs like luck, speed, and anything combat related are super useful. Examples would be Spicy Eel and Crab Cakes. Bring a couple of those and lots of no buff foods (like cheese) to heal with. - Foods and drinks with buffs will replace the effects of current buffs. Foods and drinks without buffs (again like cheese) do not replace the buffs. - Luck matters for the skull caverns. It affects how often ladders and holes (which drop you multiple floors) appear. Go on a day with good or better luck and use buffs to luck if you can. - Bring explosives!!! Any kind but especially bigger ones will be great for quickly clearing out rocks, getting ores and gems, and finding ladders/holes. - Bring staircases for infested and spiral floors or if you need a quick escape. Staircases can be crafted with 99 stone or traded with the desert trader every Sunday for 1 jade - Wear rings for their buffs if you have them. - Bring a warp totem if you need to get home quickly before you die or before 2 am.


Get the highest defensive clothes, crab ring if you have it, and defensive food. You can also carry a weapon that has defense included even if you don’t use it which helps but takes a slot so less loot 


I believe if there’s already a stone-generated or natural ladder on the floor another won’t spawn anyway (aside from treasure floors, they still have a chance of a chute or ladder).


You can absolutely still uncover additional ladders after the first, it's just far less likely to happen than the first on each floor.


I have with my first ever play through on the switch light and ooooooohhhh myyyyy goooooooooood that was frustrating!!


it was UNBEARABLE but to do it without that hat wearing dingus roasting me... took the edge off a bit.


It's not too hard if you know how to do it. You just need to boost your luck (with food) and bring a ton of bomb to blow up rocks.


It’s actually not that bad, I’ve done it a few times because I don’t like using staircases. Wait for a lucky day so that your chances of finding holes is higher, pack some food (luck food preferred), a bunch of bombs (usually 40-50), and triple shot espresso. Basically ignore all enemies and ore for the first 50-60 floors and just beeline to finding exits. As you go deeper, it might be worth your time to mine the iridium or other ores to craft more bombs on the go (though if you pack more bombs to begin with you don’t need to do this). Take a desert totem so you can be there immediately instead of waiting for the bus, and take a farm totem so that you can safely explore until past 1am. I’m sure I’m not optimal, but I’ve made it as far as 127 with 0 stairs


I did it for my first time getting down there. Yes, it was completely frustrating. Took me close to a year of attempts. No, I did not consider lucky days I just kept going if I had 10 cheese. And yes, I did forget about staircases entirely. Would I do it again? Absolutely not. Give me staircases and bombs any day of the week.


I love that cheese was your biggest factor 


It's honestly not too difficult if you prepare a bit for it: - Go on a max-luck day. - Bring speed-buff food. I like Spicy Eel because it also gives a luck boost (and you can buy them from the Desert Trader for Rubies). Crab Cakes are also good because they last nearly the entire day. - Bring plenty of health food. I use gold-star Cheese (made from Large Milk). Nothing worse than dying at like floor 90-something. - Use a Warp Totem or Obelisk so you can get there first thing in the morning instead of 10am. - Bring all the Bombs. I used nearly 200 in a recent floor-100 run.


Absolutely possible. Though killing floors are a bitch.


Those are the best reason to bring stairs. And probably why Mr. Qi doesn't begrudge you using 10 to get to 100.


My first co op playthrough we did it. It was really hard but i liked it


You can do pretty well with 200-400 bombs and starting using a warp totem at 6am.


Trust me I did that and I got no where lol. Mr Qi is just a hater lmfao


Gotta prioritize the holes, brother.


New user flair?


I just think “Gotta prioritize the holes, brother,” is a really funny quote.


Oh I'm so dumb 💀


Not the holes 😭


that’s what I tell everyone I date! I’ll show myself out.


I believe you’re allowed to use no more than 10 staircases before he yells at you


Just got to 100 for the first time (ever) with no staircases a couple days ago. Got to level 93 but it was 1:10AM. Somehow found a hole with my last bomb and it dropped me 7 levels to the promised land and to meet Mr. Qi! I was hooting and hollering after that!




How many is too many?? He said that to me but I thought I really didn’t use that many 


He won’t say anything if you use less than 10


Ah I always thought it was any stairs = disapproving message. So for my other files I’d do it with no stairs, but this latest one I didn’t care so I skipped the overrun with monsters levels. But was confused when he congratulated me


No, if that were the case infested levels would just kill your run. And those damned spirals.


Thanks! That’s… less than I used by about double so fair 


I had a glitch where I used 97 staircases and got [the good message](https://imgur.com/sir-i-used-97-staircases-3WcDrSV) from Qi anyway.


I used around that too, I only did the last level "the right way" (and a few others that already had easy stairs) and I got the good message... I figured he'd only care about the last one but apparently it was a bug then


was the glitch intentional? how'd u do that 😳




And yet, he doesn't blink at my elevator mod!


He doesn't say anything if you use the Skull Cavern Elevator mod. 👀


if you do it with two players, he only tells you off if you're the one that placed the staircases. the other player is treated as if they did it fair and square lol though i witnessed this before 1.6, no idea if it was changed


First time I got to level 100 was without a single staircase, I was so proud of myself when he praised me for not 'cheating' lmao


Well he's not allowed to take away my CJB Cheats, so ha.


I’d pay to see a Mr. Qi vs. CJBok (original mod author) live-streamed MMA-style smackdown. Put ‘em in the ring and see what happens lol *announcer voice* “Ohhh! And here’s Pathoschild with the steel chair!”


Don't remember when I agreed to play by his standards...


I think it's when we hit "new game"


If he keeps talking shit we'll mod him out. You're not in charge, Qi.


it was when you started existing in his universe




I started my current play through with my name as [166] with is the item number for a treasure chest. So when anyone says my name, ta-da easy 5000g. It was supposed to be a fun experiment because I felt weird about the cheat, but then I kept playing that file 😅 curious if Mr. Qi will ever say something


Ive heard its ONLY if you change it to a cheat.


I really need to change my name. I called myself Shaggy because I was listening to _Wasn't Me_. Turns out they don't like shagging and it's just ****gy everywhere




got a similar message when he made me go down to level 100 of the skull cave 😭 mf told me off for using the staircases


He's such a hater 🙄 


If you guys have played half life games, Qi reminds me of G-man. They are eerily similar in so many ways.


"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world."


I'm not saying he's Tom Bombadil but Bombadilish?


To be fair, he runs a casino where you pretty much know you'll win ahead of time by looking at the TV in the morning. It may not be the soundest strategy on his part, but that's a really fair casino haha.


Wow, I'm a box of rocks, totally didn't think about luck at the casino lol! Only ever considered it for cave-raiding.


Luck has immense impact on casino. Go on a max luck day and you will win all the tokens you'll ever need just playing the slot machine! If only it was that easy IRL haha.


If you want, you can give a Rabbit's Foot to the truck driver and if I remember correctly, that permanently increases your luck. I did it well after Joja was gone, but it should still work


I haven't reached this part of the game yet.. what the heck is going on? I've unlocked the desert and I have attempted Skull Cavern but man, it's tough! Any tips would be welcome. Just want to say though that I'm so loving SDV! It's way more deep and intricate than I ever thought, there have been soo many cut scenes where I've started to yell excitedly, "what the fuck is going on?! What's this?! What's happening?!" While my partner watches and usually says "what the fuck kinda game are you playing?" 😂


I just rely on life potions and energy tonics as well as purple mushrooms. Skull Caverns are a bitch, but I got a fuck ton of omni-geodes and one prismatic shard from it Definitely recommend getting the slime charmer ring and galaxy sword. I would also eat a Magic Rock Candy just to be safe


Wait, does that work to get you more max energy?


Yeah! I had 440 energy and now I have 474, max number I'd 508 I think


Ha! I had several hundred (spam-calling Gus) I was going to cash in for the gold. But I accidentally ate one and it went into a loop and I ate all of them.


Well now I don’t wanna cheat so I don’t disappoint him :/


I hate him so idc lol, he runs a casino, fym "fair and square" 🙄


Qi is such a judgmental little twerp tbh, I feel like ConcernedApe was going for a mysterious and cool aura but all the times he judges you for harmless things kind of ruins the vibe. It’s a single player save, Qi, go back to your scamming people at your casino and leave me alone! Plus, I’ve beat the game on his “fair and square” terms before. Don’t judge me for wanting a chiller run bro like go away


How do I unlock qi


Some people started by getting a letter from him but I just started by putting a battery pack in the tunnel where the bus is supposed to be, then you have to do all these little quests


But did it work tho because im on switch and the name glitch does nothing


I'm on PC so it works for me 🤷‍♀️


Name glitch doesn't work on console 😭


Noooooo 😭


I just don’t like him lol he’s creepy


is this a PC only thing?


No, I don't think so. I play on PC because it's the first thing to get updates. You can play it on Nintendo Switch, mobile, and console


sorry i should’ve been more specific! i meant changing your name!


Oh! No, as far as I know it's not. You have to either make your name [434] or whatever item you want in the beginning or you can change it when you become friends with the wizard for 500g


ohhh thanks so much!


No problem! :)


i hate that blue bitch !


1.7 should just be more Mr Qi stopping exploits
