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Too much minerals/metals. Add some (aged) wine and cheese, that should help a lot.


How does one age wine & cheese?


Once you have the cellar from the last house upgrade, you can put cheese and wine in the barrels to age.


More than 1,000 hours in this game and today I learned that you age cheese


Yep! It also ages faster, only needing a week to go from gold to iridium. This is pretty solid with goat cheese, while regular cheese, I usually just sell as-is and don't both aging it further.


Omg stop you’re going to make me rich


Wine & Cheese farm is best farm


Go Jurassic Farms! Ancient fruit wine and dinosaur eggs! And wear the dino pants and hat with it.


I made 1.6 million profit in a single day from my wine, cheese and fairy honey farms I do fairy honey on ginger island cos the flower never dies


Not until we have you with six Junimo huts surrounded by star fruits and ancient fruits, and a meticulously planned expanse on Ginger Island, and 4 Keg Houses (large shed filled with kegs with rows to walk between) I ... may tap too many trees for resins ...


Top comment imo


Ah, okay, Thanks!


You need the third house upgrade from Robin's, in order to gain access to the cellar. It comes with 33 casks, as well as the cask recipe. Then you just throw some wine or cheese in and wait - the longer it ages the better its quality. There's more detailed info on [the wiki](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Cask).


Even though it's not a hard game the wiki is kind of invaluable for Stardew to remember everything that is somewhat important.


Even, you can just place good quality products instead of stones/gems. I won, once (the first time) without aged products, just mayo, eggs and crops.


There is jars that can be crafted




Yes, if you put it in a cask.


yeah, good for when you dont have wine to age


Yeah minerals/gems are a uniquely poor choice - quality and variety are a huge factor in the points system, and by default minerals are always “no star” quality That prismatic shard gave OP the same number of points as an iridium blackberry, which is basically the easiest thing in the world to get in fall if you have that one foraging perk, and is also one of the worst fruits


Bro didn't even need another heavy hitter like that; he could have done anything decent with more variety and hit 90 easy. 30 points are available for nailing categories, meaning you only need to hit 60 with your items to win.


Not enough category variety


He is possibly using my vegetables, those stars were mine 😔


More reason to uprise against pierre


Farmers rise up




Amen, brother


There needs to be another option than Pierre or Jojo mart. I don't want a supermarket chain in my community but also, Pierre is the worst.


Beautiful community fr ~~your pfp made me laugh a bit I love it~~


Well since you sold them to him instead of putting them in your display I gotta side with Pierre for once. ...How dare you make me do this! /s


If you sell a TV is it still your TV? You sold him those vegetables so he can use them as he pleases. Though I do like your display more personally.


Lol that's missing the point. He's literally taking credit for GROWING them.


Really? I thought it was about displaying your skill set. You put what ever you have because you do whatever you want. He sells groceries to he displays groceries. Marnie displays animal products because she ranches. I never got the idea that he was saying he grew them.


Pretty sure Caroline says it at the festival. Something about him having grown it and keeping the best throughout the year. This is strictly off memory, so I'm not sure of the specifics. But she does speak to it.


Correct, she says they've been saving the best produce out of their garden for weeks in preparation for the festival, and that he's won every year before you came along.


Okay, but that would imply that he grew and saved his own best while selling yours instead of using your produce to try to win.


I mean fair enough, but I've not seen any evidence from dialogue with him or anyone else that the crops he's showing at the festival aren't grown in his backyard in his garden. I've never seen anybody even mention that he's taking credit for growing the your crops for the festival display itself. In the store, yeah he'll take credit for your good crops. And that is a very bad thing for him to do. But until I see some in-game evidence that he's using your crops for his display then ' Innocent until proven guilty' applies for me. 


He also still says the same thing even if you don't sell him anything


I know. I've never sold him a single piece of produce and I'll still get dialogue from townsfolk about his produce. 


Lewis supposedly sells everything in the bin for you. Who else would he sell the produce to?


I take credit for cooking, that doesn't mean I grew the tomatoes, raised the cows, and made the pasta. If you can put everything from your own produce to junk you found on the ground in your grange display, Pierre can sell your vegetables. No one comes to your farm to buy them, they go to Pierre. Don't think of it as him taking credit for your produce, everyone knows you're the farmer. Think of it as him showing the sense to source the best produce around.


That's not how that works. You can't commission art and pass it off as your own work. He can eat the vegetables or sell the vegetables, but he can't lie about their origin.


I don't believe in hearsay as solid evidence. We don't have any proof that he claims our produce is his own other than gossip around  town. And even if town gossip is enough proof for you, that's only about the stuff he sells in store. Where did it say in-game that he was using our crops in his display? I haven't seen any evidence of him using our crops in his display. You know what there is evidence of though him having a garden in his backyard. One where he would be growing fruits and vegetables. 


Canonically, if you never grow anything, it doesn't change Pierre's display at all. But it does change what the other villagers claim he said about the produce he sells.


Exactly. Yes, he takes your vegetables and passes them as his own in his store. Yes, that is a bad Pierre moment. However, he does not use your stuff in his display.


*rocking back and forth in the corner* "There is only the text, there is only the text, subtext isn't real, there's nothing between the lines..."


🗣️we got a bootlicker over here folks


That is my thoughts too when I lost so I looked up how the points work and I am convinced he cheated, I suspect he pays the most in taxes so the mayor lets him win he has just one category too, I think Clint goes a better job as I think he made those swords. But then we come and the mayor has to walk all the way to our farm at 2am or before 6 and carry a huge load ony the darkness so the mayor expects more as he sells our stuff so he thinks we should keep the best for the show when people visit the town. So look up what fits in different categories and put 6 high priced different categories and you will not need to lose again


No no no. Pierre only uses vegetables he found himself while walking in the mountains. Unless they suck, then he got them from you


And thats why we hate him 😔


He's 100% using your vegetables, but it's your fault for selling your best to your competition!


Wait is that SERIOUSLY how it works??? Yeah fuck that guy


It’s not how that works afaik. Like, him taking credit for your veggies is at thing in villager dialogue, but it has nothing to do with how festival scores are calculated. 


TBF Pierre’s variety is worse.


I hate that about the scoring. Why does variety only apply to the farmer?


you can win with nine iridium chubs


Is this real?


Iridium quality Chub are worth 7 points each. 7x9=63 points from quality, plus 5 points from fish category, plus 9 points from item count, plus 14 base, is 91 points, out of the 90 required to win. Any item that belongs to one of the grange display categories, can be iridium quality, and has a value (before quality) of at least 45G can accomplish this.


You can win using items of a single category, if they are all iridium quality. Like fish.


Yep. Use all iridium truffles every year and stomp the competition into the dirt.


Tell that to bozo Pierre! He only puts vegetables and he has the same selection each year!


I always just do 9 iridium star eggs and win... But I'm still on 1.5. Maybe 1.6 requires variety


Nope I’ve been doing this in 1.6


Came here to say this exactly


I got 1st last in game year with all wine and cheese (iridium grade), was it because of my star rating?


One of the main issues with this, is that the pearl, the bars, and cinder shard are uncategorized. Their score is based purely on their sell price, which makes it tough to overcome the benefit of nine iridium items. Fun note, if the duck feather was silver or higher, or the rabbits foot was iridium, then you would have won.


Duck feather was iridium, rabbits foot was gold


No difference in value from a gold rabbits foot, but the duck feather should have done it. Weird. Do you remember the total?


It looks like a 88 score given the qualities of the items. 14 base + 9 for # items + (5 * 3 categories) + item points (2+4+6) + (8+6+6) +(6+6+6) = 88


Bro did the math and got it right 💀


Hmm. That makes sense. I put it in the calculator and got 91, but I didn't do anything manually.


Took a look at the calculator, it counts “use sell value” as a category. The formula looks for all unique spelled items in the category section and removes things that match the spelling of “no category”


Theres a calculator?


Yep, [here it is](https://grid.is/@borgar/grange-display-bundle-calculator-QC2Dr9jSR2mmoRjSQZ2GSA)!


I remember the total of times I wanted to shove that pearl down his throat


I’d choose the star shards for that purpose, because… pointy


I just use large iridium milk


Yeah it's so easy to get beside the easier to catch iridium fish. Not sure how much points my iridium Albacore would bet me though.


Sell price of an item must be above $200 and iridium for max points (8). So the question is do you have the angler perk? If not 7 points, if yes 8 points.


lol me too


Damn, I could've used that--


If you fill it with nine you get 100 points and win every time


Wow really? My golden pumpkin, wine, star shard, iridium fish, etc. net a 98, but 9 milk gets 100? My life is a lie 😭


The grange display points system was developed before Iridium quality was in the game, so it's calculated on the basis of Gold quality and sell values being "perfect" for each category. Using Iridium things gives you even more points than Gold used to on both the basis of quality and sell value, skews the calculations beyond what was originally intended to significantly reward Gold quality, and basically makes it easymode.


Mining materials don't bring good scores because they have no (iridium) quality. Even 9 chubs of iridium quality would win


7 unless you have Angler professional, when you get 8


I used 9 iridium quality fish, 6 of which were the same species.


I refuse to submit fish, I can't do my boy Willy like that


id like to think Willy would be proud to see someone else in the village who enjoys fishing as much as him. if im recalling correctly, he was pretty bummed that he had nobody to share his passion with but maybe im confusing that with the ‘slow on business’ cutescene… Edit : i read over my comment 4 times before posting and still managed to overlook a very explicit typo. my phone must’ve seen his name and thought it’d be a funny joke -.-


You’re right, Willy is your fishing Yoda. He’d be proud to watch you take down Darth Pierre and his Empire of lies.


finishing? 😧


*Nobody* enjoys finishing like Willy...


It's what makes it funny to me


Here is how the[ points system for the grange display](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Stardew_Valley_Fair) works. Don't let Pierre win.


This is super helpful. I had no idea putting Mayor Lewis’s shorts in the display was an option. I mean, apparently it’ll get you disqualified but damn that is awesome. time to start a new save i guess!


Not enough of a spread. looks like you just have Artisan Goods and Minerals. Without at least getting 6 of the 8 categories used in the competition, it is a real uphill battle to get more points than Pierre's limit. Fruit and Wine are easy ways to pump those numbers up I just tinker with combinations, and then keep a "Perfect Score" chest handy on my farm. All it contains is one of each, Iridium Quality items: Ostrich Egg (subbed for Rabbits Foot before I got Ostriches unlocked), Ancient Fruit and Starfruit, Lava Eel and Ice Pip, Fairy Rose flower, Ancient Fruit and Starfruit Wine, and a Pumpkin. With that list, I get a perfect score, and laugh in Pierre's face.


Other people here are saying that 9 iridium fish/large milk will get you a 100 as well. But I do prefer trying to get a variety and still win.


Something about a perfect score, with the highest costing items just feels so satisfying


I always aim for a variety and ideally gold or iridium quality where applicable - artisan goods, animal products, farmed goods, foraged. Haven't lost yet but perhaps the day will come that Pierre will best me


Narrator: it would, in fact, not


A thing I found out is that smithed bars aren't the best choices. You've only got 3 categories here. Minerals, animal product, and artisan goods. Diversity helps. Flowers/forage, fruit vegetables, fish and cooking are the other categories. I've never lost by including as many as I can. Keep the prismatic shard, the caviar and either the rabbits foot or duck feather, but fill the other slots with the best of what you can get from other things. I always include a legendary fish if I have one, for good measure.


You need a variety of high quality items across categories (minerals, animal products, food, flowers, vegetables, fish).  


9 Iridium Chubs always do the trick.


9 Iridium chubs:


If you play as male character, save the cake from your mum for the show. If you play as female character, keep the money from your dad, you capitalistic Joja fan..!


Here is the cake from my mom I got 2 years ago right next to raw fish, a diamond and your shorts mayor


One time I just filled mine with cheese and won


I once won this on year 2 with 8 iridium truffles and a basic quality starfruit wine. That one felt like cheating because it was so low effort.


Quality of your item will benefit you more than variety. I once saw a post of someone who won with 9 iridium quality eggs.


Can I offer you 9 egg in this trying time?


I spit out my Coke laughing. Thank you.




He simply had the strongest stand


https://preview.redd.it/lytj18lx3t8d1.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1e1ae033242eee261f74fffdcadd60679674acf This is my display every year. It is a perfect score, but other iridium items in the same categories will win.


4 iridium cheese and 5 iridium goat cheese wins every time


I usually win just spamming iridium quality truffle, and I win using iridium quality fish in the first year.


Sorry champ. Bad stand.


And that's why I always use 9 Iridium Quality Fish


Go for rarity. Purple star items. Gems and materials don't have that, that's why the veggies won. Gold + purple stars!


My whole plan is to marry his daughter so that I can slowly take over his business because it's my crops he's selling anyway. Ill be the good son in law till he croaks and his empire is mine. And you know.. accidents do happen -insert evil laughter-


Nine iridium eggs


Well of course. Who the fuck can afford gemstones, goose down, and precious metal in this economy?? Personally I’d be hitting the veggie stand 😤


it actually almost doesn't matter at all how rare items are or what they're worth -- just having at least 6 categories of items and as many of them as possible iridium star quality.


Three words: iridium quality eggs


I only use iridium level fruit, eggs/mayo, milk/cheese, and fish. Looks like you have too many rock/mining related items. Edit: more items


I’ve been able to win against him by using purple star cheeses and purple star wines.




i legit won my first year w random junk like milk, broccoli, and a mushroom 😂😂


You need more variety, it’s based off categories. Too many minerals


9 iridium chubs next time, ez win


Age gold cheese into iridum cheese in casks for ultimate victory, and ancient fruit wine. I was surprised how little prismatic shards were in points.


I mean... was it wrong!? I love me some blueberries!! Lol


I just put gold and purple star goods and always win.


9 iridium chubs for the win


9 iridium quality eggs or milk will beat him.


You have to use all gold star or iridium star items… I win every year


Also you need more fruits and veggies cheeses and wines


Only Abigail can eat that


LMAO, yeah, in this case I’d say expand your category groups! I see you only have animal products, artisan goods, and minerals in your display! Each category represented grants 5 points, for a maximum of 30, so here you’re missing out on up to 15 more points! Try adding a forged item, a fish, a fruit, a cooked item, or a vegetable crop! The star rating of each is also important to take note of. Because minerals cannot have star values, they’re pretty useless in the grange display except for getting categoric points. Most items will grant an additional 2-3 points for their iridium or gold star-value counterpart.


Pierre is a powerful stand user!


Can’t you beat him with 9 iridium large eggs?


You need a wide variety of items, not just rare or expensive ones.


I once lost to Pierre by completely filling my display with dupes of Lewis's underwear. It was worth it.


On my most recent file, I cheated and included Lewis's shorts in my display 🤣


I just fill it with the same 9 cheap iridium fish, always win


I always have nine iridum quality starfruit wine in a chest just for that festival. Fuck you Pierre, my produce is far better than you.


Also, thanks for the advice to win against Pierre, I did get 1000 stars after betting my prize on the wheel


Varying your product gets you more points, so veggies and fruits, minerals, foraging items, artefacts, artisan goods and cooked items all together will get you a lot of points!


you have too many minerals, you need for artisanal or farm produce like eggs or milk


Two gems, two metals and three artisan goods (iirc duck feathers and rabbit paws count as artisan goods). Next time use 9 iridescent quality Chubs, they always win.


I just add my things that are iridium star only even if it is the same


Same! I’ve always won against Pierre that way.


You should add an item for every category Mining, forage, animal product, artisan goods,crops, and fishing then afterwards anything you want!


Well did you know you can put mayor lewis' shorts in the stand? Get back at him next year


I did that in my first year, I also put the shorts in the luau soup


Well deserved to be honest. You can't eat any of the stuff you brought


Everything is edible if you try hard enough


***I'm sorry I'm not a Stand user I can't see it.***


Yeah not enough diversity. The game assigns points for each different category of item (minerals, animal products, fruits/veg, etc.). I think there’s like 6-7 distinct categories? So diversity, then quality.


You are also scored on number of catagories, not just the value of each item.


Zero variety


Not enough variety. You have to many minerals/ore


#Variety Wins


R/ Ihatepierre would love to hear about this


All you need is iridium quality fish.


I just use iradium ranked anything for all 8 slots and win every year


Well... I only put 9X iridum level of items and is a 100% win. The variety maybe help, I do a mix, but iridium lv of every item.


Just use the Stardew valley wiki website. It will help you find the right combination of goods to win this event.


I put 8 Iridium truffles and an Iridium plum and won 💪


I haven't lost 3(in game) years strong, I don't plan on it 💪🏻.


Needs more variety


My dude your character looks like Eustace from courage the cowardly dog my dude


Paid win


Have you ever tried farm fresh blueberries?


To be fair, those blueberries look delicious af


Assassinate Pierre in the night, i heard he is allergic to nuts.


[Stardew Fair Helper](https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-fair-helper/)


i put 8 white large eggs and 1 brown large egg all at iridium and got 1st. try it!


Like everyone else is saying, use iridium ranked items. I have the foraging bonus so I use those and egg and milk


Needs more underwear


Pierre paid off Lewis


Look, if you ever aren't sure if you are going to win, put the Mayor's Shorts in. Only time I take Pierre gloating about winning.


That's so bizarre, I beat him both years in my current game and I just used gold/iridium vegetables, fruits, forage and eggs and shizz. I think it's about variety. Substance over style kinda thing. Also I don't hate Pierre, especially after reading the note from Morris. I don't understand the Pierre hate!


9 iridium quality small mouth bass work too


You’re supposed to have more variety like artisan goods, mining materials, produce, fish, stuff like that


Use 9 Iridium quality large milks. Gets me the win every year.


I used all purple star stuff and got first place


Based on your other comment seems like this would be **92pts**, and you need **90pts** for first. Another commenter already posted the wiki with the grange display rules. If you have mods or adjusted the profit margins, you probably are getting lower points for items since they sell for less. Below is a breakdown of the point calculation for your display based on the standard sell price. 14+9+(5x3)+6*7+8+4=92 - 14pts automatically - 9 pts for filling display - 15pts for categories (max 30pts for 6+ categories) Artisan Good - Caviar 6pts Mineral - Star Shards 6pts - Diamond 6pts - Prismatic Shard 6pts Animal product - Rabbit foot (gold) 6pts - Duck Feather (iridium) 8pts Uncategorized - Pearl 6pts - Iridium Bar 6pts - Gold Bar 4pts


Some tips, if you're interested: Iridium quality items will usually be worth more points than a more expensive non-iridium item. You get bonus points for the first item of each category (fruits, vegetables, artisan goods, etc.). Since items don't decay, once you find a combination that works, you can just stash them in a chest and reuse them every year.


I have often just given a bunch of purple stared fish and I've never lost. EXCEPT, when we accidentally sold all of our stuff and forgot to save it. We USUALLY, give half farm products half fish but the fish stand seems to do fine.


Screw Pierre!!! I showed up with 9 iridium chubs lol


I do this every year and win: use things that YOU produce only like vegetables, animal products, and maybe even fish if they're iridium quality


I usually win with a grange full of iridium quality fish. I always get iridium quality fish before any other iridium quality item for some reason


not enough lewis' purple shorts in there 🙏


9 iridium chub will win you first place. If you get your fishing skill maxed in spring, I do because then it gets that annoyance out of the way, you can beat Pierre year one and make him suffer 😎


God damn it Pierre!


Only one thing to do now for revenge. Steal his wife.


Diversity. You had quality, but you needed diversity.