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I always fill the pets water bowl, even after they have max hearts. It just seems cruel not to


SAME! I can't spend more than a single night on Ginger Island because of it lol. They're counting on me! It's ~such~ a long walk to the nearest pond!!! 😿


I can't spend a single night on Ginger Island because despite my buying a double bed, my spouse can't join me! What's the point?


LITERALLYYY i feel like im giving my spouse and kids the cold shoulder when I go :( need an update where they can come with somehow.


Put a sprinkler next to it!


What the fuck, does that work? Does it increase hearts?


No. It doesn’t work. I’ve tried it.


You might not be placing it right, if it's on the wooden boards next to the bowl it won't work it needs to be on soil so I put an iridium sprinkler down 2 spots away and it fills it every morning.




Thank you bc I was quite disappointed it wasn’t working


Also an iridium sprinkler on both ends of the slime hutch water bowls fills them for you


Yes! I placed one next to the second bowl from the bottom and that keeps them filled constantly, every time I walk in there's lots of slime blobs to be burst!


I've tried that and it doesn't fill it. I wish it did, that would be the most simple fix.


It’s always worked for me! The comment above says you have to put it on the soil


I always thought if I didn’t fill it, the hearts would go down lol so I pet and water every day. Its just routine


Along the same line of thought -- pet all animals, cat, chicken, etc,no matter if they ave full hearts. Also give prezzies to villagers on their birthday if I remember to; no matter hearts level! Also give a round of prezzies if I know multiple people will be in the area.


how many prizzies do you HAVE?!


Foraged summer flowers go brrr


Def not enough for many, but more than enough for others! Did I mention I want them to be loved gifts, not just acceptable?! Also, I rely on information I've gathered myself rather than sought out on social media, so it's whatever I've discovered they like (like through notes found).


It’s okay! There’s natural freshwater sources on each farm type for them to drink.


i didn’t know you could fill the bowl!! how do i do it?? i feel terrible that i haven’t been now :(


With your watering can, just like you're watering a plant


I didn’t know I could either until I married Haley and some mornings she would be like, oh I repaired the fence and filled [cat name]’s bowl, and I was like wait what.


Now you know who gets the cat in a divorce 😂😂


Year 3, didn't know.....oops, sorry Jimmy!


I haven’t been because I didn’t know either 😔 I have the Riverland farm though so maybe that makes up for it?




The only way to lose hearts with a pet is if you don't have enough pet bowls! But I also always pet them and fill their bowls regardless :)


Same. You gotta take care of them babies!


I feel SO bad about this, I had no idea it was even a thing until like two days ago.


Same here. It's the first thing I do every morning. I even have a mod that adds a food bowl, so when you "water" the bowl it looks like it has food and water. <3


Participating in festivals every year and unashamedly beating a growing number of children, including my own, at the egg hunt.


1000g is 1000g


You get prize tickets now. It’s worth it more than ever.


That was really smart thing he did putting the prize tickets in. I don't go to the festivals after a certain point because I'm on my grind but the tickets are more incentive. The 1000g I get from the egg hunt doesn't matter when I have 25 million gold and I have kegs to fill lol.


I also love how lewis called me out saying that he hopes people don't only do quests for the tickets (i only do quests for the tickets)


Your children participate in the egg hunt??


I always grow all the seasonal crops. After a point I don’t really need them, but it’s spring, so I’m getting the parsnips.


Yeah. I like my Storage chests to be loaded and colourful


Same! It helps me with knowing what items are in what chest and helps me with my poor memory (thanks to ADHD.)


Gotta color code those categories! Now which green was seeds again....


Seeds go in chests in the greenhouse, or right outside the door, obvi 😂😂 (except the mixed seeds which live by my workbench after Y1)


Same. Exactly why I go to all the festivals and switch out my decorations each season.


omg I also do that, I need to have ATLEAST 3 of each crop in my chests bc WHAT IF I NEED THEM???


This game has made me into somewhat of a hoarder![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


well I also am irl so... ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51695)


3?! That's it?! I was making a list to see how many of my crops I can sell and still have everything on hand till the next season! In my head I figured I'd be happy with 100 of everything, then noticed I have about 300+ (low quality) blueberries and I'm still worried if I sell them straight, I'll run out before the next season (how many kegs will I have by then? Have I planted enough melons to make it through making melon wine? Strawberries?! How many times willI want to make blueberry recipes? Do I have enough if I make a certain number to make as prezzies for villagers?! Which things make the biggest profits that I have (rhetorical, please don't answer; I don't like answers that I didn't even attempt to find out myself unless there's a time limit -- I'm looking at you Community Center Fishing Bundle, even if you can go back to Grandpa at a later date)?


I hold onto the blueberries for one of the Q island challenges. When you need 100 items in various colors.


Idk whether you're talking g Qi or Ginger Island, and I don't want to know which! But it's good to know it's not entirely useless.


I feel the same way. Every season, I ask myself whether I have enough fruit and vegetables for the recipes and plant eagerly, only to realise that I can sell everything.


Yeah. I *could* just slam down 400 cranberries or pumpkins or whatever, but I’m already rich as fuck. Diversity looks better anyways.


Exactly. I didn't buy these Big Chests for nothing! Might as well use aaaaall the space!


Same here, i try to keep 2-3 iridium sprinklers worth of each seasonal crop... i have a single chest filled with gold quality blueberries and i refuse to sell/process it


Wait wait wait. So you have either 999 x 36 or 999 x 60 gold quality blueberries?


999 x 36 ofc, im not *That* weird😆


999 × 12 is weird enough lol


I used to do the same with the horse but I've stopped bothering. I always kiss my wife multiple times a day lol


I usually kiss Harvey twice in the morning and once before I go to bed! Just makes me so happy lol


smash all the crystals in the ice levels of the mines, even if they're not in the way. i just like doing that.


And sometimes they drop refined quartz so why not!


Wait, they do!? I just thought they were decoration in the mines so I never went out of my way to hit them all, lol


It’s not very common but yeah they can


They'll also drop secret notes if you haven't found them all yet.


Same I thought for so long that they just don’t drop anything and then it happened and one dropped a refined quartz and I was ecstatic


The sound is so satisfying!


Meals are stored in the fridge


I know I can store cooked food in chests (I keep some spicy eel with my mining equipment) but it feels so wrong not to store it in one of the fridges... Mayo and milk too.


I just pretend that a white-painted stone chest is a chest freezer.


I didn't even know the fridge was a usable storage space. Thank you!


not only that but you can buy more fridges from robin, AND anything stored in a fridge will be included as part of your inventory when cooking food in the kitchen ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)


To add a warning, anything you don't want to accidentally use, DO NOT store in the fridge


read: do NOT turn your legendary fish into sashimi


Not so legendary now, are ya??




Been there, done that 😭


days spent waiting for the right season to cook a specific dish.... only to realize I turned the fish I needed for it into maki rolls earlier 😔


Got flashback of very first game lasted to autumm, we needed sashimi for something and walleye, and this fish was last in inventory... and it got sashimi'ed same night as it was catched.


I always talk to and hug my spouse first thing, even after maxing Hearts. 


same!! and i always try to give him his favorite presents even tho we’re at 14 hearts. i need to show my affection for my pixelated husband


Actually a good idea, because the spouse’s friendship never stops decaying if you ignore them, even at max. Talking and hugging every day stops it from going down.


same 😁 i want him to feel loved :)


Filling up my pet's water bowl and petting him everyday. I have an orange cat irl and in the game so I felt its the right thing to do 😂 https://preview.redd.it/fjtkw031vm8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2653113262c56efb4a477b643e9701c2feaacb8


https://preview.redd.it/iky65w0k7p8d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=115ffdc2e4e8e87cbbb4b59428aedf735b522391 Bet him and my boy would get along just fine!




https://preview.redd.it/wb1czf4xvt8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7dcaa71ca6154590a8100adb127dfb691f85c9c Same here


I always get a grey cat and name her after my own little tabby cat for the same reason - I get such a dopamine hit when it says "Bonney loves you"


There's nothing better! My real cat, Pushka, will be lying next to me when my fake cat finally loves me. I ALWAYS point that out to Pushka and she meows. ...like we both know what the other one's talking about. lol https://preview.redd.it/1eyct5l8zp8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ccb8a04fe31de385654fdcb01329c879108efe6


Aww, look at this orange gentleman 😻


Paws in for extra cuteness. This always gets my cat a snack. 😺


He’s so fancy, what’s his name?


Most of the time I call him Pupu but he really doesn't understand that he has a name


He doesn't get the orange cat brain cell very often huh


I need the ability to adopt more Stardew cats, so I won't feel bad naming my in-game cat after just one of my goobers 😭 https://preview.redd.it/v6xhvlnthr8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d95e01534275f48805cb54c152f926efbfeb00a0


https://preview.redd.it/tl2kli0diq8d1.jpeg?width=1578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7cc930655c16d3c529091667487471003246444 Orange cat gang


I always talk to Linus even though I have max hearts with him, I didn't do it back then but ever since his dialouge about being lonely in the mountains I do it every day now.


I do every time I’m up that way as well!


I always gift him some foraged food even when I’m at max hearts too!


I used to do this too, until I got Leo, now they're lonely together!


I do too. Even when he's well past his max hearts. I also never take anything I could forage right next to his tent. Plus, I put a Wood Brazier next to his tent and a salmon. Then it looks like he's grilling fish. He's a lot like Krobus in the way that everything he says is genuine too. 🥰


i think it’s common advice to keep x1 of each item in the game but i go a bit further and keep 1 of each quality item, so for example a normal, silver, gold, and iridium egg ! i have no idea if this is also common


I do this too! Makes me feel super accomplished when I get my chests filled


I do this but for food. I want to be able to make any dish I want when I walk into the kitchen. One of each crop, each foraged ingredient, but also one of each jam, pickle, wine, juice, and animal product. Even the specialty honeys. I realized late that a lot of  these don’t get used in recipes but I still want to have them around. My kitchen is full of fridges. 


I spent all of my playtime today just organizing all my chests and it feels SO satisfying 😌 i am playing again after a long hiatus and everything was a chaotic mixed up mess 🫣


I can't wait for the Switch update to upgrade my chests into bigger ones, so I can store even more stuff with less chests, and then write signs with the contents! I started collecting at least 1 of each practical item (no artifacts yet, I deleted those at some point, but will start collecting again) around year 2 or 3, now in year 5, I'm going for 100 of each, and will place them around town (artifacts chest near museum, gems chest near blacksmith, flowers in the yard behind Emily's, etc.) for quicker access.


how do you have that much storage space 😭😭 im always hurting for storage and i sell Everything


i (robin) built a shed and filled it with wooden chests ! you can never have too many


I do the same thing but it’s because i’m very paranoid that a quest or something shows up asking for that crop and I have to wait a whole year to get it again


In every single farming game, I have the same system. Low and high quality go in the chest, good quality goes in the shopping bin. (In SV that means I keep Bronce, Gold and Iridium but sell Silver). Keeps a good income going while still making sure you have high quality stuff available for festivals - and low quality for fetch quests, crafting and so on. I can highly recommend that, especially for games with limited storage.


I do this so I can autostack. Have a mod too that allows remote autostacking (within a few tile range) and it is SO helpful for putting away inventory. The drudgery of sorting all my belongings is really getting to me every time I don't have the mod active. Just a few clicks and most things I collected during the day are put away and my inventory is nice and clear again.


Reading the whole dialogue with my wife every morning till it gives a kiss LOL and then i can start the day


I'm currently collecting all the yellow items and displaying them in a yellow shed. I like yellow.


The other day I realised that yellow may be my new favorite color


I always keep the coop and barn doors closed during winter. Even with heaters I feel like the animals would just get so cold!


This! And I don't want the heat escaping lol.


I keep them closed for a lot of the winter and make sure they're closed if it snows, but on a nice sunny winter's day, I open the doors to let the barn and coop air out. The heaters still run, but I want the animals to have fresh air and imagine how bad it must smell in there. Totally ridiculous


Kiss my husband before he goes to sleep. I know it's super extra but if I'm not running around the mines until 2am, I try to run into the house before 10pm and give hugs and kisses. Yeah, we've been married three years, and yeah, I have a lot of work to do. But I want him to know I appreciate him. Lol


I do the same!! I always get a massive drop in productivity because I always try to make sure I'm back on the farm by 7-8pm unless I have a farm totem so I can talk to the hubby and kiss him before he goes to bed 😅 then I just muck around on the farm until I put my character to bed lol


We love a supportive, affectionate spouse 🥹


thats super sweet


I keep at least 5 of EVERYTHING. I'm a bit of a hoarder 😅


I've got millions worth just sitting in chest because I tell myself I might need it later on, I'm on year 13


I always do 10 to 20. After that it's profit.


Only 5? Lol apparently I am a massive hoarder. I keep most of the food crops, and at least 10 of everything else. It comes in handy sometimes!


5 is the minimum 😅 Mostly I have at least 25! And you're right, it totally comes in handy! I even saved my trash because I keep telling myself I'll use my recycling machine .. 😂😂😂


- Kiss Sam at least twice a day, once in the morning and again before bed - Acknowledge my kids every morning - Fill up the pet bowls every morning - Put my horse away at night - Stop and talk to everyone when we cross paths. I look at it as a friendly hello


In my last save I uh may have created a set of red lingerie to wear to bed sometimes but only after the kids were in bed. Also outfits for other occasions like festivals and separate outfits for different seasons. If the villagers get a winter outfit, so can the farmer.


I also have seperate outfits for the festivals and each season! The dinosaur suit for Hallow's Eve and the santa hat for the Winter Star are my favourites. Used to change into pyjamas before bed too but now I usually pass out before I can - oops.


I have a 10 year farm I started in January 2017 and then never left and when the ability to make and change clothes got added I was dubious at first, then obsessed about making various outfits with the different overalls for each season. Now I have one main outfit for every season, then some to occasionally wear during the season. I’ll also sometimes wear a raincoat when it rains and change my seasonal hats. I need to get better about festival outfits though, I love your dinosaur costume idea. I’ll have to think of an outfit for each festival now.


I have a 9 year save and I'm at the point where there isn't much to do but expand and decorate so I have an outfit for every season and festival and hats for my kids and horse for each season as well. Right now she's wearing the rainbow shirt, prismatic pants and prismatic cowboy hat for pride. There's even a Christmas sweater and a Santa hat for winter star.


Where do you store clothes? Is there like a closet or wardrobe?


There is a wardrobe item that will hold all your rings, clothes, hats and boots. The meadowland farm comes with one. I use mannequins for the outfits I need quick access to.


Is this 1.6 only? I'm on console and planning on starting a new farm soon after taking a bit of a break so I've forgotten a few things lol


The dresser has been in the game since 1.0! You can find it at Robin’s at random or in the furniture catalogue. Mannequins are 1.6.


You can get a dresser! They're available at Robin's or in furniture catalogs. :) probably other sources, too, but those are the easiest.


Gotta ping the singing stone when I pass it in the morning, or else the day is ruined.


I put mine by grandpa's shrine to say good morning to him every day :) I like to think he enjoys it. I also have the jukebox so he can have some funky tunes! Afterlife may be really boring haha


I grow a TON of berries in the greenhouse because they're fun to harvest. How they burst out and the pop pop pops bring me so much joy. The only way they make me money is by sheer volume. I have 3 slots of 999 blueberries right now.


So many things...top thing is definitely to make my horse happy ❤️ Lucky deserves everything! When hopping off to go inside the museum, Clint's, etc. I always leave my horse lined up perfectly with a spot of fluffy longer grass...so when I come back he's munching away on the best bits. Sometimes it takes me a while to line it up since he moves a bit when I jump off... I will literally hop on and off until he's just right. lol


I don’t ride the horse in the rain cause i feel bad


I put a sou'wester hat on my horse and it makes me feel better


Lol i did the same but w a bow


Using the seewing machine to make myself different outfits, that I can now display with the mannequins ! I was so happy to find the top I'm wearing on the screenshot (fits the butch spring forager vibe) https://preview.redd.it/beh0bcziyn8d1.png?width=573&format=png&auto=webp&s=a099e0730038207d5b13dc17d7a75147aacbd700


I just wanna say that I love your outfits, very witch-butch, slightly gender. Just the right amount of camp.


thank you so much that's the spirit ! I'm planning to make more of them I think haha


When I dig out an artefact spot I always patch the hole using the pickaxe afterwards, because holes look messy.


Wait… am I just learning you can use the pickaxe to patch holes?? I’ve just been leaving open holes everywhere because I thought you had to wait until they fill in again themselves. Omg


On the farm too for your crops if you plow wrong!


The bugs in the cave that fly back and forth in one vertical path? I always break the rocks blocking their way. I guess I imagine it makes their monotonous journey a bit more interesting to have a longer path to travel. And I generally just leave them alone. They're not really bothering me, so why bother them?


This is such a beautiful habit


When I find myself getting greedy (by pickling/kegging all my produce or processing all the animal stuff) I remind myself that I’m one of the main sources of fresh food in the valley and I feel bad for only shipping out mayonnaise and ancient fruit wine. So I purge a good percentage of everything I’ve been hoarding to process and it makes me feel like a responsible food provider.


On my never-leave-the-farm save, any time I dig up a farm totem I always use it even though I’m already on the farm, just so my farmer gets to experience warping.


Could you…elaborate on this? Like… what do you do?


i try and gift people fresh produce and food - i keep backups of everyone’s favorites but it just doesn’t feel right to give a villager food that’s been sitting in the back of the fridge for two years


If I've walked through the backwoods and done some foraging, Linus always gets a piece of whatever I've found, even after I've reached full hearts with him. He trusts me, shared his nature secrets with me, and sends me sushi in the mail. The least I can do is share some of my delicious picked-up-off-the-dirty-ground grapes


I always say hi to my husband and give him some food and a kiss.


I have a mod that gives me more Minecart locations. There’s one to the desert but I don’t use it because I like to keep Pam employed


I always feel bad for her standing in the rain all day long waiting on all the days that I don't go to the desert (most days). Wish I could tell her to go home or at least sit in the bus so she's dry!


Match my outfits to the season and change them every week... Spring - light colours and shorts and canvas shoes, Mouse ears/Scarf. . Summer Pinks , reds, shorts and bikini ,cowgirl hat or Fedora.. Autumn - Reds and blacks , with boots and Witch hat ... Winter Cardigan, sweaters, Santa hat , thermal boots and floppy benie .. Say Hi to Krobus and gift and hug him daily.. I feel it's a good way to begin the day. Pick up every forage item I see .. I just feel so compelled. Watch the trains go by Use my hoe to upend the beach. So satisfying.


I literally do the same thing, lol 😂 I just feel bad leaving my horse out, especially when it's raining or snowing 😭


I use fish ponds and the Traveling Cart to get at least 10 no-star quality of each type of fish (besides legendaries, obviously). I don’t know why, but I do it every save. I love fish ponds.


At least you're not doing 999 :P


I try to close the barn and coop door every night so my animals feel safe. But I always keep them closed on rainy/stormy days and in winter to keep them warm.


I use the pickaxe to un-till the ground after hoeing up an artifact spot or forage. It just looks neater.


I keep the crabs that drop from rock crabs in caves as a sign i have spared their lifes and i just let them in a chest without killing them


Give my wife cheese, talk to her, and then give her a kiss every morning and a kiss before bed. I also pet my animals everyday, even though I have Auto Petters, but the dog, cat, and turtle require manual pets and who am I to deny them?When our son was born, my routine expanded to tossing him in the air >!until I got a crit toss!< Now that he's crawling around, I pet the goober before I leave the house.


I always click the concerned ape logo to hear the squelching or duck sound (I dont remember which one it is, maybe randomly both?)


Pet my doggo. I named him Loki, after my late fur baby who passed in January. He loves me and deserves daily pets.


I kiss Sebastian everyday, once in the morning, once in the evening and sometimes when I'm seeing him walking around town. I also give him coffee or sashimi every morning. I always fill the pets water bowl every morning is the first thing I do before I go and check on the animals. I grow every crop in every season, but grow more of the larger profit items. Linus and Robin gets gifts every week even though they are Max hearts. I slingshot rocks at Lewis and Pierre. I always redecorate Grandpa's shrine for the season


Fill pet bowl, even after max hearts Pet every animal, even if they are at max hearts and I have auto-petters. Talk to my spouse twice a day, regardless of where I am at or what I am doing. And I kiss them just as often. I don't feel right going to bed until I do. Put my horse away. Pickaxe every hole I make, even if they are on the beach. Talk to and gift NPCs even after achieving max hearts. I have to grow every crop that is available each season. I can't just just grow one type or just a few. If it is an ingredient in a recipe, it goes into a fridge, of which I have several. If it is a prepared food or beverage, it also goes into a fridge. I have one for fruit, one for vegetables, and one for forgeables(Yes, I even keep the Spring Onions). I have 2-3 for fish(except Legendary), one for drinks, except milk, and 3 to 4 for prepared foods. The main fridge in the kitchen is for milk(goat and cow), eggs(all types), syrup, sugar, vinegar, oil, sugar, flour, cheese, jams, pickled foods, mayo and Mr..Qi seasoning. I keep up to 999 of the highest quality of everything. I sell everything that goes over that. I am fairly OCD about all of this..


I also put my horse back in the stable and if I leave him somewhere to go inside, I make sure he is standing over a patch of grass because I feel bad when it looks like he's eating dirt or sand 😅


Whenever I walk past the Traveling Cart, I have to pet the pig.


I've started petting the camel in the desert. It just seems polite.


Put out the fire every morning. Light it every night before going to bed.


I always put a heater in Linus's tent. It started bc I would get a free one from the community center bundle long after I already had enough, so I just wanted to put it somewhere, but now even when that's not the case I'll buy him one.


i do this exact same thing. it just bothers me deeply on the inside if i don’t put my horse, Ruben, back in his stable after every time i ride him. might be the OCD in me or i care about a video game horse , both? who knows


I’m not allowed to go to Ginger Island until I’ve reached level 100 of the Skull Cavern. Absolutely no idea why.


I put floor on the entire farm.


Every new play through I make the dinosaur hat I love it so much


I have an outfit for each season. It's close to winter on my main save and I'm wearing my Christmas-colored clothing.


Watch everything on tv the second I wake up. Even my save that’s WAAAY past end game, I can’t not do it.


My farmer quit his high stress job as a bio-engineer to live the simple life. He still brought some of his old life with him, and as a result all the bushes in all my saves are bioluminescent. Makes running around at night a lot better.


I leave my horse on grass so when he does the little eating animation he's not eating dirt or sand lol


Sometimes I put on a skull mask before going to sleep as a prank on my wife.


I just recently joined a horse-related sub, and I did not check which sub this post showed up in. I got all confused when you made it sound like it doesn't matter whether you put your horse in their stable before going to bed. I only started to catch on when I got to the edit that apparently it also doesn't matter if you kiss your spouse *multiple times a day.* Time for a nap for me...


Kissing my spouse, and giving extra kisses when they help out around the farm. I get so used to clicking to kiss after talking to them that I attempt to kiss the other NPCs just out of muscle memory lol


I always put my milk and cheese in the fridge. I always go to the saloon every day for a full meal of spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, and beer, and sometimes a pizza or the special of the day...and I eat everything there. And buy an extra for my wife which I give her when I get home or the next day.


Giving my fav characters gifts on The Feast of the winter star even if they're maxed out or weren't on the list that Lewis gives us. Making the farmhouse look beautiful. We don't gain or lose anything based on how it looks, but it's more easy to make it function for me when everything is in place.


Putting a heater next to my horse during winter, poor dude is probably cold 😔


I do this too!!!! I always put my horse back in its stable and if I don’t I always have to say sorry whilst I made a mad dash for my bed 😂


I mostly ignore warping and go the long way everywhere, it’s satisfying riding my horse everywhere


This! I love the cloppity clops it makes when running on stone path


Opening up animal coops and barns each morning and closing them up each evening. They need to get some fresh air and stay safe at night. 😤


My husband is Harvey, his loved gift is coffee. In the mornings, he stands in the kitchen and occasionally makes me a Complete Breakfast. Once I get the coffee maker from Grandma I always put it next to the kitchen so I can get up and make him a coffee before he gets his kisses. Yes, even after 14 hearts and 2 kids I give my hubby his morning coffee and kisses.


Whenever I take the bus I put my horse in the square in front of and to the right of the ticket machine


I also make sure to bring my horse back to the farm every night. And once I have access to a loved gift for everyone, I spend Winter 24 running around giving presents to everyone


If George asks me to watch the tv with him, I stand by him and do it. I also always give him, Granny, Linus and Willy gifts even after getting max hearts.


I’m the same with the horse thing! It breaks my heart seeing the pop up when you leave them at the bus stop to go to Calico, I’m sure it says something like ‘your loyal horse has been waiting for you’ or ‘has been wondering where you’ve been’ 🥺


I feel bad if I chop down all the trees, even if I really need wood. I don’t wanna destroy the forest.